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"A message from the House of Bishops was read informing this House that they nominated the Rev. Nicholas H. Cobbs, of Virginia, as a Missionary Bishop of this Church, to exercise Episcopal functions in the Republic of Texas.

"Whereupon, it was moved to concur in the nomination of the Rev. John A. Vaughan, D. D., when the following substitute was, on motion, adopted:

"Resolved, That the nomination of the Rev. John A. Vaughan, D. D., be the order of the day for Monday twelve o'clock, at noon.

"On motion, resolved, That the nomination of the Rev. Nicholas H. Cobbs be the order of the day for twelve o'clock, at noon, on Monday, or as soon thereafter as the first order of the day will admit.

"On motion, resolved, To reconsider the vote making the nomination of the Rev. John A. Vaughan, D. D., the order of the day for Monday twelve o'clock, at noon: when the following resolution was offered:

"Resolved, That this House having received the canonical nomination of the Rev. John A. Vaughan, D. D., as Bishop of Western Africa, this House do now proceed to the election of the same, to exercise Episcopal functions in the Missionary settlements of this Church in that country.



Whereupon, the following was offered as a substitute :

Resolved, That the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies deem it inexpedient that at this time a Bishop should be consecrated for the Republic of Texas, or for the Colony of Maryland in Africa.


"Oct. 18, 1841.

"The House then, on motion, took up the consideration of the resolution of Saturday evening, on the inexpediency of sending, at this time, Missionary Bishops to Texas and


Africa; whereupon it was moved and carried, to postpone said resolution, for the purpose of introducing the following substitute:

"Resolved, That in the opinion of this House, it is not expedient to elect a Bishop, to perform Episcopal functions in any place out of the territory of the United States, until the authority, rights, duties and responsibility of such Bishop, and of those ordained by him, shall have been declared and established, and a mode provided, by canon or otherwise, of rendering them amenable to the laws of this Church.

"Oct. 19, 1841.

"Resolved, (the House of Bishops concurring), That a Joint Committee of six persons, members of each House, be appointed to inquire into and report to the next General Convention, within the first three days of its Session, whether any, and, if any, what alterations are necessary in the Canon intituled, “Of Missionary Bishops" (2nd of 1838); and particularly whether any constitutional or further canonical provision is necessary in relation to the nomination or election of persons to be Bishops of this Church, to exercise Episcopal functions in any place or places out of the territory of the United States, on the authority and responsibility of said Bishops.

"A message was read from the House of Bishops, informing this House that the Joint Committee on the subject of Missionary Bishops have reported as follows:

"That owing to the late period of the session, it is impossible now to act upon the subject.



The above proceedings relate to Missionary Bishops of the American Church; what follows concerns the transmission of the Apostolical Succession to other Churches.

"HOUSE OF Bishops.

Festival of St. Luke the Evangelist, 1841.

"The Committee appointed in relation to the question of the consecration of Bishops for Churches in foreign countries, reported as follows:

"The Committee appointed to consider and report whether any, and, if any, what alterations should be made in the form for the consecration of Bishops, in order to provide for the consecration of Bishops for Churches in foreign countries, respectfully report: That in order effectually to accomplish the object referred to them, there should be an addition to the Canons, and an alteration in the constitution. Believing, therefore, that this Church may, in the course of Divine Providence, be called on to supply foreign countries with the Episcopate, and that it ought to be prepared for such an event, the Committee propose the following resolutions :

"Resolved, (the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies concurring), That it be made known to the several Diocesan Conventions, that it is proposed to alter, at the next General Convention, the 7th article of the constitution of this Church, by adding thereto the following paragraph :

"In cases of ordination of Deacons or Priests for Churches in foreign countries, the declaration to be subscribed shall be the following 'I do believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the Word of God, and to contain all things necessary to salvation; and I do solemnly declare my full and entire belief in the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds, and in the doctrines set forth in the Liturgy and Articles of Religion of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, and I engage to conform to such belief; and I do also solemnly promise to adhere to and use such form only of Public Worship, the Administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, as is entirely consistent in doctrine and ORDER, with that used in the said Protestant Episcopal Church.'

"Resolved, (the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies concurring), That it be made known to the several Diocesan Conventions, that it is proposed to adopt at the next General Convention the following addition to the Form of Ordaining

or Consecrating a Bishop,' to be inserted at the end thereof, namely―

"In case of the consecration of a Bishop for a Church in a foreign country, instead of the above promise of conformity commencing, In the name of God, Amen,' the following

shall be said:

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"In the name of God, Amen: I. N., chosen Bishop of and now seeking consecration from the Bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, do believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the Word of God, and to contain all things necessary to salvation; and I do solemnly declare my full and entire belief in the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds, and in the doctrines set forth in the Liturgy and Articles of Religion of the said Church, and do promise conformity to this belief; and I will adhere to and use such form only of Public Worship, the Administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, as is entirely consistent, in doctrine and order, with that used in the said Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. So help me God, through Jesus Christ.

"And in the same case, in the question beginning with the words, Will you maintain and set forward,' the word 'his' shall be used instead of the word 'this.' And in the same case, the promise of conformity, and the questions to the Bishop elect, with his answers thereto, and the address to him immediately preceding the questions may, at the discretion of the Bishops present at the consecration, be in the Latin tongue.

"The Committee respectfully propose for adoption, a Canon, herewith presented, entitled 'Canon of the Consecration of Bishops for Churches in Foreign Countries.'

T. C. BROWNell.


"The following is the Canon as proposed by the Committee:


"Of the Consecration of Bishops for Churches in Foreign Countries.

"Whereas this Church, as a branch of the Catholic Church of Christ, recognises the duty devolving on it of being ready to contribute what it may, in all proper ways, to the establishment and interests of that Church; and ought, therefore, to be prepared to impart the Episcopacy where it may be needed, and may be sought, on principles and under circumstances consistent with the integrity and purity of the Gospel, and the maintenance of true Catholic unity, therefore be it enacted as follows:

"SECT. 1. Application for the consecration, in this Church, of a Bishop, or Bishops, for a Church in a foreign country, must be made to the senior Bishop, and be accompanied with testimonials of the pious, sober, and godly life of the person presented, of his soundness in the faith, of his literary and theological acquirements, and of his being a Priest in the Church of God; and also with a particular statement of the authority by which he has been chosen to the Episcopate, and the manner and circumstances of the choice; and of the doctrines, discipline, and worship of the Church, for which his consecration is asked.

"SECT. 2. Application having been made as above, the senior Bishop shall communicate the same, together with the above-mentioned testimonials and statements, to all the other Bishops of this Church. If a majority of the Bishops shall, within three months after the sending of such communication, signify their non-concurrence to the senior Bishop, all further proceedings in the premises shall cease. If such non-concurrence be not thus signified, the senior Bishop shall appoint a time and place for a meeting of the Bishops, of which at least two months' notice shall be given to every Bishop.

"SECT. 3. Three or more Bishops, assembling according to such notice, shall be competent to deliberate and determine upon the case: provided that the Bishops not attending shall have the privilege of giving to the meeting their opinions on

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