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woody ground, and their eagle-bearer | tirely from Estremadura, leaving small having been killed, we have not found garrisons in Badajoz and Olivenza.-Martheir eagle again. While the enemy shal Sir Wm. Beresford has taken a posiwere marching upon Chiclana, the insur- tion to invest both Badajoz and Olivenza. gents from the mountains threw themselves A detachment of the 5th army, which upon our rear by Arcos and Medina; all is now commanded by General Castanos, the points of our line were attacked; but is, I understand, at Merida. Since I last the valour of the 1st corps prevailed over addressed your Lordship, Gen. Zayas had the numbers of our enemies. The inha- again landed the troops under his combitants of Andalusia can hardly conceive mand, and had again embarked them, and how such small numbers were able to re- returned to Cadiz. General Ballasteros's sist so many combined efforts.-General division alone, therefore, continues in the Cassagne, with the garrison of Medina, Condado de Niebla; but, from a letter did not arrive till two hours after the ac- from Mr. Wellesley of the 11th, I learn tion.-I am with respect, &c.The Mar- that General Blake was himself about to shal Duke of BELLUNO, come into the Condado di Niebla to take the command of General Ballasteros's division, and the troops which had been under the command of General Zayas, and which were to return to that quarter. desire to co-operate with Marshal Sir WilGeneral Blake had expressed an anxious liam Beresford.-General Castanos has been appointed to command the army in Gallicia, as well as the 5th army, lately the army of the left, commanded by the late Marquis of Romana.

PORTUGAL. THE WAR.Dispatches published in London, 30th April, 1811.

A Dispatch, of which the following is an Extract, was this morning received at Lord Liverpool's Office, addressed to his Lordship by Lieutenant-General Viscount Wellington, dated Nissa, 18th April, 1811.


April 30.

by the Marquis Wellesley from Charles Dispatches were this morning received Stuart, Esq. his Majesty's Minister at Lisbon, under date the 20th inst. stating that 310 men, surrendered at discretion to the the garrison of Olivenza, consisting of Allied Army on the 14th inst. and was

marched to Elvas.

HAVING made arrangements for the blockade of Almeida, and having reason to believe that the enemy's army will not be in a situation for some time to attempt to relieve that place, even if they should be so inclined, I have taken advantage of the momentary discontinuance of active operations in that quarter to go into Estramadura to the corps under Marshal Sir Wm. Beresford, and I have got thus far on my way.-Lieut.-General Sir B. Spencer remains in command of the corps on the frontiers of Castile. Nothing of importance has occurred in that quarter since I addressed your Lordship on the 9th instant. The enemy retired entirely from the Agueda; and, it is reported, that some of their troops had gone back as far as Za mora and Toro, upon the Douro.-Marshal Sir Wm. Beresford was not able to effect his passage across the Guadiana as soon as he expected; and the enemy have intro-head-quarters in Segura de Leone on the "The Corps of Gen. Ballasteros had its duced some provisions into Badajoz and Olivenza. Sir William Beresford's ad12th. His cavalry was at Zafra on the Villa Formosa on the Coa, to join the army 13th, on which day Lord Wellington left in Estremadura."

vanced guard crossed the Guadiana on the 4th instant; and I am concerned to report, that a squadron of the 13th Light Dragoons, which were on picket under Major Morres, were surprised, on the night of the 6th, by a detachment of the enemy's cavalry from Olivenza. I have not received the return of the loss upon this occasion, but I am informed that the ⚫ whole squadron, with the exception of 20 men, were taken prisoners. The enemy have since retired, as I am informed, en

in the neighbourhood of Llerens, having Marshal Mortier, with 4,000 men, was detached a moveable column, under General Mortiniere, by the way of Almarez, towards Toledo. General Beresford, with that part of the Allied Army which does not form the siege of Badajoz, was in the neighbourhood of Santa Martha.


A Dispatch of which the following is an Extract, was this morning received by the Marquis Wellesley, from Charles Stuart, Esq. his Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Lisbon, under date the 20th instant.

The brilliant successes of the Allied Army have been celebrated by every de

monstration of joy which can mark the gratitude of the Portuguese for the exertions of the British in their behalf, and for the satisfaction inspired by the salvation of their country.

Te Deum has been sung in the churches; the City has been illuminated; and shortly after the publication of the Proclamation enclosed in a former dispatch, the letters, of which I have the honour to enclose copies, were addressed to Lord Wellington and Marshal Beresford, by the Government and the Minister.

Most Illustrious and Most Excellent Lord Viscount Wellington, K. B. Marshal, General Commander in Chief.

< Your Excelleney's Dispatch, dated the 9th inst. having been laid before us, and your Excellency's glorious and transcendant services in the course of the present campaign having been duly considered, we have high satisfaction in testifying our just administration of the exalted achieve ments which have immortalized your Excellency's name, sustained the honour of the combined armies, and delivered this kingdom the third time from the oppression of our enemies.-The conduct of the army having justified the confidence of their chief, and fulfilled the expectations of the allied nations, we are desirous that your Excellency do make known to the whole army that the Government and the country are amply repaid for their exertions and sacrifices, by the wisdom, valor, and discipline displayed by the Generals, Officers, and privates of which that army is composed.-We will lay before his Royal Highness, in the distinctest manner, the events which have taken place; recommending to his Royal notice the services of an army which has covered itself with glory under your Excellency's command.-Your Excellency cannot fail to derive high gratification from the result of your plans and labours, which, crowned with the most eminent success and public opinion, leave nothing wanting to satisfy the heart of the illustrious warrior by whom they were conceived and accomplished.-May God preserve your Excellency.


Palace of Government, April, 19 1811. D. MIGUEL PEREIRA FORJAZ.

Most Illustrious and Most Excellent Sir William Carr Beresford, K. B. Marshal, Commander in Chief of the Portuguese Army.

The Combined Armies having driven the enemy beyond the northern and southern frontier with as much glory to the forces allied, as advantage to the just cause they defend, the Governors of the Kingdom have authorised me to acknowledge, in their name, the high and distinguished sevices for which the Portuguese Nation is indebted to your Excellency in quality of Marshal, Commander in Chief of her Armies.-If the success of our arms be the result of valor and discipline, to your Excellency it is attributable that troops, only the other day mostly recruits, have been enabled to conduct themselves like experienced veterans, and to deserve so eminently of their Sovereign and their country.-The Government will lay before his Royal Highness, with an especial recommendation, the merits and glorious achievements of his army, and desire that your Excellency do make known to the whole of that army, in the most impressive manner, the high estimation in which their services are held. The army have amply fulfilled the expectations of their country; and so long as she shall preserve the recollection of events so glorious, the distinguished Chief who disciplined and commanded that army will ever be present to her grateful memory.

I have particular satisfaction in communicating the sentiments of the Governors of the kingdom towards your Excellency being precisely those I have ever invariably entertained.-May God preserve your Excellency,

D. MIGUEL PEREIRA FORJAZ. Palace of Government, April 17, 1811.

FRANCE-Decree for the raising of Seamen.

-March 2, 1811.--Signed by the Emperor Napoleon.

Art. 1. There shall be made a levy of 3,000 seamen, from the age of 20 to 50 years, in the three departments of the mouths of the Elbe, the Weser, and the Upper Ems.-2. The Governor-General shall apportion these 3,000 seamen among the different cities and ports of these three departments.-3. These seamen shall be marched, in parties of 100 each, to Antwerp.-4. This call of seamen shall be in discharge of the maritime conscription,

5. Our Minister of Marine shall take the
necessary measures for securing to the
wives and children of such seamen, while
at sea, a suitable subsistence, and for pro-
viding for the necessary expences of con-
veyance and the details of the service.
6. Our Minister of Marine is charged with
the execution of the present decree.

FRANCE.-Report of a Plot respecting

isle.-April 14, 1811.

not have pretended to enter into his view, but in order to draw from him the sums which he had promised; that he never intended to assist his projects; that he had not even the means of doing so, for he had resided only thirteen days in Belleisle. On his arrival at Rennes, Laupper was ar rested for debts contracted to his regiment. It was not long, he added, before I received a letter from Sieur Owen, in Belle-which he reminded him of their reciprocal promises, and announced the approaching arrival of the money; in fact, he transmitted to him, at two periods, two drafts, one for 1,000 francs, and the other for 400, but they were not paid. In the mean time, the Sieur Owen, insisting and advising him to bring into their interests some of his comrades, he then described to him, as an officer of his regiment, the Sieur Laudis, an old grenadier, who was in prison with him, and be protests that this soldier was totally ignorant of the part which he was made to perform in his correspondence with the English prisoner. Laudis is in fact an old grenadier of the 4th Swiss regiment, who, having been reduced in 1809, remained in the department D' Illet Orlaine, in quality of Garde Forrestier; he had been imprisoned for firing a musket at some person. It was in this prison that he found Laupper. He declared that he never received from him any overtures respecting his intercourse with the Sieur Owen, and, with the exception of the letters of Laupper, the investigation has not hitherto produced any proof against him. Whatever may be the denials of Laupper, and the grounds on which he supports them, it does not appear to me that they can be capable of justifying him in opposition to the suspicions which his correspondence with Sieur Owen establishes against him.-I have the honour to propose to your Majesty, to order the transmission of the Papers to the Minister of War.-I am, with the most profound respect, &c.

Report to his Majesty the Emperor and King-Sire; I had the honour to submit to your Majesty on the 22nd of March last, the disclosures of the Sieur Cunlisse Owen, an Officer of the British Navy, prisoner of war at Besancon. The result thereof was, that this prisoner had concerted with a Sieur Laupper, an Officer in the 4th Swiss Regiment, the means of surprising Belleisle-en-Mer. Owen, according to the promise he had received, as he said, from M. Mackenzie, to whom the plan had been communicated, was to have been exchanged, and to command the Expedition; and Laupper, whose battalion was in garrison in Belleisle, charged himself with the recruiting of partizans among the officers and soldiers, to favour the communications between the cruizers and the coast, &c. It was at Besancon where Laupper had staid some time, while conducting the recruits to his corps, that this plot was formed. Among the papers which the Sieur Owen produced in support of his statements, there appeared many letters which Laupper had addressed to him from Rennes, and in which he stated that several officers had joined themselves to the conspiracy, and especially a Sieur Laudis, who, he asserted, was to give in his resignation, for the purpose of following Owen to England. In pursuance of the orders which I had given, Laupper and Laudis were arrested at Rennes. The first declared, that having had occasion to know the Sieur Owen, on his way to Besancon, and finding himself pressed by the want of money, he had appeared to receive the propositions which the Englishman had made to him, of procuring particular information respecting Belleisle, or the plans and maps of that place; but he maintains that he would

The Duke ROVIGO. Referred to the Grand Judge, to causa the Laws of the Empire to be carried inte Execution. NAPOLEON. Palace of the Thuilleries, April 14, 1811. By the Emperor's Order.


Published by R. BAGSHAW, Brydges-Street, Covent - Garden :—Sold also by J. BUDD, Pall-Mall, LONDON :-Printed by T: C. Hansard, Peterborough-Court, Fleet-Street.



VOL. XIX. No. 37.]


[Price 18.


In the Borough Faction behold an army of Godoys."- WESTMINSTER ADDRESS.



have here, the words of men of independent minds, addressed to a Prince, whom IN the present Number of the Register, we have every reason to believe worthy of I have to put upon record what gives me reigning over such men.But, excelgreater pleasure than I have ever derived lent as the language and the sentiments from any thing that I have inserted in it, of this Address are; wholesome as are the from its first establishment to the present truths that it promulgates to the world; hour. The WESTMINSTER ADDRESS, hard as are the blows which it deals on which was passed at the last meeting of that which is our country's bane; still, the people of that city; at that meeting the circumstance that gives it most value which Mr. Wilberforce's brother-in-law in my eyes, and will, I trust, in the eyes (lately made a Master in Chancery); at of the nation, is, that this Address has been that meeting which this gentleman, Mr. | published by the order of his Royal Highness STEPHEN, Spoke so contemptuously of; the Prince Regent. This is what I most that Address, which was presented to the highly esteem; for it is to me, and so it Prince Regent by the HIGH BAILIFF is, I believe, to the people of Westminster, and SIR FRANCIS BURDETT; that Address a proof that his Royal Highness is, as we has been published in the LONDON have always believed him to be, on the GAZETTE, by AUTHORITY.——I in-side of Parliamentary Reform,That this sert it below just as it stands in the London Gazette; and I thus do all that lies in my power to cause it to be read, or heard, by every person, not only in this country but in every other country, as far as the English language has reached; and, if I had time, I would put it into the French language also; for, every man upon earth, who is worthy of being free, is interested in it.——This Address is fall to all points. It blinks nothing, Bribery, Corruption, Seat-trafficing, Foreign Troops, Star-Chamances of any sort.To the Prince, thereber work; and all the rest of it are here. This is the truth, told in plain language. We have here the sentiments of honest minds, and expressed without the smallest disguise. Here are no circumlocutions; no going about the bush; no hinting and rubbing, no double meanings; none of ⚫those devices to which men who have not power to resist oppression are compelled to resort (under governments really despotic) in order to save themselves from the fangs of what is, in such governments, called law, but which is, in fact, nothing more than the most convenient instrument of the basest tyranny.-in short, we

publication took place in consequence of his special order, there can be no doubt at all; for until now, not a single address, in favour of reform, has ever been published in the London Gazette, under any ministry. Nay, as I am informed by those who have searched the File of the London Gazettes for the purpose of ascertaining the fact, there has not been any address or petition published through that vehicle, which called for a redress of grieu

fore, we must direct our thanks for what has now been done; and certainly not to the ministers, under whom, or whose predecessors for the last thirty years, nothing that was not complimentary to men in power has found its way to the world through this authentic channel, the London Gazette.

-With what feelings the persons named in the Address have seen it published thus to the world, under the authority of govern ment, I know not, neither do I care. Their time for real feeling is yet to come. But, it must be confessed, that the Prince has here had an opportunity of repaying them a little of that which he has so largely received at

their hands. It is not he who speaks of them here; it is not he who characterizes their actions; it is not he who draws the picture of them; it is the people of Westminster, who speak the sentiment, of all the virtuous and public-spirited part of the people of England; it is that part of the people, who set the noble example of returning their member free of expence; it is the people, the real people of England, who draw the picture, and the picture being by them presented to the Prince, he holds it out to the world; he says to the parties described,

look! this is the picture the people give me of you! Here are the words of the "people of England! Such is their opi"nion of you! Such are their accusations "against you!"-And, surely, nothing could be more manly or more wise. Westminster, he heard thef knew, that, in this Address of the people of


people of England; the real people of England; those upon whose hearts and arms the safety of his throne must finally depend; those, without whose attachment and zeal fifty armies would not save the country from subjugation in case of an invasion by a powerful enemy.- I look upon this step, on the part of his Royal Highness, as having decided the question respecting his being in favour of a Reform of Parliament. In this step he seems to me to have declared for the people, and against the system of corruption: against all those who are guilty of the crimes of bribery, corruption, subornation: against the whole of those infamous miscreants, of whatever grade they are, or by whatever name they may be known.His Royal Highness is, I sincerely believe, in favour of a Parliamentary Reform from principle; but, if this were not the case, policy points out this path to him; for, is it possible, that any man can be so blind as not to see, that, in these and the nearly approaching times the good will, the cordial attach ment, of the people will be of infinitely more consequence than it ever was at any former period? In short, there appears to be, and, indeed, there evidently is, no - other choice than that between the People and the Borough Faction; and the Prince has very wisely declared for the former. -With this Preface, I insert the Address, and I do it, too, in a larger character than usual, as well for the purpose of distinguishing it above other articles, as for that of rendering it more easy to be read by persons of all ages.

[blocks in formation]

The London Gazette.

Published by Authority.

From Tuesday April 23, to Saturday
April 27, 1811.

Carlton-House, April 23, 1811.
THE following Address has been

presented to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent; which Address His Royal Highness was pleased to receive very graciously:

The dutiful Address of the House-
holders of the City and Liberties of

May it Please Your Royal Highness, Sincerely attached to your Person, as on the present Occasion will be evinced, it is with a lively Sensibility we participate in the Sorrow Your Royal Highness must feel for the Cause of your having been called to your present Situation.

But we trust, that, by taking on you a Nation's Care, demanding, as they now do, an undivided Mind, the private Griefs of Your Royal Highness must be less painfully felt.

It has been, Sir, with extreme Dissatisfaction we have contemplated those habitual Suspensions of the Regal Authority, some of which have been but recently brought to light, that have been so derogatory to Your Royal Highness, and are in their Nature so portentous; but we trust

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