"Such cure as sick men find in changing beds, As a companion Menaphon brings back with him a youth, named Parthenophill, whom he had accidentally encountered in the beautiful vale of Tempe, in Thessaly; and the occasion of his meeting with whom forms one of the most interesting tales to be found in the whole compass of the drama. The melancholy seclusion in which Palador lived, and his inattention to the cares of government, began at length to excite serious discontents in Cyprus. His tutor, Aretus, and his minister, Sophronos, in vain endeavour to awake him from his lethargy, and some mummeries practised by the court-physician, Corax, for the same purpose, are attended with little better success. His cure, however, was nearer at hand than his courtiers imagined. The young stranger, Parthenophill, turns out in due course of time to be the lost Eroclea, and the discovery has, as might be expected, the double effect of restoring cheerfulness to Palador and reason to Meleander. Cleophila, released from her pious attendance on her late distracted father, bestows her hand on Amethus, her devoted lover; and Thamasta, shamed out of her haughtiness by a misplaced affection into which the male attire of Eroclea had betrayed her, becomes the wife of Menaphon. The minor characters will disclose themselves in the course of the drama; but none of them will be found to have much claim on the reader's attention or affection except Rhetias, the faithful servant of the heroine of the piece. : DRAMATIS PERSONE. PALADOR, Prince of Cyprus. Sophronos, brother to MELEANDER ARETUS, tutor to the prince. CORAX, a physician. PELIAS, CUCULUS, two foolish courtiers. RHETIAS (a reduced courtier), servant to EROCLEA. TROLLIO, servant to MELEANDER. GRILLA, a page of Cuculus, in woman's dress. THAMASTA, sister of AmeThus, and cousin to the prince. EROCLEA (as PARTHENOPHILL), CLEOPHILA, KALA, waiting-maid to THAMASTA. } Daughters of MELE ANDER. Officers, Attendants, &c. SCENE, Famagosta, in Cyprus. THE LOVER'S MELANCHOLY. ACT I. SCENE I. A Room in the Palace. Enter MENAPHON and PELIAS. Men. DANGERS! how mean you dangers? that so courtly You gratulate my safe return from dangers? If my experience hath not, truant-like, Pel. As I am modest, I protest 't is strange! But is it possible ? Pel. To bestride The frothy foams of Neptune's surging waves, Men. Sweet sir, 't is nothing: Straight comes a dolphin, playing near your ship, Men. I will not stretch Your faith upon the tenters. --Prithee, Pelias, Alas, sir, we that study words and forms Of compliment, must fashion all discourse Enter AMETHUS, SOPHRONOs, and Attendants. Men. My honour'd father! Soph. From mine eyes, son, son of my care, my love, The joys that bid thee welcome, do too much Men. O, princely sir, your hand. Amet. Perform your duties, where you owe them first; I dare not be so sudden in the pleasures Soph. Here thou still find'st A friend as noble, Menaphon, as when Men. Yes, I know it, To him I owe more service Amet. Pray give leave He shall attend your entertainments soon, I would engross him only. Soph. Noble lord! Amet. You are both dismiss'd. Pel. Your creature and your servant. [Exeunt all but AMETHUS and MENAPHON. Amet. Give me thy hand. I will not say, Thou'rt welcome; That is the common road of common friends. Men. 'T is pieced to mine. Amet. Yes, 't is; as firmly as that holy thing Call'd friendship can unite it. Menaphon, Twelve months we have been sundered; but hence forth We never more will part, till that sad hour, Men. Such cure as sick men find in changing beds, Amet. Such is my case at home. Men. Thamasta, my great mistress, Amet. Not any, Menaphon. Her bosom yet Men. Does the court Wear the old looks too? Amet. If thou mean'st the prince, It does. He's the same melancholy man He was at 's father's death; sometimes speaks sense, But seldom mirth; will smile, but seldom laugh; Will lend an ear to business, deal in none; Gaze upon revels, antic fopperies, But is not mov'd; will sparingly discourse, Hear music; but what most he takes delight in, 1 Perhaps conferr'd.-GIFFORD. |