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6. You are given a block of metal of known mass and specific heat. How would you proceed to determine with it the temperature of an oven?

7. Define the terms resultant force, couple, centre of gravity. How would you determine, experimentally, the position of the centre of gravity of a wire bent into the form of an irregular quadrilateral?

8. Define the terms rigidity, elasticity, stress, and strain. The amount of bending of a beam depends upon the force applied, also the length and depth of the beam. What are the actual relations between these quantities and how would you proceed to prove



Time: two hours.

[N.B.-Candidates are expected to write formulae and equations wherever possible.]

1. Given iron filings and water, how would you prepare some hydrogen gas? Give a sketch of the apparatus you would use and write an account of the properties of hydrogen.

2. What is meant by the term allotropy? Give some instances.

3. "Carbon is a reducing agent." Explain the meaning of this statement and describe some experiments to illustrate its reducing power.

4. How would you prepare and collect some ammonia gas? Describe its properties and state how you would prepare a strong solution. What is the effect of heat on a solution of ammonia?

5. How may the composition of hydochloric acid be ascertained? Describe the action of (a) zinc (b) zinc oxide (c) manganese dioxide on a solution of the gas.

6. There is a simple test by means of which you can distinguish between potassium iodide and potassium bromide. Describe in detail how you would apply this test.

7. How would you prepare sulphur dioxide gas if you were given some sodium sulphite and hydrochloric acid? What uses are made of this gas?


Time: two hours.

1. The diaphragm ;-describe its position, shape, and structure; what important organs touch it on either side and what structures pass through it? What is its use? Is your description derived from practical acquaintance or from your reading?

2. Milk;-What is its composition and what does it look like under the microscope? Why is milk so largely used as a desirable article of food?

3. The thoracic duct;-What is this structure and how does it begin and end? Describe its contents when no food is taken and after an ordinary meal.

4. What can be seen with the naked eye when a piece of spinal cord is cut across? How are the spinal nerves joined on to the cord and what are the functions of the various parts you mention?

5. What do the valves of a vein look like ? Describe a simple method of showing how these valves act. What would be likely to happen if the valves of the veins of the legs were absent or did not act ?


Time two hours.

1. Name and describe the underground portions of the lily and

the orchid.

2. Name the parts of a leaf. How may these parts be modified or absent? How may the leaf be attached to the branch? Take as examples, buttercup, wall-flower, pea, and jonquil.

3. What are bracts? Take as illustrations abutilon, sunflower, and jonquil.

4. As applied to the parts of a flower, what is meant by cohesion ? Describe the cohesion existing in such flowers as abutilon, primrose, sunflower, snapdragon, and pea.

5. Describe the arrangement and number of stamens in the buttercup, abutilon, wall-flower, pea, and eucalyptus.




Time: two hours.

1. Illustrate these statements about the character of Portia : "Her delightful sense of humour saves her from any touch of selfconceit; her spirit of comradeship and friendliness keeps her always human and kindly."

2. Explain

a. It is no mean happiness to be seated in the mean

superfluity comes sooner by white hairs, but competency lives longer.

b. Where is the horse that doth untread again



His tedious measures with the unbated fire

That he did pace them first?

With affection wondrous sensible

He wrung Bassanio's haud.

For affection

Mistress of passion, sways it to the mood
Of what it likes or loathes.

e. How many things by season season'd are
To their right praise and true perfection!

f. Forgive a moiety of the principal.

3. What do you understand by pathos in poetry? Illustrate your answer by referring as fully as you can to the poems in the Golden Treasury, Bk. iii.

4. Write notes on the meaning of the words in italics: the azure main, a baleful smile, ilka green loaning, ghastly fears, ample pinion, the liquid noon, pensive pleasures, ingenuous shame, your bonny brow was brent.

5. Quote the lines from Lycidas beginning "Fame is the spur," and ending "all-judging Jove." Then explain the metaphors, paying special attention to the adjectives.

6. Quote eight lines beginning:

a. Behold when Dryden's less presumptuous car.

b. On some fond breast the parting soul relies.


Time two hours and a half.

1. Give an account of the administration of Thomas Cromwell during the reign of Henry VIII.

2. Tell what you know of the work done by Englishmen in Central America and the West Indies during the reign of Eliza beth and the protectorate of Oliver Cromwell.

3. Write a short paper on the character of Charles I. King of England.

4. What changes were made in the forms of government in England from 1649 to 1660?

5. Write notes on the following: (a) the Act of Supremacy, (b) the Hampton Court Conference, (c) the acquittal of the seven bishops.

[blocks in formation]

a. They learnt that the Megarians were already at Cyzicus, and sailed back to the Piraeus.

b. Alcibiades heard this, and disembarked his forces at Ephesus.

c. After this the Lacedaemonians came to the assistance of the Persians with five thousand infantry and two hundred cavalry.



d. In this engagement the Athenians lost twenty-seven
ships, crews and all.

Ε. These cities which I have mentioned revolted from

f. When the news of this event reached Syracuse, the citizens
were angry with their commanders, believing that their
carelessness was responsible for the defeat.

2. Translate into English:

α. Ω θύγατερ, οὑμοὶ μὲν λόγοι πρὸς αἰθέρα
φροῦδοι μάτην ῥιφθέντες ἀμφὶ σοῦ φόνου·
σὺ δ' εἴ τι μείζω δύναμιν ἢ μήτηρ ἔχεις,
σπούδαζε, πάσας ὥστ ̓ ἀηδόνος στόμα
φθογγὰς ἱεῖσα, μὴ στερηθῆναι βίου.
πρόσπιπτε δ' οἰκτρῶς τοῦδ' Ὀδυσσέως γόνυ,
καὶ πεῖθ'. ἔχεις δὲ πρόφασιν· ἔστι γὰρ τέκνα
καὶ τῷδε, τὴν σὴν ὥστ ̓ ἐποικτεῖραι τύχην.

i. Parse ῥιφθέντες (line 2).

ii. Parse μείζω (line 3) and explain the origin of the form.

iii. Indicate the quantity of each syllable in line 2, mark the division into feet, and name the metre.

6. Καὶ ἱππαρχεῖν δέ τινι ᾑρημένῳ οἶδά ποτε αὐτὸν τοιάδε διαλεχθέντα· Ἔχοις ἄν, ἔφη, ὦ νεανία, εἰπεῖν ἡμῖν ὅτου ἕνεκα ἐπεθύμησας ἱππαρχεῖν; οὐ γὰρ δὴ τοῦ πρῶτος τῶν ἱππέων ἐλαύνειν· καὶ γὰρ οἱ ἱπποτοξόται τούτου γε ἀξιοῦνται· προελαύνουσι γοῦν καὶ τῶν ἱππάρχων. Αληθῆ λέγεις, ἔφη. ̓Αλλὰ μὴν οὐδὲ τοῦ γνωσθῆναί γε· ἐπεὶ καὶ οἱ μαινόμενοί γε ὑπὸ πάντων γιγνώσκονται,

3. Translate into English :

α. Φεῦ.

εἴθ ̓ ὤφελ' ἡ προμνήστρι ̓ ἀπολέσθαι κακῶς, ἥτις με γῆμ' ἐπῆρε τὴν σὴν μητέρα.

6. ἀνήρετ' ἄρτι Χαιρεφῶντα Σωκράτης

ψύλλαν, ὁπόσους άλλοιτο τοὺς αὐτῆς πόδας·

i. Why is άλλοιτο in the optative

ii. Explain carefully the idiom in accordance with which lav is in the accusative.

ε. τί δαί; κυνηδὸν τὴν σοφίαν σιτήσομαι ;

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