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cerebellum is usurped entirely by the Moon. Take the chief divisions:

Mercury governs the intellectual faculties, perception, memory, comparison, casualty, and the sense of proportion, form, weight, color, order and number,- in a word, perception, memory and reason. When Mercury is found well placed in the horoscope of birth and well aspected, then the development in this quarter of the brain is large.

Jupiter governs the Sympathetic group of faculties, including human nature, mirthfulness, imitation, wit, benevolence, etc., and it will be observed that "wit" is caused by an impingement of the sympathetic on the intellectual group, allied to reason on the one hand and mirthfulness on the other. Where this group

touches the group under Saturn, we get sympathy allied to devotion, and hence benevolence.

Saturn governs the Devotional group of faculties, including wonder, faith, hope, ideality and veneration.

The Sun has dominion in the Governing group, viz.: approbativeness, self-esteem, firmness and conscientiousness. This latter is developed from the point where the group touches upon the Devotional.

Mars governs the Defensive group, including construction (where it touches the Intellectual), secretiveness (where it

touches the Devotional), caution (on the same floor with secretiveness), combativeness, and destructiveness.

Venus governs the Adhesive group of faculties, including attachment, inhabitiveness, friendship, continuity, etc., and at the base, where it touches the Instinctual, there is conjugality.

The Moon governs the Instinctual group, and includes all those faculties which are common to man and the lower animals, and in a sense, to every form of life. Here we have the organs of vitativeness, allied to combativeness in the Defensive group to form self-defense, then amativeness for the procreation of the species, and philoprogenitiveness for the care and cherishing of the offspring, and where amativeness in the Instinctual impinges on friendship in the Adhesive group, we get conjugality, which shows that true marriage is inclusive of both these faculties, a root in the earth below and a flower in the air above.

From this we see that Ptolemy was justified in his assertion that "the Moon governs the animal soul and Mercury the intellectual soul of man." In a very intimate sense it will be found that the natures of the planets as defined by astrology are related to the groups of faculties defined by phrenology in the manner shown above.

If you throw up a line from the bore of the ear to the summit of the head, you have an indication of the moral.elevation of a man. One thrown from the bore of the ear to the nostril will indicate the intellectual development, and one thrown backwards in the same level will show the instinctual. A greater development in one direction than another shows a bias, and this will be repeated in the horoscope of the individual, for it is from planetary action that this bias is produced. The heads I have drawn immediately above are as nearly as possible perfect circles, the center of which lies on a level with the base of the superior brain. I have probably said enough in this instance to induce a little thought on the subject, but I shall have some further remarks to make in a subsequent article showing that in this matter revelation and science are in accord.


Twins: A Case for the byleg and the
Primary Arc.

"Good night, true brother here! Good morrow there!

We two were born together and we die
Together, by one doom."

· Balin and Balan.-TENNYSON.

THE Siamese twins one can quite believe were very much attached to each other; but not in every case does Mother Nature see fit to make the tie a physical as well as a psychical one, neither are there always such attendant circumstances of synonymity which warrant one section of the production (subject to the brace being female) being denominated "Kate" and the other "Dupli-Kate." There are, however, some peculiar cases on record.

George III. had a double- practically, of course, a twin, minus the possibility of hereditary transmission. In the newspapers of 1820, the death of a Mr. Samuel Hemmings was noticed. It was stated that he had been an ironmonger and prosperous in trade- that he was born on the 4th of June, 1738, at nearly the same moment as his late majesty, George III., and in the same parish of St. Martin's in the fields; that he went into business for himself in October, 1760, when his late majesty came to the throne; that he married on (the 8th of September, 1761) the same day as the King; and finally after other events of his life had resembled those which happened to the late king, that he died on Saturday, Jan. 29, 1820, on the same day, and nearly at the same hour as his late majesty! The present Queen of the Hollanders (Wilhelmina) also has a double in the person of Jufrau Adriana Cornelia Rog. In the Daily Graphic of June 13, 1890, the following account appears:

There are two young artisans of Bristol named Johnson, who are twins and between whom the similarity is far more remarkable than in Shakespeare's two Dromios even. Not only are they of the same height and weight, having the same colored hair, eyes, and complexion, identical

physical measurements, and feeding, walking, running, laughing, crying, singing and speaking alike, but they are of the same occupation, hold the same position, and have the same religious persuasion, and likes and dislikes. More singular still, they have espoused very similar wives and they have the same number of children, who are of the same sexes, three girls and three boys each.

Again, it is interesting to note that Lady Lytton and Lady Loch, the twin sisters, not only resemble each other in feature and figure, but also in disposition. The remarkable resemblance between the two sisters was the cause of many laughable and somewhat awkward mistakes when years ago they first "came out." It is said, for instance, that she who is now Lady Lytton once received a verbal offer of marriage from a gay, young, but impecunious Irish officer belonging to an old family, which was intended for her sister; while on another occasion the late Lord Lytton actually mistook the other sister for his fiancee at a crowded "at home" and greeted her as such.

The death of a pair of twins was recorded in the English press a short while ago as follows:


The Bury (Lancashire) coroner held an inquest last night on Ronald and Mervyn Simpson, aged three months, twin sons of John and Caroline Simpson, who until Monday week last resided at 185 Montgomery Street, Birmingham, who died yesterday morning at 12 Union Square, Bury. From the evidence of the mother it appeared that the children had been ailing since their vaccination at Small Heath a month before. Since the vaccination they had had a number of sores and breakings out, and had, she thought, grown thinner. Yesterday morning Mervyn was found dead in bed, and a few minutes later Ronald died in convulsions. The jury returned a verdict of "Death from natural causes."

At a courtmartial on Saturday, June 13, 1896, at Chatham (England), on two deserters, it was stated that the prisoners were born on the same day, commenced going to school together, started work together, enlisted in the army together, deserted together, were arrested together, and tried by courtmartial together. There is a humorous side to such cases and the Rev. S. Baring-Gould has seized upon one and woven the first of his "Dartmoor Idylls" round it. Most readers will

recall it to mind, and the text of the tombstone upon which the old couple John and Joan Noble bestowed such care and thought during their lives:

Sacred to the Memory










"They were lovely and pleasant in their lives, and in death they were not divided."— 2 Sam. i, 23.

man and wife.

The two latter items are invidious since the recorded were Whether there is any substratum of truth in the incident, I cannot say - probably as much as the story-tellers since Baring-Gould has used up a lot of original and true incidents in the picturesque relations.

art would allow

All the other instances are authenticated and go to show the workings of something other than heredity, and are of absolute interest even to the most unthinking minds, or so I should assume. There is so much to be said upon the subject, pro and con, so great consideration to be paid to the implicated causes, heredity and star-influx, that I purposely refrain from entering upon any elucidation or attempt thereat, and desire only to call attention to an isolated case.

The following maps of a male twin-birth are important in many respects, but chiefly with regard to the hileg or prorogator, and the anceretic or Killing arc. To my mind they offer a very lucid sidelight on these technical points. As will be seen, the two births occurred within a few minutes of each other. The same sign rises in both cases, and practically the planetary

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