Alas! they were beneath your royal pity; thee. Behold thy fate; this steel! [Draws a dagger. Ith. Strike home! A courage As keen as thy revenge shall give it welcome; But prithee faint not; if the wound close up, Tent1 it with double force, and search it deeply. Thou look'st that I should whine, and beg compas sion, As loath to leave the vainness of my glories ; Org. By Apollo, Thou talk'st a goodly language! for requital Org. Keep up thy spirit: I will be gentle even in blood; to linger [Stabs him again. Ith. Nimble in vengeance, I forgive thee! Follow Safety with best success; oh, may it prosper!Penthea, by thy side thy brother bleeds; 1 To tent, to search as a wound; from tent, a roll of lint employed in examining or purifying a deep wound.-NARES'S GLOSSARY. 2 So Mr. Gifford's copy; but the meaning of the passage, like a few others in Ford, is more easy to be guessed at than distinctly understood, The earnest of his wrongs to thy forced faith. ven. [Dies. Org. Farewell, fair spring of manhood! henceforth welcome Best expectation of a noble sufferance. I'll lock the bodies safe, till what must follow Shall be approved.-Sweet twins, shine stars for ever! In vain they build their hopes, whose life is shame; No monument lasts but a happy name. [Locks the door, and exit. ACT V. SCENE I. A Room in BASSANES'S House. Enter BASSANES. Bass. Athens-to Athens I have sent, the nursery Of Greece for learning, and the fount of know ledge; For here, in Sparta, there's not left among us One wise man to direct; we are all turn'd madcaps. 'T is said Apollo is the god of herbs, Then certainly he knows the virtue of them: 1 To Delphos I have sent too; if there can be A help for nature, we are sure yet. With all my heart, let me go from thee quietly; The doubles of a hare, or, in a morning, Salutes from a splay-footed witch,-to drop more, Croaking of ravens, or the screech of owls, Org. Noble Bassanes, Mistake me not. Bass. Phew! then we shall be troubled. Thou wert ordain'd my plague-heaven make me thankful; And give me patience, too, heaven, I beseech thee! I vow, by my best genius, in a syllable, Bass. Hey-dey, good words, good words! I must believe 'em, So hard a language; your misdoubt is causeless: 1 Orgilus alludes to the index-hand (F), so common in the margin of our old books, and which served to direct the reader's attention to such passages as the author wished to recommend to particular notice. -GIFFORD. Unforced, and naturally free, be resolute,1 The full of thy relation; could it move Org. To your patience You must add privacy, as strong in silence Org. Lastly, to such direction Bass. With assurance Of will and thankfulness. Org. With manly courage, Please then to follow me. Bass. Where'er, I fear not. SCENE II. A State Room in the Palace. [Exeunt. A Flourish.-Enter EUPHRANEA, led by GRONEAS and HEMOPHIL; PROPHILUS, led by CHRISTALLA and PHILEMA; NEARCHUS supporting CALANTHA; CROTOLON and AMELUS. Cal. We miss our servant Ithocles, and Orgilus; On whom attend they? Crot. My son, gracious princess, Whisper'd some new device, to which these revels 1 i. e. be persuaded, assured, &c. Cal. A fair excuse for absence: as for Bassanes, Delights to him are troublesome; Armostes Crot. He is. Cal. On to the dance! Cousın, hand you the bride; the bridegroom must be Intrusted to my courtship. Be not jealous, Euphranea; I shall scarcely prove a temptress.Fall to our dance. THE REVELS. Music. NEARCHUS dances with EUPHRANEA, PROPHI 1 LUS with CALANTHA, CHRISTALLA with HEMOPHIL, PHILEMA with GRONEAS. They DANCE the first change; during which ARMOSTES enters. Arm. [whispers CAL.] The king your father 's dead. Cal. To the other change. Arm. Is 't possible? They DANCE the second change. Enter BASSANES. Bass. [whispers CAL.] Oh madam! Penthea, poor Penthea's starv'd. Lead to the next. Bass. Amazement dulls my senses. They DANCE the third change. Enter ORGILUS. Org. [whispers CAL.] Brave Ithocles is murder'd, murder'd cruelly. Cal. How dull this music sounds! Strike up more sprightly; Our footings are not active like our heart, Org. I am thunderstruck! |