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" This pencil take (she said) whose colours clear Richly paint the vernal year : Thine, too, these golden keys, immortal Boy ! This can unlock the gates of Joy ; Of Horror that, and thrilling Fears, Or ope the sacred source of sympathetic Tears. "
The Plays of William Shakspeare: In Fifteen Volumes. With the Corrections ... - Page 530
by William Shakespeare - 1793
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Anecdotes of Polite Literature ...

Literature - 1764 - 202 pages
...the true fpirit of poetry. The conclufion of the firft part of the third ftanza is very exprefiive : Thine too thefe golden keys, immortal boy ! This can...gates of joy ; Of horror that, and thrilling fears, Or ofi tbefacredfourte offympathetic lean f. • Particularly the ftanza beginning—Rt-vtage ! revenge...
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A Collection of Poems in Six Volumes. By Several Hands, Volume 6

Robert Dodsley - English poetry - 1765 - 412 pages
...aweful face : The dauntlefs Child Stretch'd forth his little arms, and fmil'd. This pencil take (fhe faid) whofe colours clear Richly paint the vernal...immortal Boy ! This can unlock the gates of Joy ; Of Horrour that, and thrilling Fears, Qr ope the facred fource of fympathetic Tears. III. 2. , Nor fecond...
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A collection of poems, by several hands [ed. by R. Dodsley]. [2 other copies ...

Collection - 1765 - 418 pages
...aweful face : The dauntlefs Child Stretch'd forth his little arms, and fmil'd. This pencil take (fhe faid) whofe colours clear Richly paint the vernal...immortal Boy ! This can unlock the gates of Joy ; Of Horrour that, and thrilling Fears, Or ope the facred fource of fympathetic Tears. III. 2. Nor fecond...
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Thomas Gray - Elegiac poetry, English - 1768 - 142 pages
...Stretch'd forth his little arms, and fmiled. * Shakefpear. APINDARICOD E. 47 This pencil take (fhe faid) whofe colours clear Richly paint the vernal...immortal Boy ! This can unlock the gates of Joy ; Of Horrour that, and thrilling Fears, Or ope the facred fource of fympathetic Tears." III. 2. Nor fecond...
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Poems by Mr. Gray

Thomas Gray - Cats - 1768 - 140 pages
...dauntlefs Child Etrctch'd forth his little arms, and fmiled. < Shakefpear. This pencil take (fhe faidj whofe colours clear Richly paint the vernal year :...immortal Boy ! This can unlock the gates of Joy ; Of Horrour that, and thrilling Fears, Or ope the facred fource of fympathetic Tears. III. 2. Nor fecond...
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Poems by Mr. Gray

Thomas Gray - 1768 - 200 pages
...Child Stretch'd forth his little arms, and fmil'd. This pencil take (fhe faid) whofe colours cleat Richly paint the vernal year : Thine too thefe golden...immortal Boy ! This can unlock the gates of Joy ; Of Horrour that, and thrilling Fears, Or ope the facred fource of fympathetic Tears. III. 2. Nor fecond...
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Poems by Mr. Gray

Thomas Gray - English poetry - 1775 - 168 pages
...Stretch'd forth his little arms, and fmil'd. * Shakefpcar. This . A PINDARIC ODE. 47 This pencil take (fhe faid) whofe colours clear * Richly paint the vernal year : Thine too thefe golden keys, Immortal boy t This can unlock the gates of Joy ; Of Horror that, and thrilling Fears, .^ Or ope the facred fource...
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The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and ..., Volume 56

Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1779 - 454 pages
...finil'd. This pencil tr&e (me laid) whofe colours clear Richly paint the vernal yeari Thine too rtiefe golden keys, immortal boy ! This can unlock the gates...; Of Horror that, and thrilling Fears, Or ope the facrcd fonrce of fympathetic Tears. III. z. Nor fecond he f, that rode fublime Upon the feraph-wings...
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Poems Upon Several Occasions: English, Italian, and Latin

John Milton - English poetry - 1785 - 698 pages
...the Sun, &c." Particularly in the fine Profopopeia and Speech of NATURE to him. This pencil take, Ihe faid, whofe colours clear Richly paint the vernal...thefe golden keys, immortal boy ! This can unlock th« gates of joy ; Of Horror that, and thrilling Fears, Or ope the facred fource of fympathetic tears....
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The Critical Review: Or, Annals of Literature, Volume 59

Tobias Smollett - Books - 1785 - 504 pages Shakfpeare. If it be fuppofcd a plagiarifm, it is furely an allowable one, ' This pencil take, me faid, whofe colours clear Richly paint the vernal year ; Thine too thefe golden keys, immortal boy t i his can unlock the gates of joy ; Of Of horror that, and thrilling fears, Or ope the facred fource...
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