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them that fear him: for he knoweth our frame, he remembereth that we are dust."

On Saturday, the 8th of March, he was remarkably heavenly minded. He said to some friends who visited him at this time, "I thought this would have been my last day on earth, but I now fear I shall be disappointed." A friend replied, "Well, my dear Sir, you must wait with patience the Lord's time." He said, "Yes, yes; if it be a day, or a week, or even a month to come, I will wait my Father's time. But were it his will now, I should be ready to say, 'Lord Jesus, come quickly!''


Bristol and its vicinity. The rupture of a blood vessel, however, on the 7th of September, prevented this journey, which was to have commenced on the 11th. How natural it is to exclaim, “O spare me, that I may recover strength, before I go hence and be no more!" From this time, I may venture to say, that though he had desires to recover, he had no sanguine hopes of ultimate recovery. That he should have had desires for a continuance in this world is by no means surprising, when we consider the tender ties that were to be rent asunder by his death. In such an affliction, would no anxieties arise respecting the future welfare of his endeared companion and his beloved in fant? O, ye affectionate husbands and tender fathers, what would be your desires in similar circumstances? And was it surprising that a strong desire for recovery should arise in the mind of a young man only twenty-eight years of age, having just entered upon the work of the Christian ministry, to which he had consecrated his time and attain-plaint, he exclaimed, "It is wretched ments? Was it surprising, I would ask, to the flesh, and appears grievous," that these desires should at times rise adding, into hopes of recovery, when we consider the nature of the complaint, always flattering to those who at length become its victims ?

The state of his mind during his affliction was in accordance with the amiableness of his disposition and deportment when in health, and clearly evinced the reality of his religion.Amidst all his desires to recover, he manifested Christian resignation to the will of his heavenly Father; a firm and unwavering confidence in the atonement made by Christ, and a peaceful serenity of soul, foreboding his entrance into


Towards the middle of his affliction, he said to a friend, "I have no hopes of recovery, but it is the Lord, let him do what seemeth him good.' He does all things well." At another time, when suffering under great bodily weakness, he said, "I would not bear one pain less than my heavenly Father please;" adding, "Like as a father

His medical attendant called to see him at this time, and said with deep feeling and evident concern, “Sir, I wish I could do more for you; yours is a wretched kind of existence." When this gentleman had left him, he smilingly said, "Perhaps I shall not be disappointed now, but shall spend the Sabbath above ;" and adverting to what had been just said respecting his com

"Though painful at present,

T'will cease before long;
And then, O bow pleasant

The conqueror's song!"

After this, he said, "I think now I shall not be disappointed, I shall spend the Sabbath above. A crown! a crown, to lay at the feet of Jesus!" He was, however, disappointed, and passed two more Sabbaths on earth. About this time, speaking of himself, he said, “I feel myself to be a poor wretched sinner-O amazing grace to save a wretch like me!"

On the Friday evening preceding his death, being too weak to read himself, he requested a kind friend (now herself in glory) to read to him the 301st hymn in Dr. Rippon's Selection, beginning

"Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings,
Thy better portion trace;
Rise from transitory things,
Towards heaven, thy native place:"

pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth and ending with these lines

"Yet a season, and you know,

Happy entrance shall be given; All your sorrows left below,

And earth exchanged for heaven."

On Saturday his mind was calm and fixed on heaven. He said to his nearest earthly friend, "In my Father's house are many mansions, and there is room for you." Then with faltering accents he said, "Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God!"

On the Lord's day evening he was evidently drawing near to death; on being told that he was dying, he said with a smile, "I am glad, if it please the Lord. Dying is but going home."

On Monday morning, March 17, he intimated that his sufferings were very great. A friend said to him, "The time is short, and you will soon be with Christ." With feeble voice, but with a heavenly fervour, he said,

"Christ and his cross is all our theme."

At about a quarter before one o'clock this day, he sweetly and serenely fell asleep in Jesus, having suffered much from extreme weakness during the two preceding days. Thus did he enter into the presence of angels and the spirits of just men made perfect, to unite in celebrating the praises of redeeming love and of pardoning grace, for ever and for ever. He died before he had reached the meridian of life. His sun went down ere it was noon, but not before he was matured for glory.

On Monday, the 24th of March, his mortal remains were deposited in the vestry of the Baptist meeting house in this town. The ministers from all the neighbouring churches, both Baptists and Independents, were present, to manifest their respect to our departed brother. Two addresses were delivered at the interment in the afternoon, by Mr. Woodford, then supplying at Soham, and by Mr. Cater, of Newmarket. In the evening a funeral sermon was preached by his friend, J. Reynolds, of Isleham, agreeably to his request, from John vi. 37. "All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him

that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out."

So far as the writer of this memoir had opportunity of knowing Mr. Ward, he always appeared to be a young man of a social, free, unassuming, kind, and sympathizing disposition. Into whatever company he came, there was something in his manner and conversation pleasing and attractive.

As a Christian, he felt himself indebted entirely to rich and sovereign grace, for all his desires and expectations. He viewed himself as a poor ruined sinner without Christ, and all his hopes (as has been shewn), even to the last, were fixed on oaths, and promises, and blood.

As a Christian minister, Mr. W. was highly respected by judicious hearers. He had not, it is true, the manner of pleasing the vitiated taste of popular audiences; but he possessed that which is of infinitely greater worth, a sound knowledge of the truth, combined with faithfulness and affection in proclaiming it. His style was chaste; never filled with unmeaning epithets and pompous expressions. He did not attempt to shine as an orator, but as a humble preacher of the gospel, his aim was to benefit immortal souls by directing them to Christ.

From the establishment of the Soham and Newmarket Branch Bible Society, Mr. Ward was one of its Secretaries. The interests of this Society lay near his heart; he faithfully served it as long as he was able. He has now entered into the company of many of the advocates of the British and Foreign Bible Society, to watch with them the progress, and to rejoice with them in the success of that Institution, which so admirably distinguishes the present age. To shew the esteem in which their Secretary was held, the Committee passed the following resolution on the Friday after his interment :

"Resolved-That this Committee contemplate with regret the removal, by death; of their late Secretary, the Rev. J. C. Ward, who departed this life March 17, 1828. In recording upon their minutes this afflictive dispensation

of Providence, they desire to offer a this young minister as a perfect charactribute of respect to the memory of one ter; he was not insensible of his imwhose unassuming deportment, and perfections, and frequently mourned Christian character, rendered him the over them; but they are all removed object of general esteem; and whose now, and he shines, and will for ever valuable and disinterested labours in shine, in the perfect righteousness of the cause of the Soham and Newmar Christ, his Redeemer. ket Bible Society, deserve to be had in grateful remembrance."

This record is not intended to exhibit

Isleham, Feb. 7, 1829.

J. R.



Recent Deaths.

69; for many years past a highly respectable deacon of the Baptist church at Ashford in Kent. "He was a faithful man, and feared God above many."

Died, early on Lord's-day morning, April Died, on Saturday, the 18th of April, at 12th, 1829, at his house at New Miller Kettering, in the 43d year of his age, the Dam, near Wakefield, much respected and Rev. John Keen Hall, A.M. the beloved lamented, aged 56, the Rev. John Hatterspastor of the Baptist church in that town. ley, pastor of the Baptist Church, CriggleDuring several weeks of painful illness, he stone, where he had preached the gospel, manifested exemplary resignation, and en- and at the surrounding villages for upwards joyed in a peculiar degree the "peace of God of 20 years. A brief memoir of him may which passeth all understanding," grounded be expected in an early number.

on the discoveries of that gospel which he had faithfully and successfully preached to others for nearly twenty years.

Died, on Saturday, the 11th of April, the Rev. Jacob Martell, pastor of the Baptist church at Deal, Kent. Further particulars of this excellent individual we hope to be able to give in an early Number.


On Thursday, Feb. 5, the King came down to the House to open the Session of Parliament, and to deliver the Royal Message. The following is a part of His Majesty's address

Died on the 31st of March, in the 66th year of his age, the Rev. William Winterbottom, pastor of the Baptist Church at "His Majesty recommends that when this Horsley in Gloucestershire, to which place essential object, (the putting down of the he removed from Plymouth in April 1805. Catholic Association,) shall have been acHis remains were interred in the family complished, you should take into your delivault in Shortwood Chapel Burial Ground, berate consideration the whole condition of on the 6th of April. Upwards of twenty Ireland, and that you should review the ministers of different denominations were laws which impose civil disabilities on His present to pay their respect to the memory Majesty's Roman Catholic subjects. You of the deceased. The Rev. Mr. White of will consider whether the removal of these Cirencester prayed; the Rev. Mr. Waters disabilities can be effected consistently with of Worcester, delivered the address on the the full and permanent security of our estabsolemn occasion, and the Rev. Isaiah Birt, lishments in church and state, with the of Hackney, at the request of the family, maintenance of the reformed religion, estabpreached a funeral sermon on Sabbath after-lished by law, and of the rights and privinoon, at Shortwood Chapel, to a crowded leges of the Bishops and of the clergy of audience, from Rev. xv. 13. middle clause, this realm, and of the churches committed "That they may rest from their labours." to their charge. These are institutions which Died, March 14, Mr. William Clark, aged must ever be held sacred in this Protestant

kingdom, and which it is the duty and the determination of His Majesty to preserve inviolate. His Majesty most earnestly recommends to you to enter upon the consideration of a subject of such paramount importance, deeply interesting to the best feelings of his people, and involving the tranquillity and concord of the United Kingdom, with the temper and the moderation which will best insure the successful issue of your deliberations."

In accordance with this recommendation from the throne, a Bill was submitted to the House of Commons by the Right Hon. Secretary for the home department (Mr. Peel), in a very luminous and statesman-like speech, which occupied upwards of four hours in the delivery. The object of the proposed measure, to use the Secretary's own language, was, "to set at rest a question which had occupied the attention of Parliament, and which had distracted the councils of the King, for now nearly thirty years;" and he proceeded to propose, "That the House resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House, to consider of the laws imposing civil disabilities on his Majesty's Roman Catholic subjects."

The Bill subsequently introduced has for its basis the abolition of civil disabilities on account of religion, and the equality of political rights; and its direct object is to render Catholics eligible to all civil and political offices, with the exception of that of the Lord Chancellors of both countries, and the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland; and these, not as a mark of disgrace, but on account of the church patronage which they exercise. As a precautionary part of the Bill, it is also further provided, that Catholics be excluded from every office connected with the church; and that none of the laws of the universities or ecclesiastical schools, which prohibit their admission, be altered. There is to be no veto in the appointment of the Roman Catholic bishops; but the extension of the monastic establishment is to be checked, and the order of the Jesuits gradually suppressed. The following oath is also required to be taken by Catholics, previous to their admission into Parliament :

"I, A. B. do declare, that I profess the Roman Catholic religion.* I, A. B. do sincerely promise and swear, that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to his Majesty King George IV. and will defend him to the utmost of my power against all conspiracies and attempts whatever which shall be made against his persou, crown, or dignity; and I will do my utmost endeavour to disclose and make known to His Majesty, his heirs, and successors, all treasons and traitorous conspiracies which may be formed against him or them. And I do faithfully promise to maintain, support and defend to the utmost of my power the succession to the crown, which succession by an act entitled, An Act for the further Limitation of the Crown and the better securing the rights and liberties of the subject,' is and stands limited to the Princess Sophia, electress of Hanover, and the heirs of her body, being protestants; hereby utterly renouncing and abjuring any obedience or allegiance under any other person of this realm. And I do further declare, claiming or pretending a right to the crown that it is not an article of my faith, and that I do renounce, reject, and abjure the opinion that princes excommunicated or deprived by Rome, may be deposed or murdered by the Pope, or any other authority of the See of their subjects, or by any person whatsoever. And I do declare that I do not believe that the Pope of Rome, or any other Foreign Prince, prelate, person, state, or potentate, hath or ought to have any temporal or civil jurisdiction, power, superiority, or pre-emirealm. I do swear that I will defend to nence directly or indirectly within this the utmost of my power the settlement of the property within this realm as established by the laws. And I do hereby disclaim, disavow, and solemnly abjure any intention to subvert the present church establishment, as settled by the law within this realm. And I do solemnly swear that I never will exercise any privilege to which I am or may become entitled, to disturb or weaken the Protestant religion, or Protestant government in this United Kingdom. And I do solemnly in the presence of God, profess, testify, and declare, that I do make this declaration, and every part thereof, in the plain and ordinary sense of the words of this oath without any evasion, equivocation, or mental reservation whatsoever."

In connection with the measure for the relief of the Catholics from civil disabilities, but in the form of a separate Bill, it was proposed to raise the quali

These words the Right Hon. Secretary afterwards omitted.

fication of the Irish freeholder from gress through the committee were mostly 40s. to £10, thus reducing the numbers negatived. entitled to vote for the return of Members to Parliament, to the more independent and enlightened party of the Irish population.

These are the leading provisions of the measure, towards which, during its progress through Parliament, the eyes of all classes of the community were turned with intense anxiety.

After a very animated discussion of the principle of the Bill, which occupied several evenings, the strength of the parties ranged on each side of the question was evinced in the following divisions:

The Bill was read a first time on
Tuesday, March 10, without a division.
The second reading was on Wednesday,
the 18th, when there appeared-





[blocks in formation]

House of Commons, Friday, March 6.- Two to one in favour of the Bill, and 36
For going into a Committee 348
Against it......





Two to one in favour of the question, and 28 over.


The present House of Commons consists of 656 members, (the representation of East Retford being in abeyance,) and the votes on the 6th and the 18th

The amendments proposed in its pro- have been as follows:—

[blocks in formation]

Of those who had previously voted for the question since the general election in 1826

[blocks in formation]

Of those who had previously voted against the question since the general election

[blocks in formation]

Of new members and those who had not previously voted on the question in this parliament....

[blocks in formation]


Non-contents 76, Proxies 33-109


Giving a majority in the House of Peers of nearly two to one in favour of the measure.

The Catholic Relief Bill was carried (Contents....149, Proxies 64–213 up to the House of Lords on Tuesday, March 31st. It was introduced to their Lordships by the Duke of Wellington, whose determined energy tended greatly to secure its success. principal discussion of its claims was on the Thursday, Friday, and Saturday following, of which the results are thus given:Saturday, April 4, on the second from and after the passing thereof;" reading of the Bill

Contents....147, Proxies 70—217
Non-contents 79, Proxies 33-112

On Friday, April 10, the Bill read a third time, when there peared

The Bill received the Royal assent on Monday, April 13, which enacts— "That the Act shall commence and take effect at the expiration of ten days

consequently it became an operative law on Thursday the 23d of April, St. George's day, so that all the English -105 Catholic Peers may henceforth take was their seats in the House of Lords. ap- They are eight in number, viz. the Duke of Norfolk, the Earl of Shrews

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