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James Robertson & Co., 65A St. Vincent Street.


Bedellus and Janitor,

Lauchlan M'Pherson.

Master of Works,

David Stewart.



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THE University Court have decided to introduce an Entrance
Examination for Students entering the Faculty of Arts.
Examination will come first into force in November, 1883.
Students below the age of seventeen will have to pass an Examina-
tion in three subjects-of which English must be one.
two of the following subjects must be chosen :-Latin, Greek,
In addition,
Elementary Mathematics, a Modern Language, History.

Candidates must send in their names to the Clerk of Senate not later than November 3rd, 1883.

Details will be found at pages 108-110.


The University of Glasgow is a corporate body, which has always included a Chancellor, Rector, Dean of Faculties, Principal, Professors, and Students. It was originally founded, like most other ancient establishments of the same nature, by the authority of the See of Rome. Pope Nicholas V, by a bull, dated the seventh of January, 1450-1, erects and establishes in Glasgow a "Studium Generale . . . tam in theologia ac jure canonico et civili, quam in artibus, et quavis alia licita facultate." He then declares that this University shall have the same power of creating Masters and Doctors as any other 66 studium generale" in Christendom, and appoints the Bishop of Glasgow and his successors, Chancellors and Rectors by his authority. In the same year a body of statutes was prepared, and the University established by the exertions of the Bishop and his Chapter. It consisted, at this time, of the Chancellor and Rector, of various Masters and Doctors in the Faculties of Theology, Canon Law, and the Arts; and, lastly, of the incorporated students in these Faculties, who might be promoted to the same degrees in each, after following out the course of study prescribed in the statutes.

The University, at this time, had received no endowments, and was possessed of no property, except a University purse, into which were put some small perquisites on conferring degrees, and the patronage of two or three small chaplainries. It continued, however, to discharge its important functions with great zeal and activity, and attracted a greater number of members than could well have been expected in that rude period of society. The University Records contain little information as to lectures delivered in the Higher Faculties, or the number of the students who attended them. But we learn that within three or four years after the establishment of the University, so many young men were matriculated in the Faculty of Arts, that it was thought expedient to provide a house in which they


might reside, and to secure a regular set of teachers for their instruction.

The house provided for the accommodation of the students in Arts was known by the name of Pædagogium, or the College of Arts. It is said to have been situated in the Rottenrow; but in the year 1460, James, Lord Hamilton, bequeathed to Mr. Duncan Bunch, principal Regent of the College of Arts, and his successors, Regents, for the use of the said College, a tenement in the High Street, with four acres of land adjoining. In buildings situated on this ground the classes of the University continued to meet for four hundred and ten years.

The Reformation produced at first great disorder in the University, its members being clergymen of the Catholic persuasion, and its chief support being derived from the Church. In 1577, James VI prescribed very particular rules with regard to the College and the form of its government, and made a considerable addition to its funds. The charter by which the king made these regulations, and gave that property, is known by the name of Nova Erectio.

By this charter, provision was made for the support of a Principal, who was to teach Theology and the Holy Scriptures, and was also Professor of Hebrew and Syriac, and three Regents, of whom one was to teach Greek and Rhetoric, another Dialectics, Morals, and Politics, with the Elements of Arithmetic and Geometry, and the third, who was also Sub-Principal, was to teach all the branches of Physiology and Geography, Chronology and Astrology. The Regents were to keep each by his own Profession, so that the student had a new Regent every year.*


From this small beginning, the University continued to prosper till the era of the Restoration, having at that time, besides the Principal, two Professors of Theology, one of Medicine, four Regents or Professors of Philosophy, and one of Humanity, a Librarian, with a tolerable Library, an increased number of Bursars and of other students of all ranks. At the Restoration, however, being deprived of a great part of its revenues in consequence of the re-establishment of Episcopacy, three of the Professorships fell into abeyance, and the College was again reduced to a Principal,

*This system was altered in 1642, in accordance with the practice of the other Universities; but returned to after the Revolution. The four classes necessary to Graduation in Arts were called-the first, Bajan; the second, Semi; the third, Baccalour; the fourth, Magistrand.

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