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Higher Local.


Translate into English:

Sombre 93, épouvantable année,

De lauriers et de sang, grande ombre couronnée
Du fond des temps passés ne te relève pas !
Ne te relève point pour contempler nos guerres ;
Car nous sommes des nains à côté de nos pères,
Et ta pitié rirait de nos maigres combats.
Oh! nous n'avons plus rien de ton antique flamme,
Plus de force au poignet, plus de vigueur dans l'âme,
Plus d'ardente amitié pour les peuples vaincus,
Et quand parfois au cœur, il nous vient une haine,
Nous devenons poussifs, et nous n'avons d'haleine
Que pour trois jours au plus.


2. Conjugate vaincre and devenir. What auxiliary do they take in their compound tenses?

3. Form interrogative sentences (in two ways) with the, following: "Nous n'avons plus rien de ton antique flamme;" "il nous vient une haine;' ""Je lui chante une ravissante romance;" "Il s'écria: au secours.".

4. Give the respective genders of: intention, difficulté, fenêtre, chêne, lumière. State rules.

5. Explain historically the forms moi, je, ceux, dont, also the form of the verbs avoir and être in Imperative and Future.

6. Give with examples the rules of Syntax, which govern the words tout, used as noun, pronoun, adjective, and adverb; quelque, used as adjective and adverb.

7. Écrivez en français une biographie de La Bruyère.

8. Translate into French: The day of the coronation took place; lords and ladies, churchmen and commoners, in fact, all who could gain admittance, came to pay their respects to the new monarch. Amongst the crowd were seen Falstaff and the magistrate, the one expecting great favour from his jovial master, the other foreboding an unpleasant interview.



Junior and Senior Paper.




1. Translate :-

A certain lawyer once lived at Marseilles. Such was his eloquence that he got the credit of being able to persuade the judges as he wished. It happened that a highwayman, a most worthless fellow, was on the point of being charged with killing a traveller and appropriating his money. As it was well known that the lawyer I have mentioned had received a retainer to speak against the robber, the friends of the latter promised to give him a large sum of money provided he would refrain from speaking when the accusation was brought against the criminal. The end of it was, he held his tongue. He could not, however, conceal the fact, for, on asking another what his fee had been, and on getting his answer, he exclaimed, "Why, I got more for holding my tongue!"

2. Give the two plurals, with the difference in meaning, of the following words: Das Band, das Gesicht, die Schnur, das Land, der Mond, die Bank, der Laden. Also give the rule for the plural of measures.

3. What case do nach, durch, bei, für, um, aus, von, gegen, wider take?

4. Translate :

Der Englische König Georg der Erste reiste durch ein holländisches Städtchen. Während man umspannte setzte er sich vor die Thür eines Gasthauses und forderte drei frische Eier. Als er fragte, was er für die Eier schuldig sei, bekam er die Antwort "Zweihundert Gulden." 66 Wie," sagte der König ganz erstaunt, "sind denn hier die Eier so selten? "Um Vergebung, Sire," versetzte der Wirth mit tiefer Verbeugung, "es giebt hier Eier genug, aber Könige sind hier so selten."

5. Translate:-Culturgeschichtliche Novellen, p. 110, "Umsonst," to p. 112, "erklärt habe."

6. Give English equivalents for: "Er wird bald vom Lachen in's Weinen kommen. Was sind das für Leute?

Was sind das für Leute?

Man meint ihr


seiet von gestern. Einem das Wort am Munde abschneiden. Einen Trumpf darauf setzen. Darauf kommt alles an. hinter's Ohr schreiben."

7. Decline der Graf, das Feld, die Angst, der Nachbar.

For Seniors only.

8. Translate Hermann and Dorothea, p. 82, " Also sprachen," to p. 83,"es ist nun geschehen, Also p. 85,"Eilig," to "Einspruch."

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9. Write in German a short sketch of the poem Hermann and Dorothea without referring to the book. At what time of life did Goethe write it?

Higher Local.


1. Translate :

My father was waiting for me in the hall, and we went up to his room, and we both cried very much. I remember he told me to take warning by seeing the prison, and to observe that when a man had one hundred pounds to spend and spent one hundred and one, he would be wretched. I see the fire we sat before now; there were two bricks, one on either side of the hearth, to prevent its burning too many logs. Some of the other debtors shared the room with my father, who came in by and by, and as dinner was now ready, I was sent upstairs to ask another prisoner to lend me a fork. He did so, and I enjoyed my dinner very much.

2. Put into modern German and English :

Iz schînit vol, sprach die kuningin,

daz ich nicht sêlich ne bin,

nu her mîn nicht wil gesehen.
machtu mir die schô geven,
durch des herren hulde,
die vull ich dir mit golde.
schîre wart der kouf getân.
sie zôch dene guldînen an

unde nam dene silverînen schôch.

der ginc an den selven vôz.

(i). Can you say anything of the change to which "ch" is subjected, and is there any instance in this passage of a change known as Umlaut?

(ii). Can you point out any curious contraction in it?

3. Translate Göthe's Faust, Prolog im Himmel.

4. Did Göthe follow the old legend and Puppenspiel in writing Faust? Give a short sketch of the drama.

5. How did Göthe stand with regard to the Hainbund and Sturm und Drang men? Had they any influence on his works? 6. Give the derivation and force of the prefixes be, ent, er, and ge, and conjugate erhalten, sich befleissen and vorziehen.

7. What parts of speech are derselbe and derjenige? Is there any difference in the way in which they are used? Decline them, and the relative pronouns der and welcher. In what does the former differ in declension from the demonstrative pronoun?

8. Give the possessive adjectives corresponding to the personal pronouns. Say how they are declined, and what effect they have on adjectives following them.

9. Write a short sketch of the lives of Gleim, Ramler, and Hamann. Name one principal work of each.


Junior, Senior, and Higher Local.

Junior Work, Nos. 1-10 inclusive.
Senior Work, Nos. 5-14 inclusive.

Higher Local Work, Nos. 6—18 inclusive.

1. How many sovereigns are there in one hundred and ninetysix millions two hundred and eighty-eight thousand three hundred and twenty farthings?

2. A field of 3 acres, 32 poles, 17 sq. yards is divided into allotments for 140 workmen, how much does each receive?

3. How much do I spend if I buy 1,000 oranges at 2 for three-halfpence, and 50 eggs at 1s. 3d. a score?

4. What is an aliquot part? Explain your answer by finding the value of 9 ozs. 15 dwts. 12 grs. of gold at 15s. 6d. per oz.

5. Find the square of 979. Define a cube. What is the cube of 763?

[blocks in formation]

7. Divide 123-0075 by 5.25, and multiply the quotient by


Divide (i) 0008972; (ii) 89.72; (iii) 8972 by '0000024.

8. Express 19s. 6d. as the decimal of £10; and as a fraction of £7 178. 74d.

Reduce 0110491 ton to ounces.

9. If of of a legacy be worth £58 15s. 4d., what would be the worth of each share if the whole legacy were divided among 3 persons?

10. If £64 will keep 48 children in a Home for 16 days, how many children can be kept for 19 days on £61 15s.?

11. What is the present worth of £78 38. 4d., due 3 years hence at 5% ?

12. What will be the amount of £576 10s. 6d. in 5 years at 4 %. compound interest?

13. What is the principal, which amounts to £39,021 10s. 7.7184d. in 3 years, at 4 % compound interest?

14. A piece of work must be finished in 11 days; after A has worked alone for 5 days of 9 hours of the whole is done. B joins him on the 6th day, and for 4 days of 8 hours they work together and do s more. With C's help they finish the whole in time by working 7 hours per day. How many days of 10 hours would it have taken C to do the work alone?


15. Which is the better investment, a 4 per cent. stock at 863, or a 5 per cent. at 904?

16. Three men rent a field of 47 acres, 3 roods, at £2 10s. per acre. A puts in 6 cows and 2 horses, B 4 cows and 7 horses, C 2 cows and 10 horses; what share of the rent must each pay, supposing the relative cost of feeding 1 horse and 1 cow is as 1 to?



17. A train travelling 40 miles an hour leaves London at 9.10, and gains of a mile per minute on a luggage train which left at 6.31. At what time, and at what distance, will the former pass the latter?

18. Find 5670223354368.

(The answers to the December questions will appear in the January number).

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