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part of the Controverfie between us. It is well known that there are among them, and not among the meanest of them who have believed the Liturgy and Ceremonies to be very Innocent, and yet could be never brought to say one word to the People of this their belief; But on the other fide now, if they are really perfwaded that the Covenant doth carry a lasting Obligation along with it: In that Cafe I fhall not, during that Perswafion of theirs, defire them to renounce it; but withall I must crave their leave to add this further, that during that Perswasion of theirs, I think it but reasonable; that the Government fhould caft a very watchful eye over them. And of this I fhall give an account from the Covenant it felf. wherein there are so many things, and of fuch fatal and univerfal confequence, covenanted for, that the whole Nation is highly concerned that no confiderable Part of it should look upon themselves, and every Body else, as lying under the Obligation of the Oath of God, to watch all opportu

opportunities wherein they may ac complish fuch great and publick mifchiefs, as will appear by a particular Confideration of the Thing it felf.


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That we shall fincerely, really, and conftantly, through the Grace of God, endeavour in our several Places and Callings the preservation of the Reformed Religion in the Church of Scotland, in Doctrine, Worship, Difcipline, and Government against our Common Enemies: The Reformation of Religion in the Kingdoms of England and Ireland in Doctrine, Worship, Difcipline, and Government, according to the Word of God, and the Example of the best Reformed Churches: And shall endeavour to bring the Churches of God in the three Kingdoms to the nearest Conjunction and Uniformity in Religion, in Confeffion of Faith, Form of ChurchGovernment, Directory for Worship and Catechizing; That we and our Posterity after us, may as Brethren, live in Faith and Love, and that the Lord may delight

delight to dwell in the midst of us.

In which Article it is eafie to obferve many things lyable to very just and material Exceptions; as firft, By what Authority can any private man in England, if he keeps himself within his own Place and Calling, intermeddle either in the Prefervation or Alteration of the Religion and Government of the Church and Kingdom of Scotland? Nay, by what Authority can any Perfon in this Kingdom whatever, be he in what Publick Capacity he will (His Majefty only excepted, or those who act by Commiffion from Him) have any thing to do with the Concerns in that Kingdom? And fecondly, this first Part of the Article may upon very good. Grounds be fuppofed to be inconfiftent with the remaining Parts of it: For weare fworn to preserve the Do&rine, Difcipline, &c. of Scotland, and withall, to bring the three Kingdoms to the nearest Uniformity in Religion, Confeffion of Faith, form of Church-Government, Directory for Worship and


Catechizing; So that Scotland must neceffarily be our Pattern; and yet in the fame breath we are sworn to reform England and Ireland, according to the Word of God, and the Example of the best Reformed Churches: And it is more than poffible, that our own Church, as it is already by Law established, or at least fome other Church beyond the Seas, may come altogether as near the Word of God, as that of Scotland: And what is to be done in that Case? And in the third place, all the other Diffenters whatever, befides the Presbyterians, are highly concerned to fee that the Covenant is not looked up. on as a thing of any obligation; because that that is exprefs for Unifor mity, and as fuch, is not lefs than abfolutely inconfiftent with Liberty of Confcience; and as hard thoughts foever as the smaller Sects have entertained concerning the Bishops; they are much more concerned to fecure themselves against not a few, nor the leaft Confiderable, among their own dear Brethren,


That we fall in like manner, without respect of Perfons, endeavour the Extirpation of Popery, Prelacy; that is Church-Government by Archbishops, BiShops, their Chancellors, and Commiffaries, Deans, Deans and Chapters, Archdeacons, and all other Ecclefiaftical Officers depending on that Hierarchy; Superftition, Herefie, Schifm, Profanenefs, and whatsoever shall be found contrary to found Doctrine, and the Power of Godliness, left we partake in other mens fins, and thereby be in danger to receive of their Plagues; and that the Lord may be One, and his Name One in thefe Kingdoms.

As to the former part of this Article, that which concerns the overthrow of the established Government of the Church, I fhall only fay this, that the Modefty of these men is in this case very admirable, and there is no doubt to be made, but that in any other Kingdom it would be thought


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