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General Paper.

1. Give the various meanings of the term law, with examples of each.

2. Is Logic a science or an art? In your answer show clearly the distinction in meaning between these two terms.

3. "What is the subject of Logic?" Answer this question, and give any other answers different from your own which have been given to it.

4. Explain the following terms-proposition, copula, general notion, premise, conclusion, term, method.

Make some

5. Show clearly the distinction between singular and general terms, and between concrete and abstract terms. examples of pairs of concrete and abstract terms.

6. Say of the following terms whether they are (i) categorematic or syncategorematic, (ii) collective or distributive, (iii) positive, negative, or privative, (iv) relative or absolute, (v) concrete or abstract-Empire, thunder, lightning, sound, distribution, logic, history, troop, soldier, Frederick the Great, germ, harmony, heaven, union, confederate, confederation, fault, faulti


7. Explain the difference between univocal and equivocal terms, and point out some of the causes for the ambiguity of terms.

8. Explain fully this proposition :-"As the intension of a term is increased, the extension is decreased."

If it is true that "a non-connotative term is one which signifies a subject only, or an attribute only, a connotative term is one which denotes a subject, and implies an attribute," give your opinion as to whether proper names, adjectives, and abstract terms are connotative or non-connotative.

9. What is meant by the terms generalization and specialization? Take six words in common use, and trace their history through generalization or specialization.

French History.

The Examiner in French History particularly requests that an hour of each day may be devoted to the careful study of a portion of the month's Historical Section, reading the whole, and always making a written analysis of the portion studied. The questions are intended to mark chief points to be noted, and not to form the basis of the Student's work, which is futile unless thoroughly general.

(a) GENERAL HISTORY, 987—1137; (b) SPECIAL, 1494—1512.


1. Hugh Capet is said to have created a new dynasty. How far was this so? Give some exposition of the Feudal System in France at this period. Connect with it religion, chivalry, and literature.

2. Discuss the state of anarchy in France which preceded the year 1040. To what do you attribute its main cause? Give some account of the first Crusade. How far do you consider these Crusades were beneficial to Europe, or otherwise?

3. Connect with French history (i) Hildebrand, (ii) St. Bernard, (iii) Abelard.


4. Comment on the situation of Italy and Sicily, and the origin and results of the Franco-Italian War during the years 1494-1499.

5. Discuss the position of French affairs during the war with Naples, prior to the year 1503.

6. Write a short account of the Papal League, culminating with the Battle of Ravenna, 1512.

Constitutional History.

Higher Local.

1. Describe, as definitely as you can, the Anglo-Saxon system of Local Courts.

2. Compare the constitution and functions of the Witan with those of our modern Parliament.

3. Examine the nature of the Anglo-Saxon kingship.

4. Account for the absence of Roman elements in our institutions.

5. Give a brief history of the Danish invasions. What constitutional results had they?

6. Explain concisely the following words :-Ordeal, wer-gild, sac and soc, king's theyn, ceorl, fyrd, heptarchy, Bretwalda.

Political Economy.


1. Define Political Economy. Of what use is the study?

2. Explain fully what is meant by saying a country or individual is rich.

3. Distinguish between Productive and Unproductive Labour. Under which head would you place the following:-(i) The labour of a pastrycook, (ii) the labour of an organ-grinder?

4. Define the following terms-utility, commodity, consumption, and show that consumption for its own sake is not an advantage.

5. Would you include the following under the term Wealth: -A cannon ball, the Thames Embankment, a poetic talent, a box at the opera? Give fully the reasons for your opinion.

Political Economy.

Higher Local.

Time-paper-Two Hours.

1. Distinguish between wealth and well-being. How is a country affected in these particulars by (i) increase in railways, (ii) the establishment of art schools?

2. Explain fully the nature of the services which labour renders to production.

3. Distinguish between productive and unproductive labour. Under which head would you class the following :-The labour of (i) a Royal Academician, (ii) a gardener, (iii) a member of parliament, (iv) a soldier in time of peace?

4. Define capital, and discuss the effect produced on capital by the miser and spendthrift respectively.

5. Write a short essay, with illustrations, to refute the argument that extravagance on the part of the rich is good for the poor.

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Junior and Senior.

1. For what purpose are the lines and spaces of the stave employed?

2. For what purpose are notes of different shapes employed?

3. Explain the use of clefs. Give the names of those in modern use.

4. What is the effect of placing a dot after a note? What is the effect of placing two dots after a note ?

5. Give the signs for rests equivalent to the following notes:

6. Write out the following melody in the alto clef; transpose it an octave lower, and write it out in the bass and tenor clefs :—

7. What is accent?

8. For what purpose are bars employed? What are the two meanings attached to the word bar in music?

For Senior Candidates only.

9. Show in what manner the following embellishments should be executed: W, W.

10. Give the dates of the birth and death of J. S. Bach, and mention some of his works. What other great composer was born in the same year?


Higher Local.

1. Resolve this chord (of doubtful tonality) in three different ways; mentioning in each case the name of the chord, the root, and the key.

2. Describe the chords in the following progressions-i.e., give the name, root, and key. State whether they are inversions or no; if inverted, state which inversion.

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3. What is an enharmonic change? Distinguish between an enharmonic change and an enharmonic modulation.

4. Fill up the following figured bass, writing the root of each chord on a separate stave below the bass.

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For Candidates for Classes I. and II. only.

5. (i) Can sound travel in vacuo? Prove your answer by mentioning some experiment.

(ii) Distinguish between drop motion and wave motion, state how the two are connected with regard to period.


(iii) What is the connection between the rate of drop-vibration

and the length of the corresponding wave?

(iv) What are the three elements of a wave? With which of the three elements of drop-vibration are these respectively connected?

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