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can be guessed at by their words and actions, very much abhor it.

Now, as to the behaviour of our diffenting Brethren in this particular, I shall defire their admirers to remember this one thing, that His Majesty not long after His Happy Restauration did put forth a Declaration concerning Ecclefiaftical Affaires, wherein He did very graciously indulge, much to the diffatisfied Part of the Clergy, in hopes thereby to win upon them; and in that Declaration He did propofe this unto them, as a way whereby they might fhew their Gratitude for fo great a Condefcention, That they would read fo much of the Liturgy as themselves had no exception against: But with many of them He could not prevail for fo much as one Syllable, not one Collect, no nor fo much as one Chapter according to the Rubrick; So much doth yielding work upon that good-natur'd Generation. Now whether this Refractoriness, as to the whole Book, and every part and parcel of it, could poffibly proceed folely and altogether C 3


from Confcience, and not very much, if not altogether, from Design or Humour,let their best Friends speak.

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In the next place,now as to the Canons I do not know that there doth or canly any Objection against them which our present Debate is concerned about; because they are no immediate Parts of the Publick Worship, and therefore can be no caufe of the prefent Separation, especially as to the People. As to the Canons made in the year 1640. I must needs confess, that the Scotch Commiffioners did complain much against them, and fome English Gentlemen made witty Speeches upon them; but they had

both of them the ill luck to confefs the real cause of the Pique which they had against them, viz. The acknowledgement of His Majefties Authority as being Independent, and above all Coercion, either Papal or Popular. A Doctrine which I must needs fay was very inconfiftent with those Designs which thofe angry Patriots were at that time carrying on. And I am very much mistaken if,at this

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very day, a great part of that Quarrel which is taken up against the Church be not founded upon this, that it is too faithfully devoted to the Interests of the Crown; and that many Persons are Presbyterians, Independents, Fifth-Monarchy-men, &c. as fo many fanctified disguises under which they act the Part of Common-wealths men.

In the next place come we therefore to the Ceremonies; and there indeed the noise is very great. An Excellent Person, who for his pious labours upon a noble Argument, and much wore worthy of his Pen, deferves much honour, hath in this part of the Question expreft much more Concern, than, I hope, himself upon a ferious review will admit the Caufe to bear, in a Book entituled, Liberty of Confcience upon its true and proper Grounds afferted and vindicated, &c. hath thus expreffed himself, p. 49. How may we lament over the prefent Impofition of the Ceremonies now enjoyn’d among us in England, which are no part of divine Truth, nor any of Christ's C 4


Institutions, but things perfectly Humane in their Creation; and yet are enforced by the Civil Power upon the Practice and Confciences of men. Now here,with all due refpect to that Learned Gentleman, I fhall defire him to take notice, whether it be not an Excellency and a Felicity almost peculiar to the Church of England, that in all her Constitutions, her greatest Adverfaries are forced to betake themselves to the fcanning of a few Ceremonies, to find a caufe, or, to speak more properly, a fhew of Controverfie; and that himself in his own great Judgment hath not been able to find out any other flaw in the Matter of all her Laws, as much foever as he doth millike the Impofition of them. As for the Ceremonies themfelves, the Exceptions, or at least the Clamours are very many; That they are uncommanded by God; that they are fignificant; that they are Willworship; that they are teaching for Doctrines of God the Commandments of men; and lastly, that they do give scandal.


As to the Ceremonies being uncommanded by God, I never heard of any man who pretended them to be otherwife; and therefore it is most clear and certain, that that Church doth not teach for Doctrines of God the Commandments of Men, which doth own publickly, that these are not the Doctrines of God, but only the Commandments of Man: And if any man doth mistake in this Cafe, which is a thing incredible that any fhould do fo; but if there be fuch a one, I am fure that the mistake is his own and not the fault of the Church: For the hath taken care to prevent it, in the Chapter of Ceremonies before the Common Prayers, wherein fhe declares that theCeremonies which are retained, are retained for Difcipline and Order, which upon juft Caufe may be altered and changed, and therefore are not to be esteemed equal with Gods Law. But however, this is plain in the nature of things, that although among the Ceremonies no one in particular is neceffary, yet in general it is neceffary, fo far as Order and De


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