Adur. Then I am freed. Mal. May style your friend your servant. Adur. But let me add An offering to the altar of this peace. [Gives her money. Aur. How likes Spinella this? our holyday Deserves the calendar. Spin. This gentlewoman Reform'd, must in my thoughts live fair and worthy. Indeed you shall. Cast. And mine; the novelty Requires a friendly love. [Offering her money. Lev. You are kind and bountiful. Enter TRELCATIO, FUTELLI, AMORETTA, PIERO, driving in FULGOSO and GUZMAN. Trel. By your leaves, lords and ladies! to your jollities, Amor. Yeth, in sooth the will. Hath wean'd her from this pair. Piero. Stand forth, stout lovers. [Presenting FUT. Trel. Top and top-gallant pair-and for his pains, She will have him or none. He's not the richest Because I cannot help it. Amor. 'T ith no matter. Aur. We'll remedy the penury of fortune; They shall with us to Corsica. Our cousin Must not despair of means, since 't is believed Futelli can deserve a place of trust. Fut. You are in all unfellow'd. Amor. Withely thpoken. Aur. Piero, yes; But what of these two pretty ones? Ful. I'll follow The ladies, play at cards, make sport, and whistle, My purse shall bear me out: a lazy life Is scurvy and debosh'd; fight you abroad, Guz. He shall deserve it. Vouchsafe employment, honourable. Ful. Marry, The don's a generous don. Command doth limit us short time for revels; Safety and welcomes better taste ashore. [Exeunt. 1 |