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D'Estaing, count, arrives with a fleet from France,
p. 119. Puts to sea to engage with the British, ib.-
Refuses to assist in reducing Rhode island, 120.
Dickinson, general, mention of, p. 112.

Digby, diniral, arrives from Europe, p. 187.

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Dinwiddie, Mr. dispatches Washington to the Ohio, p. 4.
Duche, the rev. Jacob, addresses a letter to general
Washington, p. 93.

Fairfax, Bryan lord, named a legatee in Washington's
will, p. 442.

Fairfield destroyed by the British, p. 138.

Fauchet, M. succeeds Genet as ambassador from the
French republic, p. 351.

Fayette, marquis de la, has a command in the Ameri-
can ariny, p. 114.-Is devoted to the American cause,
121-Letter of Washington to, 296.-A legatee in
Washington's will, 442.

Fernay, chevalier de, arrives with a French fleet, p. 158.
Forbes, general, commands in the middle and southern
counties, p. 19.

Forts-their erection recommended, p. 18.-Duquesne,
afterwards named Pitt, evacuated by the French,
21. Washington taken by storm, 59.-Lee eva-
cuated, 60.

FRANCE, encroaches on the chartered limits of Virginia,
p. 4.-Horrid depredations of her troops in conjunc-
tion with the Indians, 15.-Enters into a treaty with
the United States, 110.-Sends ships and troops to
co-operate with the American army, 119. 158. 181.—
Grants the Americans a subsidy, 180.-Its minister
(under the republic) projects an expedition against
New Orleans, 323 Which is frustrated, 327.-Sends
a minister plenipotentiary to America, 344-Whose
conduct causes him to be recalled, 351.-The direc
tory prefers various complaints against the United
States, and at length orders general Pinckney to quit
Paris, 354-Makes reprisals of American vessels,
355-And threatens an invasion of the country,
395-On the accession of Buonaparte, terms of ad-
justment are offered, 403.

Franklin, Dr. mention of, pp. 34. 125.

Fry, Mr. appointed colonel of the Virginia forces, p. 6.--
Dies, 7.

Furman, general, mention of, p. 89.


Gardoqui, M. the Spanish minister, inflexible with re-
gard to the navigation of the Mississippi, p. 324.
Gates, general, commands the northern army, p. 99.
Genet, mons. mention of, p. 325.-Arrives at Charles-
ton, and his proceedings there, 344.-His reception
in other parts, 345.-His conduct disapproved of by
the federal government, 346.-Threatens to appeal
to the people, 350-His recall, 351.

Germantown, battle of, p. 88.-Evacuated by the
British, 93.

Grant, general, is engaged in the battle of Germantown,

Grasse, count de, mention of, p. 181.

GREAT BRITAIN; controversy between her and her
colonies touched on, p. 27.-Strength of the royal
army at Boston, 37.-Great increase of her forces,
43.-Makes an attempt for effecting a reunion be-
tween her and her colonies, 44.-Her loss in the
defeat of lord Cornwallis, 191.-Evinces a pacific
disposition, which eventually brings about a peace,
196. Sends a public minister, 330-And enters into
a treaty with the United States, 332.-Complains of
the conduct of the French ambassador at Charles-
ton, 346.

Greaves, admiral, arrives at New York with a British
fleet, p. 160.

Greene, general, commands a column in the battle of
Germantown, p. 90.

Grey, general, mention of, p. 90.

Griffin, Mr. one of three deputies sent to treat with the
Indians, p. 319.

Hamilton, colonel, letter of Washington to, p. 292.-
Receives an appointment under government, 318.
Harmar, general, sent against the Indians, p. 321.
Harrison, Mr. Robert, appointed an associate judge,

p. 319.

Heath, general, commands the northern grand division
of the army, p. 142.

Howe, general, fails in his first attempt on the Ame-
ricans, p. 40. Declines a general engagement, 59.-
Offers a reward to those who will desert the American
cause, 78.-Resigns the command of the British
army, 111.

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Howr, admiral, with a naval force, co-operates with
his brother, p. 44.

Howe, the American general, mention of, pp. 152.
167, &c.

Humphries, col. sent to treat with the Indians, p. 319.

Indians; their mode of fighting, p. 11.-Their cruel-
ties, 15. 22. Their military strength, 317.-Fruit-
less attempt to execute a treaty with them, 319.-
Defeat the Americans, 321.---Subdued, and furnished
with implements and instructions for agriculture, ib.
Jay, Mr. Washington's letter to him, on the federal
system, p. 282.-Made chief justice, 319.-Nominated
envoy extraordinary to the court of London, 332.
Jefferson, Mr. his appointment to a place under govern

Jumonville, mons. his death, p. 7.

Kentucky, discontent of its inhabitants, p. 325. They ,
demand the use of the Mississippi, 326.

King's bridge, successful skirmish at, p. 57.
Kniphausen, lieutenant-general, mention of, pp. 85. 151.
Knowlton, colonel, falls gallantly, p. 58.

Knor, general, mention of, p. 181.-Letters of Wash-
ington to, 209. 334. 390.-His re-appointment to an
official situation under government, 319.

Laurens, lieut. col. sent as envoy extraordinary to the
court of Versailles, p. 178.

Lee, general, takes the command of part of the forces
destined to defend New Yok, p. 44. --Disobeys the
orders of Washington, and is taken prisoner, 64-
Having been exchanged, is appointed to a new com-
mand, 114.-Misunderstanding between him and the
commander in chief, 115-Articles of charge exhi
bited against him, 117 Sentence of the court-mar-
tial, 118.

colonel Henry, letter of Washington to, p. 291.
major, surprises the British garrison of Paulus
Hoos, p. 141.

Leitch, major, his death, p. 58.

Letters, spurious, a volume of attributed to Washing-

ton, p. 391.

Liberty Hall academy; Washington's bequest to, p. 437.


Lincoln, general, mention of, pp. 141. 182.-Letter of
Washington to, 294-Sent with others to treat with
the Indians, 319.

Livingston, chancellor, administers the oath of office to
president Washington, p. 307.

Long island taken by the British, p. 48.

Magaw, colonel, surrenders fort Washington, p. 59.
Me Gilleray, an Indian chief, mention of, p. 319.
Me Henry, Mr. repairs to Mount Vernon with a new
appointment for Washington, p. 399.

Marshall, Mr. his speech on the death of Washington
in the house of representatives, p. 405.

Massachusetts; a committee of its congress conducts
Washington to the army, p. 31.-His answer to the
address of that colony, ib.-Again compliment him
on the evacuation of Boston by the British, 42.-
Commotions in, 285.

Mathews, colonel, routs a party of the British, p. 9o.—
Taken prisoner, ib.

Maxwell, general, mention of, pp. 83. 112. 127.

Mifflin, president of congress at the period of Wash-
ington's resigning up his commission, p. 258.
Miflin, general, sent to rouse the Pennsylvanians, p. 66.
Mississippi; its navigation relinquished by the United
States, p. 324.-Again obtained, 327.

Monmouth, battle of, p. 114.

Morgan, colonel, mention of, p. 97.

Morris, Mr. G. conducts a negociation with the court
of St. James's, p. 329.-Afterwards minister of the
United States at Paris, 351.

Morristown affords a retreat to the army after the cam-
paign of 1776, p. 75.

Moultrie, Wm. governor, his warm reception of the
French ambassador, p. 344.

Mount Vernon; Washingtou succeeds to, on the death
of his brother Lawrence, p. 24.

Musgrove, lieut. colonel, engaged in the battle of Ger-
mantown, p. go.

Nelson, general, mention of, p. 187.

New London laid waste by the British, p. 138.
New Jersey, taken possession of by the British, p. 61.-
Its legislature threatened with the resignation of the
officers composing the Jersey line, 127.-Makes pro-
vision for its troops, 134-A memorial presented


by its officers, urging a speedy remedy of the wants
of the troops to prevent a dissolution of the whole
line, 149.-The men mutiny, 167.

New York; address of the provincial congress to general
Washington, p. 30.-The general's reply, ib.-Being
threatened by the British, is occupied by the whole
American force, 44.-Evacuated, 57.-Taken posses-
sion of by the enemy, ib.-Invested by the confede.
rates, 182.-Evacuated by the British, 255.-General
Washington makes his public entry into it, ib.-Its
reception of Washington, on his being chosen pre-
sident, 306.

North Carolina refuses to accept the constitution, 316...
Norwalk destroyed by the British, p. 138.

Oath of the president of the United States on being
sworn into office, p. 306.

Ohio lands, controversy about, p. 4.

Patterson, adjutant-general, sent by general Howe with
a letter to Washington, p. 45.

Paulus Hook; the British surprised there, p. 141.
Pennsylvania; the defection of its militia, p. 64.-Its
legislature presents a remonstrance to congress, on the
general's going into winter quarters, 100.-Revolt of
its line, 164.
Philadelphia; quitted by congress, p. 65.-Sends 1,500
men to the army, 66.-Washington marches through
it, to awe the disaffected, 82.-It falls into the hands
of the British after the battle of Brandywine, 85.-
Evacuated by them, 111.-Transmits timely pecu-
niary relief to the army, 155.-Its splendid reception
of the newly chosen president, 304.

Pinckney, major, sent envoy extraordinary to the court
of Madrid, p. 327-Nominated minister plenipoten-
tiary to the court of Great Britain, 330.

general, appointed minister plenipotentiary
to the French republic, p. 354.-Ordered to quit
Paris, 355.

Poor, general, mention of, pp. 116, 117.

Portail, general du, assists in forming the plan of opera-
tions, p. 181.

Princeton, battle of, p. 72.

Putnam, general, superintends the erection of lines of
defence from the Schuylkill to the Delaware, p. 62.


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