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Index to the Old Testament.

Deuteronomy, the last book of the Pentateuch, why so named,
Preface to Deuteronomy.

Devil, whence this word is derived, Job i. 6. The name of
this apostate spirit nearly the same in most European lan-
guages, Psa. cix. 6.

Der, thoughts on the manner of its production, Deut. xxxii.
2; Job xxxviii. 28.

Diadem of the earth, a most elegant expression to show the
progress of the sun through the twelve signs of the zodiac
in a natural year, Psa. lxv. 11.

Dial of Ahaz, observations on the nature and structure of the,
with a diagram of its supposed form, 2 Kings xx., in fine.
Diamond, some account of this precious substance, Exod.
xxviii. 17.

Diana of Ephesus, image of, supposed to have been an aero-
lith bearing some rude resemblance to the human form,
Josh. x. 11.

Dibon-gad, the thirty-eighth station of the Israelites in the
wilderness, where supposed to be situated, Num. xxxiii.

Didymus, import of this name, Gen. xxv. 24.
Dinah, why so named, Gen. xxx. 21.

Diodorus Siculus, his account of the funeral ceremonies of
the Egyptians, Gen. 1. 2.

Diospolis, or Thebes, the No of Jeremiah. See chap. xlvi.
25. See also Ezek. xxx. 14.

Dipsas, mortal effects of the bite of the, as described by Lu-
can, Num. xxi. 6.

Diseases, charming away of, how professed to be done by
ancients and moderns, Psa. Iviii. 4, et in fine.
Divination by arrows, manner of, among the Arabs, Ezek.
xxi. 21.

Divination by cups, of very remote antiquity, Gen. xliv. 5.
Divination by serpents, common among the ancients, Deut.

xvii. 10.

Divine Being, some observations on the manner of approach-
ing the, in prayer, Exod. ix. 29.

Divinity of Christ demonstrated, Psa. xlv. 8; Isa. vii. 15,
ix. 7; Mic. v. 2, vii. 20; Zech. ii. 8, xiii. 7.
Divorcement, form of a bill of, among the Jews, Deut.

xxiv. 3.'

Dixit insipiens, remarks on six verses supposed to be cited
by St. Paul from this Psalm, but which do not exist in the
present copies of the cominon Hebrew text; Psa. xiv. 3,
et in fine.

Dodd, (Rev. Dr. William) author of a very excellent com-
mentary on the Scriptures, General Preface, p. 9.
Doddridge, (Dr. Philip) account of this commentator, Gene-
ral Preface, p. 8.

Dogs, remarks upon the howlings of, Exod. xi. 7.

Domesday book, account of, 2 Sam. xxiv. 8. At present in
a state of great preservation in the Chapter House, West-
minster, ibid.

Domine, Dominus noster, the whole of this Psalm given at
full length from an ancient manuscript, Psa. viii., in fine.
Domitian, account of the expulsion of the Jews from Rome
by this emperor, Psa. cix. 11.

Doors of the courts and houses in Palestine made very low to
prevent the Arabs, who seldom leave the backs of their
horses, from riding into the courts and houses, and spoiling
the goods, Prov. xvii. 19.

Dophkah, the eighth station of the Israelites in the wilderness,
Num. xxxiii. 12.

Dothan, where supposed to have been situated, 2 Kings. vi.

Dove's dung, the Hebrew word so rendered probably means
a kind of pulse, 2 Kings vi. 25. Dove's dung of great
value in the East for its power in producing cucumbers,
melons, &c., ibid.

Dowry, to give a, for a wife, a custom very frequent among
all ancient nations, Gen. xxix. 20. The Tartars and Turks
still buy their wives, ibid.

Drag, an instrument used in threshing, Isa. xxviii. 27, 28.
Its description, ibid.

Dragon-well at Jerusalem, why probably so named, Neh. ii.


Dream, ineffectual working of the imagination in a, figura-
tively employed by sacred and profane writers, Isa. xxix.
7. Citation of instances from Virgil and Lucretius, ibid.

Dreams, enumeration of their causes, Gen. xli., in fine; 1
Kings iii. 5; Jer. xxiii. 27. Gregory Nyssen's theory
respecting dreams, 1 Kings iii. 5. Joseph's dream of the
eleven stars bowing down to him, supposed by Vallancy to
have reference to the signs of the zodiac, Gen. xlix., in
fine. Discourse on Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the me-
tallic image, Dan. ii., in fine.

Dress of an English beau in the fourteenth century, as de-
scribed by Dr. Henry, Lev. xix. 19. Curious extraet
against luxury in dress, taken from a sermon composed in
the fourteenth century, ibid.

Drinking, regulations respecting, among the ancient Greeks
and Romans, in their entertainments, Esth. i. 8.
Druids, Pliny's account of their great veneration for the oak
and misletoe, Gen. xxi. 33.

Drunkenness, Herbert's nervous description of the baleful
effects of, xxiii. 33.

Drusius, (John) account of this commentator, General Pre-
face, p. 6.
Dudaim, 77, import of this word extremely uncertain,
Gen. xxx. 14.
Duelling, when the general practice of, is supposed to have
taken place, Num. v., in fine. Account of the duel between
Dioxippus the Athenian, and Horatus a Macedonian, as
given by Quintus Curtius, 2 Sam. xxiii. 21. Description
of the ancient mode of duel between the retiarius and secu-
tor, Mic. vii. 2. Observations on the practice of duelling
in this country, Hos. iv. 2.

Duke, derivation and import of this word, Gen. xxxvi. 15.
Dung of the ox and cow in a dried state a common fuel in the
East, Isa. xxvii. 11; Ezek. v. 12.

Dura, plain of, uncertain where situated, Dan. iii. 1.
Durandus, his account of the manner of constructing the
pallium or pall, 1 Kings xix., in fine.

Dust, throwing of, into the air, a mark among the ancients
of the greatest contempt, 2 Sam. xvi. 13.
Dyrbeans, anecdote concerning these people, Lev. vi. 3,


Eagle, esteemed by the heathens as a bird sacred to Jupiter,
and thought by them to be employed in carrying the souls
of departed heroes, kings, &c., into the celestial regions,
Exod. xix. 4. Whence this fable probably originated,
ilnd. The eagle was the Roman ensign, Deut. xxviii. 49.
A golden eagle was the ensign of Cyrus, according to
Xenophon, Isa. xlvi. 11. The eagle proverbial among
ancients and moderns for its strong and clear sight, Job
xxxix. 27-29, Some eagles stated to have attained a very
great age, Psa. ciii. 5. A very current opinion among the
ancients that the eagle moults in his old age, and renews
his feathers, and with them his youth, Isa, xl. 31.
Ear, boring of the, an ancient custom in the East, Exod. xxi. 6,
Earing, whence derived, and its ancient and modern accep-
tations, Gen. xlv. 6.

Ear-rings, formerly worn as amulets and charms, Gen. xxxv.
4. The Ishmaelites or Arabs had probably a crescent in
each ear-ring, Judg. viii. 21.

Earth, rotation round its axis the cause of the regular suc-
cossion of day and night, Gen. i. 4; Psa. xix. 5. Its
superficial and solid contents, Psa. viii. 3.
Its sphe-
roidal figure, Gen. i. 10. What to be understood by the
pillars or compressors of the earth, 1 Sam. ii. in fine,
Earth, two mules' burden of, inquiry into what Naaman meant
by this phrase, 2 Kings v. 17.

Earth and water, annual offering of, to the Persian monarchs,
and its signification, Neh. ii. 3.

Earthen jars, vessels in which the people of the East keep
their corn and meal to preserve them from insects, 1 Kings

xvii. 12.

Earthquakes, description of, with their accompaniments,
1 Kings xix, 11.

Eastern bow, description of the, Psa. lxxviii. 57. Its figure,
and what named by the Greeks when in a quiescent state,
and when ready to discharge the missile, ibid.; Hos. vii,
16; Zech. ix. 14.

Eastern divan, in what its furniture chiefly consists, Isa.
xxxviii. 2.

East Indian ink, readily discharged from the paper by the
application of a wet sponge, Num. v. 23.

Index to the Old Testament.

Ebronah, the thirtieth station of the Israelites in the wilder- | Encampments of the Israelites in the wilderness, Scheuchzer's
ness, Num. xxxiii. 34.

Eden, its derivation and import, Gen. ii. 8.

Edge-tools of the ancients commonly made of stones and
flints, Josh. v. 2.

Edicts of the Persian monarchs could not be formally repealed;
but new edicts could be issued by which the preceding
might be counteracted, Esth. viii. 8.

Edomites, their origin, and frequent hostilities with the Israel-
ites, Gen. xxv. 23; Isa. xxxiv., in principio. Fulfilment
of the prophecies concerning these people, Gen. xxvii. 28,
et seq.
Edoth,, its derivation and import, Lev. xxvii. 15.
Education of children, instructions for the proper discharge
of this duty, 1 Sam. iii., in fine. Fearful consequences to
be apprehended from a neglected religious education, ibid.
Thoughts on the mode of education in our national schools
and universities, Dan. i. 5.

Egypt, ancient constitution of, according to Diodorus Siculus,
Gen. xlvii. 23. The earliest account of a religion sup-
ported by the state is that which was established in this
country, ibid. Egypt has a double seed-time and harvest,
Exod. ix. 31. Amazing number of Jews in this country in
the time of Philo, Isa. xix., in principio. Brief sketch of
the revolutions of Egypt, Ezek. xxix. 14.
Egyptians, why shepherds were had in abomination among
these people, Gen. xlvi. 34. Excessive superstition of the
Egyptians, Exod. viii. 26, xx. 4; Lev. xvii. 7.
Eheyeh asher eheyeh, 18 8 7, rendered “I am that
I am," inquiry into the import of the original words, Exod.
iii. 14.

Ei,, a Jewish memorial symbol, Masoretic notes at the end
of Exodus.

Eilon, rendered oak, what it properly signifies, Gen.
xii. 6.

Elam, probably the same with the Elymais of the Greeks,

Jer. xlix. 34.

Elanitic Gulf, why so named, 2 Kings xiv. 22.

Eldest son, giving the estates to the, origin of this law, Gen.
xxv. 6.

Electrical winds, Jackson's account of the, Hab. i. 9.
Elephant, natural history of the, Job xl. 15. Supposed by
some to be the behemoth of Scripture, ibid. Manner of
hunting the elephant in Ceylon, Job xviii., in fine.
Elephantiasis, description of this very horrible disorder, Deut.
xxviii. 27; Job ii. 7 vii. 5, xvi. 8, xxx. 18. In what it
differs from the smallpox, Job ii. 7.

Eliezer, son of Moses, why so named, Exod. xviii. 4.
Elihu, various conjectures respecting, Job xxxii. 2.
Elijah the Tishbite, idolatrous superstition of the Jews rela-
tive to this prophet, Mal. iv. 6.

Elim, the fifth station of the Israelites in the wilderness, some
account of, Num. xxxiii. 9.

Eliphaz the Temanite, who, Job ii. 11.

Elisha, inquiry whether this prophet received his office by
unction, 1 Kings xix., in fine.

Elishah, supposed to be the same with Elis, a part of the
Peloponnesus, Ezek. xxvii. 7.

Elixir vite, attempts at the discovery of the, in most nations,
Job xiv. 5.

Ellipsis, instances of the, Isa. i. 9, x. 26, xli. 2, xliii. 19,
Ivii. 2.

Elm, prodigious quantity of seeds produced by this tree, Gen.
i. 12.

El Maamah, Dr. Pococke's account of this very large Eastern
grotto, 1 Sam. xxiv. 3.

Elohim,, demonstrated to be the plural form of
El, or Eloah, by a reference to thirty-one passages in
the Old Testament, Gen. i. 1; see also Deut. vi. 4. Inquiry
into the derivation and import of the word, ibid. A very
beautiful paronomasia upon this word, Psa. xcvi. 5.
Embalming, art of, ainong the Egyptians, largely described,
Gen. 1. 2.

Emerald, some account of this precious stone, Exod. xxviii.
17. Its component parts, Job xxxviii. 38.
Emeth,, its derivation and import, Lev. xxvi. 15.
Emim, some account of this ancient people, Deut. ii. 10.
Empneumatosis, or windy inflation of the womb, description
of this disorder by Michaelis, Isa. xxvi. 18.

description and plan of the, Num. ii. 2. The Arabs always
form a circle in their encampments, and put their principal
officers in the centre, 1 Sam. xxvi. 5.

Enemies, a practice among the ancients of disabling, by cut-
ting off their thumbs and great toes, Judg i. 7. Customary
with the Persians, after they had slain, strangled, or be-
headed their enemies, to hang their bodies upon poles, or to
empale them, Lam. v. 12.

Eneta, or Heneta, where these ancient people were situated,
Gen. xxxvi. 24. Whence the fabulous account of their
origin is possibly derived, ibid.

Engines for the attack or defence of besieged places invented
in the reign of Uzziah, king of Judah, 2 Chron. xxvi. 15.
Enigmas proposed at ancient entertainments, some examples
of, Judg. xiv. 14. Ancient enigma in which the double
use of the style is pointed out, 2 Kings xxi. 13.
Enoch, meaning of the word, Gen. iv. 17. Remark upon the
age of Enoch, the father of Methuselah, at the period of his
translation, Gen. v., in fine.

Enosh,, a word rendered man in our version, its precise
import, Psa. Ixii. 9,

Envy, definition of, Gen. xxxvii., in fine. Curious rabbinical
story relative to this malignant passion, which has been
formed by the moderns into a fable, Prov. xxvii. 4.
Eous, one of the horses of the sun, according to the pagan
mythology, what the name imports, 2 Kings ii. 11.
Ephah, some account of this Hebrew measure of capacity,
Exod. xvi. 16.

Ephod, account of the, Exod. xxv. 7. Its curious girdle,
Exod. xxviii. 8. Observations on the ephod made by
Gideon, Judg. viii. 27., et in fine.

Ephraim, son of Joseph, why so named, Gen. xli. 50.
Ephrem Syrus, some account of this commentator, General
Preface, p. 3.

Epithalamium, definition of the, Introduction to Solomon's

Equinoctial points, precession of the, occasioned by a slow
revolution of the celestial poles around the poles of the
ecliptic, Psa. xix. 5. In what time this revolution is per-
formed, ibid. From this cause the tropical year is shorter
than the siderial, ibid. In twenty-five thousand seven hun-
dred and sixty-THREE complete revolutions of the earth
round the sun, there are twenty-five thousand seven hundred
and sixty-FOUR summers, and as many autumns, winters,
and springs, ibid. Remarkable phenomena in the starry
firmament occasioned by the precession of the equinoctial
points, ibid.

Equus hemionus, see Jichta.

Erasmus, (Desiderius) a commentator on the New Testa-
ment, General Preface, p. 6. How fully convinced of the
doctrine of the Trinity, Eccles. iii. 14.

Ereb,, translated evening, import of the term, Gen. i. 31.
From this word is derived Erebus, the name of a heathen
deity, ibid.

Ermin or Erminage-street, where situated, Job xxiii. 11.
Ermine, royal robes of kings and great officers adorned with
the skin of this animal, 2 Kings ii. 8.

Esau, import of this name very uncertain, Gen. xxv. 25.
Dr. Shuckford's character of Esau, Gen. xxxvi., in fine.
Eshcol, valley of, where situated, Isa. v. 2.
Esob,, rendered hyssop, of doubtful import, Exod. xii.


Esquire, derivation and original import of this word, 1 Sam.
XIV. 1. Its modern acceptation, ibid.

Esther, biographical sketch of, by Prideaux, Introduction to

Eternal filiation of the Son of God, remarks on the doctrine
of the, Psa. ii. 7; Prov. viii., in fine.
Eternity of rewards and punishments, in a future state,
shown to be a doctrine of Scripture, Gen. xvii. 7, 8, xxi.
33; Psa. lxxiii. 27; Isa. lxvi. 24.

Eternity, thoughts concerning this vast and incomprehensible
subject, Job ix., in fine; Psa. xc. 2.

Eternity of God, reflections upon the, Exod. ., in fine;
Mic. v. 2. Remarkable passages in Plutarch on this point,

Eth,, rabbinical glosses upon this Hebrew particle, Gen.
i. 1.

Index to the Old Testament.

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Euryalus, see Nisus.

Eusebius, the reason given by this writer why the Egyptians
worshipped their deites under the form of certain animals,
Exod. viii. 26.

Evaporation, how instrumental in the production of rain,
Psa. civ. 10.

Eve, meaning of the word, Gen. iii. 20. This name contains
in itself a prophecy of the redemption of the world by Jesus
Christ, ibid.

Events, enumeration of the different methods of recording,
among the ancients, Jer. xvii. 1.

Evermore, import of this term, Exod. xv. 18; Psa. xvi. 11.
Evil report, fine personification of, by Virgil, 2 Sam. xiii. 30.
Execrations against those who should rebuild those cities
which had been destroyed in war, the revival of whose
power and influence was dreaded, frequent in ancient his-
tory, Josh. vi., in fine. Some examples produced, ibid.
Pouring execrations on an enemy previously to battle, an
ancient custom; Num. xxii. 6; Psa. lxxxiii. 15.
Exodus, the second book of the Old Testament Scriptures,
whence so named, Preface to Exodus.
Expeditions of the ancient Eastern monarchs, manner of the,
Isa. xl. 3.

Expiation, feast of, why instituted, Exod. xxiii. 14.
Expounding of the Scriptures, manner of, among the Jews,
Neh. viii., in fine.

Ezekiel, Archbishop Newcome's historical sketch of the
times in which this prophet lived, Introduction to Ezekiel.
Character of Ezekiel as a poet drawn up by this great
prelate, ibid. Chronological table of the prophecies of
Ezekiel from Calmet, ibid. Plan and description of Eze-
kiel's temple, Ezek. xlviii., in fine.

Ezer kenegedo, 73, translated helpmeet, inquiry into
the import of these words, Gen. ii. 18.
Ezion-gaber, the thirty-first station of the Israelites in the
wilderness, some account of, Num. xxxiii. 35.
Ezra, biographical sketch of, by Prideaux, Introduction to

Ezra, book of, very remarkable passage said to have been
originally contained in this portion of holy writ, which the
Jews are accused by Justin Martyr of erasing through their
enmity to the Christians, Ezra x., in fine.


Fable of Dadalus and Icarus, with its moral as given by a
Roman poet, Prov. xxv. 7.

Face or Forehead, why the first part of the body whence the
sweat begins to issue, Gen. iii. 19.

Face, covering of the, a sign of mourning, 2 Sam. xix. 4.
When a criminal was ordered to have his face covered, it
was a sign among the Persians and Romans of his being
devoted to death, Esth. vii. 8.

Falarica, see Phalarica.

Falcon, natural history of the, Job xxxix. 26.
False witnesses, laws of the Hebrews, Romans, and English
against, Deut. xix. 19.

Falsity diffused through the nature of man, Psa. cxvi. 11.
This idea finely expressed by Herbert, ibid. Remarkable
Italian proverb to the same effect, ibid.

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Fame, fine personification of, by Virgil, 2 Sam. xiii. 30.
Family religion, maintenance of, indispensable, Gen. xviii,,
in fine, xix., in fine; Deut. iv. 9, vi. 7.
Famines that were decreed to take place before the coming
of the Messiah, according to the Targum, Ruth i. 1.
Father, probably a name of office in Egypt, Gen. xlv. 8. Cer-
tain officers of state among the Phoenicians, Persians, Ara-
bians, and Romans, addressed by this title, ibid. Among
the Jews, father was the title of preceptor, and son, that
of disciple or scholar, Prov. i. 8.
Favouritism has often brought prosperous nations to the brink
of ruin, Eccles. x. 5.

Feasts, three principal, of the Jews, which, Zech. xiv. 16.
Federal act formed by Joshua with the people of Israel, a little
before his death, outline of Saurin's excellent dissertation
on the, Josh, xxiv., in fine.

Felling of trees, directions of Vitruvius respecting, 1 Kings

v. 6. -

Ferdinand IV., king of Naples and the Sicilies, institute of this
monarch relative to mournings for the dead, Gen. 1. 7.
Ferdoosy, remarks on the famous epic poem written by this
man, Esth. vi, 1.

Festivals, Jewish, some account of the, Exod. xxiii. 14.
Figs, Eastern, Dr. Shaw's account of the, Isa. xxviii. 4.
Citation from Pliny relative to the medical properties of
the fig, with Philemon Holland's translation, Isa. xxxviii.

[merged small][ocr errors]

Filigree silver-work, Asiatics greatly excel in this kind of
production, Prov. xxv. 11. Instances which have come
under the author's inspection, ibid.

Final perseverance of the saints, doctrine of the, considered,
Deut. vii. 12; 2 Sam. vii. 15; Ezek. xviii. 24.
Fine linen of Egypt, observations upon the, Gen. xli. 42.
Finger-mountain, the highest of the mountains of Ararat,
where some have supposed the ark of Noah to have rested,
Gen. viii. 4.

Fire, among the Hebrews and many other ancient nations, a
very significant emblem of the Deity, Exod. iii. 2. This
element the offspring of Ormusd, according to the modern
Parsees, ibid. Deified among the Egyptians, Exod. xii.,
in fine.

Fire-cross, of the ancient Highlanders, what, Judg. xix. 29;
1 Sam. xi., in fine.

Fire consuming the thorns, a beautiful metaphor used by
sacred and profane writers, Psa. cxviii. 12.
Fire-ordeal, among the Persians, account of the, Num. v., in

Fire of God, import of this Hebraism, Job i. 16.
First-born, observations on the import of this term in various
parts of Scripture, Exod. xii. 29.

First-born, redemption of the, one of the rites still practised
among the Jews, Num. xviii. 16, How this rite was per-
formed, ibid,

First-fruits offered to God not only by the Hebrews, but seve-
ral quotations from ancient writers to show that the heathens
also offered them to their idols, Exod. xxii, 29.
Fishes, their amazing fecundity instanced in the tench, carp,
and cod, Gen. i. 20.

Flag, Hasselquist's description of the, Job viii. 11. Ropes
made of its leaves by the Egyptians, ibid.

Flail or Staff, account of this instrument used in threshing,
Isa. xxviii. 27, 28,

Flesh, preservation of, by potting, common in Asiatic coun-
tries, Gen. xlv. 23.

Flint, our ancestors had their arrow and spear-heads of this
substance, Josh. v. 2.

Flocks, why great care was necessary in driving them, among
the ancients, Isa. xl. 11.

Flogging, system of, among the British, considered, Deut.
XXV. 3. Saying of a Mandarin on this subject, ibid.
Flour of parched barley, according to Mr. Jones, the chief
provision of the Moors in their journeys, 2 Sam. xvii. 28.
Flux and reflux of the ocean, phenomena and cause of the,
Job xxxviii. 11; Psa. civ, 9.

Footstool, a necessary appendage to a throne, Isa. lii. 2,

lx. 13.

Formido or Terror, among the ancients, what, Isa. xxiv. 17, 18
Forty, Ainsworth's observations upon the very frequent occurz
rence of this number in Scripture. Deut. xxv. 3.

Index to the Old Testament.

Forty days, a remarkable period in Scripture, Gen. vii. 4; |
Deut, xxv. 3.

Forty years, which are stated to have elapsed from the com-
mencement of Absalom's rebellion to his departure for He-
bron, most manifestly a corruption of the sacred text, 2
Sam. xv. 7.

Fosse-street, some account of, Job xxiii. 11.
Foxes, formerly a custom in Rome to let loose a number of,
in the circus, with lighted flambeaux on their backs, that
the people might be amused in seeing these animals run
about till roasted to death by the flames with which
they were enveloped, Judg. xv., in fine. Origin of this
custom as given by Ovid, and by Serrarius and Bochart,

Frankincense, description of this resinous substance, Exod.
xxx. 34.

Fray, whence this word is derived, Zech. i. 21.

Free agency of man demonstrated, Deut. v. 29, xi. 26, xxx.

Freemen forbidden by Diocletian and Maximian to be sold on
account of debt, 2 Kings iv. 1.

Genealogical lists contained in the Old Testament Scriptures
of essential service in the cause of Divine revelation, Gen.
xxxvi., in fine.

Generation, various lengths of a, among the ancients, Gen.

xv. 16.

Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament Scriptures,
whence so named, Preface to Genesis. General Observa-
tions on the great importance of this book, Gen. 1., in fine.
Genista, or common furze, exceedingly prolific, Gen. iii. 18.
Gemius, extraordinary, of some men, reflections concerning
the, Exod. xxviii. 3; xxxi. 6.

Gentiles very probably borrowed their first sacrificial rites
from the patriarchs, Num. xix. 2.

Gentoo laws, very interesting extract from Mr. Halhed's code
of, relative to the Ashumined Jugg, Lev. xvi. 10.
Gentoos, remarkable law among these people respecting mar-
riage, Gen. xxix. 25.

Georgium Sidus, or Herschel, periodic and sidereal revolu-
tions, distances from the sun and earth, diameter, volume,
density, and hourly orbitical motion, of this primary planet,
Gen. i. 1.

Gerizim, some account of this mount, Deut. xxvii. 4.

Friend, Cicero's definition of a genuine, Psa. xxxi. 7.
Frogs, according to Bryant, a sacred animal among the Gershom, why so named, Exod. n. 22; xviii. 3.
Egyptians, Exod. xii., in fine., xx. 4.

Froissart's account of the six citizens of Calais, who came to
Edward III. with ropes round their necks, and the keys of
the town and castle in their hands, 1 Kings xx., in fine.
Fuel, great scarcity of, in most parts of the East, Isa. xxvii. 11.
Funeral banquets to commemorate the dead, and comfort the
surviving relatives, common among the ancients, Jer. xvi. 8.
Funeral ceremonies among the ancient Egyptians, account
of the, by Diodorus Siculus, Gen. 1. 2.

Fur, how this Latin word has been applied by the ancient
Romans, Psa. lxxxvi. 16.


Gad, why so named, Gen. xxx. 11.

Gad, perhaps an object of idolatrous worship among the an-
cient Israelites, Isa. lxv. 11.

Gal., import of this term, Gen. xxxi. 46.
Galbanum, description of ta's plant, Exod. xxx. 34.

Gall, anciently supposed to be that in which the poison of
serpents consists, Job xx. 16.

Galvanism, method of decomposing water by, Job xxxviii. 26.
Gam, import of this Jewish memorial symbol, Masoretic
notes at the end of Genesis.

Gammadims, various conjectures respecting the import of
the Hebrew term so translated, Ezek. xxvii. 14.
Gaon, (Rabbi Saadias) account of this commentator, General
Preface, p. 3.

Gaphrith,, rendered brimstone, of very uncertain
etymology, Gen. xix. 24.

Gardens encompassing Damascus, Maundrell's description of
the, Isa. i. 30.

Garments, presents of, by Asiatic sovereigns to ambassadors
and persons of distinction, very frequent, Gen. xlv. 22.
Description of the garments appertaining to the Jewish
priesthood, Exod. xxviii. Customary in the East to pull
-off the upper garments in times of great mourning, Exod.
xxxiii. 5.

Garments, transparent, of the ancient Greeks and Romans,
Isa. iii. 23. These garments called by the Romans multi-
tia and Coa, and why, ibid.

Garvanços, Dr. Shaw's account of this plant, 2 Kings vi. 25.
Gate, the place of judgment in the East, Judg. v. 11; Job v.
4, xxix. 7; Isa. xxix. 21,

Gates of many Eastern cities closed at sunset, and on no con-
sideration opened till the following morning, Neh. vii. 3.
Gates in Priam's palace covered with plates of brass,
1 Kings iv. 13.

Gat phe, import of this memorial symbol of the
rabbins, Masoretic notes at the end of Leviticus.
Gava, y, the authorized version frequently inaccurate in the
rendering of this word, Gen. xxv. 8. What the original
term properly imports, ibid.

Gaza, why so named, and where situated, Judg. xvi. 1.
Gebal, where situated, Ezek. xxvii. 9.

Gehenna, why this word is used by our Saviour for the place
of punishment of the wicked in a future state, Isa. xxx. 33.


Ghost, its derivation and import, Gen. xxv. 8. TO GIVE UP
the ghost, an act properly attributable to Jesus Christ alone,


Giants, seven Hebrew words rendered thus in our English
Bibles, Gen. vi. 4. Fable of the giants, Job xxvi. 5.
Gibborim,, rendered mighty men, what it properly sig-
nifies, Gen. vi. 4.

Giblites, an ancient people famous for their knowledge in
ship-building, 1 Kings v. 18; Psa. lxxxiii. 7.
Gibyle, where situated, Psa. lxxxiii. 7.

Gideon, principle which impelled him to slay Zebah and Zal
munna illustrated by a quotation from Virgil, Judg. vii. 18.
Character of Gideon, Judg. viii., in fine.

Gifts, rabbinical enumeration of the, presented to the priests,
Num. xviii. 20.

Gigantic stature, account of persons of, in modern times,
Num. xiii. 33.

Gilgal, a place of great celebrity in the Jewish history, Josh.
iv. 19.

Gill, (Dr. John) author of a very diffuse commentary on the
Old and New Testaments, General Preface, p. 8
Girba or Caraba, description of the, Isa. xxv. 6.
Girding up of the loins, what meant by this phrase among the
ancients, Jer. i. 17.

Girdle, a very general and expensive article of dress in the
East, Prov. xxxi. 24. The girdle so essential a part of a
soldier's accoutrement, being the last he put on to make
himself ready for action, that to be girdled anciently im-
ported "to be completely armed, and ready for battle," Isa.
v. 27.

Girgashites, where these people were situated, Josh. iii. 10.
Gitagorinda, or the songs of Jayadeva, given at full length.
See the Song of Solomon, in fine.

Glass, manufacture of, known to the ancients, Deut. xxxiii.
Josh. xi. 8.

Formerly a custom in
collect the straggling
Present law of Eng-

Glean, whence derived, Ruth ii. 2.
England and Ireland for the poor to
ears of corn after the reapers, ibid.
land with respect to gleaning, ibid.
Glowing sandy plain, its deceptive appearance at a distance,
Isa. XXXV. 7. Dr. Hyde's explanation and derivation of
the original term so translated, ibid.

Goadby, author of a work entitled, "An Illustration of the
Sacred Writings," General Preface, 9.
Coat, an object of religious veneration in Egypt, 2 Chron. xi.
15. Why a symbol of the Grecian ar Macedonian power,
Dan. viii. 5.

Goat's hair of Asia Minor, Syria, Cilicia, and Phrygia,
description of the, Exod. xxv. 4.

Goat's skin used in Barbary for the carrying of meal, figs, and
raisins, Deut. xxviii. 5. All sorts of things, both dry and
liquid in Eastern countries, generally carried in a goat's or
kid's skin, ibid.

God, derivation and import of the term, Gen. i. 1, iii. 22 A
notion prevalent among the ancient Jews and heathens that
if any man saw God or his representative angel, he must

Index to the Old Testament.

surely die, Judg. vi. 29, xiii. 22. The Hebrew original of
Esther, (as it has come down to us,) remarkable for not
containing the name of God or Lord, Esth. ii., in fine.
This circumstance not true of the Septuagint version of
this book, ibid.

God the only ruler of princes, in what sense this phrase is to
be taken, 1 Sam. xxiv. 7.

God be gracious unto thee, my son! a usual form of saluta-
tion in the East from the aged and superiors to the younger
and inferiors, Gen. xliii. 29.-

God make thee as fruitful as Ephraim, and multiply thee as
Manasseh! a form of salutation still in use, Gen. xlviii. 20.
God make thee as Sarah and Rebecca! a salutation still in
use, Gen. xlviii. 20.

Gods, carrying of the, to battle, customary among most na-
tions, 2 Sam. v. 21. Whence this custom probably origi-
nated, Jer. xlviii. 7.

Goel,, import of this term, Gen. xlviii. 16; Ruth ii. 20.
Applicable to our Lord Jesus Christ in a most eminent
sense, ibid.

Gog, various conjectures concerning the person or people
intended by this name, Isa. Ixiii., in principio. Ezek.

xxxviii. 2.

Golan, one of the cities of refuge, import of the name, Josh.

xx. 7.

Gold, four Hebrew words so translated, Exod. xxv. 3; Job
xxviii. 16, 17, 19. Calculation of the value of the gold, in
British standard, which came to Solomon in one year, inde-
pendently of what the chapmen and merchants brought
him, 2 Chron. X., in fine.

Gold of Parvaim, various conjectures respecting the meaning
of the Hebrew words so translated, 2 Chron. ii. 6.
Gold chain, in several nations, the emblem of civil authority,
Gen. xli. 42; Psa. lxxiii. 6; Prov. i. 9.

Golden Psalm, the meaning of, see on Psa. xvi. 1, and in
title of Psa. Ix..

Golden age, idea of the renewal of the, among the ancient
Greeks and Romans, Isa. xi. 6-8. Citations from Ferdusi
and Ibn Onein upon the same subject, ibid.
Golden bowl, what meant by this phrase, Eccles. xii. 6.
Golden Fleece, probable origin of the fable of the, Exod.

XXV. 5.

Golden image of Nebuchadnezzar, calculation of its weight
of gold, upon the supposition of its having been a circular
column of solid gold, Dan. iii. 1. Highly probable that it
was only gilt, or covered with thin plates, of gold, ibid.
Not likely that this image was in the human form, ibid.
Goliath of Gath, his extraordinary stature reduced to English
measure, 1 Sam. xvii. 4. Description of his armour,
Sam. xvii. 4-6. Probable weight of his panoply, 1 Sam.
xvii. 7.

Gomed,, rendered cubit, of very doubtful signification,
Judg. iii. 16.

Good shepherd, qualifications of a, Ezek. xxxiv. 6.
Good, (Mr. Mason) his reasons for the supposition that Moses
was the writer of the book of Job, Preface to Job.
Gopher wood, different opinions concerning the, Gen. vi. 14.
The same with the cypress, according to Bochart, ibid.
Goshen, conjecture of Jerome and others why this land was
so named, Gen. xlv. 10.

Gourd kind, fruits of the, in much request in the East, Isa.

i. 8.

Grain formerly separated from the husk, in Palestine, by the
feet of the oxen trampling among the sheaves, or by bring-
ing a rough-shod wheel over them, Prov. xx. 26.
Granite, its component parts, Psa. cv. 41.
Grapes, bunches of, grew to an extraordinary size in the pro-
mised land, Num. xiii. 23.

Grave the appointed house for the whole human family, a
most solemn truth well expressed in several quotations from
poets, ancient and modern, 1 Kings ii. 2; Job iii. 19, xxx. 23.
Great fish that swallowed up Jonah could not have been a
whale, and why, Jonah i. 17. That it was a shark, not an
improbable conjecture, ibid. Strange trifling of ancient
and modern commentators relative to this subject, Jonah

ii. 10.

Great lights, the sun and moon so called in Scripture, not
according to their bulk or solid contents, but from the pro-
portion of light they shed on the earth, Gen. i. 16.

Great sea, a term in Scripture for the Mediterranean, Dan.

vii. 4.

Greaves of brass or iron, account of this species of armour
among the ancients, 1 Sam. xvii. 6.

Greek cities declared free by the Romans, and the rapture of
the inhabitants on the occasion, as related by Livy, Psa.

cxxvi. 1.

Greeks, from whom supposed to be descended, Gen. x. 2;
Joel iii. 6.

Gregory the Great, account of this Catholic commentator,
General Preface, p. 4.

Grief, excessive, its strong effect upon the mental faculty,
Lev. x. 3. Remarkable saying of Seneca on this subject,
ibid. Passage in the Psalms in which deep-seated grief is
surprisingly expressed in the very sound of the words, Psa.
lxxxi. 13.

Grinding of corn, manner of doing this in the East, Exod.

xi. 5.

Grot between Aleppo and Bir capacious enough, according to
Tavernier, to hold near three thousand horse, Isa. ii. 19-21.
Maundrell's account of several grots of vast capacity, ibid.
Grotius, (Hugo) or Hugh le Groot, a celebrated commentator
upon the whole Scriptures, General Preface, p. 6.
Groves, plantations of, about idol temples, for the purpose of
obscene worship, Deut. xvi. 21; Isa. i. 29, 30.
Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Religion, a Deistical
work so entitled, arguments of its author purporting to
show that the promise of the Messiah is not to be gathered
from the seventh chapter of the second book of Samuel,
stated and refuted, 2 Sam. vii., in fine.


Habakkuk, some account of this prophet, Hab. i., in principio.
His style as a poet, ibid.

Habergeon, or Hauberk, description of the, Exod. xxxix. 43,
Probable derivation of the word, Neh. iy. 16. -
Hachammah,, a rabbinical memorial symbol, Masoretic
notes at the end of Deuteronomy.

Hades, image of, sometimes employed in ancient poetry, Isa.
v. 13, 14, xiii., in principio. Beautiful personification of,
Hos. xiii. 14.

Hafiz, remarkable couplet in this author something similar to
a passage in the Psalins, Psa. xxvii. 9.
Hagar, Abram's handinaid, import of her name, Gen. xvi. 1.
Hagarites, tribes of Nomade or Scenite Arabs, 1 Chron. v.


Haggai, some account of this prophet, Hag. i., in principio.
Hagiographa, what books of holy writ were known among
the Jews by this name, Zech. vii. 7.

Hail, general supposition respecting the mode of its formation,
Exod. ix. 18; Job xxxviii. 22.

Hail-storms, account of several in England and elsewhere,
Exod. ix. 18; Josh. x. 11.

Haime, (John) a preacher among the Wesleyan Methodists,
singular anecdote respecting, 2 Sam. vii., in fine.
Hair, much used in divination among the ancients, and for
purposes of superstition among the Greeks, Lev. xix. 27;
Num. vi. 18. Tearing the hair a mark of deep affliction
and distress, Josh. vii. 6; 1 Sam. iv. 12; Job i. 20; Jer.
xvi. 6.

Halimus, a species of plant, where found, Job xxx. 4.
Ham, Dr. Hales' remarks on the political condition of the
descendants of, Gen. ix., in fine.

Haman the Agagite, remarks on his offer of paying out of
his own private property into the exchequer of the Persian
monarch the enormous sum of ten thousand talents of sil-
ver, to prevent any deficiency accruing to the revenue in
consequence of the execution of the projected massacre of
the Jews, Esth. iii. 9.

Hamath, probably the famous city of Emessa, 2 Sam. viii. 9;

Amos vi. 2.

Hammond, (Dr. Henry) account of this commentator, Gene-
ral Preface, p. 7.

Hananiah, import of the name, Dan. i. 7.
Hand in the clouds, all the appearances of God thus repre-
sented in a very ancient manuscript of the Septuagint, Dan.

x. 10.

Hand placed on the head, a mark of deep sorrow occasioned
by utter desolation, Jer. ii. 37.

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