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horse complains of the ape's rank riding; the jockey makes mouths, but is fined for it; the stag is not jeer'd by the monkey for his horns; the ass by the hare for his burthen; the ox by the leopard for his yoke; nor the goat by the ram for his beard: only the fox wraps himself warm in beaver, bids the cat mouse, the elephant toil, the boar gather acorns; while he grins, feeds fat, tells tales, laughs at all, and sleeps safe at the lion's feet. Save ye, people.

Ful. Why, save thee too, if thou be'st of Heaven's making;

What art?-fear nothing, don, we have our blades, Are metal men ourselves, try us who dare.

Guz. Our brother speaks our mind, think what you please on 't.

Ben. A match; observe well this switch; with this only switch have I pash'd out the brains of thirteen Turks to the dozen, for a breakfast.

Ful. What, man, thirteen! is 't possible thou liest not? Ben. I was once a scholar, then I begg'd' without pity; from thence I practised law, there a scruple of conscience popp'd me over the bar: a soldier I turn'd a while, but could not procure the letter of preferment. Merchant I would be, and a glut of land-rats gnawed me to the bones; would have bought an office, but the places with reversions were catch'd up; offer'd to pass into the court, and wanted trust for clothes; was lastly, for my good parts, pressed into the galleys, took prisoner, redeemed among other slaves by your gay great man, they call him Auria; and am now I know not who, where, or what. How d' ye like me?-say.

1 The "needy Latinist" and begging scholar is a character not unfrequently alluded to in our earlier dramas. In the "Return from Parnassus," the universities are described, in no very delicate terms, as discharging twice in the year no small number of destitute graduates upon the town. The dramatists, too often specimens in their own persons of this mortifying truth, took their revenge by contrasting the "poor scholar" and the "rich fool," and showing where the real advantage lay (more particularly in the eyes of the fairer sex), as in the pleasant comedy of "Wily Beguiled."

Ful. A shaver of all trades! What course of


Dost mean to follow next? ha! speak thy mind.
Guz. Nor be thou daunted, fellow; we ourselves
Have felt the frowns of fortune in our days.
Ben. I want extremely, exceedingly, hideously.
Lev. [above.] Take that, enjoy it freely, wisely use
it, [to]

Th' advantage of thy fate, and know the giver.
[Throws him a purse, and draws back.

Ful. Hey-day! a purse in troth, who dropp'd?

stay, stay:
Umph, have we gipsies here? oh, mine is safe;
It's your purse, brother don ?
Guz. Not mine; I seldom

Wear such unfashionable trash about me.

Ful. Has it any money in it, honest blade ?

A bots on empty purses.

Guz. We defy them.

Een. Stand from about me as you are mortal! You are dull clod-pated lumps of mire and garbish. This is the land of fairies. Imperial queen of elves, I do crouch to thee, vow my services, my blood, my sinews to thee, sweet sovereign of largess and liberality. A French tailor-neat!-Persian cookdainty!-Greek wines-rich!-Flanders' maresstately! Spanish sallads-poignant ! - Sirs, I am fitted.

Ful. Prate sense and don't be mad; I like thy hu


"T is pretty, odd, and so as one might say, I care not greatly if I entertain thee : Dost want a master? if thou dost, I am for thee; Else choose, and sneck up!! pish, I scorn to flinch, man. Ben. Excellent! what place shall I be admitted to? chamber, wardrobe, cellar, or stable?

1 In most passages of our old plays where the expression sneck-up or snick-up occurs, it seems equivalent to "go and be hanged," or " hang yourself."

Ful. Why, one and all; thou 'rt welcome, let 's

shake hands on 't.

Thy name?

Ben. Parado, sir.

Ful. The great affairs

I shall employ thee most in, will be news,
And telling what's o'clock, for aught I know yet.

Ben. It is, sir, to speak punctually, some hour and half, eight three-thirds of two seconds of one minute over at most, sir.

Ful. I do not ask thee now, or if I did
We are not much the wiser; and for news-

Ben. Auria, the fortunate, is this day to be received with great solemnity at the city council-house; the streets are already throng'd with lookers-on.

Ful. That's well remember'd; brother don, let 's


Or we shall come too late.

Guz. By no means, brother.

Ful. Wait close, my ragged new-come.

Ben. As your shadows




A Hall in the House of AURIA.


Aur. Your favours, with these honours, speak your


And though the low deserts of my success
Appear, in your constructions, fair and goodly,
Yet I attribute to a nobler cause,

Not my abilities, the thanks due to them.
The duke of Florence hath too highly prized
My duty in my service, by example,
Rather to cherish and encourage virtue,
In spirits of action, than to crown the issue

Of feeble undertakings. While my life
Çan stand in use, I shall no longer rate it
In value, than it stirs to pay that debt
I owe my country for my birth and fortunes.

Mart. Which to make good, our state of Genoa, Not willing that a native of her own, So able for her safety, should take pension From any other prince, hath cast upon you The government of Corsica.

Trel. Adds thereto,


Besides th' allowance yearly due, for ever,
To you and to your heirs, the full
Belonging to Savona, with the office
Of admiral of Genoa.

Adur. Presenting

By my hands, from their public treasury,
A thousand ducats.

Mart. But they limit only

One month of stay for your despatch; no more.

Fut. In all your great attempts, may you grow


Secure and prosperous!

Piero. If you please to rank,

Among the humblest, one that shall attend
Instructions under your command, I am
Ready to wait the charge.

Aur. Oh, still the state
Engageth me her creature, with the burthen
Unequal for my weakness: to you, gentlemen,
I will prove friendly honest; of all mindful.
Adur. In memory, my LORD (such is your style


Of your late fortunate exploits, the council,
Among their general acts, have register'd
'The great duke's letters, witness of your merit,
To stand in characters upon record.

Aur. Load upon load! let not my want of modesty

Trespass against good manners; I must study
VOL. II.-5

Retirement to compose this weighty business,
And moderately digest so large a plenty,
For fear it swell into a surfeit.

Adur. May I

Be bold to press a visit?

Aur. At your pleasure:

Good time of day, and peace!

All. Health to your lordship!

[Exeunt all but Adur. and FuT.

Adur. What of Spinella yet?

Fut. Quite lost; no prints,

Or any tongue of tracing her. However
Matters are huddled up, I doubt, my lord,
Her husband carries little peace about him.

Adur. Fall danger what fall can, she is a good


Above temptation; more to be adored
Than sifted; I'm to blame, sure.

Fut. Levidolche,

For her part too, laugh'd at Malfato's phrensy
(Just so she term'd it); but for you, my lord,
She said she thank'd your charity, which lent
Her crooked soul, before it left her body,
Some respite, wherein it might learn again
The means of growing straight.

Adur. She has found mercy;
Which I will seek, and sue for.
Fut. You are happy.


Another Room in the same.



Aur. Count of Savona! Genoa's admiral! Lord governor of Corsica! enroll'd A worthy of my country! sought and sued to, Praised, courted, flatter'd! sure this bulk of mine

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