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Higher Local.

TRANSLATION, GRAMMAR, PHILOLOGY, LITERATURE 1650-1700. 1. Give the English of :

"La plupart des Réformés marchaient la nuit, à travers des sentiers écartés et s'enfermaient le jour de caverne en caverne, ils avaient des itinéraires tout tracés pour cette nouvelle espèce de voyage; ils prenaient toutes sortes de déguisements, bergers, pélerins, soldats, chasseurs, valets, marchands, mendiants. C'étaient toujours des fugitifs. Plusieurs pour se garantir mieux de tout soupçon feignirent de vendre des rosaires et des chapelets. La voie de mer facilita l'évasion d'une foule de Réformés. Ils se cachaient dans des ballots de marchandises, dans des tonneaux, sous des monceaux de charbon. Ils s'entassaient dans des trous à fond de cale, et il y eut des enfants qui passèrent des semaines entières dans ces insupportables cachettes, sans pousser un seul cri de peur de se trahir."

2. Point out the chief differences in the grammatical construction of Latin and Modern French. Show how old French formed a connecting link between the two.

3. Derive oui, dans, l'heure, encre, verre, épaule, bonheur., 4. Translate first into English, then into modern French the following, making comments on the words underlined.

Se fortune vous fait aucune injure

C'est de son droit, jà ne l'en reprenez,
Et perdissiez jusques à la vesture

Car vous n'aviez riens quand vous fustes nez.

Alain Chartier.

5. Translate into French :— He has recovered his sight. His brother pinched her arm until it bled. And state the rule of syntax to be observed here.

6. State with illustrations the difference between ombrageux and ombreux, vénéneux and venimeux, ouvrier and ouvrable, oisif and oiseux, capable and susceptible, matinal, matineux and matinier, tous les deux and tous deux, de suite and tout de suite.

7. Write in French a short biography of Regnard or Montaigne; or an essay Sur l'Organisation d'une Salle d'Asile; or: Sur la Guerre.

8. Translate into French:

My father died, when I was about seven years old, and left me to the care of four guardians. I was sent to various schools, great and small; and was very early distinguished for my classical attainments, especially for my knowledge of Greek. At thirteen I wrote Greek with ease; and at fifteen my command of that language was so great, that I not only composed Greek verses in lyric metres, but could converse in Greek fluently, and without embarrassment.



1. Translate:— Culturgeschichtliche Novellen, p. 53, "Die ärztliche Consultation " to p. 55. "Schweigen abzuwarten."

2. Translate :—

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"Der Engel, der die Blumen verpflegt und in stiller Nacht den Thau darauf träufelt, schlummerte an einem Frühlingstage im Schatten eines Rosenstrauchs. Und als er erwachte, da sprach er mit freundlichem Antlitz, Lieblichstes meiner Kinder, ich danke dir für deinen erquickenden Wohlgeruch und für deinen kühlenden Schatten. Könntest du dir noch etwas erbitten, wie gern würd' ich es dir gewähren.' So schmücke mich mit einem neuen Reize,' flehte darauf der Geist des Rosenstrauchs. Und der Blumenengel schmückte die Königin der Blumen mit einfachem Moose. Lieblich stand sie da in bescheidenem Schmuck, die Moosrose, die schönste ihres Geschlechts.

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(i) Decline the nouns in Italics.

(ii) Give the principal parts of, sprechen, danken, schlummern, erbitten, erwecken, verpflegen, and state anything you know of the use of gewähren.

3. Name the relative pronouns, decline them, and give any peculiarities of use.

4. Translate :

Tell him the news before he hears it from others. When everything was far ahead you had courage and resolution, and now, when success is at hand you begin to falter. It is half-past nine. At what time will you come to-morrow? I shall soon see. 5. Translate:

Martin's breakfast had been delayed, now he has made up his mind to have a good one. He goes to the larder. A store of rosy apples is laid on a shelf; he picks out three.

He next

chooses a slice of ham, some cold pie, a veal cutlet, and a nice jug of fresh cream. With these in his possession he runs upstairs to his own room, and locks himself in. We may picture to ourselves the cook's anger when she discovers the theft.

6. Give the difference in meaning between der Hut and die Hut, der Kunde and die Kunde, der Bauer and das Bauer, der Messer and das Messer. Are the plurals in each case the same. ? 7. Give the three forms of possessive pronouns, and show by instances when each should be used.

3. Translate:

Ein paar Häuser sind abgebrannt. Der da und ich, wir sind ans England. Ich weiss nicht ob du oder er es gethan hat. Es sind nicht alle frei, die ihrer Ketten spotten.

9. Give a list of separable and inseparable prefixes of verbs, each with a verb.

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(ii) What does "s" mean after "sind" in the first line? Explain the construction and give the principal parts of singst, spricht, gelöset, bekehren, bringt, dringt.

2. Translate-Culturgeschichtliche Novellen, p. 69, from "als er folgenden Tages," to p. 71, "Doktor." 3. Give English equivalents for:

Etwas fällt mir schwer.

Bei einer Wahl durchfallen. Er

gab vor, krank zu sein. Mit langer Nase abfahren. Das Blatt wendet sich. Auf die Hecke klopfen. Das lass ich mir nicht abstreiten. An den Nagel hängen.

4. Translate Hermann und Dorothea, p. 52, " Von dem würdigen Dunkel," to "den wir gefahren," and p. 62," Da versetzte,” to p. 64, "beschämt."

5. (i) What sort of nouns are, der Flüchtige, der Dürftige, der Glückliche, das Neue, and how are they declined?

(ii) Decline die Seele, der kluge Gesandte, herrlicher Mann. 6. Junior Paper, Nos. 6 and 8.

7. Translate :

"Then the old man looked at the graceful boy with loving eyes, and as he did so a beam of serene joy flew over his noble countenance. He took the bent curly head of his grandson tenderly between his two hands, and said, "God bless thee my son with his best blessing. May He give thee ever a pious heart, and grant thee strength to do what thou knowest to be right. Then wilt thou bear His peace about in thy heart. All will go well with thee, and thou wilt be the joy of thy parents.'

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8. Construct sentences showing when An, Auf, Neben, In, Hinter, Ueber, Zwischen, Vor, and Unter, govern the Accusative, and when the Dative.


Higher Local.

A.D. 1770-1830.

1. Translate into German :

Would that I were rich that I might help you. I ought to have finished long ago. He told me he was just going to leave for America. The soldiers came riding into the town.

2. Write out the verb lassen (N.B., give only the 1st pers. sing. of compound tenses), and give the principal parts of vergelten, hauen, kriechen, sieden, beten, bieten, bitten. Give the rule for forming the imperfect subj. of strong verbs.

3. What do you understand by "Grimm's Law"?

4. Account for the following irregularities of Declension: die Form takes plur. Formen; der Glaube takes genitive Glaubens. 6. Translate:

(i) "Er gedâht' ouch manege zîte:
Ze Wormze bî dem Rîne

in diende von ir landen
mit lobelîchen êren

si sturben jæmerlîche sínt

(a) By what has the accent


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wie sol daz gescehen si wonden mit ir kraft. vil stolzin ritterscaft

unz an ir endes zît,

von zweier edelen frouwen nît.""

been replaced?

(ii) Götz von Berlichingen, Act I., Sc. 3. Weislingen: Wozu soll das Alles.

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to end.

(iii) "Aus dem ganz ungeschickten, kaum lesbaren Buche des fränkischen Ritters, welches unter allen literarischen Erscheinungen des 16. Jarhunderts zu den untergeordnetsten gehört, und sich sogar noch bei weitem nicht mit den Denkwürdigkeiten des Hans von Schweinichen messen kann, sog Goethe, der es, worauf viel Gewicht zu legen ist, völlig absichtslos gelesen und sich an demselben geistig genährt hatte, mit einer bewundernswürdigen Assimilationskraft den wahren, lebendigen Geist des 16. Jarhunderts, und stellte uns aus demselben Figuren in seinem Drama auf, welche an historischer Treue und poetischer Frische, an Volksmässigkeit und an Zartheit Alles übertreffen, was jemals bei uns in ähnlicher Weise darzustellen versucht worden ist."- Vilmar.

7. Write a short account of Herder and his works.

8. Describe briefly the state of "religion, politics, and literature" at the beginning of this period.

9. Senior Paper, No. 7.


Junior, Senior, and Higher Local.

Junior Work, Nos. 1-10 inclusive.

Senior Work, Nos. 6-16 inclusive.

Higher Local Work, Nos. 6-19 inclusive.

1. Divide twenty thousand nine hundred and eighty-four million six hundred and four thousand into one thousand and four equal parts. Prove your answer.

2. How many gas lamps, placed 22 yards apart, would be required to light a city which has 40 miles of streets?

3. Multiply 17 cwt. 1 qr. 27 lb. 9 oz. by 729, and divide the result by 27.

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5. Express in their lowest terms, 22189 and 27149.

6. Simplify:



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7. Reduce to Decimals,,,; and to Vulgar Fractions

3.16, 144, 4.0064, 101, 1.234.

8. Simplify: (i) 1·02 + 16·003·114+0006 — ⚫0000156. (ii) 3.02 × 1.006 × 23.

(iii) 13.0143 ÷ 1.0011; 1000 ÷ 00000002.

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