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I am the church bell.

I am very large.

I live in the belfry.

Do you know the belfry?

My voice is very loud.

It is very sweet, too.

Do you know my voice?

Do you know me from other bells?
I call you to church.

I want you to hear me.

You can hear me a long, long way. ·
I speak to you often.

I speak to you most often on Sunday.
What do I say to you, little boy?
What do I say to you, little girl?
This is what I try to say:-


Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all

creatures here below; Praise him

a bove


heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

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I am the school bell.

I live in a belfry, too.

You all know my voice.

It is very loud and very clear.
You can hear me a long way.

I call you to school.

I speak to you on five days

of the week.

Here are their names.

Monday, Tuesday,


Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

On Saturday and Sunday I am still.
Why do I not call you then?
What do I say to you, children?
"Come, children. Come, come, come!

It is school time, children.

You must not be late.

Never, never, be late at school.
Come to school! Come to school!
Hurry, children! Hurry! Hurry!
O, hear! O, hear!

So sweet, so clear!
Come here, my dear!

My dear, come here!"

This is what I say, over and over.

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How many days in a week?

Name the first day of the week.

Name the second day.

What is the third day?

What is the fourth day?

Name the fifth day.

Name the sixth day.

What is the seventh day?

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