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Index to the Old Testament.

Kumund, a sort of running loop among the Persians, for what
purpose employed, Job xix. 6.

Kurtuk Dumnik, Frazer's account of the, Judg. ix., in fine.
Kypke, a great Biblical critic, General Preface, p. 12.


Lachrymatories or Urna Lachrymales, small vials so named,
into which it was customary among the ancient Greeks and
Romans to put the tears shed for the death of any person,
and offer them upon the tomb of the deceased, Psa. lvi. 8.
Of what materials these lachrymatories were constructed,
ibid. Account of one in the author's possession, ibid.
Lad, a word supposed to be of Hebrew origin, Gen. xxxvii. 2.
Ladder of Jacob, very probably an emblem of the providence
of God, by which he watches over and regulates all terres-
trial things, Gen. xxviii. 12.

Lahatim, -, rendered enchantments, what the probable
import of this term, Exod. vii. 11.

Lake below the wine-press, what, Isa. v. 2.

Lambs, immense number of, annually slain in Jerusalem at
the feast of the passover, in the time of Cestius, the Roman
general, Num. xxix. 12.

Lamech's speech to his wives, as it stands in the Hebrew
original, probably the oldest piece of poetry in the world,
Gen. iv. 23. Inquiry into the cause of this remarkable
speech, ibid.

Lamentations, very noisy among the Asiatics, Gen. xlv. 2.
Lamentations of Jeremiah, Hebrew names of this portion of
the sacred canon, Introduction to the Lamentations. Its
appellation in the Septuagint version, ibid. Singular opi-
nion of Herman Van der Hardt, relative to this poem, ibid.
Its very technical character, ibid. Observations of Drs.
Lowth, Smith, and Blayney, on the peculiar style of this
composition, ibid.

Lamp, to raise up a, to a person, what intended by this
phrase both in sacred and profane history, 2 Sam. xiv. 7.
Lamps first introduced into the pagan temples by the Egyp-
tians, Exod. xxv., in fine.

Lampsacus, singular preservation of this city by Anaximenes,
Eccles. ix. 14.

Lance, usual in Arab camps for every man to have his lance
stuck in the ground beside him, that he may be ready for
action in a moment, 1 Sam. xxvi. 12.

Land, measurement of, by the ancients by lines or cords of
a certam length, in a similar way to that by the chain
among us, and the schanus or cord among the Egyptians,
Deut. iii. 4.

Land of promise, some account of the, Num. xxxiv. 13.
Landmarks of the ancients, in what they generally consisted,
Deut. xix. 14; Job xxiv. 2. Held very sacred among
the Romans, and at last deified, Deut. xix. 14; Prov. xxii.
A passage from Ovid in illustration of this circum-
stance, Prov. xxii. 28.

and as

Land-torrents, which make a sudden appearance,
suddenly vanish, allusion to, Job vi. 15.
Lapide, (Cornelius à) account of this voluminous commenta-
tor, General Preface, p. 5.

Lapis lazuli, its component parts, Job xxxviii. 38.
Lass, supposed to be a contraction of ladess, an old English
word for a girl or young woman, Gen. xxxvii. 2.
Latter days, a phrase in Scripture generally importing the
times of the Messiah, Isa. ii. 2; Dan. ii. 28.
Leaping on or over the threshold, what probably meant by
this expression, Zeph. i. 9. Harmer's conjecture, ibid.
Leasing, derivation and meaning of this old English word,
Psa. iv. 2, lv. 6.

Leb, 3, and 3, Lebab, what these words import when
employed by the Jews as memorial symbols, Masoretic
notes at the end of Numbers and Deuteronomy.
Lebeid, quotation of several sentiments from the poem of,
very similar to some in the book of Job, Job xxxi. 21.
This poem contained in the Moallakat, Psa. lx., in

Lecha, 3, import of this Jewish memorial symbol, Masoretic
notes at the end of Genesis.
Lectisternium, Jerome's account of this pagan festival of
antiquity, Isa. lxv. 11.

Leech, the ancient English word for a physician, Isa. iii. 7.
Lemuel's description of a virtuous wife, Prov. xxxi. 10-31.

| Lentulus, the augur, the immense wealth this man is said to
have possessed, Esth. ii. 9.

Leopard, proverbial among the ancients for its swiftness,
Hab. i. 8.

Leper, an emblem of the wretched state of man by the fall,
according to Dr. Lightfoot, as contradistinguished from the
NAZARITE, an emblem of man in his state of innocence,
Num. vi. 2.

Leprosy, Maundrell's account of the appearance of several
persons whom he saw infected with this disorder in Pales-
tine, Lev. xiii. 2. This malady a most expressive emblem
of the pollution of the soul of man by sin, Lev. xiii., in
fine, xiv. in fine.


Lethe, among the ancient mythologists, what, Psa. lxxxviii.
Letters, alphabetic, when and by whom invented, Exod. xxxi.,
in fine.

Letters, sent to chiefs and governors in the East, always
carefully folded up, and put in costly silken bags, and
these carefully sealed, Neh. vi. 5. An open letter sent by
Sanballat to Nehemiah a mark of contempt, ibid.

Levi, import of the name, Gen. xxix. 34. Conjectures why
the posterity of this patriarch were appointed to the service
of the sanctuary, Num. iii. 12. Very beautiful paronoma-
sia on the name of Levi, Num. xviii. 2.

Levi ben Gershom, (Rabbi) account of this commentator,
General Preface, p. 3.

Leviathan, supposed to be the crocodile, Job xli. 1; Isa.
xxvii. 1. This hypothesis not without its difficulties, Job
xli., in fine. Not impossible that the animal described in
Scripture under this name is now wholly extinct, ibid.
Leviticus, the third book of the Pentateuch, why so named,
Preface to Leviticus.

Lex, derivation and import of the word, Exod. xii. 49.
Lex talionis, earliest account we have of the, Exod. xxi. 24.
Constituted a part of the Twelve Tables so famous in an-
tiquity, ibid.

Libations of water, wine, milk, honey, and blood, frequent
among the Greeks and Romans, I Sam. vii. 6; 2 Sam.
xxiii. 16. The term libatión sometimes synonymous with
covenant, Isa. xxx. 1.

Libuah, the sixteenth station of the Israelites in the wilder-
ness, uncertain where situated, Num. xxxiii. 20.
Lack, supposed to be of Hebrew origin, Prov. ii. 16.
Lie, definition of a, Gen. xx. 12.

Life, unreasonable attachment to, strongly ridiculed by the
heathen poets, Gen. xxv. 8. Probable origin of the phrase,
"I put my life in my hands," Judg. xii. 3.
Its import,
Psa. cxix. 109.

Light, inquiry into its production on the first day of the crea-
tion, Gen. i. 3. Its immense diffusion and extreme velo-
city, ibid. 1 Kings viii. 27; Job xxxviii. 26.
Lightfoot, (Dr. John) a very learned commentator on the
whole Scriptures, General Preface, p. 7.

Lignum infelix, the tree on which criminals were hanged so
named among the Romans, Josh. viii. 29.
Ligure, account of this precious stone, Exod. xxviii. 17.
Lamercece, a species of food, how prepared, 2 Sam. xvii. 28.
Linen yarn, the import of the Hebrew word thus rendered
extremely uncertain, 1 Kings x. 28.

Lines in the writings of prose authors, as well as of poets,
termed verses by the ancients, Introduction to Ezra.
Lion, Homer's beautiful description of the great courage and
fierceness of this animal after a long abstinence from food,
Isa. xxxi. 4. Five Hebrew words rendered lion in our
version, with an inquiry into the particular import of each,
Job iv. 11.

Lion, the standard of Judah, Gen. xlix. 8.
Lion of God, an ancient appellation for a hero, a figure still
employed in the same sense by the Arabians and Persians,
Isa. xxxiii. 7.

Liverpool, great storm of hail near this town, Exod. ix. 17.
Living waters, what meant by this phrase among the an-
cients, Gen. xxvi. 19; Lev. xiv. 5; Psa. xxxvi. 9; Zech.
χίν. 9.

Lo,, the Hebrews had a peculiar way of joining this par-
ticle to a noun, to signify in a strong manner a total nega-
tion of the thing expressed by the noun, Isa. x. 15. Seve.
ral examples produced, ibid.

Index to the Old Testament.

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compared with that of the earth, Gen. i. 1.
Magog, conjecture where situated, Ezek. xxviii. 2.
Maher-shalal-hash-baz, meaning of the name, Isa. viii. 1.
Maimonides, or Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, account of this
commentator, General Preface, p. 3.

Loadstone, probably known in the East long before its disco- | Magnitudes, bulks, or volumes of the sun, moon, and planets,
very by the Europeans, Job xxviii. 18.
Lo-ammi, son of Hosea, meaning of the name, Hos. i. 9.
Locke, account of this commentator, General Preface,
p. 8.
Locusts, description of the, Exod. x. 4. Volney's account
of their terrible devastations in Syria, Egypt, and Persia,
ibid. Dr. Shaw's relation of most formidable swarms of
these insects in Barbary which came under his immediate
observation, ibid.; Joel i. 12, ii. 2. Curious remark of an
Arabic writer with respect to the similitude of the locust
to ten different kinds of animals, Joel ii. 4. Relation by
Livy and Augustine of a pestilence occasioned by an im-
mense swarm of locusts, Joel ii. 20.

Log, some account of this Hebrew measure of capacity,
Exod. xvi. 16.

Long, (Dr.) his ingenious experiment to ascertain the super-
ficial proportion of land and water on the whole terraqueous
globe, Gen. i. 10, vii. 11; Job xxviii. 25.

Longevity, some instances of, among the moderns, Psa. xc.,
in fine.

Longinus, (Dionysius) his remarkable criticism upon passages
in the first chapter of Genesis, Gen. i. 3; Preface to

Lord, its derivation and import, Gen. ii. 4.

Lord's day, or Christian Sabbath, should be kept strictly
holy, Amos viii. 5.

Lord's prayer, as it stands in the present authorized version,
exhibits the best specimen of our ancient language now in
use, Preface to Job.

Lo-ruhamah, import of the name, Hos. i. 6.

Lost property, laws relative to the finding of, among the
Hebrews, Romans, and others, Lev. vi. 3.

Lot, meaning and use of the, Num. xxxvi. 55. Manner of
casting lots in the case of the scape-goat, Lev. xvi. 8, 9.
How the land of Canaan was divided to the Israelites by
lot, Josh. xiv. 2, xviii. 11.

Lo techsar, 5, import of these words when used as a
memorial symbol, Masoretic notes at the end of Deutero-


Louis de Dieu, account of this commentator, General Pre-
face, p. 5.

Louis XIV., motto on the brass ordnance of, Judg. xiv. 3.
Love of God, Deut. vi. 5, x. 12, xi. 1.

Love of neighbour, Scripture precept concerning, Lev. xix.


Lowth, (Dr.) a very celebrated commentator on portions of
the Old Testament Scriptures, General Preface, pp. 8,


Lu,, import of this Hebrew interjection when used as a
memorial symbol, Masoretic notes at the end of Numbers.
Lucan's description of the splendour of the apartments of
Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, Ezek. xxviii. 14.
Lud, the same with Lydia, Ezek: xxvii. 10. -
Luther, (Martin) character of, 2 Kings xii. 6.
Luxury, formerly the characteristic of the Eastern princes,
and particularly of the Persians, Esth. i. 4.
Lying, excellent advice of a genuine Christian poct against,
Josh. ii, in fine. Saying of Diphilus upon this subject
not defensible upon Christian principles, 1 Sam. xxi. 2.
Lyranus, or Nicholas de Lyra, account of this commentator,
General Preface, p. 3.


Maachah, mother of Asa, king of Judah, inquiry into the
nature of the idolatry patronized by this woman, 1 Kings

xv. 13.

Mabul, a word applied only to the general deluge,
Gen. vi. 17. Its derivation, Gen. vii. 11.

Maccabees, very fanciful rabbinical derivation of the name of
this people, Psa. xxi. 15.

Machpelah, care at, the first public burying-place mentioned
in history, Gen. xlix. 29.

Macknight, (Dr.) author of a translation of the Epistles, with
notes, General Preface, p. 8.

Macdi, a tribe of Arabs, whence so named, Isa. xlii. 11.
Magian religion, great principle of the, Isa. xlv. 7.
Magnet, reasons for believing that this stone was known in
the East long before its discovery by the Europeans, Job
xxviii. 18.

Major hostia, or chief sacrifice, what so considered by the
pagans, according to Livy, Lev. i. 2.

Makheloth, the twenty-first station of the Israelites in the
wilderness, Num. xxxii. 25.

Malachi, some account of this prophet, Mai. i., in prin-
Maldonat, (John) a commentator on particular parts of the
Old and New Testaments, General Preface, p. 5.
Manasseh, why so named, Gen. xli. 51.
Mandrakes, some account of these plants, Gen. xxx. 14.
Manes, or ghosts of the dead, or spirits presiding over the
dead, formerly supposed to have their habitation in the
centre of the earth, or in the deepest pits or caverns, Joh
xxviii. 11. A quotation from Ovid to this effect, ibid.
Several captives have sometimes, in time of war, beca
sacrificed to the manes of the departed hero, 2 Chron. xvi,
in fine.
Manifesto of the Duke of Brunswick, reflections on this
document, 2 Kings xviii. 17; Isa. xxxvii. 9.
Manna, why so named, Exod. xvi. 15.
Manners of the ancients and moderns compared, 2 Sam. iii,
in fine.

Mantes, or bald locusts, Dr. Shaw's account of the, Joel
ii. 2.

Mantle or pallium, the peculiar garb of a Hebrew prophet,
1 Kings xix. 19; 2 Kings ii. 8. Probably dressed with
the hair on, ibid. A sort of mantle was the habit of the
Greek philosophers, 1 Kings xix, in fine
Marah, the fourth station of the Israelites in the wilderness,
where supposed to be situated, Num. xxxiii. 8.
Marble, temple built of large blocks of white marble, beauti-
fully polished, according to Josephus, 1 Chron. xxix 2.
Mareshah, Maresheth, or Marasthi, a place famous for being
the birth-place of the prophet Micah, and for a battle fought
near it between Asa, king of Judah, and Zerah, king of the
Ethiopians, Josh. xv. 44.

Mark, variety of opinions respecting that which God set upon
Cain, Gen. iv. 15.

Marks indelibly printed on the hands and other parts of
the body, both by ancients and moderns, Isa. xliv. 5,
xlvi. 16.

Maroth, rendered looking-glasses in our version,
signifies polished metallic surfaces of any description, Exod.

Xxxvii. 8.

Marriage, a very solemn contract among the ancients, Gen.
xxix. 22. Reason for believing that sacrifices were offered
and libations poured out on such an occasion, ibid. Cus-
tomary in the East, according to Sir John Chardin, for
youths that were never married always to marry virgins,
and widowers, however young, to marry widows, Isa. xii.
5. Remarkable law among the Gentoos respecting mar-
riage, Gen. xxix. 26. Customary m ancient times for a
king or great man to promise his daughter in marriage to
him who should take a city, kill an enemy, &c. Josh xv.


Marriage ceremonies among the Romans, Song v. 5.
Marrow, in what manner this substance is contained in the
bones, Prov. ii. 8. The solidity and strength of the bone
occasioned by the marrow which is diffused through it, ibid.
This circumstance illustrated oy an easy experiment,

Mars, periodic and sidereal revolutions, semimajor axis of
orbit in English miles, perigea and apogeal distances,
diameter, relative volume or bulk, time of rotation, inchina-
tion of axis to orbit, mass or attractive power compared
with that of the earth, (from which the density or specific
gravity is easily deducible,) and mean hourly orbitical mo-
tion, of this primary planet, Gen. 1. 1.

Marseilles, ancient inhabitants of, when afflicted with any
pestilence, sacrificed one of their citizens to appease the
wrath of the divinity, Lev. xvi. 10.

Martin, (David) translator of the Scriptures into French,
with notes, General Preface, p. 7.

Index to the Old Testament.

Maschil or Maskil, why this title is given to several of the
Psalms, Psa..xxxii., in principio.

Mashal, what, among the Hebrews, Isa. vi. 10, xiv. 4, xxviii.
20, xxix. 17.

Mask, definition of a composition so named, Introduction to
Solomon's Song.

Masoretes, account of these eminent Jewish commentators,
General Preface, p. 2.

Masoretic punctuations, critical observations on the, Isa. lxvi.,
in fine.

Massa,, rendered burden, inquiry into the meaning of
this word, Nah. i. 1; Hab. i. 1; Zech. ix. 1.
Masses, or attractive powers, of the sun, moon, and primary
planets, compared with that of the earth, Gen. i. 1.
Mastodon, or Mammoth, an animal long since extinct, Gen.
i. 24; Job xl. 15. Description of a part of a skele-
ton of this animal, ibid. Calculation of the probable stature
of the mammoth, ibid. Reasons for the supposition that
the mammoth is the same with the behemoth of Job, ibid.
Materia medica of the ancients extremely simple, Isa. i. 6.
Materiality of the human soul, a doctrine which has no place
in the sacred records, Num. xvi. 22; Job xiv. 12; Psa.
Ixxvii. 39; Eccles. iii, 21.

Maurbanie, what the Aleppines mean by this term, Song

ii. 11.

Maver-al-nahar, where situated, and why so named, Jer.

ii. 18.

Maxim advanced by some, that children ought not to be
taught religion, but should be left to themselves till they
are capable of making a choice, considered, Deut. vi., in

Measures of capacity among the Hebrews, short account of
the, Exod. xvi. 16.


Mecasheph, its import, Deut. xviii. 10.
Mecholoth,, rendered dances, what it properly signifies,
Exod. xv. 20.

Medicine, art of, in the East, in what it principally consists,
Isa. i. 6.

Mediterranean, why called the Great Sea in Scripture, Josh.
i. 4.

Medulla oblongata, or spinal marrow, the silver cord of
Scripture, Eccles. xii. 6.

Megiddo, the same with Magdolum, according to Usher,
2 Kings xxiv. 30.

Megilloth, what books of the sacred canon are so named by
the Jews, Introduction to the Lamentations.
Meimra,, and a pithgam, very remarkable dis-
tinction between, in the Targum of Joseph, 2 Chron. i. 9.
See Word.

Melancthon, (Philip) character of, 2 Kings xii. 6.

Melas, why the Nile was so named by the Greeks, Isa.

xxiii. 3.

Melchizedek, king of Salem, derivation and import of his
name, Gen. xiv. 18; Josh. x. 1.

Melitta, every young woman of Babylon obliged once in her
life, according to Herodotus, to prostitute herself to some
stranger in honour of this idol, Kings xvii., in fine.

Melitta the same with the Venus of the Greeks and
Romans, ibid,

Melo, the same with the Nile, Isa. xxiii. 3. Why so named,

Memorial symbols of the Jews, several curious examples of
the, Masoretic notes at the end of Genesis, Exodus, Levi-
ticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, and Joshua.
Memphis, now Cairo, Hos. ix. 6.

Menachash, its derivation and import, Deut. xviii.


Meni, supposed to have been an object of idolatrous worship
among the ancient Hebrews, Isa. lxv. 11.
Menochius, (John) account of this commentator, General
Preface, p. 5.

Menu, some account of the institutes of, by the late Sir
William Jones, Deut. xxxiv., in fine.

Merab, or Saba, city of, account of a dreadful inundation by
which this ancient city was overthrown, Isa. i. 30.
Merachepheth, D, inquiry into the meaning of this term,
Gen. i. 2.

Mercury, revolutions as measured by the equinoxes and
ixed stars; semimajor axis of orbit in English miles;

[blocks in formation]

Merib-baal, the same with Mephibosheth, 1 Chron. viii. 34.
Why the Israelites changed Merib-baal into Mephibosheth,

Meshach, import of the name, Dan. i. 7.
Meshelim, of the ancient Asiatics, probably the same with the
pocta of the western world, Num. xxi. 27, xxii. 6.
Mesopotamia, why this country was so named, Gen. xxxv.
26; Judg. iii. 8. Where situated, ibid.; Amos ix. 7.
Messiah, import of the term, Gen. xlix. 8; Exod. xxix. 7.
Metal, some account of a factitious, in use among the Asiatics,
as bright and fine as gold, Ezra viii. 26.
Metallic image, discourse on Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the,
Dan. ii., in fine.


Metallurgy, the Israelites employed in, in Egypt, Deut. iv.
Metheg-ammah, a word of very doubtful import, 2 Sam. viii.
1. Variously rendered by the versions, ibid.
Methuselah, the oldest man on record, Gen. v. 27. Meaning
of his name, Gen. v., in fine. Apparently prophetical of
the destruction of the world by water, ibid.
Mezahab, rabbinical gloss on this name, 1 Chron. i. 50.
Micah, some account of this prophet, Introduction to Micah.
Newcome's observations on the style of his writings,

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Michtam, or Mictam, meaning of this word, Psa. xvi, in
principio, lx., in principio.

Mid-day, the time allotted by the heathens for the worship
ping of demons, Psa. xci. 6.

Migdol, the same with Magdolum, Jer. xlvi. 14.
Mikoch,, a word of very uncertain import, 1 Kings x.
28. Variously rendered in the versions, ibid.
Milcom, an idol of the Ammonites, 1 Kings xi. 5; 2 Kings
xxiii. 13; Jer. xlix. 1; Amos i. 15.

Milk and honey, land flowing with, a figure used by sacred
and profane writers to denote great fertility, Exod. iii. 8;
Job xx. 17; Ezek. xx. 6.

Milky-way or Galaxy, Dr. Herschel's idea of the nature of
the, Gen. i. 16. Prodigious multitude of stars in the
milky-way which passed through the field of view in his
telescope in the space of forty-one minutes of time, ibid.
Mill, when the noise of the, is not heard, how a sign of deso-

lation, Jer. xxv. 10.

Mill, behind the, inquiry into the meaning of this phrase,
Exod. xi. 5.

Millenary of the world, reflections upon our Saviour's being
born at the termination of the fourth, Gen. i. 16.
Mills, grinding at, the work of females in Algiers, Tunis,
and other places, Isa. xlvii. 2.

Mingrelia, inhabitants of, sleep with their swords under their
heads, and their other arms by their sides, Isa. xiii., in

Mining, process of, among the ancients, Job xxviii. 1, &c,
Difficulties miners had to encounter previously to the in-
vention of the steam-engine, Job xxviii, 4, &c.
Minister, anecdote of a, Psa. lxv. 2.,
Ministry, Divine call to the, and directions for the proper
discharge of the ministerial office, Ezek. xxxiv. 6.
Minor prophets, order and time in which they flourished, ac-
cording to Archbishop Newcome, Introduction to Hosea.
Mirrors of brass, steel, tin, copper, and silver, in use among
the ancients, Exod. xxxviii. 8; Isa. viii. 1.
Misenus, funeral rites paid to, as related by Virgil, 2 Chron.
xvi., in fine.

Misery, in what manner the animal system is affected at the
sight of, Jer. iv. 19.

Mishael, import of this name, Dan. í. 7.
Mishemerotim, b, its derivation and import, Lev.
xxvi. 15.

Mishnah, or oral law of the Jews, account of the, Genera

Index to the Old Testament.

Preface, p. 2. When composed, according to Prideaux | Mourning songs or lamentations, composed by the Hebrews
and Lardner, Isa. liii. 8.
upon the death of great men, princes, and heroes, Lam. v.,
in fine.

Mishpat,, its import, Isa. xlii. I. A beautiful parono-
masia on this word, Isa. v. 7.
Misletoe, held in extraordinary veneration among the ancient
Druids, Gen. xxi. 33. The golden branch mentioned by
Virgil apparently an allusion to this plant, ibid.
Mitheah, the twenty-fourth station of the Israelites in the
wilderness, Calmet's conjecture concerning, Num. xxxiii.


Mitre, its derivation and import, Exod. xxviii. 4.
Mitsevoth,, its derivation and import, Lev. xxvi. 15.
Mizbeach,, rendered altar, what it properly signifies,
Gen. viii. 20, xiii. 18.


why a Psalm was so named among the
Hebrews, Introduction to the Psalms; Psa. iii., in prin-

Mnevis, an object of idolatry among the ancient Egyptians,
Hos. viii. 5.

Moab, plains of, the forty-first station of the Israelites in the
wilderness, Num. xxxiii. 48.

Moadim,12, translated seasons, inquiry into its import,
Gen. i. 14.

Moallakat, some account of this collection of Arabic poems,
Psa. Ix., in principio.

Modhahebat, a collection of Arabic poems, why so named,
Psa. Ix., in principio.

Molech, curious rabbinical description of this idol, Lev.

xx. 2.

Molech, passing through the fire to, several opinions con-
cerning the meaning of this phrase, Lev. xviii. 21.
Monarchy, hereditary succession in a, to be preferred to the
elective, 1 Kings i. 12.

Mongoz, this animal kept by the inhabitants of the East for
the purpose of destroying the snakes that infest them,
Amos v. 19.

Moneys of different ancient nations, tables of the, Exod.
xxxviii. 24.

Monoceros of Scripture, probably the same with the rhino-
ceros, Psa. xcii. 10.

Monodon, see Narwall.

Montgomery's metrical version of the principal passages in
the seventy-second Psalm, Psa. lxxii., in fine.
Months, names of the, among the Hebrews, 1 Kings vi. 1.
Moon, great probability of her being a habitable globe, Gen.
i. 16. Telescopic appearance of her disk, ibid. Periodic
and sidereal revolutions; mean distance from the sun;
perigeal and apogeal distances; diameter; relative magni-
tude, volume, or bulk; time of rotation; inclination of
axis to orbit; mass, quantity of matter, or attractive power,
that of the earth being considered as unity; and mean
hourly orbitical motion; of this secondary planet, Gen.
i: 1.

Moorish dress, Jackson's description of the, Judg. xiv. 12.
Mosaic chronology, specious objections of modern skeptics
against the, answered, Gen. 1., in fine.

Mosaic pavement, some account of the, Exod. xxiv. 10.
Its origin, Esth. i. 6.

Moscovites, from whom descended, Gen. x. 2.
Moscroth, the twenty-sixth station of the Israelites in the
wilderness, conjectures respecting, Num. xxxiii. 30, 37.
Moses, why so named, Exod. ii. 10. His character as a
historian, philosopher, and chronologer, Gen. 1, in fine.
Observations on the staying up of his hands in the conflict
of the children of Israel with the Amalekites, Exod. xvii.
11. Enumeration by Moses of the seven different means
used by the Almighty in effecting Israel's deliverance,
Deut. iv. 34. Sketch of the history and character of
Moses, Exod. xix., in fine; Deut. xxxiv., in fine.
Moths, various modes adopted in the destruction of these
insects, Gen. xxvii. 27.

Motto, very singular one affixed to a pamphlet written by a
young woman of the city of Gloucester against Bishop
Warburton's Doctrine of Grace, 2 Kings xix. 21.
Mountain of God, import of this Hebraism, Psa. xxxvi. 6.
Mountain torrents, how produced, Job xxiv. 8.
Mourning sometimes indicated among the ancients by the
changing or reversing the harness or ornaments of cattle,
Jonah ii. 8.


Mourning women, account of the, among the ancients, who
were hired to make lamentations for the dead, Jer. ix. 17.
Muagrus of the Eleans, why this idol was so named, Exod.

viii. 24.

Mv22ada μvhhɛiv, a Greek paronomasia, Job xxxi., in

Multitia, multicia, or coa vestis, a name given by the
Romans to the transparent garments of the Greeks, Isa. iii.
23. Sometimes worn even by the men, but looked upon
as a mark of great effeminacy, ibid. Humorous and sati-
rical description of the multitia by Publius Syrus, ibid.
Mummies, description of the Egyptian, Gen. 1. 2. Peter du
Val's account of a mummy supposed to be the remains of
one of the supreme judges, Exod. xxviii. 30. Manner in
which the mummies were wrapped round with strong
swathings of linen or cotton cloth, Job xl. 13; Prov. xxxi.


Munster, (Sebastian) a Protestant commentator, General
Preface, p. 6.

Mowong, why this epithet was applied to the supreme divinity
of the heathens, Exod. viii. 24.

Murder, the only crime for which a human being should be
punished with death, Gen. ix. 6.

Murex or purpura, a species of shell-fish, from which the
Tyrian purple is supposed to have been obtained, Exod
XXV. 4; Deut. xxxiii. 19.

Muscarum abactor, why this epithet was given to Hercules,

Exod. viii. 24.

Music, Treatise on, by Philodemus, where discovered, 2 Chron

Xxxiv. 12.

Music, strange effects of, 2 Kings, iii. 15.
Musical instruments, observations on the use of, in the house
of God, 1 Chron. v. 39, xvi. 42; 2 Chron. xxix. 35;
Amos vi. 5. Condemned, see Psa lxii. 1. Reasons for
believing that musical instruments were employed to en-
courage and enliven the workmen when engaged in the
repairs of the temple in the reign of Josiah, 2 Chron.
xxxiv. 12.

Musive or Mosaic work, origin of, Esth. i. 6.

Myses, a name of Bacchus in the hymns of Orpheus, evi-
dently borrowed from the name of the great Jewish legis-
lator, Exod. iv. 17.-

Mystical or spiritual sense, very often the most literal of all,
Isa. lii. 13.

Nabatheans, their origin, Gen. xxv. 13. -

g, rendered prophet in our version, its precise import,
Num. xi. 25.
Nachash,, commonly translated serpent, has several
meanings in the Old Testament, Gen. iii. 1. A variety of
reasons produced to show that the animal instrumental in
deceiving our first parents was probably of the simia genus,
ibid. Objection against this hypothesis, that the Septuagint
version and the New Testament nachash is translated
by opis, answered, ibid.
Naharaga, sec Pallacopas.

Naharmalca or the Royal River, a canal constructed by Ne-
buchadnezzar to let the abundant waters of the Euphrates
into the Tigris, Isa. xliv. 27.

Nahum, some account of this prophet, Introduction to Nahum.
Nails, staining of the, practised by the ancient Egyptians and
modern Indians, Deut. xxi. 12.

Nails, spikes, or pegs of the ancients, some account of the,

Isa. xxii. 23.

Naksi Rustam, description of the, Isa. xxii. 16.
Names of the ancient generals and princes frequently taken
from those of birds and beasts, Judg. vii. 25.
Names, changing of, frequent among the ancients, 2 Kings
xxiii. 34. A mark of supremacy, in those who changed
them, ibid.

Napcir, (John) account of his commentary on the revelation
of St. John, General Preface, p. 22.
Naphtali, why so named, Gen. xxx. 8.
Napkin or kerchief, by which a Jewish criminal was strangled,
why buried with him in the same grave, Isa. xv. 19.
( 54 )

Index to the Old Testament.

Napoleon, reflections on the singular fortune and sudden re-
verses of this late emperor of the French, Psa. cvii. 40,
Narwall or monodon, a species of whale, with a very fine
curled ivory horn, Psa. xxii. 21. Length of a horn of this

animal in the author's possession, ibid.
Nathan the prophet, author of a history of the reign of Solo-
mon, long since lost, 1 Kings xi, 41.

Natron of the ancients, some account of the, Prov. xxv. 20.
Used in the East, according to Dr. Shaw, for the purposes
of washing, ibid; Jer. ii. 22.

Nature, observations on this divinity of the modern infidel,
Job v. 5.

Nature, divine and human, in Christ. See on Psa. xxii. 20.
Navel-string, the medium by which the fetus receives nour-
ishment while in the womb of its mother, Prov. iii. 8; Song
vii. 2.

Nausicaa, daughter of Alcinous, king of the Phæacians, anec-
dote concerning, Exod. ii. 4.

Nazarite, enumeration of the particulars in which the vow of
a, consisted, Num. vi. 5.

Nebel, probably a musical instrument similar to the bag-
pipe, 1 Sam. x. 5; Psa. lxxxi. 2.
Nebuchadnezzar, in what the malady of this Babylonish
monarch probably consisted, Dan. iv. 32.
Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the metallic image, discourse on,
Dan. ii., in fine.

Necoth,, rendered spices, what it imports, Gen. xliii. 11.
Necromancy, pretenders to the art of, among the ancients,
chiefly women, Isa. xxix. 4.

Neder, account of this species of Jewish vow, Lev.
xxvii. 29. In what it differed from the cherem,, ibid.
Negonoth, probable import of this term, Psa. v., in principio;
Hab. iii. 19.

Nego, one of the Babylonish divinities, Dan. i. 7.
Nehemiah, biography of this eminent reformer of Israel, In-
troduction to Nehemiah, and chap. xiii., in fine. Eminent
men who were contemporary with Nehemiah, Chronologi-
cal notes at the commencement of Nehemiah.
Nehiloth, probable import of this term, Psa. v., in principio.
Nehushtan, the name given by Hezekiah to the brazen serpent
of Moses, conjectures why so denominated, 2 Kings

xviii. 4.

Neith, a name of Diana, Exod. x. 9.

Nephalim,, rendered giants, much more probable
meaning of the original word, Gen. vi. 4.
Neptune, remarkable speech of, to the winds, contained in the
Eneid, Psa. xxvii. 13.

Nergal, an idol of the Cutheans, supposed to have been the
sun, and why, 2 Kings xvii., in fine. How represented,
according to the rabbins, ibid.

Nesek, why usury was so named by the Jews, Ezek.
xvii. 8.

Ness's observations on the marriage of Orpah and Ruth,
Ruth i., in fine.

Net, description of that species of combat among the Ro-
mans, in which one of the combatants was armed with a
sword and shield, and the other with a trident and net, Job
xix. 6.

Newcome, (Dr.) translator of the minor prophets, with critical
notes, General Preface, p. 10.

New moon, feast of the, when celebrated, Exod. xxiii. 14;
Psa. lxxxi. 3. Method adopted by the ancient Jews of
ascertaining the day of the new moon, Psa. lxxxi. 3.
New song, meaning of this phrase illustrated by two quota-
tions from Virgil, Psa. cxlix. 1.
New-year's-day, a time of festivity in all civilized nations,
Num. xxix. 1.

Nibhaz, an object of idolatrous worship among the Avites,
2 Kings xvij., in fine. According to the rabbins, was in
the shape of a dog, much like the Anubis of the Egyptians,
ibid. Conjecture respecting the derivation of the name,
ibid. Jurieu's ingenious idea upon this subject, ibid.
Night, very philosophical saying of Servius respecting, in his
comment upon a passage in the fourth Eneid, Job vii. 2.
Nile, overflowing of the, of essential service in the fertiliza-
tion of Egypt, Gen. xli. 25, 31; Isa. xviii. 2. Pliny's
scale of the different heights to which the waters of the
Nile ascend, with the consequent degrees of plenty and
dearth, ibid. The Nile an object of religious worship

among the ancient Egyptians, Exod. vii. 15; viii. 26.
Great salubrity and peculiar pleasantness of its waters,
Exod. vii. 18. Abounds with incredible numbers of all
sorts of fish, according to Diodorus, Isa. xix. 8.
Nilus, a name given to Bacchus, by Diodorus and Macrobius,
on account of his being said to have been exposed on the
Nile, Exod. iv. 17.

Nimbus. A practice among many nations to represent
those men to whom they attributed extraordinary sanctity,
and whom they supposed to have had familiar intercourse
with the Deity, with a lucid nimbus or glory round, their
heads, Exod. xxxiv. 29.

Nimrod, probably the same with Ninus, Gen. x. 11.
Nineveh, some account of this very celebrated city of anti-
quity, Jonah i. 2, iii. 3. Bishop Newton's remarks upon
the fall and irretrievable ruin of Nineveh, Nah. iii., in fine.
Ninyas, son of Ninus and Semiramis, supposed by Dr.
Shuckford to be the same with Chedorlaomer, Gen. xiv. 1.
Nissah, 2, rendered tempt, what it properly imports, Gen.

xxii. 1.

Noah, whence this name is probably derived, Gen. v. 29.
No-Ammon, the Diospolis of the Greeks, Nah. iii. 8.
Nominative case often used for the vocative by the ancient
Greeks, especially in the Attic dialect of their language,
Psa. xlv. 6.

See notes.

Nopos, its derivation and import, Exod. xii. 49.
Nonnus the poet, quoted Zech. ix. 14.
Noonday, the time allotted by the heathens for the worship-
ping of demons, Psa. xci. 6.

Noph, the same which was afterwards named Memphis, and
now Cairo, Ezek. xxx. 13; Jer. ii. 16; xlvii. 14.
Northern army, why this name is given to immense swarms
of locusts, Joel ii. 20.

Norwich, ancient city of, formerly stood some miles from the
modern city so named, Josh. xvi., in fine.

Nose or nostrils, considered by the ancients the seat of
anger, Psa. xviii. 8.

Nose, cutting off the, a frequent punishment of adulterers
among the Persians and Chaldeans, Ezek. xxiii. 25. Adul-
teresses formerly thus treated by the Egyptians, ibid.
Nose-ring, or jewel for the nose, of very frequent use in the
East, Gen. xxiv. 22; Prov. xxv. 12; Isa. iii. 21.
Nova Zembla, extraordinary instance of refraction of the solar
light in this island in the sixteenth century, 2 Kings xx., in

Norus, not unfrequently synonymous with magnus mirandus,

Psa. cxlix. 1.

Numanus, remarkable saying of, to the Trojans, as related by
Virgil, Nah. iii. 13.

Numbers, the fourth book of the Pentateuch, why so named,
Preface to Numbers.

Numbers in the sacred Scriptures often erroneous, and why,
2 Sam. x. 18.

Nuptial crown, among the Greeks and Romans, what, Song

iii. 11.


Oak, a sacred tree among the ancient Greeks and Romans,
Gen. xxi. 23; the Druids had their feasts and sacrifices
under it, ibid. Why this tree was named robur by the Ro-
mans, Hos. iv. 13. Accounted one of the most long-lived
of all the trees of the forest, Isa. lxv. 22.
Oath, inquiry into the spirit and essence of an, Gen. xxiv. 9;
Deut. vi., in fine.

Obadiah, some account of this prophet, Obad., in principio.
Obcd, the father of Jesse, why so named, Ruth iv. 17.
Obed-edom, very curious and whimsical rabbinical account of
the mode in which God is said to have blessed this Gittite,
while the ark remained in his house, 1 Chron. xiii. 14.
Oboth,, what this term imports, Lev. xix. 31.
Oboth,, the thirty-sixth station of the Israelites in the
wilderness, Num. xxxiii. 43.

Ode, what is generally understood by this term, Introduction
to the Song of Solomon. Isaiah's prophetic ode on the
destruction of Babylon by the Medes and Persians, and the
deliverance of Judah from captivity, a composition of su-
preme and singular excellence, standing unrivalled among
all the monuments of classic antiquity, Isa. xiii., in prin-

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