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for task, job, Hyen, to vex, to molest. M hoest. Meé, mede, met, mit, with, till it is as desired. Hoest, cough, difficulty of wheezing.


That is, the rain is violent and drives 'Et reyn's ketse aen d'oogs; q. e. this i current into the eyes; it is a thorough the eyes; it is as if its only object was how properly it besets one's eyes! Th evidently jocular in both travesty and ori evidently spoken by one who had been by some driving storm of rain. 'Et, he Reyn, pure, unmixed, proper, sheer. Ketse, as the participle present of ketsen, chase, to drive on after, to pursue, to hun de oogs, the eyes.


In the sense of, chuse which you will, will be a bad one, and said of persons equally worthless. Daer is nood er pijn bij te winnen; q. e. you must take a li before you get any good out of a vagabond less wretch]; there wants a little trouble t any thing worth having out of a proper be get any thing from one who has nothing is a some affair. Gheus, beggar, nood, necessi pijn, trouble.


In the sense of, I gave him as good as he I treated him as roughly as he did me; and I made him repent of his rudeness [insolen showed him I was not to be ill used with in Ei! geeve hem er rouw lang voor 'es hol ijv aye! give him there reason to repent for a lo of his mad zeal [officiousness] in this affair

him remember it long. Ei! eh! aye! Geeve, give. Rouw, repentance, sorrow, grief. Hol, outrageous. Ijver, zeal, warmth, ardour, but with hol it bears the sense of over-zeal, ill-timed zeal, mad-zeal.


A ludicrous, but common expression, used by one who sees another with a woeful and dejected countenance; but with whom it is evident he has not much fellow-feeling, either from knowing him to be an undeserving person, or from believing him to have met with no more than his desert. Hie luck's als mal aen kole als er kipt guijt; q. e. here luck has fallen into as silly a scrape, as the rogue who is nabbed has; the case in question seems one of a same ridiculous sort, as when a rogue is fool enough to let himself be taken up; and meaning, he looks like a fool for his pains; he deserves what he has met with for his folly. Luck, is as accident, personified by the person in question. Kole (now kool), fire, as exemplified in a burning piece of coal, wood, or turf, but here used in the sense of disaster [any kind of misfortune]; as when we say " he fell from the frying-pan into the fire;" which is as, he fell from one misfortune into another still greater, more complete. Kippen, to lay hold of, to catch suddenly, vulgarly to nab. Guijt, is as the worst kind of ruffian, thief, villain, one that is a rogue in all senses of the word and sounds cat.


Said of a person who prides (values) himself upon some employment which is either derogatory to him, or at least does not raise him in the esteem of others. Hoe die breyde af de koppelers doogh! q. e. how this person glorifies himself from a pandar's lucre; how he glories in [swells out, vaunts of] the profit (livelihood) made by a disgraceful

office. Breeden, breyden, to amplify, to expand, to dilate, to boast. B and p interchange, so that breyde sounds exactly as we utter pride. Koppeler, a pimp, a go-between; now spelt koppelaar.


A great fuss about nothing, great bustle about some trifle. Gereedt kracije aen littel woel; q. e. Crow gets ready upon a slight disturbance, crow soon takes alarm; alluding to the sort of instinctive exhibition of alarm, so remarkable in that bird, which is thus an apt type of needless apprehension. Kraeije (now kraai,) Crow; the source of our verb to cry; as well as of the Dutch kraeijen, the Italian gridare, the French crier, and Rpas in κραειν the same sense. Gereiden, gereeden, to make ready, to prepare. Woel, tumult, disturbance.


In the sense of-to strive against general opinion, [custom] is useless [in vain]; to oppose the sense of mankind, the opinion of the world, is nonsense, foolish, unwise, not permitted. T'u kicke, er geen's't die bruick's; q. e. keep it to yourself, if it is nothing that custom admits to be said; whisper it to yourself, when it is nothing which is fit to be told in the society where you are. And thus implying, to do as others do, is safest, less likely to prove hurtful to you; more prudent. Tu to yourself. Kicken, to mumble, to speak within the mouth, and so not to let a word out. Geen, nothing. 'S, is, is. 'T, et, het, it. Is het, is it, that is, if it should happen to be. Bruick, bruik, usage, custom, sounds brick. The phrase has nothing to do with the proverb to kick against the pricks, which means to do that by which injury is received; and which stands in Camden's Remaines in the form of, to kick against the pricke [the thorn, the sharp point].



by that

In the sense of, he has made a mist he has

which he has done; he will repent of

done. Hie haest gij hotte dij wrongh so by die hier; q. e. here (by this) you have possibly prepared mischief for thyself in what you are doing; what you are now doing may perhaps [or at once] turn into a mass of evil to yourself, and thus implying, like the travesty, you are mistaken. But if huest is here in the sense of at once, that of the original 'form would be, that you have actually prepared the mischief for yourself. For haest means nearly, almost, and also quickly, soon, at once. Hotten, to prepare, to cause to turn into a different form than before; and also to happen, to take place. Wrongh, mischief, injury. Die, that which is doing. Hie, hier, here. Gij, you. Dij, thee.


In the sense of, he tried by luck, as he does who tosses up; he tried for the prize in question; for the advantage to be gained. Hie toest, op, heet oordeel; q. e. the trial begins below, what shall settle the case is called in the air. And does not one of those who are to try the event cast up the coin by an effort made where he stands? and does not another call that which is to be the issue of the trial while the coin is up in the air? The original phrase alludes to nothing but the touch [the effort] made from below, and the fixing the issue by a call, while the progress of the trial is yet going on above. Toetsen, to make a trial [to prove] by touch, to handle, and sounds tossed. Op, above, on high. Heet, is pronounced. Oordeel, judgment, decision, issue. It is a sort of corollary of man is tried below, but judged above. Oor sounds or. D and t being sister sounds deel sounds tail, tale. And oordeel is the German vortheil. Hie, here, below. In what sense can the word tail be

used in the expression than as the representative of another like-sounding sense?


A familiar way of saying, he is in a great passion (state of anger); but from the form of the expression implying no very serious cause for his being so. Hie is als gij raase als toe steê heck's; q. e. this is just like you when you are in a passion at finding the town wicket [barrier] shut [closed against you]; just so you rave when you find yourself benighted and shut out by being too late from some miscalculation of your own. And, in a small way, what more irritating or provoking? However, this is a species of vexation seldom experienced by any in England, except by those who dwell within the precincts of a garrison. On the continent this species of dilemma and proof of temper is still rife; and was in former days even so at home. Hie, here, now. Gij, you. Raesen, raazen, to rave, to storm. Toe, shut, closed. Stee, stede, town, place. Heck, wicket, barrier. 'S, is, is.


In the sense of a bad way [a wrong mode] of raising a reputation, of making yourself famous, known. De back waerd wee; dij beroem! stick! q. e. the river puts a value upon misfortune, so get yourself to be talked of! go drown the water has always reserved a price [remuneration] for those who suffer by it; if you are so anxious to be notorious, [mentioned in publick]; go then and drown yourself. Implying, of course, in the speaker of this apostrophe, no great regard for the person addressed by it, and that he thinks him a vain ambitious person without either talent or industry. People when they drown themselves are sure to be more or less talked of, at least for a time, and consequently then heard of, which they might not have been till then.

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