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1. Translate Picciola II., p. 125, 1. 15 to 1. 40; also p. 171, chapter x., page 172, l. 1—7.

2. Translate into English :

“Le bel-esprit est un feu follet qui brille sans consumer; c'est une lumière qui éclate pendant quelques moments, et qui s'éteint d'elle-même par le défaut de nourriture; c'est une superficie agréable, mais sans profondeur et sans solidité ; c'est une imagination vive, ennemie de la sûreté du jugement; une conception prompte qui rougit d'attendre le conseil salutaire de la réflexion; une facilité de parler qui saisit avidement les premières pensées, et qui ne permet jamais aux secondes de leur donner leur perfection et leur maturité."

3. Give the principal tenses of the verbs in Italics above, and state the rule concerning verbs ending in “indre” in the Infinitive.

4. Write the plural of: bel-esprit, feu, giving, at the same time, the rules for forming the plural of nouns and compound


5. Nouns ending by eur, ion, té, ière are of what gender? Give examples taken from the above translation with any exceptions you know.

6. Translate into French the following idioms:

Do not trouble yourself about me. I know my way. I am very sorry to have caused you all that trouble. Are you in trouble? You are talking of things you know nothing about. Your sister has very much grown; she is a head taller than her brother. You have a hard task if you undertake to correct all the faults of that child. Has she the toothache? No, but her head aches frightfully sometimes.

7. Translate into French :

“We have all been very sorry, my dear Daisy, to hear of your mother's illness, and we sincerely hope and pray so that she may speedily recover. You know fully well all the sympathy we feel for you in times of trouble. My eldest sister, just back from the Continent, tells me to offer her services to help to nurse your mother. Answer me as soon as possible. You may be sure we are all anxious here to have better news. With sincere love to you and your dear mother, Ever yours."



1. Translate into English:

"Tout le quai était jonché de paquets de verdure, de paniers de fruits, de volailles liées deux à deux et battant des ailes par terre en piaillant. Devant leur étalage, paysannes et paysans bretons, alignés tout debout, les bras ballants, attendaient tranquilles et muets qu'il leur vint quelque pratique. Pas de hâte, pas le moindre appel aux passants. Pour faire contraste, une foule de petits forains, l'éventaire chargé de cravates, de portemonnaie, d'épingles ou de bagues, circulaient bruyamment, en proposant leur marchandise. Des matelots de tous les pays, des petites bourgeoises de St. Nazaire, des femmes d'ouvriers ou d'employés de la Compagnie, se hâtaient dans le marché où le coq du Cydnus achevait de ramasser ses dernières provisions. Roudic apprit par lui que Blanchet était à bord, et furieux parcequ'il n'avait pas son compte de chauffeurs."

2. Conjugate the verbs in Italics, giving the rules concerning


3. What remarks are to be made on the verbs chargé, liées, achevait.

4. Distinguish between the use of the Passé Défini and of the Imparfait. Give illustrations of your answer.

5. Correct the following sentences, where necessary, and give the reason of your corrections

"Le coq gaulois a fait place aux aigles impériaux. Les hymnes les plus harmonieux sont ceux des poètes grecs. On peut préparer un couple de pigeons pour un déjeûner de famille. Les mille voix des orgues harmonieux font mes plus chers délices.

6. Write in the plural, if any, giving the gender and the English, the following words:"Epidémie, platine, ténèbres, oasis, éclair, image, nacre, noix, amadou, éloge, éventail, paroi, patère, outre, ouvrage, horloge, and ivoire."

7. Translate into English Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme, Act II.,

Sc. iii.

8. Translate into English Picciola, II., c. viii., p. 125, 1. 15 to 40.

[blocks in formation]

One of my sisters has the measles; we have a doctor who stays every day half-an-hour with her. It is said that a Scotchman always reasons before he fights, that an Irishman fights before he reasons, and that an Englishman would do one or the other, according to circumstances.

Higher Local.


1. Quels sont les principes fondamentaux de la phonétique? 2. Derive Désormais, ensuite, tandis, beaucoup, guère, danger, destrier, forêt, gant, étable, coudre, neige.

3. Name with illustrations the four rules in which the noun is preceded by the preposition de, instead of being as generally preceded by an article.

4. State the Syntax of compound adjectives formed by an adjective and a noun, and by two adjectives.

5. Distinguish (with sentences illustrating your answer) a reflective from a reciprocal verb.

6. Which verbs of the fourth conjugation are regular? Distinguish them by their ending.

7. By which prepositions are the tenses of the Infinitive mood governed?

8. How do you recognize that de or à must be used before infinitive ?

9. Translate into English:

"Misérable! et je vis! et je soutiens la vue
De ce sacré Soleil dont je suis descendue?
J'ai pour aïeul le père et le maître des dieux :
Le ciel, tout l'univers est plein de mes aïeux :
Où me cacher? Fuyons dans la nuit infernale!
Mais que dis-je! Mon père y tient l'urne fatale:
Le sort, dit-on, l'a mise en ses sévères mains;
Minos juge aux enfers tous les pâles humains.
Ah! combien frémira son ombre épouvantée,
Lorsqu'il verra sa fille, à ses yeux présentée,
Contrainte d'avouer tant de forfaits divers,

Et des crimes peut-être inconnus aux Enfers!

10. From what work is the above quotation taken? Give a short sketch of the work, and write in French the author's biography.

11. Translate into French:—

"Leonardo Da Vinci seems to present in his own person a résumé of all the characteristics of the age in which he lived. He was the miracle of that age of miracles. Ardent and versatile as youth; patient and persevering as age; a most profound and original thinker; the greatest mathematician and most ingenious mechanic of his time; architect, chemist, engineer, musician, poet, painter! We are not only astounded by the variety of his natural gifts and acquired knowledge, but by the practical direction of his amazing powers."





1. Translate-George Washington, the son the son of a rich Virginian planter, showed even in early youth strong signs of mind and courage, especially in the Anglo-French war, which arose over the disputed boundaries on the Ohio, and devastated both worlds for seven years. Yet ere it was ended, Washington retired into the quiet life of a planter, from which he was only roused by the breaking out of the movement against England. Full of patriotic zeal he now called the men of Virginia to the banner of the Fatherland; and formed, using his own fortune for the purpose, a considerable army of volunteers.

2. What sort of verbs are regnen, schneien, frieren, hageln, blitzen, donnern, thauen. Give the different parts of each. 3. Translate:-What sort of weather is it to-day? Cut me a small piece of bread, if you please. Which is the nearest way to London? How many rooms do you want? I should like very much to go to the play, but I have not time. Have you pen, ink, and paper? I have amused myself very much.

4. In what do the strong and weak conjugations of verbs differ? Give a broad idea of how to classify verbs under either head, and instances of each.

5. Translate: Culturgeschichtliche Novellen, p. 77 to p. 79, "gekannt."

(i.) What part of the verb is, hätte, wiederkäme, sähe, hörte, fände, käme, and decline the personal pronouns, ich, du, er, sie.

6. Give the English equivalents for-Ein witziger Kopf. Von der Leber weg sprechen. Einen in Grund und Boden spotten. Er wird schon kommen. Ihm thut kein Zahn mehr weh. Er macht gern schlechte Witze. Was habe ich verbrochen? Nichts hat er gesündigt.

7. Translate :-Menrad nahm das Kerzenlicht vom Tische, und der Graf folgte ihm in die Kammer an das Bett seines Sohnes. Der Kleine schlief so sanft, wie die Unschuld, und sah so schön aus, wie ein Engel. Der Graf konnte ihn an dem Glanze des Lichtes nicht genug betrachten. "Da trifft es wohl recht zu," sagte Menrad, "Gott giebt seinen Kindern ihr Glück im Schlaf." Dem Grafen aber traten die Thränen in die Augen. Ach," sagte er, "als ich in den Krieg zog war er ein weinendes Kindlein, und jetzt ist er ein holder Knabe. Heinrich, liebster Heinrich," rief er hierauf, und nahm den Knaben bei der Hand, und küsste ihn sanft. "Wache auf, sieh, dein Vater ist da."


8. Conjugate the verbs zutreffen and betrachten.





1. Translate

One day Dean Swift, wishing to go out, asked for his boots. The servant brought them. "Hallo, why are they not cleaned?" asked the Dean. 66 Why, sir, as you are going to dirty them at once, I did not think it worth while to clean them," replied the man. Just as Swift was going out, the servant came and asked him for the key of the larder. "What for?" asked Swift. "To get my breakfast, sir," was the answer. "Why, you will be hungry again in a couple of hours," said his master, "and it is not worth while to eat just now." This was a smart answer


2. By what terminations are adverbs generally formed, and what are the four forms of the superlative adverb?

3. Junior Paper, Nos. 3, 4, and 8.

4. Translate-Culturgeschichtliche Novellen, p. 94, "Guillemain," to p. 95, "wanden.

5. Where is the scene of this tale laid? Who was the prince alluded to? What revolution is spoken of? Give a very short historical sketch.

6. Translate Hermann und Dorothea, p. 70, "Schweigend," to p. 71, "einsehn," and p. 76, "Was du siehst," to end of p. 77

7. Give English equivalents for

"Und er würde vielleicht vom schlechteren Diener befriedigt, Der dies wusste zu nutzen, und würde dem Besseren gram seyn." “Unsere Nachbarn, die Franken, in ihren früheren Zeiten Hielten auf Höflichkeit viel."

"Also sprach sie, und eben gelangten sie unter den Birnbaum. "Ich schlag' es nicht ab, denn überall dienet das Mädchen." "Auf das Mauerchen setzten Beide sich nieder des Quelles." "Deinetwegen kam ich hierher."

"Ihr werdet, so lang sie der Wirthschaft sich annimmt, Nicht die Schwester vermissen."

8. What are factitive verbs, and how are they formed? Give some instances.

9. What sort of nouns generally have what are called "borrowed plurals," and how are these plurals got?. Give instances.

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