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(Until I take him, as I late found thee,

Cursing and swearing) I have no power to touch.

San. Work on his corn and cattle then.

Dog. I shall.

The WITCH OF EDMONTON shall see his fall;
If she at least put credit in my power,
And in mine only; make orisons to me,
And none but me.

Saw. Say how, and in what manner.
Dog. I'll tell thee: when thou wishest ill,
Corn, man, or beast wouldst spoil or kill;
Turn thy back against the sun,

And mumble this short orison:
If thou to death or shame pursue 'em,
*Sanctibicetur nomen tuum.

Saw. If thou to death or shame pursue
Sanctibicetur nomen tuum.


Dog. Perfect farewell! Our first-made pro


We'll put in execution against Banks.

[Exit. Saw. Contaminetur nomen tuum. I'm an expert


Speak Latin, or I know not well what language, As well as the best of 'em-but who comes here?

* A few of our readers may require to be told, that these Latin words, (with a slight change which is introduced on purpose,) form the second member of the Lord's Prayer. Instead of the Latin word corresponding to "hallowed," the witch is made to use one, which implies the very reverse.

+ Contaminetur, &c. I'm an expert scholar.] Pretty well for a beginner. This jargon is put into the mouths of the speakers for the laudable purpose of avoiding all profanation of the sacred text.-GIFFORD.


The son of my worst foe.
To death pursue 'em,

And sanctabacetur nomen tuum.

Cud. What's that she mumbles? the devil's paternoster? would it were else!-Mother Sawyer, good-morrow.


Saw. Ill-morrow to thee, and all the world that flout

poor old woman.

To death pursue 'em,

Et sanctabacetur nomen tuum.

Cud. Nay, good gammer Sawyer, whate'er it pleases my father to call you, I know you areSaw. A witch.

Cud. A witch? would you were else, i'faith!
Saw. Your father knows I am, by this.
Cud. I would he did!

Saw. And so in time may you.

Cud. I would I might else! But witch or no witch, you are a motherly woman; and though my father be a kind of God-bless-us, as they say, I have an earnest suit to you; and if you'll be so kind to ka me one good turn, I'll be so courteous to kob you another.*


Saw. What's that? to spurn, beat me, and call me witch,

[blocks in formation]

*If you'll be so kind to ka me one good turn, I'll be so courteous to kob you another.] "Ka me, ka thee," (i. e. claw me and I'll claw you) was the old proverb, before it fell into the hands of Cuddy, who is so desperately witty, that he can let no plain expression alone.-GIFford.

Cud. My father! I am ashamed to own him. If he has hurt the head of thy credit, there's money to buy thee a plaster; (gives her money) and a small courtesy I would require at thy hands.

Saw. You seem a good young man, and—I must dissemble,

The better to accomplish my revenge.-(Aside.) But for this silver, what wouldst have me do? Bewitch thee?

Cud. No, by no means; I am bewitch'd already: I would have thee so good as to unwitch me, or witch another with me for company.

Saw. I understand thee not; be plain, my son. Cud. As a pike-staff, mother. You know Kate Carter?

San. The wealthy yeoman's daughter? what of her?

Cud. That same party has bewitch'd me.
Saw. Bewitch'd thee?

Cud. Bewitch'd me, hisce auribus. I saw a little devil fly out of her eye like a but-bolt,* which sticks at this hour up to the feathers in my heart. Now, my request is, to send one of thy whatd'ye-call-'ems, either to pluck that out, or stick another as fast in her's: do, and here's my hand, I am thine for three lives.

Saw. We shall have sport. (Aside.)—Thou art in love with her?

Cud. Up to the very hilts, mother.

Saw. And thou wouldst have me make her love thee too?

like a but-bolt.] The strong, unbarbed arrow used by the citizens in shooting at the but."-GIFFORD.

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Cud. I think she'll prove a witch in earnest. (Aside.)—Yes, I could find in my heart to strike her three quarters deep in love with me too.

Saw. But dost thou think that I can do't, and I alone?

Cud. Truly, mother witch, I do verily believe so; and, when I see it done, I shall be half per

suaded so too.

Saw. It is enough; what art can do, be sure of. Turn to the west, and whatsoe'er thou hear'st Or seest, stand silent, and be not afraid.

[She stamps on the ground; the DoG ap

pears, and fawns, and leaps upon her. Cud. Afraid, mother witch!- -" turn my face to the west!" I said I should always have a backfriend of her; and now it's out. An her little devil should be hungry,-Tis woundy cold sureI dudder and shake like an aspen leaf every joint

of me.

Saw. To scandal and disgrace pursue 'em,

Et sanctabicetur nomen tuum. [Exit Doc. How now, my son, how is't?

Cud. Scarce in a clean life, mother witch. -But did your goblin and you spout Latin together? Saw. A kind of charm I work by; didst thou

hear me?

Cud. I heard I know not the devil what mumble in a scurvy base tone, like a drum that had taken cold in the head the last muster. Very comfortable words; what were they? and who taught them you?

Saw. A great learned man.

Cud. Learned man! learned devil it was as




But what? what comfortable news about the party?

Saw. Who? Kate Carter? I'll tell thee. Thou know'st the stile at the west end of thy father's pease-field; be there to-morrow night after sunset; and the first live thing thou seest, be sure to follow, and that shall bring thee to thy love.

Cud. In the pease-field? has she a mind to codlings already?* The first living thing I meet, you say, shall bring me to her?

Saw. To a sight of her, I mean. She will seem wantonly coy, and flee thee; but follow her close and boldly: do but embrace her in thy arms once, and she is thine own.

Cud. At the stile, at the west-end of my father's pease-land, the first live thing I see, follow and embrace her, and she shall be thine." Nay, an I come to embracing once, she shall be mine; I'll go near to make a taglet else. [Exit. Saw. A ball well bandied! now the set's half

[blocks in formation]


Car. How now, gentlemen! cloudy? I know, master Warbeck, you are in a fog about my daughter's marriage.

*Codlings.] By codlings, are meant young pease; so common was the word in this sense, that the women who gathered pease for the London markets were called codders; a name which they still retain.-GIFFord.

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