The that she may become frantic. Cupid is conceived to exercise his own power, while aided also by the princely gifts of Aeneas; for these awaken kind feelings in Dido. Comp. 714.-660. Ossibus. Dative. Comp. vii. 355. -661. Domum; house; for race, or nation, as in 284.- Ambiguam, bilingues; unreliable, treacherous; these terms express the national prejudice of Virgil and the Romans, which had rendered the term Punica fides a synonyme for bad faith. 662. Urit; Juno burns her; supply eam. fear of Juno's enmity disturbs her (Venus). She fears the anger and wiles of Juno. Cura recursat. The anxiety of Venus about Aeneas had been relieved by the promises of Jupiter, (see 257, et seq.;) but now as the banquet hour approaches at nightfall, sub noctem, she thinks of the enmity of Juno, and of the new perils of the Trojans, and her fear returns. 663. Affatur. Gr. § 183, 6; Z. § 220.-664. Meae-temnis; my strength, my great power, who alone dost set at naught the Typhoian missiles of the supreme father. Gr. § 204, R. 3. The thunderbolts of Jupiter slew the giant Typhocus; G. i. 279; hence Typhoia. The power of love was a favorite theme with ancient, as it is with modern artists. Ancient painters sometimes represented Cupid as breaking in mockery the thunderbolts of Jupiter. Thorwaldsen, among the modern sculptors, has symbolized the triumph of Love over the universe, in the four beautiful bas-reliefs of "the four elements." In one of these the god is mounted on the back of the eagle of Jupiter, and wields his thunderbolt. — 666. Tua numina; thy divine powers or influences. - 667. Frater. See 618. Aeneas is the son of Venus and brother of Cupid. Ut is interrogative, how, as in 466. Omnia. Comp. 32.668. Jactetur. The last syllable is lengthened by the ictus. -Odiis. Comp. 4 and 251, ob iram. 669. Nota, for notum. Gr. § 205, R. 8, (b). This accords with the Greek idiom; see Kühner's Greek Gr. 241, 3. Wunderlich quotes as an example in prose Pliny's Panegyric, c. 54: An prona parvaque sunt, quod nemo incolumitatem turpitudine rependit? Junonia. This term implies the cause of her fear. Hospitalities which are extended by the people of Juno, (above, 15,) and which are subject to her influences, cannot be safe for the Trojans. Quo se vertant; what direction they may take. - 672. Tanto cessabit; at such an important crisis she will not be inactive. Cardine is here an ablative of time.-673. Ante; beforehand.-Flamma; with burning love.-674, 675. Ne quoteneatur ; that she may not be changed by any divine influence, but may be held, &c. Ut before teneatur is suggested by the foregoing ne. -675. Mecum ; in common with me ; as well as I. Comp. G. i. 41, ii. 8.-676. Qua; supply via or ratione, as in 18; in what manner? The question depends on accipe mentem : learn how I think you may do this. 677. Cari; as in 646.Urbem. Gr. § 225, iv. 679. Pelago. See above on 126, and recludit, 358.-680. Sopitum; being lulled to sleep; I will lull to sleep and conceal. See on participle, above, 69. Super, with the accusative, signifies above, over, and answers both the questions where and whither. With the ablative it means concerning. In poetry with the ablative it also denotes situation. Z. § 320 and Madvig § 230, b; comp. vi. 203, vii. 557. - Alta; this term is applied to the island because it rises high out of the water.-681. Idalium; a mountain, grove, and city in the island of Cyprus. 682. Qua; as in 18. Dolos; the stratagem. - Medius; as in 348.-683. Tu is emphatic, as opposed to hunc. - Faciem falle; counterfeit his form.-| Noctem amplius. Gr. §§ 236 and 256, R. 6; Z. § 485; Madvig, § 305. Ia what case is amplius? -684. Pueri puer. The association of ideas is aided by the juxtaposition of the words; comp. v. 569, x. 734. See Arnold's L. P. C., Introduction, 15; Gr. § 279, 4; Z. § 798.-685. Gremio ; to her bosom; dative, for in gremium. 686. Laticem Lyaeum, the liquid of Bacchus, for vinum. Bacchus is termed Lyaeus, (Avaῖos, from λύειν, to loosen,) as setting the mind free from care. 688. Fallas veneno; that you may deceive her with the poison of love; that is, infect her with passion while she is unsuspecting. Comp. vii. 350.-689. Carae. See note on 646. -690. Grèssu ; join with incedit as an ablative of manner, in the gait of Iulus, contrasted with his usual motion as a winged god. - Incedit. See on 46. Gaudens; he delights in mischief-making. Iuli. See 267. 691. At, as in 305.-Ascanio; a dative limiting the whole proposition, instead of the genitive limiting membra. Gr. § 211, R. 5. "Sometimes a dative is annexed to a whole sentence-instead of annexing a definition to a single substantive by means of a genitive." Madvig, § 241, obs. 3.692. Irrigat; she diffuses. - Fotum gremio; cherished in her bosom; clasped in her arms, like an infant. - 693. Idaliae; another form for Idalium, 681.-Amaracus. Gr. 50.-694. Floribus et umbra; join with complectitur. Adspirans; "breathing (odors) upon (him). 695-756. Cupid, having thus entered the palace disguised as the child Ascanius, exercises his pow over the mind of the queen, in obedience to the wishes of his mother, to make her forget Sychaeus, her deceased husband, and love Aeneas. She protracts the banquet by making many inquiries of Aeneas about the Trojan war, and the heroes engaged in it, and finally begs him to give an account of the sack of Troy, and of his own subsequent adventures. 696. Tyriis; for ad Tyrios. See on urbem, 677. - Duce laetus Achate, for libenter ducem habens Achaten. For the ablative after laetus see above, on 275.-697. Venit. Prove the tense by scanning the verse. See Gr. § 284, exc. 1.- Aulacis superbis; with its splendid tapestries; an ablative of description, limiting sponda, which is an ablative of situation; on the gilded couch with its splendid hangings; see on 164. Some, however, supply et; making both ablatives of situation; aulaeis et sponda. Tapestries richly wrought with woven and embroidered figures were used as carpets, canopies, coverings for thrones, for couches, &c. See illustration given below. Here they are spread over the couch, sponda. 698. Aurea, pronounced here as a dissyllable, aurya. - Composuit, locavit. The perfect definite, or perfect with have. See Gr. § 145, iv. Observe the relation of the tense here to other. Virgil supposes the guests to recline at the banquet, though this practice does not seem to have been introduced until long after the heroic age.-699. Jam conveniunt; are already assembling ; i. e. when Ascanius, or rather Cupid, arrives.—700. Discumbitur; they recline; literally, it is the historical present, věnit; when he comes the queen has already assumea her position and placed herself in the midst. Mediam is for in medio, as in 348. The queen disposes her person with dignity (componere) on a separate couch in the midst; that is, in the place of honor; having the Carthaginian princes, such as Bitias, (see 738,) on one side, and her Trojan guests on the Bacchanalian reclined on a couch. being reclined. Strato ostro ; on the spread purple; for aulaeis purpureis. Comp. 697. For the case, see note on super, above, 680.-701, 702. Canistris expediunt; they bring in, or present, in baskets. - Tonsis villis; with, or of, soft naps; an ablative of description as aulaeis, 697.-703. The inner apartments, where the servants are preparing the food, are separated from the atrium, or assembly room, by corridors or narrow passages, called fauces. An ordinary dining-room, or triclinium, would not, of course, be used on the present occasion. With Famulae, supply sunt. Gr. § 209, R. 4; Z. § 776; comp. note on 157. Quibus limits est understood, of which struere and adolere are the subjects, cura being the predicate nominative, whose care it is, &c. Ordine longo; in a long row, or in long rows; referring not to the order in which the servants stood, but to the arrangement of the dishes of food, or provisions, penum. To prevent confusion at such an entertainment all the articles of food must be properly set out in the inner room by the servants, (famulae,) so that the waiters (ministri and ministrae) might promptly perform their duty of carrying the dishes into the banqueting hall, and changing the courses. Wagner and Ladewig adopt the reading longam penum.. Gr. § 88.704. Struere ; to arrange; i. e. before they are carried to the guests. - Flammis adolere ; to worship the household gods with incense. Comp. E. viii. 65, G. iv. 379. The altar of the penates is in the penetralia, intus, and the servants stationed there are required to burn incense before them, as a necessary accompaniment of the rites of hospitality. In Overbeck's Pompeii, page 200, there is a representation of the house altar and private worship of the Penates. Others understand by it, not keeping the altar fire burning, but preparing food with fire on the hearth.-706. Qui. Gr. § 205, R. 2, (1). The relative pronoun referring to two or more nouns denoting living beings, and of different gen der, is in the masculine. Madvig, 315. - Onerent, ponant; in the subjunctive with qui, to denote a purpose. Gr. § 264, 5; Z. § 567.-707. Nee non et; and also. Gr. § 277, R. 4; Z. §§ 334 and 754. The usage of nec non in juxtaposition to connect two single ideas is peculiar to poets and inferior prose writers. Madvig, § 460, obs. 1.—Per limina laeta ; over the joyous thresholds; i. e. through the festive halls.-708. Toris pictis; on the pictured couches; referring to the embroidered coverings, aulaeis, men-tioned above, 697.-Jussi; according to Wagner this is for et jussi sunt : and have been invited. The queen first takes her place at the banquet; then the Trojan guests; and, lastly, the Carthaginians. - 711. Comp. 648, 649. 712. Pesti; to baneful passion. Comp. iv. 90.-713. Mentem; the Greek accusative. See on 228.- Nequit. Gr. § 182, R. 3, n; Z. § 216. -714. Puero donisque. Comp. 659, 660.-715. Complexu colloque ; in the embrace and on the neck. Pendeo is followed by ab, ex, or in, with the ablative; or by the ablative alone. Comp. ii. 546, vii. 184, xi. 577.717. Magnum-amorem; has satisfied the great affection of his pretended father; that is, received all the endearments that his father wished to manifest; but some take the sense to be: manifested all the love due to his supposed father; that is, fulfilled or acted his part well. In this case genitoris would be the object of amorem. — 717, 718. Haec-haeret; she fastens upon the child, with her eyes, and with her whole heart. 718, 719. Inscia insideat; not knowing what a powerful divinity rests upon her. For the dative, see Gr. § 224; Z. § 415. The question insideat depends on inscia. Gr. § 265; Z. § 552. Insideat (in some editions insidat) is explained by gremio fovet.-720. Acidaliae; a term applied to Venus from Acidalius, the name of a fountain in Boeotia, which was one of the haunts of Venus and the Graces. - Abofere Sychaeum; to take away (from her) the memory of Sychaeus. See 343. - 721. Praevertere; to prepossess; that is, before her thoughts again recur to the past and to Sychaeus. The god causes her to forget her first love, and reawakens her dormant passions, (resides animos,) which he directs towards a living object, before her mind shall fall back into habitual thoughts of Sychaeus. - 723. Quies; subject of fuit understood; literally, when the first rest was to the feast. Translate: when the feasting was first suspended; referring to the courses of food. For the tense to be supplied, see on 216.- Mensae remotae; the courses were removed; the dishes of food which had formed the first part of the entertainment. Mensae as in 216.-724. Vina coronant; they wreathe the wine cups. Comp. iii. 525, G. ii. 528. Vina is equivalent to pocula. The Romans, in Virgil's time, were accustomed to put a wreath round the drinking cup as well as round the mixing bowl or crater. In the Homeric language, to crown the wine is to fill the goblet to the brim. 725. Fit strepitus tectis; the noise (of festivity) arises in the palace. The plural tectis expresses better than tectum the ample dimensions of the house. Laquearibus aureis; from the gilded ceilings. The concave spaces formed in the ceilings by the beams intersecting each other were called laquearia or lacunaria. They were made highly ornamental by.carving, paint, and gilding.-727. Funalia; torches, something like candles, made by dipping cords (funes) in wax or pitch. - Aureis; a dissyllable, as in 698.-728. Hic; frequently an adverb of time. -Gravem gemmis auroque; heavy with gems and gold; i. e. a massive goblet of gold covered with gems. Quam is the object of implere, supplied after soliti. Pateram; a broad, shallow cup, either with or without a handle. See page 314, and 596. 730. A Belo; supply orti (descended) from Belus. The Greeks supposed the Tyrians to have sprung from Belus. Belus was also the name of Dido's father; see 621.731. Nam, elliptical as in 65. Hospitibus dare jura; that you give laws for guests; for the benefit of guests. Jupiter is ξένιος the patron of guests. "All strangers are from Jove." Odyssey 14, 57. -733. Velis; grant. Gr. § 260, R. 6; Z. § 529. It was the practice of the ancient Romans, derived from the Etruscans, to seek first on all occasions the good will of the gods. - Hajus (diei). Gr. § 216; Z. § 439.-Meminisse. Gr. § 183, 3, note; Z. § 221. - 736. Laticum libavit honorem; poured the 729. |