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To-morrow-what is man to-morrow? Naught!
How swiftly rolls the never tarrying stream,
Hour after hour, to gloomy chaos brought;
While ages dawn, and vanish like a dream!

Even like an infant's sweet imagining,
My early, lovely spring-tide hurried on:
Beauty Just smil'd and sportive then took wing;
Joy laughed a moment, and then joy was gone.
Now less susceptible of bliss, less bless d,
Wiser and worldlier, panting for a name;
With a vain thirst of honour pain'd, oppress'd,
I labour wearied up the hill of fame.

But manhood too, and manhood's care will pass,
And glory's struggles be ere long forgot;
For tame, like wealth, has busy wings, alas!
And joy's and sorrow's sound will move us not.
Begone, ye vain pursuits, ye dreams of bliss,
Changing and false, no longer flatter me!
I stand upon the sepulchre's abyss,
In the dark portal of eternity.

To day, my friend, may bring our final doom;
If not to-day, to-morrow surely will:
Why look ye sadly on Meshchersky's tomb?
Here he was happy-he is happy still!
Life was not given for ages to endure,
Though virtue e'en in death may find a rest:
But know-a spirit ordered well and pure,

May make life's sorrows and life's changes blest.




I saw not the worm at the root of the flower,
That bloom'd in my garden so fair;

Ah! sure 'twas the glory and pride of my bower,
"Twas water'd and nourish'd with care.

The weeds that grew round it were often remov'd,
"Twas shelter'd with care from the storm;
But, alas! all in vain has my diligence prov'd,
I saw not the cankering worm.

I watch'd its expansion, its beauty admir'd,
And gaz'd on it oft with delight;

A flower more lovely could not be desir'd,
But, of! it is lost to my sight.

But hope sweetly whispers, ah! cease to complain,
For when the long winter is past,

The root shall yield back a fair flower again,
Which in verdure unfading shall last.

In a soil more congenial, this delicate flower,
Shall in future its beauties disclose;
Transplanted with care to yon sheltering bower,
It shall blossom with Sharon's sweet Rose.
No pityless blast shall its beauty deface,
When its leaves are expanded above;

But, fragrant and fair, it shall bloom with new grace,
And continue an object of love.

Register of Entelligence.




WESLEYAN MISSIONS.-After the usual preparatory sermons, which were this year preached by Dr. Clarke, the Reverend W. Jay, of Bath, and Mr. R. Wood; and after the Annual Meeting of the London District Auxiliary. On Monday, May 5, was held the Annual Meeting of the Wesleyan Missionary Society, at the City Road Chapel, Jos. Butterworth, Esq. M. P. in the Chair, when the Chapel was crowded, as usual, at an early hour. Soon after 11 o'clock, the Chairman opened the Meeting by a short introductory address, in which he congratulated the Meeting on the favourable circumstances under which they again met; at the same time, lamenting the many millions of Heathen still sitting in darkness and the shadow of death,' whose circumstances, and, in some cases, their earnest wishes, called for their Christian benevolence to be still farther extended; and he (Mr. B.) remarked on the advantages which this country possessed from her Navy and her Commerce, to carry the Gospel 'from sea to sea, and from shore to shore.' He rejoiced that much had been accomplished, under the blessing of God, by this Society; and that other Societies in the same spirit, and with equal zeal, were engaged in the same cause. Money had flown in beyond former precedent; and Missionaries had been sent out, and more were ready, waiting only the recruiting of their funds.

The Report was then read by the Rev. Mr. Watson (one of the Secretaries), and contained, as usual, a circuit through all their Missionary Stations. Beginning with Europe, it remarked that the Scriptures had been happily introduced into

Spain from our garrison at Gibraltar, where a good work appears to be carrying on, as also in Malta. No recent Intelligence had been received from Continental India, but the. prospects in Ceylon are very encouraging. At New Zealand circumstances have been very unfavourable, owing to the late war; but letters up to November last, state that the Missionaries are in safety, and enjoy free access to the heathen natives. Van Dieman's Land requires the greatest number of Missionaries, partly on account of the mass of wickedness exported from this country thither. The Report noticed the progress of Missions in West and Southern Africa, the latter groaning under slavery as well as the West India Islands, where the readiness of the poor Negroes to receive the Gospel, calls for more assistance. The Report proceeded to a statement of accounts, the total receipts being 31,7481. and the balance remaining due to the Treasurer, 27027. It concludes with rendering thanks to God for his blessing upon their labours, and confidently relying on the assistance and support of all who love and fear him.

Rev. Jos. Hughes, (Secretary to the B. and F. Bible Society) commented on the utility of Missionary Societies, as thereby every individual had the opportunity of contributing to the diffusion of Christian knowledge throughout the globe; besides Christians themselves derived much benefit from such associations. He remarked on the co-operation of different denominations for the benefit of the world at large, while their clashing sentiments should be confined within the boundary of their own walls. All are interested in the propagation of our common Christianity; and we shall therefore (said Mr. H.) not call this your Society, but ours. He concluded with moving the printing of the Report.

John Bacon, Esq. (the Statuary), apologized for the weakness under which he spoke, as the effect of recent illness, but after a few minutes spoke with great energy and animation. He was a Churchman, and they were not Dissenters; but no distinction of sects or parties ought to interfere with the propagation of the Gospel. He mentioned the circumstance of a Lady, who was a member of the Church of England, calling on a tradesman who belonged to this Society, for his contribution to an object connected with the Establishment; when she found he belonged to another communion, she was about to withdraw, not expecting his subscription, which he observing, gave her both his own name and his wife's; and the Lady, not willing to be outdone in candour and benevolence, said, 'Well, Sir, as you have been so liberal as to subscribe to my Society, I will show my liberality by subscribing to yours.'

G. Rhodes, Esq. was also a member of the Church of England; but he had resided in the West Indies, and witnessed the great advantages which the Planters there derived from the religious instruction of Negroes by the Wesleyan Missionaries: he therefore called upon all who had the ability to encourage the Missionary cause.

Wm. Wilberforce, Esq. M. P. notwithstanding his infirmities and age, entered into the subject with all his energies. He

was glad to see so many assembled in such a cause-a cause in which all Christians ought to co-operate, and forget the little narrow and sectarian prejudices by which they were at home divided. No petty objections should stand in the way of such a work. When he heard of Missionaries going to the remotest parts, and braving the dangers both of sea and land, his heart went with them; and when he heard of their success, he participated in their triumph Go on, ye Missionaries, and fulfil the high command-go, carry this Gospel of the kingdom into all lands; and when your Saviour shall come again to judge the world-then, and not before, shall you know all the good you have been the instruments of effecting: then shall you receive the large reward-the plaudit of your Lord, 'Well done, good and faithful servant.'

J. Steven, Esq., (Master in Chancery), observed, that man must have a cold heart indeed, that could hear such warm appeals without a correspondent feeling. No subject could exceed no subject equal the Missionary cause in its importance and utility. His motion referred to the Negroes in the West Indies, and pleaded for them. He had resided 11 years among them, and felt deeply interested in their welfare. He remembered it was about 37 years since, when he was in a Church on the Island of St. Christopher, during the morning service, that he heard behind him three voices, and looking round saw three Wesleyan Missionaries, uniting in the devotions of the Church. Here they came in the face of contempt and persecution, to scatter the seed of the Gospel among the poor slaves; and here they paid their first vows in entering on their mission. He confessed it was but just, however, to state, that the Moravians were their predecessors in the work; and much credit was due to them, for they had never relaxed in their endeavours. He prayed God to bless all their endeavours in this cause, and that the character of the country might be redeemed from the obloquy brought on it by slavery, and the slave trade.

Williams, Esq. (M. P.) was gratified to see so many Societies, of various denominations, co-operating in this great work, in every part of the world. He was gratified to know that there were more Bibles printed in our own language than any other. He took this opportunity, in his own name, and in the name of this Society, to thank his Hon. Friend (Mr. Wilberforce) for his great and unwearied exertions in the suppression of the slave trade-and also for his kindness in attending this Meeting. His 'record is on high' and his reward in heaven. (Great Applause.)

The Rev. Rt. Newton commended the liberality of several gentlemen, members of the Church of England, for having attended this Meeting, and encouraging their labours; and acknowledged with pleasure the zeal and success which had attended the Church Missionary Society. The duty of supporting Missions, arose out of the moral law itself; for if we fove our neighbours as ourselves (and every man is our neighbour) then shall we be anxious that they partake of the same salvation.

Rev. J. Arundel (one of the Secretaries of the London Missionary Soeiety) was happy in witnessing the proceedings of this day. In surveying the labours of Missionaries abroad

he saw great ground for encouragement and gratitude. Great benefits had resulted from the labours of the Church, the Wesleyan, and the London Missionary Societies, in many parts of the world; but particularly in India, where so many human victims had been immolated to a blind superstition. Even in China, a Dictionary and Vocabulary have been formed of that very difficult language. The whole Scriptures had been translated into it, and the greater part printed, and circulated among the natives; and some individuals had been savingly converted. There was now a most pressing application for Missionaries to South America, and he had received a letter which stated, that in one city the monasteries had been put down, and the Monks and Nuns liberated. He concluded with an appeal in the behalf of this Society.


Rev. Jabez Bunting and Dr. A. Clarke followed. latter stated, that they had lately sent two young men as Missionaries to the Shetland Isles, who had gone preaching from house to house, without bonnet on their head or shoes on their feet; and that the inhabitants had collected from all parts to hear them. Dr. C. stated a number of handsome donations he had lately received for the Society, (some of them anonymous,) and that though now they were above 20007, indebted to their Treasurers, that was 5000l. less than at their last Anniversary.

The usual thanks were then moved to the Auxiliary Societies and to the Officers of the Parent Society, by R. H. Marten, Esq. Rev. T. Squance, Benj. Shaw, Esq. and others, and duly acknowledged by the Chairman and Mr. Bunting-the latter stated the total receipts at this Anniversary to be 11587.; and the Meeting closed with a collection.

CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY.-On the evening of the same day was held, at Freemasons' Hall, the Twenty Third Anniversary of this Society, before an elegant and crowded audience, which filled every part of the room, the galleries included.

Admiral Lord Gambier having taken the chair, surrounded with a considerable portion of the Nobility, Gentry, and Clergy proceeded to the business of the day, by a few introductory remarks. They were met, he said, for one of the most useful, glorious, and delightful objects which could possibly bring them together. They ought to rejoice in the Lord God of their Salvation, that by his mercy they were enabled thus to meet. Let them lift up their hearts devoutly in prayer, and magnify the Lord our God for it, every day and hour giving thanks to his holy name. He then adverted to the immediate objects of their meeting. It was an awful and a pleasing sight to see so many around him of the excellent of the earth-so many men of high rank and intellect. He knew their feelings must be as his were, wrapt in delight at the scene which surrounded them. But it was an awful consideration, that since they last met some millions of human souls had been removed into eternity, without the knowledge of the true God and his Son Jesus Christ; and it was no less awful to reflect, that now there still remained millions of human beings who never knew the true God, and upon whom the light of the

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