The Asiatic Annual Register; Or, A View of the History of Hindustan,: And of the Politics, Commerce, and Literature of Asia, ..., Part 6

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J. Debrett, Piccadilly, 1801 - Biographies, English


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Page 106 - ... are of his ordination. It is he who gives existence. In your temples, to his name the voice is raised in prayer : in a house of images, where the bell is shaken, still he is the object of adoration. To vilify the religion or customs of other men, is to set at naught the pleasure of the Almighty.
Page 37 - Portugal into the moft abject vaflalage ever experienced by a conquered nation. While the grandees of Portugal were blind to the ruin which impended over them, Camoens beheld it with a pungency of grief which haftened his exit.
Page 92 - In a few weeks, having recovered ftrength and become fat, from the more than half-famifhed ftate in which they were brought on board, they began to think confinement irkfome, and longed to regain their native freedom. In the middle of the night, when all but the watchman were...
Page 92 - О'тг, they became cheerful, chatted with freedom, and were inexpreiiibly diverted at the fight of their own perfons in a mirror: they were fond of finging, fometimes in melancholy recitative, at others in a lively key ; and often danced about the deck with great agility, flapping their pofteriors with the back of their heel.
Page 49 - Europe, and then to make a dividend to the firft adventurer, inftead of having enough to pay, he believed there would be many millions déficien t : he fpoke on a comparifon of twenty years on their home account, and their own account of affairs.
Page 37 - In another letter, written a little before his death, he thus, yet with dignity, complains :
Page 33 - Vafconcello in an expedition to the Red Sea. Here, fays Faria, as Camoens had no ufe for his fword, he employed his pen. Nor was his activity confined in the fleet or camp.
Page 324 - MEAD mixed the venom of the viper and healthy blood together out of the body, and he did not perceive that it produced any change in its appearance : this arofe from his mixing a fmall quantity of the venom with a large quantity 'of the blood : bat if two or three drops of venom be mixed with forty or fifty drops of blood, it immediately lofcs its vcrmillion colour, becomes black, and incapable of coagulation.
Page 41 - The mountain ecchoes catch the big-fwoln fighs, And through the dales prolong the matron's cries ; The yellow fands with tears are filver'd o'er, Our fate the mountains and the beach deplore. Yet firm we march, nor turn one glance afide On hoary parent, or on lovely bride. Though glory fired our hearts, too well we knew What foft affedliori and what love could do.
Page 293 - It was conjectured, with great appearance of probability, to have been a potter's kiln. Between this place and the new town is a hollow, in which, tradition says, the river Sipparah formerly ran. It changed its course at the time the city was buried, and now runs to the westward *.' The soil which covers Oujein is described as ' being of an ash-grey colour, with minute specks of black sand f.

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