E. Bursaries in the Faculties of Arts and Theology, F. Bursaries in the Faculties of Arts, Law, or Medicine, Medicine, H. Bursaries in any Faculty, . 2.--EXHIBITIONS, FELLOWSHIPS, AND SCHOLARSHIPS, Index, 3.-PRIZES, Index, 4.-LIST OF BURSARIES, &C., OPEN TO COMPETITION DURING SESSION 1883-84, (1) Bursaries, (2) Scholarships, &c., (3) Prizes, VI.--HONOUR LIST,. 166 166 167 171 171 188 188 196 196 199 200 203 B PAGE VII.-DEGREE AND PRIZE LIST, SESSION 1882-83, VIII. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS 1. FOR PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS IN ARTS AND 2.-FOR DEGREE OF M.A., 3. FOR DEGREES OF LL.B. AND B.L., 254 257 275 X. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE UNIVERSITY COURT, 1882-83, . 312 XI.-FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 1881-82,. APPENDIX I.—Register of Members of the General Council, IV. List of Recognised Extra-Academical Lecturers, 367 General Index, . 369 372 317 324 361 362 JUNE 1883. Names of Candidates for Final Professional Examination in Medicine given in to Assistant-Clerk of Senate. 28 Th SEPTEMBER 1883. W Tu Th Names of Candidates for First, Second and Third Professional Examinations in Medicine given in to Assistant-Clerk of Senate. Names of Candidates for Examination in General Education given in to F 23 24 25 26 W 27 28 29 30 OCTOBER 1883. Names of Candidates for examination for Degrees in Law, Arts and 9 ΙΟ II Tu Th -Examination in General Education for Medical Students. First, Second, and Third Professional Written Examinations for Degrees in Medicine, and Examination in Science Subjects for Degrees in Science. Theses for M.D. given in to the Assistant-Clerk of Senate. Matriculation for the year commences. Names of Competitors for Bursaries and for Preliminary Examinations in Arts given in to the Assistant-Clerk of Senate. (Thursday before last Tuesday). Sacramental Fast. Competition for Rainy and Lorimer (Med.) Bursaries. 29, 30, 31. Examinations in Law Subjects for Degrees in Law. (Wed. before opening of Session). Meeting of General Council. Last day |