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rection, no more than the Jews crying, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, that will serve their turn, or justify them in the sight of God; but that they must know Christ in them, whom they have crucified, to be raised, and to justify them, and redeem them from their iniquities; hence they say, we deny the life, death, and sufferings of Christ, justification by his blood, and remission of sins through him. Because we tell them, while they are talking and determining about the resurrection, that they have more need to know the Just One, whom they have slain, raised in themselves, and to be sure they are partakers of the first resurrection; and that if this be, they will be the more capable to judge of the second: hence they say, that we deny the resurrection of the body. Because when we hear them talk foolishly of heaven and hell, and the last judgment, we exhort them to come out of that hellish condition they are in, and come down to the judgment of Christ in their own hearts, and believe in the light, and follow it, that so they may come to sit in the heavenly places that are in Christ Jesus: hence they maliciously say, that we deny any heaven or hell but that which is within us, and that we deny any general judgment; which slanders the Lord knows are foully cast upon us, whom God hath raised for this end, and gathered us, that by us he might confound the wisdom of the wise, and bring to nought the understanding of the prudent; and might, in and by his own Spirit and power in a despised people (that no flesh might glory in his presence), pull down that dead, dark, corrupt image, and mere shadow and shell of Christianity wherewith Antichrist hath deceived the nations; for which end he hath called us to be a first-fruits of those that serve him, and worship him no more in the oldness of the letter, but in the newness of the Spirit. And though we be few in number, in respect of others, and weak as to outward strength, which we also altogether reject, and foolish if compared with the wise ones of this


world; yet as God hath prospered us, notwithstand ing much opposition, so will he yet do, that nei ther the art, wisdom, nor violence of men or devil shall be able to quench that little spark that hath ap peared; but it shall grow to the consuming of what soever shall stand up to oppose it. The mouth of the Lord hath spoken it! yea, he that hath arisen in a small remnant shall arise and go on by the same arm of power in his spiritual manifestation, until he hath conquered all his enemies, until all the kingdoms of the earth become the kingdom of Christ Jesus.

Unto Him that hath begun this work, not among the rich and great ones, but among the poor and small, and hath revealed it not to the wise and learned, but unto the poor, unto babes and sucklings; even to him, the Only-wise and Omnipotent GOD, be honour, glory, thanksgiving, and renown, from henceforth and for ever. Amen. Hallelu-JAH.




ALANUS.. Amandus Polanus..

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.Page 421 Epiphanius..............
226 Erasmus

Ambrosius Ausbertus................ 528 Estius................................................................................. 217 Ambrosius Mediolanensis.... 121, 478

77, 527 ...500, 528, 581

528, 531

Eusebius Euthymius.......

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[blocks in formation]

54 ..528, 531 132

Anselmus, Bishop of Canterbury 528



Antiochus Apollinarius Athanasius....... 21, 477, 522, 527, 531 Augustinus Bakerus. Augustinus, 20, 49, 79, 92, 142, 184, 185, 212, 244, 249, 421,424, 528, 531 Author de vocat. Gentium.......... 120 Basil the Great.... ................................................. 521, 527 Beda.... ..................................................................................................... 528 Bellarmine.... 196, 476 Bernard...... 22, 362, 375

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211, 212

Franciscus Lambertus......... 290, 368 Fredericus Sylvius.......... 535, 539 Gelasius....... ............................................................ 249 Gentiletus...

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

522, 528, 531

[blocks in formation]

History of the Council of Trent.. 481
History of the Reformation of
Hosius .................

Hugo Grotius......

480 James Coret......



[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

528 Johannes Damascenus............... 528


499 James Howel.......

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Catechism of Westminster......... 230

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[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Johannes Maresius Isidorus Hispalensis..... Isidorus Pelusiota....... Justin Martyr...... 165, 184, 527, 531, 533, 587 Lactantius........................ 182, 183 Lucas Osiander................. 122, 297 Ludovicus Vives......... 184, 531, 539 Luther, 22, 122, 188, 190, 271, 479, 480, 500

Martianus. Martyr.......


478 108

Melancthon................. 22, 210, 253 Musculus 225 Nicholaus Arnoldus of Franequer, 270, 291, 293, 315, 329, 330, 332, 409, 423 Ecumenius... 528 Origen............23, 299, 527, 531, 538 Otho Brunfelsius 528

[ocr errors]

Papirius Masson...................................................... 422

Paschasius Ratbertus

Paulus Riccius..................
Philo Judæus

526 Phocylides............
17 Piscator.....

108, 207



417, 418

527, 533



NN 2

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ABRAHAM's faith, 33.
Adam; see Man,Sin,Redemption. What
happiness he lost by the fall, 92.
What death he died, 93. He retain-
ed in his nature no will or light ca-
pable of itself to manifest spiritual
things, 93. Whether there be any
reliques of the heavenly image left in
him, 97, 157.
Alexander Skein's queries proposed to
the preachers, 381, S82.
Anabaptists of Great Britain, 55, 354.
Anabaptists of Munster, how their mis-
chievous actings nothing touch the
Quakers, 52-57.
Anicetus, 54.

Anointing, the anointing teacheth all
things; it is, and abideth for ever, a
common privilege, and sure rule to
all saints, 50, 51.

Antichrist is exalted when the seed of

God is pressed, 138. His work, 301,
304, 309, 310.

Antinomians, their opinion concerning
justification, 199.
Apostacy, 251, 300.

Apostle, who he is, their number was
not limited, and whether any may be
nowadays so called, 305-308.
Appearances; see Faith.

Arians, they first brought in the doc

trine of Persecution upon the account of religion, 477.

Arius, by what he fell into error, 300. Arminians; see Remonstrants. Assemblings are needful, and what sort, 330, 331, &c. see Worship; they are not to be forsaken, 346.

[blocks in formation]

-402. The Baptism of water, which was John's Baptism, was a figure of this Baptism, and is not to be continued, 402-423.

Baptism with water doth not cleanse the heart, 592, 404. Nor is it a badge of Christianity, as was circumcision to the Jews, 406, 420. That Paul was not sent to baptize is explained, 407-409. Concerning what Baptism Christ speaks, Matt. xxviii. 20. it is explained, 410. How the apostles baptized with water is explained, 414-417. To baptize signifies to plunge, and how sprinkling brought in, 417, 418. Those of old that used water-baptismwere plunged, and they that were only sprinkled were not admitted to an ecclesiastical function, and why, 418, 419. Against the use of water-baptism many heretofore have testified, 421. Infant Baptism is a mere human tradition, 589, 422.


Bible, the last translations always find
fault with the first, 77.

Birth, the spiritual birth, 64. Holy
birth, 350; see Justification.
Bishop of Rome, concerning his pri-
macy, 54. How he abused his autho-
rity, and by what he deposed princes,
and absolveth the people from the
oath of fidelity, 475, 479.

Blood, to abstain from blood, and things
strangled, 456, 457. It hath been
shed, 433.

Blood of Christ; see Communion.
Body, to bow the body; see Head.
Books Canonical and Apocryphal; see
Canon, Scripture.
Bonaventure, 333.

Bow, to bow the knee; see Head.
Bread, the breaking of bread among
the Jews was no singular thing, 443,
448. It is now otherwise perform-

ed than it was by Christ, 447. Whe ther unleavened or leavened bread is to be used; also it is hotly disputed about the manner of taking it, and to whom it is to be given, 448. See Communion.

Calvinists; see Protestants.-They deny consubstantiation, 55. They maintain absolute reprobation, 55. They think grace is a certain irresis1 tible power, and what sort of Sa

viour they would have, 169, 170. Of the flesh and blood of Christ, 429, 431, 432. They use leavened bread in the supper, 448.

Canon, whether the scripture be a filled up canon, 88. Whether it can be proved by scripture that any book is canonical, 88-90. Castellio banished, 480. Ceremonies; see Superstition. Christ; see Communion, Justification,

Redemption, Word.-He showeth himself daily, revealing the knowledge of the Father, 21. Without his school there is nothing learned but busy talking, 22. He is the Eternal Word, 26. No creature hath access to God but by him, 25-27. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, 27. He is the Mediator between God and man, 27, 193. He is God, and in time he was made partaker of man's nature, 27. Yesterday, to-day the same, and for ever, 37. The fathers believed in him, and how, 37. His sheep hear his voice, and contemn the voice of a stranger, 68, 287, 290. It is the fruit of his ascension to send pastors, 80. He dwelleth in the saints, and how, 131, 132. His coming was necessary, 135. By his sacrifice we have remission of sins, 135, 174, 175, 193. Whether he be, and how he is in all men, is explained, 136. Being formed within, he is the formal cause of justification, 187, 213. By his life, death, &c. he hath opened a way for reconciliation, 215-218. His obedience, righteousness, death, and sufferings are ours; and it is explained that Paul said, He filled up that which was behind of the afflictions of Christ in his flesh, 196. How we are partakers of his sufferings, 240-242. For what end he was manifested, 235-237. He delivers his own by suffering, 237. Concerning his outward and spiritual body, 426, 427. Concerning his outward and inward coming, 454. Christian, how he is a Christian, and

when he ceaseth to be so, 19, 24, 40 -47, 242, 273-276, 286, 287. The foundation of his faith, 62. His privilege, 63. When men are made Christians by birth, and not by com. ing together, 263, 264. They have borrowed many things from Jews and Gentiles, 390, 391. They recoil by little and little from their first purity, 452, 540. The primitive Christians for some ages said, We are Christians, we swear not, 526. And, We are the soldiers of Christ, it is not lawful for us to fight, 537.

Christianity is made as an art, 24. It is not Christianity without the Spirit, 38-43, 66-68. It would be turned into Scepticism, 296. It is placed chiefly in the renewing of the heart, 265, 266. Wherein it consists not, 345. What is and is not the mark, thereof, 406, 407, 420. Why it is odious to Jews, Turks, and Heathens, 451. What would contribute to its Commendation, 492.

Church, without which there is no salvation; what she is; concerning her members, visibility, profession, degeneracy, succession, 259-283. Whatsoever is done in the church without the instinct of the Holy Spirit is vain and impious, 289. The same may be said of her as was in the schools of Theseus's boat, 311. In her corrections ought to be exercised, and against whom, 464. She is more corrupted by the accession of hypocrites, 473. The contentions of the Greek and Latin churches about unleavened or leavened bread in the supper, 448. The lukewarmness of the church of Laodicea, 274. There are introduced into the Roman church no less superstitions and ceremonies than among Heathens and Jews, 264. Circumcision, a seal of the old covenant,


Clergy, 305, 306, 309, 310, 320, 321,


Clothes, that it is not lawful for Christians to use things superfluous in

clothes, 506-510, 541. Comforter, for what end sent, 21-23. Commission, the commission of the disciples of Christ before the work was finished was more legal than evange lical, 292. Communion, the communion of the body and blood of Christ is a spiritual and inward thing, 423. That body, that blood is a spiritual thing, and that it is that heavenly seed, whereby life and salvation was of old, and is now,

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