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of thair place, and ordinairlie to be worne be thame afoirfaid, as most comelie and decent for thame and thair eftate, according to the fchaip, proportioun and modell of a gowne fent doun be his Maieftie, whiche is to be ane example for the faidis burgeffis gownis, according quhairvnto all vtheris are to be maid: AND it being verie meitt and fitting that the principall grite burrowis of the realme, whilkis are of powar and habilitie, fall haif thair proueft, bailgeis, and principallis of thair counfall to be in fuche comelie and decent apparrell as apperteyneth thame to be, for the decencye, comelynes and gravitie of thair placeis; Thairfore his Maieftie ordanis and appointis that the Prouest, bailgeis and fome of the principallis of thair counfall of the burrowis of Edinburgh, St Johnnftoun, Dundie, St Androis, Glasgow, Striuiling and Aberdeyne, fall weare gownes of reid fcarlatt cloathe, with furringis aggreable to the fame, vpoun Sondayis and all vtheris folemne dayis, as the ryding dayis of the Parliament, the fyft day of Auguft, the fyft of Nouember, or ony vther dayis of folempnitie; and althoght these afoirfaid townes be specialie named for the wearing of these scarlatt gownes, git it is noway his Maiefteis meaning to feclude ony other townes frome weiring the lyke scarlett gownes, who vndirftand thair awne habilitie fufficient for weiring thairof: LYKEWYSE his Maieftie ftatuteis and ordanis, That the Prouest of Edinburgh, at all tymes of Parliament conventioun, and tymes of folempnitie, fall weare a grite goldin chayne with his fcarlat gowne, and that all Commiffionairis from burrowis to the Parliament, fall ryde to the Parliament house in thair fcarlat gounes; bot gif thay be of the



meaner forte of burrowis, than thay fall ryde in thair blak gowneis as thay fitt in thair counfallis: AND fiklyke that all Minifteris fall weare thair apparrell of blak and not of mixt cullour, and in the pulpit quhen they preiche to the people, that thay weare thair gowneis of blak, lynned with fome blak lyning, and that at ony time thay fall not weare thair cloathis vther cullour than blak onlie: THAT all Doctouris of Divinitie fall weare thair fyde blak coattis, gownes and tippettis of ony kynd of filk or cloathe at all tymes for thair gownes, as pleaseth thame; and evinfo that all Priouris, Abbotis and Prelates, fall weare in tyme of Parliament gownes of velvott, fatyne, or fome kynd of filk; and finalie, that all Bifchoppis in thair fitting and ryding to Parliamentis, and in thair counsellis, conventionis and General Affembleis, and in the churche quhen thay mak fermone, fall weare such habite and vestment as ar accuftumat to be worne by Bifchoppis, moft proper and decent for the dignitie of thair placeis and estate; and that ordinarlie in thair daylie wearing, and when they go to pulpit to preach vpoun ordinarie dayis, thay fall weare thair coattis of blak damask fatyne or velvott, fo fyde as to come lower than thair kneis, and abone the fame thair lang gownes of velvott or vther ritche kynd of filk, or when thay are privat, of cloath, after fuche forme, fchape and faflioun as the gowne fend doun be his Maiestie, whiche his Heynes will have to be as a modell for all gownes to be vfit be Bifchoppis heirefter; alwyfe thay must evir weare with thair gownes thair tippet of Spanische taffettye abone thair neckis, and fo fyde befoir as thair gownes; and that in thair ryding or travelling,

thay weare blak syde coattis, and abone the same thair ryding cloakis with flevis, lynned on the nek, and faced on the breift and at the handis, with blak velvott: QUHILK directioun and declaration of his Maiefteis will and pleafour in this mater, being prefentit vnto the lordis of Secrite Counfall, and red in thair audience, thay with all dew reverence acknowlegeit the faid directioun and declaratioun to be moft wyflie and gravelie fet doun by his Maieftie in his fingulair and vnspeakable wisdome; and hes ordanit, and ordanis the fame to begyn and reffaue full obedience, effect and executioun, in the perfonis of the Lordis of his Maiefteis Seffioun, and in the perfonis of the Aduocatis, Clerkis of the Seffioun and Signet, vpoun the fyfteine day of Februar nixtocum, and in all vtheris perfonis of the feuerall rankis, degreis and qualiteis abone written, betuix the day and dait heirof and the first day of Marche nixttocum; ffor quhilk purpois ordanis letteris to be direct to officiaris of airmes, chairgeing thame to pas to the mercat croce of Edinburgh, and vtheris places neidfull, and thair be oppin proclamatioun to mak publicatioun and intimatioun heirof, and to command and chairge all and findrie perfonis of the ranks, degreis and qualiteis particularlie abone writtin, to conforme thame felffis to this prefent act and ordinance, and to gif dew obedience thairvnto in everie point, at the termes and dayis particularlie abonefpecifeit, appointit for that effect, vnder the pane of rebellioun and puting of thame to the horne; With certificatioun to thame that failgeis or dois in the contrair, the termes and dayis abone specifeit being bypaft, that letteris falbe direct fimpliciter to put thame thairto.



xx Junij 1 vi xo.

Provest-Gownis.-The quhilk day Sir John Arnott of Berfik knycht proueft Alexander Peirfoun Robert Bannatyne James Dalzell baillies the deyne of Gild thefaurer and counfall prefentlie convenit My Lord Proueft cawfet exhibit and produce before thaim tua gownes the ane reid the other blak clayth lynet in the breiftis with faibill furring sent to his Lordfhip be the Kingis Majeftie for to be worne be him and to be patrones of the gownes to be worne be the Provest and baillies and fic of the counfall and toun as ar appoynted therto be his Majestie.





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