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For John third Lord Maxwell read fourth

For John second Lord Ross and William his only son, read first, and Ninian his eldest son. Riddell's Ross Pedigree.

To the list of "escaped" add Gib of that Ilk.
Life and Times of Robert Gib, Lord of Carribber,
London, 1874, p. 5.

who, with her family, resided for some months, on
the score of economy (hence the title), in Guernsey." N. & Q." 4th S. xi. 233.
The work consists of a series of graphic letters,
addressed (as I gather from internal evidence) to
some literary man. Assuming the author to be a
lady, she was a highly-gifted and accomplished
one; and her occasional reflections on life and
"society," and even her views on political ques-
tions, indicate a thoughtful, intelligent and sensible
mind. Possibly the author is now well known;
but until lately I had never seen, nor even heard of,
the book, and, having come upon it by chance, I
began to dip into it, and became so interested as
to read it through at one sitting. W. A. C.

PETER THE GREAT'S VISIT TO GODALMING IN 1698.-It may not be generally known that the anecdote related in the Memoir of Peter the Great, p. 85, is corroborated by a no less eminent contemporary authority than Peter le Neve.

The celebrated herald's account differs somewhat from that given in the Memoir (from a letter in the Bodleian Library), as will be seen on comparison; but the latter assists us in filling up one or two lacunæ in Le Neve's MS., a copy of which, by Mr. Hasted, is preserved among the Additional MSS., Brit. Mus., No. 5486, under the heading "Heraldical Miscellanies and other Events beginning May 2nd, 1694, collected and carried on by Peter le Neve, Esqr., Norroy King of Arms"

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"May 16th.-About one month before" (the memorandum which precedes it is dated in July of same year) "the Czar of Muscovy, being in England, went to Portsmouth, and, in his way, lay at Godalmin in Surry. There were thirteen sat at table at supper, and the servants eight, total twenty-one. They had for supper [five ribs of beef] weighing three stone, one sheep weighing fiftysix pounds, three quarters of lamb, a shoulder roasted and a loyn of veal boyled with bacon, eight pullets, four couple of rabbits, three dozen of sack, one dozen of claret, and bread and beer proportionable.

"For breakfast (the following morning evidently) "half a sheep, nineteen pounds of lamb, ten pullets, one dozen of chickens, and three quarts of brandy."

Besides all this

"Six quarts of sack mulled at night, and in the morning seven dozen of eggs, and [salad] in proportion.

The reckoning came to £21."


BATTLE OF FLODDEN.-The two names here supplied are not in the late Mr. Robert White's "List of Scottish Noblemen and Gentlemen who were killed at Flodden Field, 9th Septr., 1513," printed in Archæologia Eliana, New Series, vi., 1865:1. Brisbane, Matthew, of Bishopton, Renfrewshire. Authority, Reminiscences of the late Sir T. M. Brisbane, Bart., Edinburgh, 1860 (printed for private circulation), p. 3.

2. Cleland (eighth) of Cleland. Life of Sir James Y. Simpson, Bart., Edinburgh, 1872, p. 12.

EPITAPH AT SALZBURG.-In the cloistered graveyard belonging to the Monastery of St. Sebastian, copied, on the 25th April, 1871, the following at Salzburg (which contains the tomb of Paracelsus), curious inscription, from a slab in the pave



"Ah mi Viator

Sine lacrymis ne veni ne asta
Nam oculus qui Patri
Matrique intempestive excidit
Hic Jacet
Joannes Baptista

Supra aetate maturus gravis Puer
Aut O rarum ! duodennis Vir

Qui cum in scholis Co

Ronam Nemini cede

ret Mors invida scripsit eu Jona p Imperio
Et sola solio movit

Nunc cœli in academia Deum audit

In memoriam suavissimi Filii moesti parentes
Mon: hoc pp. obiit 10mo April. A. 1649.”

A FACT FOR MR. FROUDE'S HISTORY.-About the year 1842 the late Rev. Thomas Newland, curate of St. Peter's, Dublin, told me that he was then visiting, on her death-bed, an old woman, who, when a little girl, had been one of the Protestants shut up in the barn of Skullabogue. When asked how she had escaped being burned with the rest, she said the Romish priest had got her out, because her life was in a lease which he held.

S. T. P.

STRANGE USE OF THE "SERVICE FOR THE CHURCHING OF WOMEN."-Sir Thomas Widdrington, M.P. for York, in a speech in the House of clergyman who was his friend and neighbour. A Commons, tells an extraordinary anecdote of a butcher in the parish was severely gored in the stomach by an ox, and only narrowly escaped death. Eventually, the wound being cured, the butcher desired to give public thanksgiving in the church for his safe deliverance. The puzzled clergyman, finding himself in a fix, anxious and willing to gratify his parishioner, and yet not knowing of any authorized form for such a public act, actually read the Prayers for the Churching of Women. (Parliamentary History, vol. ix. p. 455.)

In my own experience, I can testify to an unintentional act of the same kind. In a church near Oxford, which I once served as curate, there was

a special pew, capacious and high, at the entrance of the church, where only women worshipped who desired this office of benediction. One Sunday afternoon three Oxford undergraduates, arriving during the evening service, hastily took their places in this particular pew; when, according to custom, towards the close of the service, the parson (who was shortsighted), looking up and seeing the pew occupied, immediately proceeded "to church" these visitors, an act which he completed to the consternation of the congregation.


All Saints' Vicarage, Lambeth.

MISPRINTS." N. & Q.” has, from time to time, directed attention to absurd misprints. Pray, therefore, find room for the following. In the last edition of the Monasticon Anglicanum, vol. vi. part iii. p. 1521, is printed a contract, in English, for making certain windows in the church of the Grey Friars, in London. The printer has not understood the contraction for "con," and has not once only, but several times, represented it by the figure 9. Consequently, instead of "reconsyle," contaynyth," and "conquest, we have "re9syle," "9taynyth," "9quest." K. P. D. E. DR. PRIESTLEY'S MATERIALISM.-The unveiling of Dr. Priestley's statue at Birmingham, on Saturday, August 3, may perhaps give sufficient interest to the following epitaph to insure it an insertion in "N. & Q.":


"Here lie at rest

In oaken chest,

Together packed most nicely,
The bones and brains,
Flesh, blood, and veins,
And soul of Dr. Priestley."

It is said the Doctor, when he read it, enjoyed a hearty laugh over it. The author, the Rev. David Davis, of Castle Howill, was the successor of David Lloyd, Llwynrhydowen, lately referred to in "N. & Q.," and was for fifty years the most celebrated schoolmaster in the Principality. There is a short account of him, written by the Rev. Arthur Mursell, in Good Words, 1863, p. 412.


BUNYAN'S GOLD RING.-Who now has the gold ring found, I think, in the moat near Bedford Jail, and supposed from the initials to be Bunyan's? It belonged to the late Dean of Manchester, Dr. Bowers, who very highly prized it. The device was a death's head, surrounded by the motto, "Memento mori," and with the letters J. B. just under the skull. Such rings were often left as legacies at that time, which may account for Bunyan having so expensive an article. I forget the Dean's reasons for believing it to be his. P. P.

CARDANUS RIDER'S RULES FOR HEALTH.Rider's British Merlin, for the year 1769, is, ac

cording to the title-page, " adorned with many delightful and useful Verities, fitting all Capacities in the Islands of Great Britain's Monarchy," and was "compiled for his Country's Benefit, by Cardanus Rider." Thinking it a pity that his "Verities" should be unknown to the people of this sophisticated age, I send you the rules for health as they appear in the "Observations" for each month :

January-Let not Blood, and use no Physick, unless there be a Necessity: Eat often, and avoid too much sleep. "February.-Be sparing in Physick, and let not Blood without absolute Necessity, and be careful of catching Cold.

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"March.-Purge and let Blood: Eat no gross Meat. April.-It is now a good Time to bleed and take Physick; abstain from much Wine; they will cause a Ferment in your Blood, and ruin your Constitution.

"May. -The Blood and Humours being now in Motion, we must be careful to avoid eating Salt, strong or stale Meats; fat People must avoid Excess of Liquors of any kind.

"June.-Cooling Sallads, as Letuce, Sorrel, Parslane, &c., will prevent too great a Perspiration, and throw of feverish Disorders.

"July.-Forbear superfluous Drinking. Use cold Herbs. Shun boil'd, salt, and strong Meats, and abstain from Physick.

"August.-This month use moderate Diet, forbear to sleep soon after Meat; for that brings Opilations, Headachs, Agues, and Catarrhs, and other Distempers of the same Kind. Take great care of sudden Cold after Heat.

September contains no rule, so it is to be supposed you may live as you like.

"October.-Avoid being out late at Nights, or in foggy Weather; for a Cold now, may continue the whole Winter.

"November.—The best Physick this Month is good Exercise, warm Clothes, and wholesome Diet: But if any Distemper afflict you, finish your Physick this Month, and so rest till March.

"December.-Old Par's Maxims of Health. Keep your Feet warm by Exercise, your Head cool through Temperance, never eat till you are a hungry, or drink but when Nature requires it."


C. W. S.

[We must request correspondents desiring information on family matters of only private interest, to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that the answers may be addressed to them direct.]

WHAT BECAME OF SERGEANT BOTHWELL?— The Francis Stewart, grandson of Queen Mary's Earl of Bothwell, is, as we all know, pictured by Sir Walter Scott in Old Mortality as a private in the Scottish Life Guards. He is promoted to the grade of a sergeant, and, at the intercession of Lady Margaret Bellenden, is promised by Claverhouse a cornetcy; but, ere he obtains his commission, he is slain in single combat by John Balfour, of Burley. All this is marvellously dramatic, but it is notoriously quite "unhistorical."

The real Francis Stewart, grandson of the Earl of Bothwell, was a private in the Scottish Horseguards, but he was promoted from the ranks to a captaincy of dragoons. He certainly was never killed in the fight at Drumclog, since he was in command of the dragoons at the battle of BothwellBrigg, and he seems to have survived for some years afterwards. Claverhouse was never his commanding officer, nor was that brave bad man in command of the Scottish Life Guards at all. He was the captain of an independent troop of horse. At Bothwell-Brigg the Life Guards were headed by the Marquis of Montrose (vice Atholl disgraced), and Claverhouse only commanded his own troop of irregular cavalry. These facts are all plainly recited in the Memoirs of Captain John Creichton; and it is at a period after the accession of James II. to the throne, and during Monmouth's rebellion, that the Captain incidentally refers to the death of Captain Stewart as a recent event. When and how did he die? It is curious to remark that Sir Walter, who edited Swift, who had edited Creichton's Memoirs, should have so deliberately perverted history in the matter of Bothwell's grandson, who appears to have been a person of some character and consideration, seeing that his name was sent up from Edinburgh to the Government in London as that of a military man likely to do the State good service in Scotland against the Covenanters. His nomination (probably on account of his royal belongings) received instant approval from the authorities at Whitehall; and he, a mere private Life Guardsman, was at once sent for to Edinburgh, and entrusted with the command of a troop of horse, in which Creichton was appointed lieutenant. Still more curious is it to note that the characteristic Sergeant Bothwell of Scott's wonderful fiction is not Francis Stewart at all, but virtually Creichton himself; and but for Sir Walter's evidently intense study of the graphic narrative taken down from the old persecutor's own lips by Swift, we should never, probably, have had the story of Old Mortality. All the fictitious Bothwell's impudence, profligacy, lawlessness, and dare-devil bravery are to be found in John Creichton's own character as drawn by himself. History, however, is history; and it would be scarcely justifiable, even in the greatest of historical novelists, to tell us that Oliver Cromwell was killed in single combat by Charles I. at the battle of Worcester; that Robespierre was shot in a duel by Mirabeau or that Napoleon I. escaped from St. Helena, and became President of the United States of America. Captain Francis Stewart (or Stuart), grandson to the Earl of Bothwell, and who-odd coincidencecommanded the left wing of cavalry at BothwellBrigg, must have had a veracious history of his own. Can any one tell me how he came by his end? G. A. SALA.



P.S. There can be no cause to doubt the authenticity of Creichton's own narrative; and the historical accuracy of his allusions to Claverhouse, Dalziel, Leslie, Sir Evan Cameron, and other personages of the time, has never been called in question.

[Scott, in Old Mortality, says that the "Bothwell" of the novel was "descended from the last earl of that name, not the infamous lover of the unfortunate Queen Mary, but Francis Stewart, Earl of Bothwell, whose turbulence and repeated conspiracies embarrassed the early part of James VI.'s reign, and who at length died in exile in great poverty." This earl's son, Scott states, " died in the utmost indigence." The "Bothwell' of Old Morin the tality, the last earl's son, is thus "unhistorized character of Bothwell, except in relation to the name, first note to the 4th chap. of that romance :-" The is entirely ideal."]

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"Reprieves may also be ex necessitate legis; as where a woman is capitally convicted, and pleads her pregnancy: though this is no cause to stay the judgment; yet it is to mercy dictated by the law of nature, in favorem prolis; respite the execution till she be delivered. This is a and, therefore, no part of the bloody proceedings in the reign of Queen Mary hath been more justly detested than the cruelty that was exercised in the island of Guernsey, of burning a woman big with child and sprang forth at the stake, and was preserved by the bywhen, through the violence of the flames, the infant standers, after some deliberation of the priests who assisted at the sacrifice, they cast it again into the fire as a young heretic."

This passage occurs in Blackstone's chapter on "Reprieve and Pardon." He cites in a note the martyrologist Foxe! Is there any better authority for the incredible story? MIDDLE TEMPLAR.

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page which states it was "Written by a lady of the name of Wood, who was residing in the palace. Suppressed, bought up and destroyed. Very few copies in existence." I have seen Mrs. Wood's name as authoress quoted in a bookseller's catalogue, and have heard her spoken of in the same character. Was there ever such a person? If so, where can I learn any particulars of her? It has been stated that neither the Authentic Records nor the enlarged version of it, The Secret History, &c., was publicly sold, but hawked about at night by a mysterious female, who charged very high prices for them. Certain it is that the "remainder" of the Secret

History was offered one evening, by some such agent, to a well-known bookseller, who declined to purchase. Could this be the Mrs. Wood referred to in the MS. note? M. W.

"MR. FULLER'S COMPLAINT."--I wish to ascertain the collection whence a poem, entitled as above, is taken. The following is the first of

seven stanzas:

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And wanting words, even wonder out the rest.” J. E. BAILEY. RUBRICAL QUERY.-In Sir Archibald J. Stephen's edition of the Book of Common Prayer, published by the Ecclesiastical History Society in the year 1849, the first rubric touching the ornaments that were in use in the second year of the reign of King Edward VI. is scored across in blue ink, and in a foot-note we are informed that "The 40th page of the Sealed Books commences with the words THE ORDER,' but is cancelled. This "ORDER' does not appear in the MS. Book, Dublin, C. R. E." On referring to his edition of the Book of Common Prayer for Ireland, I find it as he says. My query is, was this rubric intended to be omitted at the last review, but left remaining by an oversight? EDMUND TEW, M.A.

PRIVY COUNCIL JUDGMENT: LIDDELL v. WESTERTON.-In Bayford's (ed. 1857, p. 128) report of the judgment of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council (Liddell v. Westerton), delivered March 21, 1857, I read :

"But by the time when the second Prayer Book was introduced a great change had taken place in the opinion of the English Church, and the consequence was that on

the revision of the service these several matters were

completely altered; the use of the surplice was substituted for the several vestments previously enjoined, the prayer for consecration of the elements was omitted, though in the present Prayer Book it is restored, the bread and wine," &c.

In Tait (Bishop of London), Brodrick and

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other expert genealogist, kindly recommend me an experienced person, who would undertake a search for me at the Public Record Office and British Museum? X.

[Letters, prepaid, will be forwarded to our correspondent.]

title-page "Francoforte ad Monam," as the place LIVY.-In an edition of Livy, bearing on its of publication, and dated 1578, the following passage occurs :

"Plebs tribunos plebis absentes Sex. Tempanium, A Selium, Sex. Antistium, et Spurilium fecit, quos et quo centurionibus sibi paefecerant Tempanio authore equites."

In the Oxford classics "Sp. Icilium" occurs for ። Spurilium," Livii iv. 42. Which of these readings is correct, and how is the discrepancy to be explained? Is there any mention of a Spurilius elsewhere in Latin authors? OMEGA.

REV.TIMOTHY NEWMARCH.-Wanted particulars of this clergyman, a Yorkshire Nonjuror, in the middle of the eighteenth century, who is said to have possessed much of the MS. correspondence of the "Rev. Edward Stephens," a remarkable Nonjuror of a previous generation, some of whose beth Library. letters are preserved in the Gibson MSS. in LamINVESTIGATOR.

A QUESTION FOR ANTIQUARIES.-The following is extracted from the Unitarian Herald, published at Manchester. By giving it the publicity of "N. & Q.," we may, perhaps, obtain an answer for F. S. A.:

Le Breton, entitled Memoir of Mrs. Barbauld, including "In the interesting volume lately published by Mrs. Letters and Notices of her Family and Friends, a letter is given addressed by the Rev. Mr. Seddon to her father, Dr. Aikin, when about to remove from Kibworth to in post-chaises as far as Stockport, but warns him that Warrington. He gives him instructions how to travel at that place he will find no carriages. This was in 1758. Can any of your antiquarian readers in Lancafirst post-chaise ran in Stockport? A lady not very long shire or Cheshire inform a brother antiquary when the deceased informed me that, in her youth, a person who did not wish exactly to confess having come on foot would say 'I came by Stopport chaise.' There seems to have been a general inclination to substitute some indirect phrase for the simple 'I walked.' A Scotchman

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"DON LEON, a Poem by the late Lord Byron, &c. To which is added Leon to Annabella, an epistle from Lord Byron to Lady Byron. London: Printed for the Booksellers. MDCCCLXVI." 8vo. 1 vol.

These two poems are, of course, not by Lord Byron. Can you inform me who was the author? The publisher's name, and the circumstances of publication, would also be acceptable. H. S. A.

THE ISLAND IRIS.-Diodorus Siculus (v., 32) speaks of those Britons, who inhabit τὴν ὀνομαCoμévny "Ipiv, as being cannibals. Where is this island?

THE SCILLY ISLES.-What is the earliest example of this name, and why were they so called? PELAGIUS.

STRAWBERRY LEAVES.-Why were these leaves chosen to decorate ducal and other coronets? ST. SWITHIN.

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THE SECOND CRUSADE.-I remember reading many years ago (I think in a modern work on the Crusades) a list, said to be copied from the Annals of Waverley Abbey, of the knights who accompanied Prince Henry, son of David, King of Scotland, to the second crusade. I have since referred to the published editions of the "Annales Monasterii de Waverleia," in Mr. Luard's Annales Monastici, but find no such list, though the crusade is mentioned. Can any of the readers of your invaluable publication inform me where the list in question is to be found?



THE DE QUINCIS, EARLS OF WINTON. (4th S. x., xi., xii. passim; 5th S. i. 98.) question respecting these Earls of Winchester, I do not pretend to be able to enter into this which has been argued with much learning, though their early history does not yet seem to be satisfactorily cleared up. Having, however, been led, for other objects, to read over a number of old charters, I have had my attention drawn to references to the De Quincy family, and as I do not find that these have been noticed by any of your correspondents, it may assist ANGLO-SCOTUS and MR. SMITH in their researches if I give, in the briefest manner, the purport of these charters. The first to which I refer is in the "Liber de Dryburgh," presented to the Bannatyne Club by Mr. Spottiswoode, and there at No. 138 it reads thus:

"Omnibus, &c. Rogerus de Quincy, comes Wintonie et constabularius Scocie, eternam in Domino salutem. Noverit universitas vestra nos divine pietatis intuitu et pro salute anime nostre et Alyenore sponse mee et pro animabus Alani de Galwytha et Helene filie sue quondam

sponse nostre," &c.

Then he goes on to say that he gives "totum boscum nostrum de Gleddiswod" to the Abbey of Dryburgh. Like all other charters of this chartulary no names of witnesses are given, but Mr. Fraser, the learned editor of these charters, thinks that the date may be circa 1200. This, however, is somewhat too early, as Roger could not have assumed the title of Earl of Winchester before the death of his father, Seher, which took place in the Holy Land A.D. 1219, as shown by MR. SMITH. The next charter (No. 139) is "super piscaria in lacu de Mertona," which Roger gives "pro salute anime nostre et Alienore sponse nostre," but he does not refer to his former wife, Helen. Again, in another charter (No. 141), he gives to the Abbey of Dryburgh "totum toftum meum quod habui in villa de Hadyngtoun, illud scilicet quod dominus Willelmus quondam rex Scocie (1165 - 1214) domino Roberto de Quincy avo meo dedit," &c. Mr. Fraser attaches the same date to this charter, but as William the Lion died in 1214, and he is here spoken of as quondam rex," the charter must be later. I shall not, however, enter into the question, but merely give these references for the consideration of ANGLO-SCOTUS.

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Then going to the "Liber de Melros" presented to the Bannatyne Club by the Duke of Buccleuch in 1837, I find the name of Robert de Quincy (No. 39) mentioned in a charter of Robert Avenel,

* Muntakhab-al-Lubáb, by Kháfi Khán, Persian text, de Eschedale, granting to the Abbey of Melrose

Bibliotheca Indica, vol. ii. p. 784.

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terram meam de Eschedale, scilicet, Tumlocher et Weidkerroc." We are told in the charter that this is a confirmation of the original grant made by

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