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Inperio explebit, regnumque ab sede Lavini
Transferet, et Longam multa vi muniet Albam.
Hic iam ter centum totos regnabitur annos
Gente sub Hectorea, donec regina sacerdos
Marte gravis geminam partu dabit Ilia prolem.
Inde lupae fulvo nutricis tegmine laetus
Romulus excipiet gentem, et Mavortia condet
Moenia Romanosque suo de nomine dicet.
His ego nec metas rerum nec tempora pono;

in "volvenda dies," 9. 7, Virg. has followed the usage of Enn. A. inc. 69, "clamor ad caelum volvendus per aethera vagit," and of Lucr. 5. 1276, "Sic volvenda aetas conmutat tempora rerum." Both in this passage and in 9. 7, however, the ordinary sense of the gerundive would have force, as in each case it is a god who may be speaking of destiny, so that we may doubt whether Virg. would have used the word in a connexion where he could not have availed himself of common as well as of archaic associations. Understood in the ordinary sense, 'volvendis mensibus' will be an instrumental or modal ablative. "Orbis: "annuus orbis" occurs in 5. 46. The epithet which is here wanting must be supplied from the context, especially from 'mensibus.'

270.] Inperio' may be either dative, 'for his reign,' or modal abl. =‘inperando.' Heins. restored 'ab sede' for 'a sede,' from Med., Rom., &c.

271.] Muniet,' build and fortify.' 'Multa vi,' 'with great power and might,' not, with strong fortifications.' Virg. doubtless followed Lucr. 1. 728, "multa munita virum vi," where however population seems meant. Wagn. retains longam' as more poetical than 'Longam;' he however writes Longam' in 6. 766. A similar inversion of the names of persons is found even in prose writers. See Macleane on Hor. 2 Od. 2. 3.

272.] Serv. mentions a reading 'hinc,' supported by a correction in one of Rib. beck's cursives. Wagn. and Forb. explain iam' as "de eo quod nondum est, sed suo tempore certe fiet," referring to 4. 566., 6. 676., 8. 42., 11. 708, Tibull. 2. 5. 56, in all of which passages 'iam' means 'at once,' a sense inapplicable here. We must rather take it therefore as contrasting Alba and its long-lived dynasty with the preceding members of the series. And here the



kingdom shall endure three hundred years.' Iam' then will mean, at this point of the series of events. As 'regnabitur' is impersonal, we should rather have expected "a gente Hectorea." The epithet Hectorea' is of course not strictly applicable.

273.] It is difficult to say whether 'regina' or 'sacerdos' is to be taken as the adjective. With the combination Weidner comp. v. 382 below, "matre dea." 'Regina,' 'princess,' 6. 28, note, as Antigone is termed Thy Barixida in Soph. Ant. 941. Sacerdos,' a Vestal.

274.] For the construction 'Marte gravis, and the meaning represented by it, see note on G. 3. 506. 66 Gravida ex aliquo" is used by Ter. Hec. 3. 3. 32, and Ovid (Met. 3. 260) has "gravidam de semine Iovis." Partu dabit'="pariet." Comp. "Furtivo partu sub luminis edidit oras," 7. 660.

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275.] Lupae tegmine laetus:' comp. Hor. 3 Od. 4. 34, laetum equino sanguine Concanum," and the similar use of gaudeo." Prop. 5. 10. 20 describes Romulus with a helmet of wolf-skin; but Virg., as Henry remarks, doubtless meant the 'tegmen' to cover the whole person.

276.] Comp. note on G. 2. 345. The notion here is that of succession. The nation shall then pass into the hands of Romulus.' There is nothing to warrant the notion of Thiel and Forb. that 'excipiet'"accipiet asylo." Mavortia' may point at once to the birth of Romulus, the worship of Mars at Rome, and the martial character of the nation.

278.] His,' as opposed to their predecessors, whose date was limited. 'Metas' probably refers to the bounds of the empire (rerum '), 'tempora' to its duration.

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Inperium sine fine dedi. Quin aspera Iuno,
Quae mare nunc terrasque metu caelumque fatigat,
Consilia in melius referet, mecumque fovebit
Romanos, rerum dominos, gentemque togatam.
Sic placitum. Veniet lustris labentibus aetas,
Cum domus Assaraci Phthiam clarasque Mycenas
Servitio premet ac victis dominabitur Argis.
Nascetur pulchra Troianus origine Caesar,
Inperium Oceano, famam qui terminet astris,
Iulius, a magno demissum nomen Iulo.

280.] Metu' is commonly taken with 'fatigat' (like "omnia magno Ne cesses turbare metu," 11. 400), expressing the terror which Juno spreads through the universe. It may however, and perhaps better, be taken, as Serv. suggests, for the alarm which Juno feels at the course of destiny, if we compare v. 23, " id metuens," and 10. 9. Fatigat' will then mean, keeps earth, air, and sea astir, by constantly traversing them and exciting their powers; so "remigio noctemque diemque fatigant,' 8. 92. Thus Virg. may have had in his eye II. 4. 26, where Here complains of the toil which she and her horses have undergone in persecuting the Trojans: comp. also II. 8. 478 foll.

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281.] The phrase 'in melius referre' is twice used in Virg. (here and 11. 425) for 'to amend.' Serv. refers to Ennius (A. 289) as saying that Juno became reconciled to the Romans in the second Punic war. There would naturally be different opinions about the time when her sentiments changed: Horace has his own, 3 Od. 3. 16 foll. Virg. seems to put the date earlier, 12. 841, though elsewhere, as in 10. 11 foll., he intimates that the gods take part in the struggle between Rome and Carthage.

282.] Macrobius (Sat. 6. 5) says that Laberius was the author of this line; and Suetonius (Aug. 40) tells a story of Augustus' quoting it. It had probably become a stock line to express the grandeur of imperial Rome. 'Gentem togatam' is not a tame addition, being sufficiently characteristic; so that there is no need with Heyne to seek a point in any antithesis between "arma" and "toga." Hor. 3 Od. 5. 10, "Anciliorum et nominis et togae Oblitus."

283.] Sic placitum, οὕτως δέδοκται. Jupiter is speaking destiny. It will be observed that 'lustra' being a strictly Roman measure of time, Jupiter is thus




made to speak the language of the great nation. 'As Rome's years roll on.'

284.] Assaracus is the ancestor through whom Aeneas was related to the royal house of Troy. Comp. II. 20. 230. The descendants of Aeneas shall triumph over those of Achilles (Phthiam '), Agamemnon (Mycenas'), and Diomede ('Argos').' Comp. 6. 838, "Eruet ille Argos Agamemnoniasque Mycenas, Ipsumque Aeaciden, genus armipotentis Achilli."

286.] Caesar,' Augustus (Julius Caesar by adoption); not, as Serv. thinks, Julius, who could hardly be said to be laden with the spoils of the East, and who was not the primary object of a Roman's homage. We may observe that he is not distinctly spoken of here as Julius Caesar, which would have been ambiguous, but is called Caesar, the gentile name Julius being mentioned as connecting him with Iulus. It may seem against this that his apotheosis is spoken of v. 289; but we may be meant to understand the deification as taking place during his life, as we know it to have done, E. 1. 44 note, Hor. 2 Ep. 15. With the whole passage comp. 6. 791 foll. Pulchra Troianus origine,' from the high line of Troy; as though it had been "pulchra Troianorum origine." This connects the line with those which precede. It is conceivable however, as has been suggested to me, that 'pulchra' may refer to Augustus' personal beauty, an allusion to which would be appropriate in a speech to Venus.

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287.] Qui terminet,' 'destined to bound." See on 7. 99.

288.] For the alleged origin of the Julii from Iulus see Merivale, Hist. vol. i. p. 97, who observes that the great Julius seems to have been the first to assert it. "Caesar et omnis Iuli Progenies," 6. 789. Demissum: comp. G. 3. 35. For the apposition Iulius-nomen comp. "Silvius, Albanum nomen" 6. 763, and Hor.

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Hunc tu olim caelo, spoliis Orientis onustum,
Accipies secura; vocabitur hic quoque votis.
Aspera tum positis mitescent saecula bellis ;
Cana Fides, et Vesta, Remo cum fratre Quirinus,
Iura dabunt; dirae ferro et conpagibus artis
Claudentur Belli portae; Furor impius intus
Saeva sedens super arma et centum vinctus aenis
Post tergum nodis fremet horridus ore cruento.
Haec ait, et Maia genitum demittit ab alto,
Ut terrae, utque novae pateant Karthaginis arces

2 S. 5. 62, "iuvenis Parthis horrendus,
ab alto Demissum genus Aenea."

289.] Spoliis Orientis onustum.' For similar compliments to Augustus as conqueror of the East, see G. 2. 171., 4. 560, A. 8.724 foll. Serv. mentions another reading, 'honestum,' which would easily arise from the spelling 'honustum,' frequently found in old MSS.

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290.] Hic quoque,' as well as Aeneas,
v. 259.
"Damnnabis tu quoque votis" E.

5. 80. See on v. 286.
291.] As it is expressed elsewhere, 6.
792, E. 4. 8, the iron age will pass into
the golden.

292.] These four deities are chosen, as Henry remarks, as typical of the primitive and golden age of Rome. Vesta has been mentioned before in a similar connexion G. 1. 498, Romulus and Remus G. 2. 533. The union of the two latter, as Heyne observes, symbolizes the end of civil broils. Numa (Livy 1. 21) established the worship of Fides. Comp. Hor. Car. Saec. 57,"Iam Fides et Pax et Honor Pudorque priscus." Cana' occurs 5. 744 as an epithet of Vesta.

293.]'Iura dabunt,' shall impose laws,' not, shall administer justice' ("ius dicent" or "reddent") Henry. The function in Virg. is generally a royal one, v. 507., 3. 137., 5. 758 note: see however 8. 670. Ferro et conpagibus artis' (a hendiadys) should be taken, as Henry says, with 'dirae.' The gates of war grim with closely welded plates of iron.' It will answer then to "ferratos postis" 7.622. Conpagibus' would not be a natural expression for bolts or bars, in spite of the parallel 7. 609. The word is twice used for planking, above v. 126 and 2. 51. The allusion is to the closing of the temple of Janus A.U.C. 725. Virg. prefers calling it the temple of War here and in 7.607, where it is described at length; and this agrees with Plut. Numa 19, quoted on the latter passage. Comp.



also the lines of Ennius (?) cited by Hor. 1 S. 4. 60, "postquam Discordia tetra Belli ferratos postis portasque refregit."

294.] Impius,' on account of the civil wars. G. 1. 511. The imagery in this passage is supposed to be derived from a painting of Apelles mentioned by Pliny 35. 10, representing War fettered, which was placed by Augustus in his own forum. Germanus Valens thinks that there is an allusion to a statue of Ares, mentioned by Pausanias, representing the god bound and seated on a pile of arms; the meaning of the binding being apparently that he was not to pass over to the enemy.

295.] Sueva arma' 8. 482, &c. Manus post terga revinctum' 2. 57. Here manus' is inferred from 'post tergum.' Nodi' are coupled with 'vincla' Luer. 6. 356.

297-304.] Mercury is sent down to dispose Dido and the Carthaginians to welcome the Trojans.'

297.] Mercury's mission is rather indefinite, as Virg. can have hardly meant him actually to convene Dido and the Carthaginians as he convenes Aeneas in 4.265 foll. There may be a confusion between the Homeric character of Hermes as the messenger of the gods and his other character as the god of eloquence and the civilizer of mankind; for which see Hor. 1 Od. 10 and Ov. F. 5. 663.- Demittitpateant-arceret.' Jahn rightly remarks that 'ut pateant' expresses Jupiter's charge to Mercury, arceret' his object in giving it. The former, it is obvious, would naturally come under the historic present, but it could hardly have been extended to the latter.

298.] Terrae-arces:' that they might be allowed to enter the territory and be received into the city. Pal. originally had 'terra.' Novae' is to be taken with Karthaginis,' as is proved by v. 366, on which Serv. says "Karthago est lingua

Hospitio Teucris, ne fati nescia Dido
Finibus arceret. Volat ille per aera magnum
Remigio alarum, ac Libyae citus adstitit oris.
Et iam iussa facit, ponuntque ferocia Poeni
Corda volente deo; in primis regina quietum
Accipit in Teucros animum mentemque benignam.
At pius Aeneas, per noctem plurima volvens,
Ut primum lux alma data est, exire locosque
Explorare novos, quas vento accesserit oras,

Poenorum Nova Civitas, ut docet Livius." In the same way Virg. uses epithets explanatory of the etymology of the name 3. 693, "Plemyrium undosum;" 698, "stagnantis Helori;" 703, "arduus Acragas;" 705, "palmosa Selinus." With 'pateant' Forb. comp. "clauditur orbis " above v. 233. 299.] Hospitio Teucris:' a double dative after 'patéant. Comp. "excidio Libyae' v. 22. Fati nescia is observable, as showing Virg.'s conception of fate as a power which other agencies may thwart, though they cannot ultimately overcome it. Heyne's explanation, that Dido's ignorance of destiny might lead her to suppose that the Trojans wished to settle at Carthage, seems less likely. Rom. originally had fatis.'

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301.] Adstitit,' alighted.' Comp. 6. 17, "Chalcidicaque levis tandem super adstitit arce." For 'remigio alarum comp. Lucr. 6. 743," Remigi" (so Lachm. for "remigio ")" oblitae pennarum vela remittunt." The original author of the metaphor, which has become a common place in poetry, is supposed to be Aesch. Ag. 52. 302.]Ponuntque' shows that the effect of Mercury's mission is almost simultaneous with the discharge of it. Comp. the use of "que" after "vix" 2. 692 &c., and that of "iamque" followed by a sentence without a connecting particle 2. 132 foll. "Iussa facessunt "4. 295. "Pone animos" 11. 366. It may be doubted whether the meaning is to lay aside' or 'to allay,' as in Hor. 1 Od. 3. 16, "tollere seu ponere freta" (comp. " animos tollent sata" G. 2. 350); but such expressions as "ponere inimicitias" seem rather in favour of the former. So probably "iram ponit" Hor. A. P. 160, as the antithesis to "colligit appears to show. Here possibly 'accipit' may point the same way, though 'quietum' might be pressed on the other side.

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303.] Volente deo.' coû léλovTOS OCcurs Aesch. Theb. 427 and elsewhere in



the sense of bewv DeλóvTwv: so that it is possible that 'volente deo' is meant to be understood generally, not taken of Mercury, which is the common interpretation. The participle will of course bear the sense either of, if he wills,' or, as here, since he wills.' 'Quietum,' 'peaceful,' opp. to "turbatus" (8.435) and “ turbidus" (11. 742 &c.). Animum-mentem:' comp. magnam mentem animumque" 6. 11, and the Homeric κατὰ φρένα καὶ κατὰ Ovuóv. Lucr. couples "mens animusque' 1.74 (where see Munro), 3. 142, 403: in 3. 94 he uses the words convertibly, "animum .. mentem quam saepe vocamus," and in 6. 1183 he talks of "animi mens." Accipere mentem' is used differently below, v. 676.

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305-324.] Aeneas goes out in the morning to reconnoitre. After hiding his fleet in the cove, he meets his mother in the shape of a huntress, and is accosted by her in that character.'

305.] There is a slight inaccuracy in volvens,' as if the thoughts of the night continued into the day; the present participle being perhaps suggested by ToÀÀÀ opeolv opμalvovтa, Il. 10. 4. Wagn., who will not allow that 'volvens' can be equivalent to "qui volverat," followed by Forb., supposes the sense to be that Aeneas resolved during the night to go out at daybreak; but this would only introduce worse confusion, as ut primum lux alma data est' cannot mean, as soon as the day should dawn:' not to mention the abruptness of the transition from constituit,' thus explained, to occulit.'

307.] Explorare' has an object clause over and above the accusative in 7. 150, so that it may be constructed here with 'quas-oras,' 'quaerere' being added as a piece of surplusage for the sake of clearness, like "memoret" after "fari" 2. 75. 'Vento,' by stress of weather, as in 4. 46. With the general sense comp. 7. 130 foll., 148 foll.

Qui teneant, nam inculta videt, hominesne feraene,
Quaerere constituit, sociisque exacta referre.
Classem in convexo nemorum sub rupe cavata
Arboribus clausam circum atque horrentibus umbris
Occulit; ipse uno graditur comitatus Achate,
Bina manu lato crispans hastilia ferro.

Cui mater media sese tulit obvia silva,

Virginis os habitumque gerens et virginis arma,
Spartanae, vel qualis equos Threissa fatigat
Harpalyce volucremque fuga praevertitur Hebrum.

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309.] Exacta,' probably the result of his inquiries; exigere' being 'to inquire.' Ov. A. A. 2. 129, "illic quoque pulchra Calypso Exigit Odrysii fata cruenta ducis." It may however mean no more than Tà Terpayuéva, as in "his demum exactis "6.637. Weidner makes it mean "accurate," comparing 9. 193 “mittique viros, qui certa reportent" with Sil. 1. 684, "mittique viros, qui exacta reportent." Ulysses reconnoitres alone Od. 10. 144 foll.

310.] In convexo nemorum,' where the woody shores of the cove (v. 164) narrow. The expression is like "caeli con


311.] 'Clausam occulit' like "submersas obrue" v. 69 above.

312.] 'Comitatus' with the abl. with out the preposition is found even in prose. Cic. pro Cael. 14, "mulier alienis viris comitata."

313.] Henry takes manu crispans hastilia' as equivalent to "crispans manum in hastilia," and interprets crispans' as 'clenching.' He objects to the ordinary sense brandishing" (making the spear curl or quiver), on the ground that it is unsupported and inappropriate, when, as here and in 12. 165, where the line recurs, the person is peacefully engaged. While however it may be granted that 'crispans' is a strong expression for the motion of the spear merely as carried in the hand in walking, it must be remembered that it is hazardous to assume that one expression is put for another, which itself has no example in the Latin language. Hom.'s heroes carry two spears. "Lato venabula ferro" 4. 131.

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314.] se tulit obvia:' comp. 6. 879.,

10. 552.



315.] Heyne remarks that Virg. had before him Od. 7. 19., 13. 221, where Athene meets and guides Ulysses, in the one place as a girl carrying water, in the other place as a shepherd. Macrobius had already observed (Sat. 5. 11) that Venus to some extent performs the part of Nausica in Od. 6. 'Gerere' of an assumed appearance 12. 472. Wagn. rightly understands the meaning to be "virginis os habitumque gerens, et virginis arma vel Spartanae vel Thressae." Venus assumes the face and appearance of a virgin and the accoutrements of a huntress.

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317.] Harpalyce.' There is more than one mythological character of this name; but the one meant here appears to be a Thracian princess who took to the woods upon the dethronement of the king her father. The MSS. have Hebrum.' Rutgers conjectured Eurum,' which has been received by several editors, including Heyne and Ribbeck, on the ground that it is no proof of swiftness to outrun a river, and that Hebrus in particular, as Serv. remarks, is not swift. Wagn. and Forb. however rightly defend the MSS. reading, as in perfect conformity with classical usage, and particularly supported by Sil. 2. 73, "Quales Threiciae Rhodopen Pangaeaque lustrant Saxosis nemora alta jugis cursuque fatigant Hebrum innupta manus." The Thracian huntress outstrips the rivers of her own country. A similar attempt has been made to correct the text of Hor. Od. 1. 25. 20, where see Macleane's note. Heyne, Wagn., and Forb. take

equos fatigat' as 'presses her horses,' "quod proprium Amazonibus." But Serv.'s explanation, tires by outrunning them,’ is supported by the imitation from Silius just quoted (comp. also Sil. 3. 307), and corresponds with the story of Harpalyce, very circumstantially given by Serv. In

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