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Comp. 329; see Gr. § 299, 2, exc. 2.-260. Se promunt; for prodeunt. -Robore. See on Italiam, i. 2. The mention of some of the leaders individually, in the order in which they happen to occur to the memory of the narrator, serves to enliven the story. - 261. Dirus; the accursed.-Demissum per funem; over (or along) a rope let down. 263. Pelides Neoptolemus; Neoptolemus, or Pyrrhus, the son of Achilles and Diadamia, and grandson of Peleus. He came to Troy at the end of the war, and was conspicuous in the final attack on the city. Primus. This should probably be understood literally, and then would only show that the speaker, in mentioning the names rapidly, was reminded at the moment when this one occurred, that he was said to have issued first from the horse. Perhaps, however, it means among the first. Machaon was celebrated among the Greeks for his medical skill. Il. i. 514. — 264. Doli fabricator; builder of the treacherous fabric. He was directed by Minerva. See 15.-265. Invadunt; they attack the city while they are descending from the citadel to the Scaean gate to meet the army. Sepultam. Comp. 253, iii. 630, vi. 424.-266. Portis; ablative of the route. See on 187. Omnes socios; all their companions; i. e. those who have just landed from the ships. 267. Conscia; confederate; conscia implies that those already in the city, and those just arrived have a mutual understanding of the plan of attack. -268. Comp. iv. 522.-Aegris; unhappy; sorrow-laden; said of men, as compared with the gods. 269. Dono divum; by the beneficence of the gods; ablative, cause of serpit. — 270. In somnis ; in slumber. Comp. 302. Aeneas is repeatedly favored with warnings by visions and dreams.-Heсtor; one of the sons of Priam, and the chief defender of Troy, slain by Achilles, and dragged thrice round the walls of the city, or, according to Homer, thrice daily round the tomb of Patroclus. See on i. 483.-271. Largos fletus; a flood of tears. Comp. i. 465. — 272. Raptatus bigis, ut quondam ; appearing as formerly after being dragged by the chariot. Aeneas had seen the corpse of Hector in this condition, after it had been brought back to Troy by Priam. The ghosts of the slain are conceived to appear like their disfigured and mutilated bodies. See vi. 494.–273. Per-tumentes; for loris per pedes tumentes trajectis. - Lora; the Greek accusative, used with somewhat more boldness than usual, as it is applied not to a part of the person, as in i. 589, nor even to the dress, as i. 320. Grammarians differ as to the explanation of these accusatives, but it seems most philosophical to refer them all to the same general principle, namely, the accusative denoting the especial object to which the preceding participle or adjective relates. The ordinary Greek accusative here would have been pedes, accompanied by loris in the ablative: pierced as to his feet with thongs. 274. Hei mihi. Gr. § 228, 3. Qualis refers to the appearance of Hector's person.275. Redit. The present in vivid narration. Gr. § 145, 3.--Exuvias; the spoils; those, namely, which had been taken from the body of Patroclus, whom Hector had slain in battle, and who had worn the armor of his friend, Achilles. Hence they are called here "the spoils of Achilles." For the accusative, see Gr. § 234, R. 1; Z. § 458, 3d paragraph.--276. Jaculatus ; having hurled, or after he had hurled. The attack on the Grecian ships, here alluded to, is described in Il. xv. 392 sq. Jaculari takes either the accusative of the object thrown or that of the object thrown at. Comp. Hor. O. 1, 2, 3: jaculatus arces. - Pappibus; upon the ships; dative. The ships were drawn up from the water, with the sterns towards the land, and surrounded on the land side by fortifications. - 278. Quae plurima.


See on i. 419. The wounds are those wantonly inflicted on the dead body of Hector by the Greeks, (see Il. xxii. 369-375,) and the mutilations received when it was dragged round the walls by the chariot of Achilles. — Ultro; at once, or spontaneously; without waiting to be first spoken to by the ghost; join the adverb with compellare. - Flens ipse; myself also weeping; as well as he. - 282. Morae. In his dream Aeneas does not realize that Hector is dead, but fancies that he has been long absent, and anxiously waited for. 283. Exspectate; vocative by attraction for the nominative. See Arnold's Lat. Pr. 278; Z. § 492. - Ut; interrogatively; how? It is usually joined here with aspicimus, but Wagner makes it qualify defessi. 286. Foedavit; has disfigured. - 287. Nihil; the object of respondit understood. - Nec-moratur ; nor regards my useless inquiries; literally, me inquiring useless things. 289. Heu fuge. Comp. iii. 44.290. A culmine; from the summit; from top to bottom; like the Homeric κατ ̓ ἄκρής, ΙΙ. xiii. 772. Comp. below, 603. Some editions read alto instead of alta.- 291. Sat-datum; enough has been given; i. e. enough has been done by thee, Aeneas, for the country and for Priam. So Heyne interprets. Perhaps, however, the true sense is, enough has been given by * the fates the destinies of Priam and of Troy are satisfied, fulfilled. So sat fatis Venerique datum; ix. 135.-292. Hac; with this; with mine. For the subjunctive imperf. and plup. after si, see Gr. § 261, 1; Z. § 524. 293. Sacra; supply sua; her sacred things and her household gods. A limiting word pertaining equally to two substantives is sometimes expressed only with the last. Comp. surgentem, i. 366. The penates of Troy are those which pertain to the whole state in common, as distinguished from those of individual families. - 294. Comites; as companions; in apposition with hos. His; dative. - Moenia; for urbem. - 295. The order is: quae magna, ponto pererrato, denique statues. Comp. iii. 159. Rome is the great city referred to; for Aeneas, in establishing the dynasty in Italy which ultimately built Rome, is the virtual founder of Rome itself. 296, 297. The vision seems to bring the small figure of Vesta, (as one of the penates,) the fillets, and other things which pertained to her worship, from the penetralia, or sanctuary of the house; thus indicating that Aeneas will soon be called upon to take charge of this and the other penates of Troy. 298. Moenia; the city. - Miscentur; are confused. Comp. i. 124, iv. 160. -Diverso luctu; with various sounds of woe; or, according to Heyne, with sounds of woe from various quarters. Comp. xii. 620.-299, 300. Secreta-recessit; stood apart and solitary; the house of Anchises was remote from the Scaean gate, where the enemy were chiefly assembled, and was also solitary, or without neighboring houses. Recessit, as refugit, iii. 536, denotes here situation without motion. - 302. Excutior somno ; I am roused from sleep. 303. Arrectis auribus. Comp. i. 152, ii. 206.-304. Veluti quum; as the shepherd is ignorant (inscius) of the remote cause of the devastation around him, so Aeneas, at first stupefied by what he hears and sees, does not comprehend the origin and nature of the uproar. Comp. x. 405, xii. 521.-Furentibus Austris; ablative absolute: while the winds are raging. Austris, for winds in general, as in i. 536.-305. Rapidas montano flumine; (made) impetuous by the mountain flood; the ablative is the cause of rapidus, which is equivalent to qui factus est rapidus.-306. Boum labores; by metonymy for segetes. 307. Inscius; ignorant (of the cause.)-308. Accipiens; hearing. 309. Fides; the truth, or the fact; namely, that the Greeks had got possession of the city; so fides is used, iii. 375, and Livy, vi. 13.-310. Deiphobi. Deïphobus was one of the sons of Priam. His death is described in vi. 509 sq. 311. Vulcano; for fire. See on i. 215.-Proximus; next to the house of Deïpkobus.-312. Ucalegon; a bold metonymy for the house of Ucalegon. Comp. iii. 275. Ucalegon is mentioned as one of the Trojan princes in the Iliad, iii. 148. Sigea freta; the Sigean waters, or bay; so called from Sigeum, now Jenischeer, or Yenischehr, a promontory at the mouth of the Dardanelles, about five miles northwest of Troy. - 313. Clamorque clangorque. Comp. i. 87. The tuba, though mentioned here, was not invented until long after the heroic age. Nec sat rationis (est mihi ;) nor have I enough of deliberation · i. e. I have not a clear purpose in (seizing) arms; not considering what is to be done or gained by fighting. For the genit. see Gr. § 212, R. 4.--315. Bello; dative for ad bellum. Comp. iii. 540.-315. Arcem; the citadel. -Animi; the plural of animus usually denotes powerful emotion.317. Pulchrum; the predicate accusative after esse understood, which has mori for its subject: to die is glorious. Gr. § 205, R. 8, and § 269, R. 2; Z. § 597. Succurrit; for the more usual occurrit; it comes to my mind, that, &c.; in the midst of the excitement I have one thought only, namely, that it is glorious to die in arms.—318. Ecce. Comp. 203.-Panthus ; mentioned in the 15th Book of the Iliad. The Greek form of the word is Πάνθοος, Πάνθους, hence the Lat. voc. Panthu from the Greek πάνθου. See Gr. § 54, 5; Z. § 52, 2.- Arcis Phoebique; priest of the citadel only so far as he was priest of Apollo, whose temple, like those of the other tutelary gods, was on the citadel. -320. Sacra deosque. Comp. above, 293. Victos; as in i. 68.-321. Cursu tendit ; hastens; literally, holds (his way) with running.-Limina; (my) threshold; the house of Anchises and Aeneas. The arrival of Panthus with the sacred things accords with the words of Hector's ghost: Troy commits to thee her gods. See 293. 322. Res summa; the public welfare; our common cause; in what condition is the chief interest? Some understand: at what point is the principal conflict going on? Forbiger prefers the former interpretation. Quam prendimus arcem? what stronghold do we (or are we to) seize? Since you, Panthus, have fled from the citadel itself, what stronghold is still remaining in our hands, or, for us to lay hold of for defence? This appears to be the most reasonable interpretation among the many which have been proposed for this doubtful passage. Prendimus, for prendemus. "The present is sometimes used for the future when one asks oneself what must be done

or thought on the instant." Madvig, § 339, obs. 2.-324. Summa; final. -325. Fuimus-fuit; we have been Trojans, Ilium has been. This is an emphatic way of saying, we have ceased to be Trojans, Ilium no longer exists. See Gr. § 259, R. 1, (2), (a).-326. Ferus; unpitying. 329. Sinon. See on 259. Miscet; scatters all around.—330. Insultans expresses the joy Sinon feels in the success of his stratagem, as well as his contempt for the victims of it. Alii; others; opposed to that portion of the Greeks who have descended from the horse. - Bipatentibus portis; at the open gates; more fully translated: at the gates having their double doors thrown open. Comp. 266.-331. Millia quot; supply the antecedent tot, the subject of adsunt understood: so many thousands are present as, &c. See on i. 430. Mycenis. Gr. § 255; Z. § 398.-332. Alii; others; another portion of the same countless host meant by the first alii, the greater part of whom are still at the gate, while some of their number, the second alii, have already penetrated into the streets of the city. This is Wagner's explanation. Angusta viarum; for angustas vias; the narrow passages. See on i. 422; Gr. § 212, R. 3; n. 4; Z. § 435.-333. Oppositi; opposed, that is, to the Trojans who attempt to escape.

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