With harmless play amidst the bowls he pass d, And with his tolling tongue assay the taste: Thus fed with holy food, the wondrous questWithin the hollow tomb retir'd to rest. PUBLII VIRGILII MARONIS ENEIS. LIBER V. INTEREA medium Æneas jam classe tenebat Ut pelagus tenuere rates, nec jam amplius ulla Occurrit tellus, maria undique et undique cœlum; Olli cæruleus supra caput adstitit imber, Noctem hiememque ferens; et inhorruit unda tenebris. Ipse gubernator puppi Palinurus ab alta: Heu! quianam tanti cinxerunt æthera nimbi? Quidve, pater Neptune, paras? Sic deinde locutus, At procul excelso miratus vertice montis. Quem genuit. Veterum non immemor ille parentum, |