THE HISTORY OF King LEAR, A TRAGEDY: As it is now acted at the King's Theatres.. Revived, with Alterations, by N. TATE. LONDON: Printed for J. BRINDLEY, C. HITCH, J. HODGES, C. CORBETT 3749. TO My Esteem'd FRIEND THOMAS BOTELER, Efq; r OU have a natural Right to this Piece, fince by your Advice I attempted the Revival of it with Alterations. Nothing but the Power of your Perfuafions, and my Zeal for all the Remains of Shakespear, cou'd have wrought me to fo bold an Undertaking. I found that the New-modelling of this Story wou'd force me sometimes on the difficult Task of making the chiefest Persons speak fomething like their Characters, on Matter whereof I had no Ground in my Author. Lear's real and Edgar's pretended Madness have jo much of extravagant Nature (I know not how to exprefs it) as could never have started, but from our Shakespear's Creating Fancy. The Images and Languages are so odd and furprising, and yet so agreeable and proper, that whilst we grant that none but Shakespear could have form'd fuch Conceptions; yet we are fatisfied that they were the only Things în the World that ought to be faid on theje Occafions. I found the Whale to answer your Account of it, a Heap of fervets untrung, and unpolish'd; yet so dazzling in their Disorder, that I foon perceiv'd I had feiz'd a Treasure. 'Twas my good Far-tune to light on one Expedient to rectify what was wanting in the Regularity and Probability of the Tale, which was to run through the Whole, a Love betwixt Edgar and Cordelia; that never chang'd Word with each other in the Original. This renders Cordelia's Indifference, and her Father's Paffion in the first Scene, probable. It likewise gives Countenance to Edgar's Disguise, making that a generous Design that was before a poor Shift to save his Life. The Distress A 2 of of the Story is evidently beigbtened by it! and it particularly gave Occafion of a new Scene or Two, of more Success (perbaps) than Merit. This Method neceffarily threw me on making the Tale conclude in a Success to the innocent diftreft Perfons: Otherwise I must have incumbered the Stage with dead Bodies, which Conduct makes many Tragedies conclude with unseasonable Fests. Yet was I wrack'd with no small Fears for fo bold a Change, 'till I found it well reseiv'd by my Audience; and if this will not fatisfy the Reader, 1 can produce an Authority that questionless will. Neither is it of so Trivial an Undertaking to make a Tragedy end happily, for 'tis more difficult to fave than 'tis to kill: the Dagger and the Cup of Poifon are always in Readiness; but to bring the Action to the last Extremity, and then by probable Means to recover All, will require the Art and Judgment of a Writer, and coft him many a Pang in the Performance. Mr. Dryd. Pref. to the Spanish Friar. I have one Thing more to apologize for, which is, that I barve us'd lefs Quaintness of Expression even in the newest Farts of this Play. I confess, it was Design in me, partly to comply with my Author's Style, to make the Scenes of a Piece, and partly to give it fome Resemblance of the Time and Persons here represented. This, Sir, I submit wholly to you, who are both a Judge and Master of Style. Nature had exempted you before you went Abroad from the Morose Saturnine Humour of our Country, and you brought Home the Refinedness of Travel without the Affectation. Many Faults I fee in the following Pages, and question not but you will discover more; yet I will presume so far on your Friendship, as to make the Whole a Present to you, and subscribe mySelf, Your obliged Friend and humble Servant, N. Tate. PROLOGUE. S INCE by Mistakes your best Delights are made, (For e'en your Wives can please in Masquerade) 'Twere worth our while t'ave drawn you in this Day By a new Name to our old honest Play; But he that did this Evening's Treat prepare Bluntly refolu'd before-hand to declare Your Entertainment should be most old Fare.. Yet hopes, fince in rich Shakespear's Soil it grew, 'Twill relish yet, with those whose Tastes are truc, And his Ambition is to please a Few. If then this Heap of Flow'rs shall chance to wear Fresh Beauty in the Order they now bear, Even this is Shakespear's Praise; each Rustick knows "Mongst plenteous Flow'rs a Garland to compose, Which strung by his coarse Hand may fairer show, But 'twas a Power Divine first made 'em grow, Why shou'd these Scenes lie bid, in which we find What may at once divert and teach the Mind; Morals were always proper for the Stage, But are ev'n neceffary in this Age; Poets must take the Churches teaching Trade, Since Priests their Province of Intrigue invade; But we the worst in this Exchange have got, In vain our Poets preach, while Churchmen plots. A 3 The |