Publii Virgilii Maronis Georgica. The Georgics of Publius Virgilius Maro; with references and Engl. notes, by J.E. Sheridan |
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Page 21
... adjective ye @ pуikòs , " agri- cultural , " the genitive being Georgicon ( ye @ pyiкŵv ) . The term Georgica was probably borrowed from Demo- critus , who wrote a treatise with that title . II . DATE OF COMPOSITION . - It is the common ...
... adjective ye @ pуikòs , " agri- cultural , " the genitive being Georgicon ( ye @ pyiкŵv ) . The term Georgica was probably borrowed from Demo- critus , who wrote a treatise with that title . II . DATE OF COMPOSITION . - It is the common ...
Page 1
... adjective lætus is of very common occurrence ; comp . infra ver . 69 , 74 , 101 sq . , 325 , 339 , & c . Comp . also Hes . " Epy . 775 , eŭopova kaρπóv ; and Ecl . ix , 48 , Astrum , quo segetes GAUDERENT frugibus ; where the same ...
... adjective lætus is of very common occurrence ; comp . infra ver . 69 , 74 , 101 sq . , 325 , 339 , & c . Comp . also Hes . " Epy . 775 , eŭopova kaρπóv ; and Ecl . ix , 48 , Astrum , quo segetes GAUDERENT frugibus ; where the same ...
Page 4
... adjective means " assisting personally , ” as it probably does in Hor . Epist . i . 1 , 69. Fauni . The Fauns were rural deities peculiar to the Italians , but often confounded with the Satyrs of the Greeks . The bodies of the Fauns ...
... adjective means " assisting personally , ” as it probably does in Hor . Epist . i . 1 , 69. Fauni . The Fauns were rural deities peculiar to the Italians , but often confounded with the Satyrs of the Greeks . The bodies of the Fauns ...
Page 7
... adjectives , and the cognate adjectives multus and omnis ; and finally to the particle sic ( vid . En . iv . 533 ) .— WAGn . ( Leipsic , 1845. ) See Wagner's Quæst . Virg . xxiv . 25. Urbisne invisere . Manso regards urbis as the ...
... adjectives , and the cognate adjectives multus and omnis ; and finally to the particle sic ( vid . En . iv . 533 ) .— WAGn . ( Leipsic , 1845. ) See Wagner's Quæst . Virg . xxiv . 25. Urbisne invisere . Manso regards urbis as the ...
Page 12
... locorum patriorum , considering locorum patriorum equivalent to locorum , quæ quisque colenda accepit : an in- stance of an adjective not agreeing with the noun with 12 NOTES ON THE GEORGICS , LIB . I. - Line 49 to 52 .
... locorum patriorum , considering locorum patriorum equivalent to locorum , quæ quisque colenda accepit : an in- stance of an adjective not agreeing with the noun with 12 NOTES ON THE GEORGICS , LIB . I. - Line 49 to 52 .
Common terms and phrases
according adjective alluded allusion ancient Aristaus atque Bacchus bees Cæsar called Ceres circum cœli cœlo Colum Columella common reading Comp Compare Geo connected considers construction corn crop dative denote deûm Emathia employed epithet etiam explains fetus flumina Forbiger frequently Georgics Greek hæc hence Hesiod Heyne hiems hinc Homer inter interpretation ipsa ipse Italy Jahn Julius Cæsar land latter meaning multa neque note on Geo note on verse nunc observes Odyss omnes omnia Ovid pecori phrase pingues pinguis Plin Pliny plough poet poetically present passage primum quæ Quæst quam Quid quidem quod quum rastris reference river Roman sæpe scil sense sentence Servius soil spring sunt supposed terra terræ Thrace tibi Translate trees verb viii vines Virg Virgil Voss WAGN Wagner and Forbiger wine word Wunderlich xviii καὶ
Popular passages
Page 233 - Sisyphus, stands still, Ixion rests upon his wheel, And the pale spectres dance ! The Furies sink upon their iron beds, And snakes uncurled hang listening round their heads.
Page 32 - Omnis quam chorus et socii comitentur ovantes, Et Cererem clamore vocent in tecta. Neque ante Falcem maturis quisquam supponat aristis Quam Cereri, torta redimitus tempora quercu, Det motus incompositos, et carmina dicat.
Page 46 - Versibus incomptis ludunt risuque soluto, Oraque corticibus sumunt horrenda cavatis, Et te, Bacche, vocant per carmina laeta, tibique Oscilla ex alta suspendunt mollia pinu.
Page 49 - ... hanc olim veteres vitam coluere Sabini, hanc Remus et frater, sic fortis Etruria crevit scilicet et rerum facta est pulcherrima Roma, septemque una sibi muro circumdedit arces.
Page 69 - ... esse apibus partem divinae mentis et haustus 220 aetherios dixere ; deum namque ire per omnes terrasque tractusque maris caelumque profundum ; hinc pecudes, armenta, viros, genus omne ferarum, quemque sibi tenues nascentem arcessere vitas...
Page 23 - Lumina, labentem coelo quae ducitis annum, Liber et alma Ceres, vestro si munere tellus Chaoniam pingui glandem mutavit arista...
Page 51 - Optima torvae Forma bovis, cui turpe caput, cui plurima cervix, Et crurum tenus a mento palearia pendent ; Tum longo nullus lateri modus ; omnia magna, Pes etiam ; et camuris hirtae sub cornibus aures. 55 Nec mihi displiceat maculis insignis et albo, Aut juga detrectans ; interdumque aspera cornu, Et faciem tauro propior ; quaeque ardua tota, Et gradiens ima verrit vestigia cauda.
Page 46 - Fronde nemus. Redit agricolis labor actus in orbem, Atque in se sua per vestigia volvitur annus.
Page 68 - Sunt quibus ad portas cecidit custodia sorti, 165 inque vicem speculantur aquas et nubila caeli, aut onera accipiunt venientum, aut agmine facto ignavum fucos pecus a praesepibus arcent. Fervet opus, redolentque thymo fragrantia mella.
Page 48 - At secura quies et nescia fallere vita, Dives opum variarum, at latis otia fundis (Speluncae vivique lacus et frigida tempe Mugitusque boum mollesque sub arbore somni) Non absunt ; illic saltus ac lustra ferarum, Et patiens operum exiguoque adsueta iuventus Sacra deum sanctique patres ; extrema per illos Iustitia excedens terris vestigia fecit.