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for ever, because others know not how to prize it?

Omy Soul, be not thou tempted by these weak Arguments, follow not a multitude to do evil. Let not the way that leads to Destruction invite thee, because many there be that find it. Company, whatever refreshment it may be in Chains or Prifons here, can afford but little confolation in eternal Flames. Company there will but increase Mens Sorrows, and Society heighten their Woes and Torments; in that Tophet one will not be able to help the other, and the fhrieks of him that was feduced into Sin, will but aggravate the groans and anguifh of the Seducer, when he muft remember, that he was that Devil that dragged the other into endlefs Tortures. In outward Calamities, fuch as Poverty, Exile, Banishment, Disgrace, Contempt, Perfecution, Society may give fome eafe, and qualifie the Injury, but in anguifh of Mind,in tortures of Confcience, Company rather inrages than allays, irritates rather than composes the grief and sadness, and fuch dolours reign in Hell. Strive, strive, O my Soul, to walk in the ftrait way. Let not the fmall number of Travellers fright thee, it's the likelier way to Heaven, because the great, thé mighty, the wife Men of this World, will not toop to this narrow Gate; for God's Ways are not as our Ways, nor are his Thoughts as our Thoughts; what the World admires, he despises, and what fenfual Men make light of, he Crowns with Glory, and Splendor, and Immortality: So thou can'ft but be faved, no matter how small the number is of those that arrive

to Happiness. As fmall as it is, to these belongs the Promise, Fear not, thou little Flock, for it iş your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom of Heaven, Luke 13. 32.

XI. Impediment.

XI. Neglect of confulting with the Minifters of the Gospel about this neceffary work. It was God's Command of old, The Priests lips fhould keep knowledge, and they should feek the Law at his Mouth, for he is the Meffenger of the Lord of Hofts, Mal.2.7. How mean foever the Age we live in thinks of this Function of Men, as if they were needless Members of a Common-wealth, yet there was never any Nation fo barbarous, but after they were civilized into Societies and Government, judged thefe Men most useful, and most neceffary for the prefervation of their Common-wealth or Kingdom, Nature hath taught all Mankind to believe a Deity, fome thing which they look upon to be above all created Beings, and from whofe Sovereign Command and Will either their Bleflings or Misfortunes flow. This Supreme Being they have ever thought themfelves oblig'd to worship, not only in private but in publick too: And that the publick Adoration might strike greater reverence, and be performed with greater Solemnity, to depute and order certain Perfons, a peculiar fort of Men to manage those Sacred Rites and Ceremonies. And indeed, the great eternal God, ever fince he hath vouchfafed to plant a Church in the World, hath been pleased to make it one great Character

Character and Mark of his Favour and Bouniv to Her, to give Her Teachers, and Prophets, and Evangelifts. And the Commiflion he hath granted these Men, the Titles and Honours he hath conferred on them, and the Love and Reverence he hath commanded all Men to express towards them,the Promise he hath made them, to be with them unto the end of the World, the threatnings he hath pronounced against thofe that fhall difparage their Office, and undervalue their Function and Doctrine, the Precepts and Rules he hath left them to proclaim in the Ears of an unbelieving World, evidently declare, That they are Ambaffadors of the great King of Heaven, which, in Chrift's ftead, befeech Men to be reconciled unto God; and that he that receives the Word they deliver from the Mouth of God, receives him that fent them.

In these Gospel-days, 'tis true, there is shed abroad a larger measure of God's Spirit, than was formerly known under the Jewish Oeconomy, and Men under the new Covenant are promised to be taught of the Lord. They shall not teach every Man his Neighbour, and every Man bis Brother, faying, know the Lord; for all fhall know me from the leaft to the greatest, Heb. 8. 11. Yet that doth not make this Function of Men needlefs, but enforces rather the abfolute and indifpenfable neceffity of their Office and Authority. For befides, that this promife doth eminently relate to the Primitive Chriftians, who were made partakers of the miraculous effufion of the Holy Ghost, and had their Knowledge and Learning from above,


thereby to fit them the better for the Propagation of a new Religion; if we fuppofe, that the Prophecy must extend to all that profess themselves Chriftians, the meaning of it can be no more but this, that God will ufe a more gentle way, in converting Men under the Gofpel, and in that converfion, or inclining their Hearts to his Commands, give fuch lively reprefentations of the reasonableness of them, and fo convince them of their agreeableness to the Law of Nature, or the Law written in their Hearts, that they fhall not need to be put in mind by their Neighbours, of their Juftice, and Equity, and Spirituality. They that have thought that this Promife refpects the Life to come, have certainly been regardless of the Apostle's drift and purpofe, who intends to declare what People under the Gofpel-dispensation may expect from God, and his fpeaking to us in these last days by his Son; and what method God means to ufe in converting Sinners from their evil ways: Sin fhall be made fo Odious, fo Loathfom to their Souls, that they fhall abhor it as much as they loved it before, and the ways of God fhall be reprefented to them by the Holy Ghost, working on their Hearts in fuch lively Colours, that they will need no Monitor to embrace them.

But then this gracious Promife doth not exclude, but prefuppofes ftill the means of Converfion, of which the Miniftry of the Word is not the leaft; and if the Ministry of the Word be intended as a standing Ordinance, in order to thofe kindly Operations of God's Spirit, in the Hearts of thofe that fhall be converted; and God


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be peremptorily refolved by the Preaching of the Word, to work on the Souls of Men, none hath reafon to find fault with the contrivance of the Almighty, but rather admire his Wisdom and Goodnefs, that fhines through this Difpenfation; not to mention, as God under the Gofpel obliges Men to greater Knowledge than formerly, do it's fit there fhould be Men eminent for Knowledge and Piety to inftruct others, and who like Candles fet on Candlesticks, may light the reft, and by Urim and Thummim of their Doctrine and Purity, lead them and encourage them to prepare for Heaven. And if notwithftanding the prodigious Gifts of the Holy Ghoft poured out in the Primitive Times upon all Flesh, God thought it neceffary to give Apoftles, and Teachers, and Paltors, when the illapfes of the Spirit could teach Men what their Paftors were to teach them; how much more neceffary, may we think, muft the Ministry be now, when thofe extraordinary Gifts have ceafed, and the generality of Men are funk into monstrous Ignorance, Inconfideratenefs, and Stupidity?

Indeed these are the Men whom God hath placed in the Church, to direct others in the way to falvation; with whom the Ignorant are to confult, what they must do to be happy for ever Such Perfons are therefore called Stars, and Lights, which may influence the Minds and the Lives of the Ignorant, warm them with their Zeal, conduct them by their Brightness, lead them by their Shine, and fhew them the Rocks and Shelves they are to avoid. And as


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