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DELIVER up yourselves to the Lord Jefus as the
phyfician of your fouls, that he may pardon you by
his blood, and fanctify you by his fpirit, by his word and
minifters, the inftruments of his fpirit.
He is the Way,

the Truth, and the Life; there is no coming to the Father but by him, John xiv. 6. Nor is there any other name under heaven, by which you can be faved, Acts iv. 12. Study therefore his perfon and nature, and what he has done and fuffered for you, and what he is to you;. and what he will be; and how he is fitted to the full fup-ply of all your neceffitics.

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F you mean, indeed, to turn and live, do it withoutdelay. If you be not willing to turn to-day, you are not willing to do it at all. Rememember you are all this while in your blood; under the guilt of many thoufand fins, and under God's wrath, and you ftand at the very brink of hell; there is but a ftep between you and death, And this is not a cafe for a man to be quiet in. Up therefore prefently; and fly for your lives; as you would be: gone out of your house, if it were all on fire over your head. O, if you did but know what danger you live in, and what daily unspeakable lofs you do fuftain, and what a fafer and sweeter life you might live, you would not ftand trifling, but prefently turn.. Multitudes miscarry who wilfully delay, when they are convinced that it must be done. Your lives are short and uncertain; and what a cafe are you in, if you die before you thoroughly turn? You have ftaid too long already; and wronged God too long; fin gets ftrength and rooting, while you delay. Your converfion will grow more hard and doubtful. You have much to do, and therefore put not all off to the laft, left God forfake you, and give you up to yourselves, and then you are undone for ever.


IF you will turn and live, do it unreservedly, absolutely, and universally. Think not to capitulate with Chrift, and divide your heart betwixt him and the world; and to part with some fins, and keep the rest. This is but felf-deluding; you muft forfake all you have, or elfe you cannot be his difciples, Luke xiv. 26, 33. If you will not take God and heaven for your portion, and lay all below at the feet of Chrift, but muft needs alfo have your good things here, and have an earthly portion, and God and glory is not enough for you; it is in vain to dream of falvation on these terms: for it will not be. If you feem ever fo religious, if yet it be but outfide righteousness,. this is as certain a way to death, as open profaneness, though it be plausible.


IF you will turn and live, do it refolvedly, and ftand not ftill deliberating, as if it were a doubtful cafe. Stand not wavering, as if you were yet uncertain, whether God: or the flesh be the better mafter; or whether heaven or hell be the better end: or whether fin or holinefs be the better way. But away with your former lufts, and prefently, habitually, fixedly refolve: be not one day of one mind, and the next of another, but be at a point with all the world, and refolvedly give up yourfeves, and all you have, to God. Now, while you are reading or hearing, this, refolve. Before you fleep another night, refolve.. Before you ftir from this place, refolve. Before Satan. have time to take you off, refolve. You never turn indeed, till you do refolve;; and that with a firm, and unchangable refolution.

And now. I have done my part in this work, that you may turn at the call of God and live. What will become of it, I cannot tell. I have caft the feed at God's command: but it is not in my power to give the increase. I can go no further with my meffage: I cannot bring its toyour heart, or make it work:. I cannot do your parts

for you, to entertain it: I cannot do God's part by opening your heart to caufe you to entertain it; nor can I fhew you heaven or hell to your eye-fight, nor give you. new and tender hearts.

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But, O thou that art the gracious Father of Spirits, thou haft fworn thou delighteft not in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn and live; deny not thy bleffings to thefe. perfuafions and directions, and fuffer not their enemies to triumph in thy fight, and the great deceiver of fouls to prevailTM against thy Son, thy Spirit, and thy Werd. O pity poor unconverted sinners, that have no hearts to pity or help themselves command the blind to see, the deaf to hear, and the dead to live, and let not fin and death be able to resist thee. Awake the secure: resolve the unresolved: confirm the wavering; and let the eyes of sinners that read these lines, be next employed in weeping over their sins; and bring them to themselves, and to thy Son, before their fin have. brought them to perdition. If thou say but the word, these poor endeavours shall prosper to the winning of many a soul to their everlasting Foy, and thine everlasting Glory.. Amen.


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