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rage on the bones of the unoffending squaw might be followed by some tremendous act of vengeance on her part, compelled the doctor to reinter them.

The inhabitants still preserve a large elm on the bank of the river, under which the sachems formerly held their councils. I could not contemplate this object with indifference. Who that has the feelings of a man, and whose bosom glows with the smallest sense of honour and justice, can view this elm with apathy? Where are now those venerable and veteran chieftains and warriors, who were accustomed to assemble beneath its friendly shade....and who received here with open arms the first white man who came helpless and forlorn among them? Surely they were unconscious that, in a few very few revolving moons, the stranger whom they here cherished and warmed by the council fire; to whom they here presented the wampum of consecrated friendship, and with whom they here smoked the sacred ca lumet of peace, had come to supplant them in their native possessions, to root out their posterity from the country, and to trample down the graves of their fathers.

These ancient inheritors of the soil reluctantly submit to the discipline and shackles of civilized life, and in general have shewn contempt for our customs and manners; but as their hunting grounds become destroyed, necessity may force them to resort to other means of subsistence.

An Indian being asked by two white men, how he, who gave himself no concern about religion, expected to reach heaven, answered, "Suppose we three in Philadelphia, and we hear of some good rum at Fort-Pitt....we set off to get some, but one of you has business at Baltimore, and he go that way.... the other wants to make some money too on the road, and he go by Reading....Indian got no business, no money to get....he set off and go

strait up to Fort-Pitt, and get there before either of you."

The Indians of North-America are well skilled in this species of sarcastic humour. I remember to have been present at an interview between some of their chiefs and a select number of citizens who had benevolently devoted both time and property to the introduction of useful and civilized arts among the savages. The Little Turtle, among other improvements which he enumerated to have taken place among his people, mentioned that they manufactured considerable quantities of sugar from the juice of the maple. He was asked how they contrived to procure suitable vessels to contain the syrup when boiling. He affected a very grave countenance, as he answered "that the unfortunate affair of St. Clair had furnished them with a considerable number of camp kettles which answered the purpose very well." It was known that this chief had headed the united Indian forces in their intrepid attack on the American army, commanded by General St. Clair, and in which the latter were defeated with immense slaughter, and suffered the loss of their camp equipage.

(To be continued.)

For the Literary Magazine.




I HAD taken much pains to improve the sagacity of a favourite Spaniel. It was my purpose, indeed, to ascertain to what degree of improvement the principles of reasoning and imitation could be carried in a dog. There is no doubt that the animal affixes distinct ideas to sounds. What are the possible limits of his vocabulary no one can tell. In conversing with my dog

I did not use English words, but selected simple monosyllables. Habit likewise enabled him to comprehend my gestures. IfI crossed my hands on my breast he understood the signal and laid down behind me. If I joined my hands and lifted them to my breast, he returned home. If I grasped one arm above the elbow he ran before me. If I lifted my hand to my forehead he trotted composedly behind. By one motion I could make him bark; by another I could reduce him to silence. He would howl in twenty different strains of mournfulness, at my bidding. He would fetch and carry with undeviating faithfulness.

His actions beingthus chiefly regulated by gestures, that to a stranger would appear indifferent or casual, it was easy to produce a belief that the animal's knowledge was much greater than in truth, it was.

One day, in a mixed company, the discourse turned upon the unrivaled abilities of Damon, Damon had, indeed, acquired in all the circles which I frequented, an extraordinary reputation Numerous instances of his sagacity were quoted and some of them exhibited on the spot. Much surprise was excited by the readiness with which he appeared to comprehend sentences of considerable abstraction and complexity, though, he in reality, attended to nothing but the movements of hand or fingers with which I accompanied my words. I enhanced the astonishment of some and excited the ridicule of others, by observing that my dog not only understood English when spoken by others, but actually spoke the language himself, with no small degree of precision.

This assertion could not be admitted without proof; proof, therefore, was readily produced. At a known signal, Damon began a low interrupted noise, in which the astonished hearers clearly distinguished English words. A dialogue began between the animal and his master, which was maintained, on the part

of the former, with great vivacity and spirit. In this dialogue the dog asserted the dignity of his species and capacity of intellectual improvement. The company separated lost in wonder, but perfectly convinced by the evidence that had been produced.

On a subsequent occasion a select company was assembled at a garden, at a small distance from the city. Discourse glided through a variety of topics, till it lighted at length on the subject of invisible beings. From the speculations of phi losophers we proceeded to the creations of the poet. Some maintained the justness of Shakspear's delineations of aerial beings, while others denied it. By no violent transition, Ariel and his songs were introduced, and a lady, celebrated for her musical skill, was solicited to accompany her pedal harp with the song of "Five fathom deep thy father lies"...She was known to have set, for her favourite instrument, all the songs of Shakspeare.

My youth made me little more than an auditor on this occasion. I sat apart from the rest of the company, and carefully noted every thing. The track which the conversation had taken, suggested a scheme which was not thoroughly digested when the lady began her enchanting strain.

She ended and the audience were mute with rapture. The pause continued, when a strain was wafted to our ears from another quarter. The spot where we sat was embowered by a vine. The verdant arch was lofty and the area beneath was spacious.

The sound proceeded from above. At first it was faint and scarcely audible; presently it reached a louder key, and every eye was cast up in expectation of beholding a face among the pendant clusters. The strain was easily recognized, for it was no other than that which Ariel is made to sing when finally absolved from the service of the wizard.


In the Cowslips bell I lie, On the Bat's back I do fly... After summer merrily, &c.

Their hearts palpitated as they listened: they gazed at each other for a solution of the mystery. At length the strain died away at distance, and an interval of silence was succeded by an earnest discussion of the cause of this prodigy. One supposition only could be adopted, which was, that the strain was uttered by human organs. That the songster was stationed on the roof of the arbour, and having finished his melody had risen into the viewless fields of air.

I had been invited to spend a week at this house: this period was nearly expired when I received information that my aunt was suddenly taken sick, and that her life was in immineut danger. I immediately set out on my return to the city, but before my arrival she was


This lady was entitled to my gratitude and esteem; I had received the most essential benefits at her hand. I was not destitute of sensibility, and was deeply affected by this event: I will own, however, that my grief was lessened by reflecting on the consequences of her death, with regard to my own condition. I had been ever taught to consider myself as her heir, and her death, therefore, would free me from certain restraints.

My aunt had a female servant, who had lived with her for twenty years: she was married, but her husband, who as an artizan, lived apart from her: I had no reason to suspect the woman's sincerity and disinterestedness; but my aunt was no sooner consigned to the grave than a will was produced, in which Dorothy was named her sole and universal heir.

It was in vain to urge my expectations and my claims....the instrument was legibly and legally drawn up....Dorothy was exasperated by my opposition and surmises, and vigorously enforced her title. In a

week after the decease of my kinswoman, I was obliged to seek a new dwelling. As all my property consisted in my cloths and my papers, this was easily done.

My condition was now calamitous and forlorn. Confiding in the acquisition of my aunts' patrimony, I had made no other provision for the future; I hated manual labour, or any task of which the object was gain. To be guided in my choice of occupations by any motive but the pleasure which the occupation was qualified to produce, was intolerable to my proud, indolent, and restive temper.

This resource was now cut off; the means of immediate subsistence were denied me: If I had determined to acquire the knowledge of some lucrative art, the acquisition would demand time, and, meanwhile, I was absolutely destitute of support. My father's house was, indeed, open to me, but I preferred to stifle myself with the filth of the kennel, rather than to return to it.

Some plan it was immediately necessary to adopt. The exigence of my affairs, and this reverse of fortune, continually occupied my thoughts; I estranged myself from society and from books, and devoted myself to lonely walks and mournful meditation.

One morning as I ranged along the bank of Schuylkill, I encountered a person, by name Ludloe, of whom I had some previous knowledge. He was from Ireland; was a man of some rank and apparently rich: I had met with him before, but in mixed companies, where lit tle direct intercouse had taken place between us. Our last meeting was in the arbour where Ariel was so unexpectedly introduced.

Our acquaintance merely justified a transient salutation; but he did not content himself with noticing me as I passed, but joined me in my walk and entered into conversation. It was easy to advert to the occasion on which we had last met, and to the mysterious incident which then occurred. I was solicitous to dive


into his thoughts upon this head
and put some questions which tend-
ed to the point that I wished.

I was somewhat startled when he
expressed his belief, that the per-
former of this mystic strain was
one of the company then present,
who exerted, for this end, a faculty
not commonly possessed.
this person was he did not venture
to guess, and could not discover, by
the tokens which he suffered to ap-
pear, that his suspicions glanced
at me. He expatiated with great
profoundness and fertility of ideas,
on the uses to which a faculty like
this might be employed. No more
powerful engine, he said, could be
conceived, by which the ignorant
and credulous might be moulded to
our purposes; managed by a man
of ordinary talents, it would open
for him the straightest and surest
avenues to wealth and power.

His remarks excited in my mind a new strain of thoughts. I had not hitherto considered the subject in this light, though vague ideas of the importance of this art could not fail to be occasionally suggested: I ventured to inquire into his ideas of the mode, in which an art like this could be employed, so as to effect the purposes he mentioned.

He dealt chiefly in general representations. Men, he said, believed in the existence and energy of invisible powers, and in the duty of discovering and conforming to their will. This will was supposed to be sometimes made known to them through the medium of their senses. A voice coming from a quarter where no attendant form could be seen would, in most cases, be ascribed to supernal agency, and a command imposed on them, in this manner, would be obeyed with religious scrupulousness. Thus men might be imperiously directed in the disposal of their industry, their proporty, and even of their lives. Men, actuated by a mistaken sense of duty, might, under this influence, be led to the commission of the most flagitious, as well as the most heroic acts: If it were his desire to accu

sect, he should need no other inmulate wealth, or institute a new strument.

with great avidity, and regretted I listened to this kind of discourse duce new topics. He ended by rewhen he thought proper to introquesting me to visit him, which I left alone, my imagination was fileagerly consented to do. When led with the images suggested by this conversation. ness of better fortune, which I had The hopelesslately harboured, now gave place to cheering confidence. Those motives of rectitude which should dedeter me from this species of imposture, had never been vivid or stable, and were still more weakened by. the artifices of which I had already been guilty. The utility or harmlessness of the end, justified, in my eyes, the means.

pected, by me, than the bequest of No event had been more unexmy aunt to her servant. The will, under which the latter claimed, was dated prior to my coming to the city. I was not surprised, therefore, that it had once been made, but merely that it had never been cancelled or superseded by a later instrument. My wishes inof a later will, but I had conceived clined me to suspect the existence that, to ascertain its existence, was beyond my power.

began to be entertained. This woNow, however, a different opinion was unlettered and superstitious. man like those of her sex and class Her faith in spells and apparitions, was of the most lively kind. Could not her conscience be awakened by a voice from the grave! Lonely introduced, upbraiding her for her and at midnight, my aunt might be injustice, and commanding her to attone for it by acknowledging the claim of the rightful proprietor.

will might exist, but this was the
True it was, that no subsequent
fruit of mistake, or of negligence.
She probably intended to cancel the
old one, but this act might, by her
own weakness, or by the artifices
of her servant, be delayed till death

had put it out of her power. In either case a mandate from the dead could scarcely fail of being obeyed.

I considered this woman as the usurper of my property. Her husband as well as herself, were laborious and covetous; their good fortune had made no change in their mode of living, but they were as frugal and as eager to accumulate as ever. In their hands, money was inert and sterile, or it served to foster their vices. To take it from them would, therefore, be a benefit both to them and to myself; not even an imaginary injury would be inflicted. Restitution, if legally compelled to it, would be reluctant and painful, but if enjoined by Heaven would be voluntary, and the performance of a seeming duty would carry with it, its own reward.

These reasonings, aided by inclination, were sufficient to determine me. I have no doubt but their fallacy would have been detected in the sequel, and my scheme have been productive of nothing but confusion and remorse. From these consequences, however, my fate in

terposed, as in the former instance, to save me.

Having formed my resolution, many preliminaries to its execution were necessary to be settled. These demanded deliberation and delay; meanwhile I recollected my promise to Ludlow, and paid him a visit. I met a frank and affectionate reception. It would not be easy to paint the delight which I experienced in this man's society. I was at first oppressed with the sense of my own inferiority in age, knowledge and rank. Hence arose numberless reserves and incapacitating diffidences; but these were speedily dissipated by the fascinations of this man's address. His superiority was only rendered, by time, more conspicuous, but this superiority, by appearing never to be present to his own mind, ceased to be uneasy to me. My questions required to be frequently answered, and my mistakes to be rectified; but my keenest scrutiny, could detect in his manner, neither arrogance nor contempt. He seemed to talk merely from the overflow of his ideas, or a benevolent desire of imparting information.

(To be continued.)

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