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kiffes of the Female Sex? The Men in black speak for their own Intereft, and God fure is kinder to Men, than to give them an appetite to fenfual Satisfactions, and then put Bits and Bridles in their Mouths to curb them. What need is there of this hafte? And why should I apply my felf to a Religious Life fo early, when I have fome Forty, Fifty, Threescore Years before me, and can thake off my follies any time hereafter?

Thus the weak Youngfter pleads, and imbraces these motions as Cordials for his fickly Paffions, as Elixirs for his heated Blood. Confideration would let him fee, that thefe Temptations are Meffengers of the Devil, threads to lead him into Darknefs, into Captivity, into perfect Slavery, and none but a Madman could forbear rejoicing at so happy a difcovery.

When the gray and hoary Head from his great Age infers the greatnefs of his Graces, and from the multitude of his Years concludes the multitude of his Virtues; flatters himfelf, that God loves him, because hath had little or no affliction in the World; and from his impunity here, draws an argument to prove his impunity hereaf ter, and fooths himfelf with God's Favour upon this account,chiefly becaufe he never difcovered his Anger in fignal Judgments; and bids his Soul truft to it, that he ftands fair in the good opinion and esteem of God, because his labours in the World have been crowned with fuccefs; and because he hath a Garden of Eden here, fecurely promifes himself a Paradife hereafter; and will not be perfuaded to the contrary, but that his Plenty

Plenty here is an earneft of a fuller Vintage, and richer Granary intended for him in the Land of Canaan; and that his long life on Earth is a pledge of his eternal life in Heaven: What are thefe but temptations, which Confideration would discover to be impoftures, and confequently fhed both light and joy into the Soul?

When the Poor from their outward Condition conclude their Spiritual Poverty, and will needs think they are in a state of Grace, because they are in a state of Want; when they think that Lazarus was faved, because he had not wherewithal to fubfift; and was admitted into Abraham's Bofom for no other reason, but because he had no certain dwelling-place; when they imagine that hisSores alone mounted him to Heaven, and the Dogs licking them, was all the motive the holy Angels had to carry him on their Wings; When they argue from their difconfolate Eftate on Earth, that they may lawfully neglect the known Duties ofReligion; and fancy that they may fecurely pilfer, becaufe God hath made no other provifion for them; and that they fhall receive their good things in the next World, because they received their evil things in this; that they shall be rich in Heaven, because they were deftitute of Conveniences here on Earth: That they must neceffarily be Lords hereafter, because they were Beggars here; and fhall certainly rejoice in the next Life, because they mourned in this valley of Tears; and cannot but be bleffed for ever, because they had a very large measure of mifery here. When the Rich from their Prerogative on Earth, conclude their Prerogative

in Heaven; and because they are advanced above other Men, think they may use greater liberty in offending God than others; and because they have greater Estates than the meaner fort, may therefore fin more boldly, and more confidently than they. When they think their little Charities will waft them over to the shore of an happy Eternity, tho' they feed their Lufts; and fancy that preparation for another World confifts in little, but being kind now and then to a needy Man. When they imagine, that a Legacy left to the Poor of the Parish is an affurance of their Treasure laid up in Heaven; or that their giving fomething to an Hofpital, will palliate their wilful Offences, and throw a Cloak over them that God may not fee them. When from their Power they infer the lawfulness of their Extravagancies, and because they can stand it out and brave the World, fancy they may opprefs the poorer fort, and may fwear and curfe more boldly than their Tenants, and refent, and affront, and revenge Injuries with greater justice than Clowns and Peasants; When from the custom of the Age, they infer their Privilege of being more fenfual than other Men; because Perfons of the fame Quality are not, argue that they need not be fo cautious or circumfpect in their words and ways as other Men.

When the gentiler fort of People feel inclinations in themfelves to be ashamed of the Gospel, and to forbear profeffing any zeal or fervency for Religion in company, where Chrift's Blood and Wounds are abufed, where God and Heaven are raillied, where the Precepts of the Almighty are


laughed at, and the Gofpel turned into ridicule; when they think it's enough to fay their Prayers, tho' they take great liberty to talk foolishly; and imagine it's needlefs to keep their thoughts fixed upon God in their Devotion, while they perform the Task they have been used to; when they neglect the Publick upon flight occafions, and their Private Duties for every impertinent Vifit that's made to them, and think that God is taken more with outward bowings and cringings in his Service, than with a Heart melting at the confideration of their Sins; when they find an unwillingnefs feize upon their Spirits to reprove either their Equals, or Inferiors, for fome notorious Impiety they commit; when they think it below them to pray with their Families, to exhort their Servants to feriousness, and to fhew a good Example to those that are under their charge; when they find a difpofition to comply with lewd Society, to laugh and smile,and confent to their frothy speeches, and abusive reflections, and to conceal the Truth where it ought to be profeffed and spoken.

When the Tradefman thinks of putting off his naughty Commodities to the ignorant Chapmen, and of circumventing and deceiving his Neighbour, where his Neighbour understands not what he buys; when he is willing to put off his Devotion upon every trivial worldly business that comes in his way; and to create bufinefs, rather than obey the checks of his Confcience,that chides him for not minding his Spiritual Concerns more, When he is loth to do Acts of Charity, because he hath a Wife and Family to maintain, and is afraid

he may want himfelf. When he thinks that Piety may procure Poverty, and ftri&tnefs of Life may lofe him hisCuftomers,and following the ways of God may make his Acquaintance leave him; and that to be idle in his Shop, is better than reading, or meditating, or imploying his mind in Contemplations of God's Goodnefs and Mercy, and the various Bleffings he hath beltowed upon him.

When Parents are unwilling to correct and admonish their Children, are perfwaded to let them take their course, abuse others, and despise those they have a grudge againft. When they are prompted to connive at them alone in their Sins till they grow older, and to indulge them in their undecencies till they arrive to a greater use of their Reafon. When their fondness bids them ufe gentle means, where more fevere proceedings are neceffary, and excufe immodeft carriage in them, which they are apt to find fault with in the Children of their Neighbours. When they are loth to inftruct them in the fear of God, loth to initiate them in the love of their faithful Creator; are apt to be more angry with their Children and Servants for neglecting their Commands, than the Service of God; and apt to be delighted more with their Induftry and pains in temporal Concerns, than with their attempts in the affairs of their Everlasting Salvation; apter to teach them how to maintain the Punctilio's of their Honour, than affert the Glory of God; and apter to encourage them in vindicating their Credit and Reputation, than in fecuring the everlafting Treasures, or making their Calling and Election fure.


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