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the acceffion of her new Friends, that she may safely contemn, and by their help eafily overcome all her other Enemies; and withall they are Perfons already fo very near us, that there are none but inconfiderable matters in debate between us; for they allow Epifcopacy, approve the Liturgy, abhor Sacriledge, believe our Articles, and already can and often do communicate in our Publick Worship.

Now as plaufible and taking foever this Plea is, yet methinks that there is no one part of it which doth not carry fomething of wonder in it. First, it is well known that there was a time when the Presbyterians did joyn with, invite,encourage,and protect all other Sectaries, that by their Affiftance they might be enabled to ruine the Church; and therefore it ought to be well confidered upon,by what means it is brought about, that their Minds come now to be fo far altered as that they will now joyn with the Church in the Suppreffion of all the other Sects: Nay,and very lately


the leading Perfons of that way did joyn Interests with the Papists, and mutually engage for affiftance to each other in stopping of Bills in Parliament preparing against Both of them.

In the next place, if the difference between us and them are fo inconfiderable, as they pretend, then furely there was no need of the last War upon any Religious Account. There was no need of that grievous complaint against some of those Things which a Preacher at this Day in Alderfgate-ftreet made before a MockParliament,September 24. 1656. Prayf ed be that God who hath delivered us from the Impofition of Prelatical Innovations, Altar-genu-flections,and Cringings with Croffings, and all that Popish Trash and Trumpery: And truly (I speak no more than what I have often thought and faid) the removal of those infuppor

table burthens countervails ALL THE BLOOD and treasure shed and spent in thefe late Distractions (nor did I as yet. ever hear of any godly men that defired, were it poffible,to purchase their Friends or money again at fo dear a rate,as with


the return of these, to have thofe Soulburthening Anti-Chriftian Tokes reimpofed upon us: And if any fuch there be I am fure that that defire is no part of their godliness, and I profefs my felf in that to be none of the number: Here we fee that Mr. Jenkin is very positive and express in the Cafe; that the differences are fo great between us, that all the blood shed, whether in theField or on the Scaffold, was all little enough to be shed in order to the removal of fo great Evils; and yet there was shed in this Quarrel the Blood of the King, many of the Nobles and Gentry,& of vaft numbers of all other Ranks, Orders and Degrees amongst us: If the Differences between us be fo inconfiderable, as it is now said, then methinks there was but little cause for that great Zeal of Mr. Calamy's, which he expreft in Guild-Hall, October 6. 1643. in order to the perfwading the City unto a liberal Contribution toward bringing in theScots, in order to the prefervation of the Gofpel, as he several times expreffeth himfelf in that Speech, as if the Differen


ces were in his esteem, and in the efteem of that Grave and Reverend Affembly of Minifters there present with him, fo very confiderable, that the chief concerns of the Gofpel did depend upon them; and accordingly he made use of this pretence as his chief Art, whereby to wheedle the City out of their money at that time: Let me tell you, if ever (Gentlemen) you might use this Speech,O happy Penny, you may use it now, happy Money that will purchase my Gospel, happy Money that will purchase Religion, and purchase a Reformation to my Pofterity; O happy Money and bleffed be God that I have it to lend: So that it seems these Gentlemen have two measures which upon different occafions they do make ufe of: When they have a mind to Collogue with Authority, then the differences between them and the regular Clergy are mere trifles and very inconfiderable; but when there is a feafon offered, wherein it is fafe to animate and inflame the People, then the differences are of that moment, that no Treasure, no Blood is fuffici.


ent to be laid out in a Debate of that Concernment, or in the Words of the forementioned Speech; If I had as many lives as I have hairs on my head, I would be willing to facrifice all these lives in this Caufe: Laftly, if the Dif ferences between us be fo very small, fure there can be no great cause for their present obftinate Separation.

But if these men are really and in good earnest defirous of coming into the Church. It is very fit that in order to that they should declare whether they will leave those Principles which have hitherto divided them from it, or whether they are refolved to entertain thofe Principles still, or any of them: If they will leave their Principles the Churches Arms are open to receive and to embrace them; but if they mean to retain their Principles, or any of them, their room may be more defirable than their Company; for upon those terms the difference is in no likelihood to amount to any more than this, that instead of remaining in a Schifm from the Church, they will thereby be in


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