W. D. KENNY, Esq., L.C.P., Principal of St. Mary's Collegiate School, Richmond, Surrey; CHARLES LAW, FLEET STREET, AND OF ALL BOOKSELLERS. 29893 .f. 9. THE LATIN SERIES OF THE Classic Pamphlets IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, BY THE EDITOR, TO JOHN PARKER, ESQ. SECRETARY TO THE COLLEGE OF PRECEPTORS, &c. &c. &c. AMONG the numerous publications and periodicals which issue monthly, weekly, and daily from the press, there seems to have been very little hitherto undertaken tending to assist the School Library, or to lessen the necessary expenditure for scholastic literature. To supply that which the Editor of the proposed Series considers likely to be looked upon as a desideratum by Parents, Teachers, and Pupils, the present Series of Classic Pamphlets are submitted to the scholastic profession and to the public in general. As Principal of a School and practical Teacher for many years, the Editor has found that valuable books of classical and modern languages have frequently been rendered useless before the pupil has passed through the twentieth part of the volume. How often is the pupil discouraged where he has the whole volume of a Virgil or a Horace placed in his hands, seeing how much there is before him to undertake! Taking these circumstances into consideration, and knowing that only selected parts of the ancient and modern authors are read or translated in the usual course of school studies, the present series, as a portion of school literature, have been commenced; which series, if the undertaking be attended with success, will embrace such parts of Classical, French, and English works as are used in the Grammar and Collegiate Schools of the British Empire. EACH NUMBER WILL BE COMPLETE IN ITSELF, and followed by such extract of the same author as is generally read; and, afterwards, by other writers as are usually selected in the scholastic course of tuition. The "Classic Pamphlets ' will be carefully revised, printed from the best and most recent text, in legible and neat typography, and sewed in a neatly-printed cover. The price will be Sixpence each, and more than the usual deduction made to the profession. In addition to the text, there will be a few notes at the foot of GENERAL PREFACE. each page, which will tend to elucidate some of the most difficult passages, and give some explanation of such names as refer to Mythology and ancient Geography. Among the advantages proposed by the adoption of the present undertaking, the following may be recapitulated : I. The outlay for the purchase of school versions for a class, will be greatly lessened. II. The destruction of valuable and expensive books,-frequently before the twentieth part is read,-will be obviated. III. Pupils, by having a portion only of the author given them at a time, will be led by degrees to complete their task with greater pleasure, and will not feel discouraged (as is frequently the case) by having, at first, a volume placed in their hands. IV. By a trifling outlay, pupils may be induced to purchase for themselves the Series as a "Juvenile Classical Library," or by interleaving each number, may have the text and blank paper for their own notes. V. At establishments where the use of books is given to the pupils, the proposed Series will be found of great advantage as to the variation of authors afforded, and as to the lessening of in the purchase. expense VI. To those instructors and professors who wish their pupils to have the whole author at the same time for reference, &c., the present Series may be useful by employing the Numbers as class-books, and thus prevent the soiling or destruction of the more expensive books. ST. MARY'S, RICHMOND, W. D. K. PREFACE. THE first three numbers of the Students' Classic Pamphlets are now published, and bound in the present volume. The kind and flattering approval of many of the profession induces the Editor to expect that the proposed Series will meet with the desired success. He takes this opportunity to acknowledge the suggestion of some notes to the text, from the many valuable school editions published, such as MAJOR's and CHAMBERS's, in addition to the assistance afforded from the works of HEYNE, ARNOLD, WAGNER, ANTHON, and others. * * Each Number is complete, and may be had separately. |