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caufe George Erll of Huntlie, Lord Gordoun chancellar, &c. Archibald erll of Argill, Lord Campbell and Lorne, &c. James Erll Bothuell, Lord Crechtoun, Halis and Liddifdaill, &c. James Erll Murray, Lord Abernethy, &c. Johne Erll of Athoill, Lord Balwanye, &c. to becum cautioneris fouertis and full dettouris conjunctlie, and takand burdin vpoun thame, thair aris and executouris and affignayis for the faid Alexander Ogilby of Boyne, to freth releif and keip him his aris executouris and affignayis harmless and fkaithles of the rycht of his marriage, fingle and dowbill awaill thereof and proffetis that may follow thervpoun, quhilk pertenis or ony wayis may perteine to William Lord Forbes, or ony his donatouris or affignayis therto; And quhatfumevir proffetis fowmes of mony, vther commoditiis or awaillis quhilkis may be obtenit be decreit of the faidis lordis of counfall or utheruis be the faid Lord or his affignayis vpoun the faid Alexander, his aris and affignayis or fucceffouris for the faidis marriage, fingle or dowbill, awaill therof, or quhat expenffis or inconuenientis that falhappin or may follow thervpoun, the faidis perfonis, cautioneris and full dettouris abonewrittin conjunctlie fall releif the faid Alexander therof, and fall refund and pay to him and his aris, all fowmis, expenffis, and interefs that falhappin to be recouerit aganis the faid Alexander thairvpoun as falbe contenit in the decretis to be recouerit theranent; and ar content that letteris of horning or poynding be gevin aganis thame at the instance of the faid Alexander for payment of the famin fowmis to him for his relief without ony proces of calling liquidatioun or utheruife fiklik as the faidis decretis war gevin aganis the faidis

cautioneris, and that thay war full dettouris for the famin. Quhilkis cautioneris conjunctlie confentis thairto be thir prefentis, and furrogatis thame in the faid Alexanderis place of the said marriage, releif and proffetis thairof. And attour the faid Robert Betoun of Creich, fader to the faid Marie, bindis and obliffis him and his aris to content and [pay] to the faid Alexander and his aris, the foume of thre thowfand merkis, in forther tocher guid with the faid Marie, at the termes following, viz. twa thowfand merkis at the completing of the faid mariage, and the uther thowfand merkis, in compleit payment of the faid foume of thre thowfand merkis, within fex monethis nixt efter the completing of the faid mariage. And for fuir payment therof, Michell Balfour of Burlie is becumin and becumis cautioner, fouertie, full dettour to the faid Alexander, with the faid Robert Betoun conjunctlie and feuerallie. And for obferving, keping and fulfilling of the premiffis, the faid Robert Betoun, Marie his dochter and Alexander Ogilby, partiis abone writtin, Our faidis foueranis Lord and Lady, and perfonis becumin cautionaris, ar content and confentis that the faid contract be actit and [regiftrat in] the buikis of counfall, and [haif the ftrenth force and effect of ane] decreit of the Lordis thairof, with executoriallis of horning or poynding tobe direct thairvpoun as efferis; And to that effect makis and conftitutis maifteris Johne Spens, [Thomas M'Calgeane] Robert Crychtoun, and ilk ane of thame, conjunctlie and feueralie ther lauchfull procuratouris, to compeir befoir the faidis [lordis,] and in thair names to consent to the regeftring heirof, in maner foirfaid, in communi forma Promittentes de Rato. IN WITNES of

the quhilk thing, [our faidis foueranis] Lord and Lady, partiis forfaidis, fouertiis and cautioneris abonewritin, hes fubfcriuit thir prefentis with thair handis, as followis, day geir and place foirfaidis, [befor] thir witneffis

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