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YOUR Majesty's most gracious acceptance

of a Copy of the Works of Mr. Burke, and your condescension in permitting this last Volume of those works to be inscribed with your Majesty's name, would alone amply remunerate the Editor for all his pains and labours in preparing them for the press; but he is confident, that your Majesty will concede to him, that the greatest gratification he can derive from his labours is to be found in the reflection, that mankind will be benefitted by the publication of sentiments religious, moral, and political, which will tend to enlighten both Princes and Subjects upon their respective duties.


In presenting to your Majesty this work, may presume to point out, in a few words, its six principal features.-1st, American Taxation

* Vol. VIII. 4to Edition.


2d, A system of Economy in the Public Expenditure, combined with additional security for the Independence of Parliament-3d, East Indian Delinquency-4th, French Revolution -5th, Emancipation of Roman Catholic Subjects of this Kingdom-6th, Abolition of Negro Slavery.


Whilst your Majesty admires the efforts of Mr. Burke's genius both in resisting lawless power, and in correcting popular errors, you will recognise and adore the goodness of that divine Providence, which is, perhaps, in no respect more conspicuous than in giving existence, as occasion may require, to human talents, and to other instruments adequate to the purposes of It's mysterious dispensations.

Of these instruments the virtues of Princes are among the most noble. May those of your Majesty and of your family be the blessing of your people. When after the close of a reign, which I pray God may be long and prosperous, your Majesty's subjects shall have reaped the fruits of your Majesty's experience, and inflexible adherence to the principles so clearly developed and so ably enforced by this great Writer, the merits of the Sage and of the Prince will be justly appreciated.

Deign, Sire, to accept the homage of my most perfect respect, and the assurance of my fervent vows for the welfare of your Majesty, and of your most august family; and permit me to subscribe myself,


Your Majesty's most obedient,

and most humble Servant,






THE Account which is here given, of what passed in the House of Lords and in the House of Commons, relative to the Report of the Committee of the Commons appointed to inspect the Journals of the Lords, was, through inadvertency, omitted to be published together with that Report, at the end of the Seventh Volume.*

THE preceding Report was ordered to be printed for the use of the Members of the House of Commons, and was soon afterwards reprinted and published, in the shape of a pamphlet, by a London bookseller. In the course of a debate which took place in the House of Lords on Thursday the 22d of May 1794, on the Treason and Sedition Bills, Lord Thurlow took occasion to mention "a Pamphlet which his Lordship said was published by one Debrett, of Piccadilly, and which had that day been put into his hands, reflecting highly upon the Judges and

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