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We build with fruitless cost, unless.
Wert thou severe our faults to mark.
We sing th' almighty power of God..
What glory gilds the sacred page..
What shall we render, bounteous Lord!.
What sinners value, I resign..
What though downy slumbers flee..
When Abra'm, full of sacred awe..
When all the powers of nature fail..
When all thy mercies, O my God!.
When as returns this solemn day..
When darkness long has veiled my mind.
When fancy spreads her boldest wings..
When in the light of faith divine..
When I pour out my soul in prayer..
When I review the crooked ways..
When Israel, of the Lord beloved..
When life's tempestuous storms are o'er.
When once the firm assurance fails..
When present sufferings pain our hearts.
When rising from the bed of death..
When sickness shakes the languid frame..
When sinners quit their wicked ways..
Wherefore should man, frail child of clay.
While by calm reflection led. . . . . . .
While here as wandering sheep we stray.
While nature welcomes in the day.
While some in folly's pleasures roll.
While sounds of war are heard around.
While thee I seek, protecting Power!.
Who can the wondrous works recount.
Who place on Sion's God their trust.
Who shall towards thy chosen seat.
Why do I thus perplex.

Why do we waste, in trifling cares.
With cheerful notes let all the earth.
With glory clad, with strength arrayed.
With one consent let all the earth.
With reverence let the saints appear.
With songs and honors sounding loud...

YE blest inhabitants of heaven!
Ye boundless realms of joy...
Ye followers of the Prince of Peace....
Ye golden lamps of heaven, farewell!
Ye humble souls, who seek the Lord.
Ye saints and servants of the Lord.
Ye sons of men, with oy record.....
Ye weak inhabitants of clay............
Ye works of God! on him alone........

[blocks in formation]


N. B. The figures refer to the Page.

WORSHIP. The Christian Sabbath, 4, 129, 130, 309, 312.-
The House of God, 312.-For the Lord's day morning, 131, 310.
-Pleasures and Benefits of Worship, 66, 132, 135.-Solemn In-
Vocation, 133, 134, 136, 140, 142, 314, 315.-Sincere Worship
acceptable, 137, 139, 311, 315.-Daily and Public Worship, 137.
Grateful Praise, 138, 140, 141, 142, 316, 317, 318, 322, 325,
326, 341, 484.

GENERAL PRAYER AND PRAISE. Perpetual Praise, 4, 92,
95, 143, 144, 332-Invocation of all creatures to praise God, 126,
323, 329, 330, 333.-Invitation to Worship, 69, 92. 73, 75, 83, 92,
114, 128, 145, 322, 343.-Invocation of all nations to worship
God, 48, 94, 313, 319.-God praised by all his works, 320, 321,
325, 327, 334, 335.-Praise especially due from man, 321, 327.-
Encouragement of Worship, 146.-Te Deum, 147.--Iinportunate
Prayer, 59, 152.-Universal Prayer, 348.-Lord's Prayer, 150,
350, 352.-Divine aid implored, 17, 21, 150, 152.

GOD. His unity, 60, 70, 152, 153.-His unsearchableness, 53, 77,
154, 352, 419, 469.-His greatness, 5, 42, 61, 67, 69, 70, 114, 115,
121, 344, 354, 359.-His omnipresence, 117, 155, 169, 353.-
His omniscience, 117, 353, 355.-His moral perfections in gene-
ral, 27, 156, 157-His justice, 11, 48, 56, 66, 70, 89, 107, 319,
326, 383, 419, 449, 470.-Praise for his truth and mercy, 76, 88,
123.-His compassion, 121.-His eternity and immutability, 63,
103, 158, 361, 362, 363.-God the intellectual light, 357-the
creator and preserver, 67, 159, 160, 161, 336, 345, 369, 382-
the friend of the good, 17, 25, 28, 57, 65, 71, 365-the ruler of
the elements, 53, 77- -seen in all, 12, 162, 320, 334, 335, 337-

His power and goodness, 6, 20, 23, 37, 43, 44, 59, 61, 84, 115,
118, 122, 124, 164-His providence, 14, 49, 50, 65, 75, 123, 165
-169, 171-extended to all creatures, 226-God our shepherd,
15, 366-His protection through every age, 36, 55, 172, 176-178,
358, 411-His readiness to hear prayer, 47, 59-Obligation to
gratitude and obedience, 173-175-Providence and grace, 14,
179, 180, 364, 367-Divine condescension, 49-Divine faithful-
ness seen in the promise of salvation, 181.

CHRIST. His mission and birth, 182-185, 372, 377, 378, 400,
461-the image of the invisible God, 373-the light of the world,
374-his invitations, 435-his piety, 186-his example, 384, 385,
460-his miracles, 377-his death, 187-his death, resurrection
and ascension. 188, 189, 386—seen of angels, 379- his interces-
sion, 191-hopes and triumphs of his followers, 190-his king-
dom, 88, 192-195, 375, 376-Love of Christ, 393, 397, 422, 458,
460-imitation of him, 373, 384, 385.

THE SCRIPTURES. Excellency of the Gospel, 196, 199, 201,
372, 374, 375, 376, 378, 381-instruction from Scripture, 97, 104,
105, 197-Perfection of the divine law, 13, 104, 106, 198-im-
ploring aid to understand and obey it, 106, 108, 136.

CHRISTIAN LIFE IN GENERAL. Fidelity to its obligations,
201, 202, 348, 403,406--Obedience better than sacrifice, 33, 39, 311,
387-The beatitudes, 203-Security and happiness of the sincere
Christian, 84, 90, 96, 107, 111, 209-211, 407-409, 422-The
way and end of the righteous and wicked, 1, 25, 28, 37, 111, 205
-207-Aspirations after holiness, 208.

the Christian's portion and support, 2. 3, 10, 35, 44, 57, 212–215,
418, 428-Trust in him the security of virtue, 19, 21, 50, 51, 216
-Trust in him revived by the remembrance of his mercies, 53-
Devotion sanctifying the relations and pleasures of life, 217-
Communion with God, 410, 428-Gratitude and submission, 101,
218, 336, 339, 340, 400, 402, 406, 426, 430-Happy sense of de-
pendence on him, 24, 44, 57, 95, 414, 418, 430-Fear of God, 219
-Imitation of him, 383-Walking by faith, 220, 398-Imploring
God's presence in all circumstances, 221-Imploring his guid-
ance, 99, 100, 102, 106, 119, 348, 400, 403, 414, 431--Trust at all
times in his goodness, 10, 51, 68, 93, 222, 415, 416, 418, 419,
427, 431, 432-Grateful retrospect of his goodness, 341-Resig-
nation, 101, 417, 419-421, 432-Looking to God for consolation
and happiness, 423-27, 29- Love of him, 215, 428-Love to
God and men, 222, 391. Social Virtues.--Integrity, 7, 8, 315,
403-Divine favor to it, 16-Charity the first grace, 223, 221, 390

-God's favor to it, 34, 90,-Zeal tempered by it, 390-Imitation
of the Divine beneficence, 225, 232-Brotherly love, 226, 384,
389, 395, 460--Compassion, 381--Candor and forbearance, 227,
348, 350, 381, 388--Freedom from party spirit, 389--Justice and
liberality, 228, 350, 388-Domestic affection, 113, 229, 395--
Christian friendship, 392, 394--The universal law of sympathy,
230, 393-Charity an acceptable expression of gratitude, 231, 391.
Personal Virtues.-Moderation and contentment, 233, 231, 318,
401, 402, 406, 408, 423-Independence of human usurpations
over the conscience, 387-Humility and meekness, 235, 236, 391,
399--Prudence, 236-Industry, 444-Self-denial, 397-Watch-
fulness, 100, 237, 396-Fortitude and perseverance, 101, 105, 238,
241, 336, 397, 399-Self-examination and self-knowledge, 100,
242, 213, 336, 431, 433.

PENITENTIAL. Neglect of the one thing needful, 244-Im-
ploring favor and guidance, 17, 40, 120, 318, 433, 437, 438, 440,
441-Confidence in God's readiness to forgive, 44, 59, 76, 434,
436, 438, 433-Invitations of Jesus, 435-Seeking divine and hu-
man aid to detect besetting sins, 215, 431-Unprofitableness in
the midst of privileges and mercies, 215-Happiness of the for-
given sinner, 22, 246-Mercy of God to the penitent, 17, 112,
248, 219.

FOR SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES. Dangers of youth, 250—
Religion a security against them, 37, 251-Devotion of youth to
God, 411-Reflections of a religious age, 50, 252, 253, 413-Mar-
riage, 392, 483-Prayer of the aged Christian, 412-For parents,
216-In sickness, 251-Sickness, 424, 427-Reflections on re-
covering from sickness, 255, 426-For mariners, 86-For ship-
wrecked persons, 87-For captives, 86-For those who have re-
turned from abroad, 475-For the bereaved, 478-Family duties
and blessings, 483-Praycr of the faithful minister, 33.

VANITY AND SHORTNESS OF LIFE. Its pursuits unsatis-
factory, 32, 37, 256, 257-Its period transient, 442--Life a pil-
grimage, 258, 397--Divine greatness and human insignificance,
43, 66, 74, 259, 360--Man changeable and God unchangeable,
63, 74, 260, 261, 360--Man completely dependent upon God, 112
-Progress and importance of time, 262, 444, 447--Submission to
the decree of mortality, 263--Life a short term of probation, 264
--266--Warnings of mortality, 267, 445--Need of support in
death, 268--Frailty of man, and God's compassion to him, 63,
269--273, 443, 446.

DEATH, AND THE LIFE TO COME. Prospect of sickness
and death, 434, 448-The peace of the grave, 450-The final

judgment, 434, 449--Resurrection of the good, 9, 269--Praise to
God for the hope of heaven, 274, 451, 452-Prospect of it, 275,
276, 279, 454, 455-The Christian's hope, 277, 398, 423, 451, 452,
459-The reward of the faithful, 277.

FOR PARTICULAR OCCASIONS. Invitation to ordinances,
279-Baptism, 281--Lord's Supper, 282--284, 457-459--Dispo-
sitions appropriate to it, 285, 286--At the settlement of a minis-
ter, 476-On the dangerous sickness of a minister, 477--On the
death of a minister, 478-For a sickly season, 65, 473, 474--For
a Fast Day, 58, 287--289, 467--469--For a Thanksgiving Day,
36, 37, 55, 58, 110, 289, 358, 465, 471, 472--The close of the
year, 290--293, 463--For a new year, 466--God's greatness and
goodness seen in the changes of the day and year, 52, 298, 465
-Seen in the seasons, 45, 124, 294--298-Guidance implored
through the day, 299, 300-Gratitude for daily protection, 201-
Meditations in the night season, 481-Hymns for morning and
evening, 2, 4, 44, 304, 480-Morning Hymns, 302, 303, 482-
Evening Hymns, 305, 306, 308.

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