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Lora tenens tamen; huic cervixque comaeque trahuntur
Per terram, et versa pulvis inscribitur hasta..
Interea ad templum non aequae Palladis ibant
Crinibus Iliades passis peplumque ferebant,
Suppliciter, tristes et tunsae pectora palmis ;
Diva solo fixos oculos aversa tenebat.
Ter circum Iliacos raptaverat Hectora muros,
Exanimumque auro corpus vendebat Achilles.
Tum vero ingentem gemitum dat pectore ab imo,
Ut spolia, ut currus, utque ipsum corpus amici,
Tendentemque manus Priamum conspexit inermis
Se quoque principibus permixtum adgnovit Achivis,

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478.] Pulvis inscribitur' like "flores inscripti" E. 3. 106.

479.] Non aequae,' unpropitious. Comp. G. 2. 225, "vacuis Clanius non aequus Acerris." This scene is described in II. 6. 297 foll., which is imitated by Virg. himself 11. 477 foll.

481.] 'Suppliciter,' as Henry says, gives the general effect, and so should be pointed off. The suppliant guise' is further described in the words that follow.

482.] Hom. Il. 6. 311 has s čpar' εὐχομένη, ἀνένευε δὲ Παλλὰς ̓Αθήνη. The contrary attitude is described in Ovid, Trist. 1. 3. 45, "Ad vatem voltus rettulit illa (Venus) suos." Here there is of course a confusion between the goddess and her statue.

483.] This line suggests the mangled and pitiable state of the body as shown in the picture, -a condition such as is described 2. 272. The tense of raptaverat' shows that this is not a separate picture. Comp. 8. 642-4, where the tense of "distulerant " similarly shows that the tearing of the limbs asunder had taken place before the action represented on the shield, which is similarly marked by the imperfect. In Hom. Hector is chased round the walls and dragged round the tomb of Patroclus. Heyne supposes Virg. to have followed the Cyclic poets or one of the tragedians, as Eur. Androm. 105 has τὸν περὶ τείχη Εἵλκυσε διφρεύων παῖς ἁλίας @éridos. The word raptaverat' is apparently from Ennius, Androm. fr. 12, "Hectorem curru quadriiugo raptarier." The scene is from II. 24. 478 foll.

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484.] Exanimum' perhaps = exanimatum," by the dragging: see on 2. 273. Auro vendebat,' 6. 621. See Madv. § 258.

486.] 'Currus' has been differently taken as the chariot of Hector or that of Achilles. It might also be taken of that of Priam, described II. 24. 266. The chariot of Achilles however would be a more important object in such a picture; and its presence seems to be indicated in v. 483. Statius has a parallel passage (Silv. 2. 7. 55) "Ludes Hectora Thessalosque currus Et supplex Priami potentis au


487.] Inermis,' unarmed, and so suppliant. The expression tendere manus inermis' occurs (with a variation of reading) 10. 595., 11. 414, 672. For the thing see II. 24. 478.

488.] It is perhaps a little remarkable that Aeneas' features should have been transmitted by fame to Carthage, so as to be at once recognized by himself. In the other cases we may suppose that the event described told its own story. But names are found written over or under figures in old sculpture or painting, and Virg. may have had this practice in his mind, so that he would not seem to himself to be making a violent assumption. Principibus permixtum,' poμáxois μixoévτa. When Poseidon rescues Aeneas from Achilles, he tells him to keep in the background during Achilles' lifetime, but afterwards μerà πрúтоισι μάxeσbai Il. 20. 338. Whether this time of more extended action is referred to here we cannot say, as we do not know how far the order of the pictures is chronological. Fragm. Vat. and Rom. give 'adgnoscit,' which Jahn adopts. This and the next line do not seem to represent

Eoasque acies et nigri Memnonis arma.
Ducit Amazonidum lunatis agmina peltis
Penthesilea furens, mediisque milibus ardet,
Aurea subnectens exsertae cingula mammae,
Bellatrix, audetque viris concurrere virgo.

Haec dum Dardanio Aencae miranda videntur,
Dum stupet, obtutuque haeret defixus in uno,
Regina ad templum, forma pulcherrima Dido,
Incessit, magna iuvenum stipante caterva.
Qualis in Eurotae ripis aut per iuga Cynthi
Exercet Diana choros, quam mille secutae

Hinc atque hinc glomerantur Oreades; illa pharetram

any particular scene, though Weidner (see on v. 466) thinks otherwise. Were it so, we should probably have had a more definite description, as Aeneas himself figures in the action. The lines appear rather to be a summing up of various scenes not described in detail.

489.] The Eoae acies' are the Indian Aethiopians. Hom. says nothing of them in the Iliad, but Memnon is mentioned Od. 4. 187., 11. 521. Memnon had arms made by Vulcan, A. 8. 384. He was probably the hero of the Aethiopis of Arctinus, which is said to have followed immediately on the action of the Iliad (Mure, Hist. vol. ii. p. 282). He is called 'niger' as an Aethiopian, but the legend made him eminently beautiful, Od. 11. 521. On the whole subject see Heyne's Excursus.

490.] Penthesilea and her Amazons are again post-Homeric personages, who also seem to have figured in the Aethiopis, another title of the poem being probably Amazonia. Priam speaks of himself as having fought against Amazons invading Phrygia, II. 3. 188. For lunatis peltis,' which were part of the national armour of various parts of Asia, and therefore attributed to the Amazons, see Dict. A. 'pelta.' 492.] Subnectens' for "subnexa habens." Exsertae' as in 11. 649 note (of Camilla), "Unum exserta latus pugnae." See Dict. Myth. 'Amazons.' With the construction comp. G. 3. 166, "circlos Cervici subnecte."

493.] Bellatrix' placed as in 7. 805: comp. v. 319 above. Viris concurrere virgo' is supposed to be a reminiscence of the epithet arravelpas, applied by Hom. 1. c. to the Amazons.

494-519.] As he is gazing, Dido enters the temple, where she holds a court. To his surprise, his missing comrades apVOL. II.

pear and address her.'

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494.] Videntur ' apparently means are seen rather than seem (comp. "mihi visa" v. 326 above): miranda however does not seem to be a pres. part. like "volvenda," as Wagn. thinks, but rather means are seen as marvels.' Henry notes the propriety of Dardanio,' as Aeneas is overwhelmed by Dardan recollections.

495.] Comp. 7. 249, "defixa Latinus Obtutu tenet ora soloque inmobilis haeret,” which seems to show that haeret' is to be separated from ‘obtutu in uno' here.

497.] 'Incessit' conveys a notion of majesty, as "incedo" in v. 46. Weidner supposes iuvenum' to be young women, which would help out the simile, but seems otherwise quite improbable. Elsewhere we hear of no female companions of hers except her sister. "Saepta armis" below he understands of a male bodyguard following her and her train. For stipante' Rom. has 'comitante.'

498.] This simile is translated with minor variations from Od. 6. 102 foll. It is much less appropriate to Dido walking in the midst of her lords, than to Nausicaa dancing among her handmaidens, as was remarked long ago by Probus ap. Gell. 9. 9. Per iuga Cynthi' 4. 147. Hom. specifies Taygetus (in Laconia, like Eurotas) or Erymanthus. For Eurotas comp. E. 6. 83.

499.] Exercet choros' like "exercent palaestras" 3. 281. The first syllable of

Diana' is elsewhere short in Virg. Possibly he may have preferred the long antepenult in the nom., the short in the oblique


500.] Quem circum glomerati hostes hinc comminus atque hinc Proturbant,"


Fert humero, gradiensque deas supereminet omnis :
Latonae tacitum pertemptant gaudia pectus:
Talis erat Dido, talem se laeta ferebat

Per medios, instans operi regnisque futuris.
Tum foribus divae, media testudine templi,
Saepta armis, solioque alte subnixa resedit.
Iura dabat legesque viris, operumque laborem
Partibus aequabat iustis, aut sorte trahebat :
Cum subito Aeneas concursu accedere magno
Anthea Sergestumque videt fortemque Cloanthum,

9. 440. The nymphs follow her, and as
they throng, form a circle round her.
Illa pharetram fert humero' is perhaps
a translation of ioxéaipa. Comp. note on
v. 416. We may however be intended to
think of the motion of the quiver on the
shoulder, as in 4. 149, "Tela sonant hu-

501.] For 'deas' Pal. and Rom. have 'dea,' which also may have been the first reading of Med. Henry prefers it, citing vv. 412, 692. But the lengthening of a final vowel is very unusual, though not unexampled (see on 3. 464), and the omis sion of the letter is easily accounted for (see on G. 2. 219). It may be said too that 'deas' is confirmed by Hom. 1. c. ῥεῖά τ' ἀριγνώτη πέλεται, καλαί δέ τε naoal, though 'dea,' would have a force of its own. 'Deae' of inferior goddesses 9. 117., 10. 235.

502.] A characteristically elaborated version of the Homeric yéynoe dé Te Opéra Ant. Virg. may have thought too of II. 18. 556.


503.] 'Se ferebat,' advanced,' 5. 290 &c. Even where there is no word of motion in the sentence, as in 5. 372., 8. 199, it seems to indicate more than our word 'carriage' or 'bearing,' though that notion may be included, as here.

501.] Urging on the work which was to set up her kingdom.' "Non ignarus instandum famae," Tac. Agr. 18.

505.] The simplest way of reconciling 'foribus' and 'media' is to suppose that Dido sat in the centre of the entrance; the 'testudo (vaulted roof) extending over the whole building. The idea is probably taken from meetings of the senate held in temples. But Henry (anticipated by Turneb. Adv. 10. 11) may be right in taking 'foribus divae' of the 'cella' within the temple, and supposing that Dido was seated on the landing-place of the flight of steps by which the cella'



was commonly approached. He also remarks the general similarity between the reception of the Trojans here by Dido in the temple of Juno and by Latinus in the temple of Faunus 7. 170 foll. My lamented friend, Professor Shirley, suggested to me that the temple may have been a hypaethral one, which would have the 'testudo’ over the door. Ribbeck reads 'media e testudine,' from a doubtful variety in Pal.

506.] Subnixa' means supported from beneath, with the throne (solio'), not, as Heyne thinks, with a footstool. Henry comp. Claud. Epith. Hon. et Mar. 99, where 'solio subnixa' is similarly used. Saepta armis," "satellitum scilicet," Serv. 507.] Iura legesque' is the common expression of the whole Roman law, and the words are not to be pressed here. Comp. Hor. 1 Sat. 1. 9, "iuris legumque peritus," with Macleane's note, and Dict. A. 'ius.' For iura dare' see on v. 293 above, 5. 758. Operumque laborem' foll. may be taken in two ways; either, that she divided by equity and, where that failed, by lot, which is the common way, or, that she first divided equally and then distributed the parts by lot. There is some resemblance between the scene here and that described Od. 11. 568 foll., though there the notion of administering justice is the prominent one, here that of giving laws and apportioning work.


508.] Partibus' probably instr. modal abl. 'Sorte trabebat' is an inverted expression, combining the common phrase "sortem trahere with the notion of division. See note on v. 381, and comp. 2. 201., 5. 534 notes.

509.] 'Concursu magno,' either in or through the multitude crowding to the temple, or with a great crowd collecting round them.

510.] Anthea,' v. 181, Cloanthum,' v. 222. Sergestus is mentioned for the first time.

Teucrorumque alios, ater quos aequore turbo Dispulerat penitusque alias avexerat oras. Obstipuit simul ipse simul perculsus Achates Laetitiaque metuque; avidi coniungere dextras Ardebant; sed res animos incognita turbat. Dissimulant, et nube cava speculantur amicti, Quae fortuna viris, classem quo litore linquant, Quid veniant; cunctis nam lecti navibus ibant, Orantes veniam, et templum clamore petebant.

512.] Penitus,' far away. Comp. "penitus repostas Massylum gentis," 6. 59. 'Alias oras,' other than where Aeneas had landed. Advexerat' is found in some MSS. including a correction in Med., 'averterat' in fragm. Vat. and Gud.

513.] Perculsus' Med., Pal. corrected, 'percussus' fragm. Vat., Rom., Gud., Pal. originally. The latter has generally been adopted since Heins. The words are frequently confounded in MSS., and it is not easy to establish the distinction for which Forb. and others contend, as though 'perculsus' were too strong to be applied to any pleasurable emotion. Here however 'perculsus' is used in a sense peculiar to itself as a synonym of 'obstipuit' (was struck dumb), the ablatives referring to both words as if it had been 'prae laetitia metuque.' The words 'perculsus' and stupeo' are similarly joined in Hor. Epod. 7. 16, " Mentesque perculsae stupent." Comp. also Tac. A. 1. 12, “ Perculsus inprovisa interrogatione paullum reticuit." Perculsus' should be restored to 8. 121, "Obstipuit tanto percussus nomine Pallas," where it is read by Rom. In 9. 197 'percussus' would seem to be the right word, being taken closely with 'amore,' as in G. 2. 476, where however, as there, the MSS. present the same variety. These passages seem also to show that perculsus' here is not an independent verb, but a participle, so that it is best to remove the comma after 'ipse.' 'Simul-simul,' 5. 675.

514.] Avidi' should be taken closely with ardebant,' as if it were 'avide.' 515.] Res incognita' is explained by the questions in vv. 517 foll.

516.] Dissimulant,' they repress their emotions. This use of dissimulo' absolutely is not common. 'Cava,' enshrouding. Comp. 2. 360, "nox atra cava circumvolat umbra." Speculantur,' look out on what was passing, as from a secure place of observation.

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517.] Classem quo litore linquant,' not on what shore it will prove that they have left their fleet, as Forb. thinks, but on what shore they are leaving their fleet, the fleet being all the time without them.


518.] Cuncti,' Med., Rom., Gud. corrected, Serv., Donatus. 'Cunctis,' Pal., Gud. originally. The MSS. however have less positive weight here, as it is evident that there has been a confusion between cunctis' and 'lecti,' some giving 'cuncti lectis' (Rom.), others 'cunctis lectis' (Gud. originally, Pal. corrected). The sense is strongly against 'cuncti,' whether we couple it with what follows, or, as Wagn., with what precedes. The appearance of deputies from all the ships informs Aeneas that the whole fleet is there ('classem quo litore linquant '); whereas it is difficult to see the meaning of making him wonder why all the deputies came together. Strictly, no doubt, omnes means all, distributively, and "cuncti" the whole, as Jahn contends against the reading cunctis:' but there are repeated instances in which "cuncti " might be replaced by "omnes,” and even by “singuli," G. 2. 42, A. 3. 398.

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519.] Orantes veniam,' praying for grace; not, as Wagn. thinks, for permission to speak with the queen, but for the favours specified in v. 525. Comp. 11. 100 foll., "Iamque oratores aderant-veniam rogantes Redderet-sineret-parceret." See also note on 2. 114. 'Clamore,' Forb. says, "non suo sed multitudinis." Why, it is difficult to see. They would naturally clamour when in danger of having their fleet burnt; and there seems to be a poetical contrast between the calmness of the aged Ilioneus (v. 521) and the excitement of the rest.

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Postquam introgressi et coram data copia fandi,
Maxumus Ilioneus placido sic pectore coepit:
O Regina, novam cui condere Iuppiter urbem
Iustitiaque dedit gentis frenare superbas,
Troes te miseri, ventis maria omnia vecti,
Oramus, prohibe infandos a navibus ignis,
Parce pio generi, et propius res aspice nostras.
Non nos aut ferro Libycos populare Penatis
Venimus, aut raptas ad litora vertere praedas;
Non ea vis animo, nec tanta superbia victis.
Est locus, Hesperiam Graii cognomine dicunt,
Terra antiqua, potens armis atque ubere glaebae;
Oenotri coluere viri; nunc fama, minores

520.] Repeated 11. 248.

521.Maxumus.' Comp. Livy 29. 17, of the Locrian embassy, "senatu dato, maxumus natu ex iis" (then follows the speech). There is an aged Ilioneus in Q. Smyrn. 13. 181 foll. killed by Diomed. Ilioneus is employed as spokesman again in the parallel passage, 7. 212 foll. Weidner connects the calmness of Ilioneus with his age, comparing 7. 194, to which add 12. 18. 522.] The appeal is to one, to whom heaven has granted what they are seeking, to pity those whose case resembles her own, and to one who has founded civilization in the midst of barbarism, to put a stop to barbarous outrage. Novam urbem: see

on v. 298.

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523.] 'Gentis superbas,' i.e. the Africans, not the Carthaginians, to whom gentis' would not be applicable. See 4. 41 (where possibly "infreni " may illustrate frenare' here), 320. It must be admitted, however, that so far as frenare' goes, it would point rather to Dido's government of her own people. Henry thinks Ilioneus speaks of the two operations in which he has seen Dido engaged, directing the building of the city and legislating (vv. 507, 508).

524.] Maria omnia vecti:' this accus. of the thing along or over which motion takes place is a Grecism, Jelf, Gr. Gr. 558. 1. Comp. 5. 627, "freta. . . terras ferimur." Ilioneus speaks similarly of the wanderings of the Trojans, 7. 228.

525.] Infandos,' unspeakable, and so, horrible; not, as Heyne thinks, lawless, a sense which the word does not appear to bear. The Carthaginians were treating the Trojans as pirates. "Prohibent a matribus haedos," G. 3. 398.




526.] Heyne takes propius' as more closely; do not judge us by appearances. But it seems rather to mean, as Taubmann understood it, "praesentius," incline thy ear to hear our case. Comp. 8. 78, "propius tua numina firmes." The Trojans are called "pii" 3. 266., 7. 21.

527.] Venimus populare, vertere,' like "parasitus modo venerat aurum petere," Plaut. Bacch. 4. 3. 18, an instance which may show that the construction is not merely a poetical Grecism, though the supine is undoubtedly more usual than the inf. 'Populare' seems here to refer to slaughter, as distinguished from pillage ('ad litora vertere praedas '). This is a sense however derived from the context, not, as Wagn. thinks, inherent in the word. Attius (Astyanax fragm. 1) has “Qui nostra per vim patria populavit bona."


528.]Vertere.' Comp. note, on tit," v. 472, and on "vertuntur," v. 158.

529.] Such violence belongs not to our nature ("pio generi," v. 526), nor such daring to our vanquished condition. Comp. the legal sense of vis.' Not very unlike is "vim crescere victis," 12. 799.

530.] This line is imitated from Enn. A. 1. fr. 21 (quoted by Serv. and Macrob., Sat. 6. 1)," Est locus, Hesperiam quam mortales perhibebant." For the construction comp. v. 12 above.

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531.] Terra antiqua,' a land old in story. For potens armis atque ubere glaebae' (where 'potens' seems to belong more naturally to the first), comp. G. 2. 173, Magna parens frugum, Saturnia tellus, Magna virum." Ubere glaebae :' obeap ȧpoúpns, Il. 6. 141. 532.] 'Oenotrii' Med., 'Oenotri' Rom. rightly. The Greek is Otvwτpol.

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