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Regalis inter mensas laticemque Lyaeum,
Cum dabit amplexus atque oscula dulcia figet,
Occultum inspires ignem fallasque veneno.
Paret Amor dictis carae genetricis, et alas
Exuit, et gressu gaudens incedit Iuli.

At Venus Ascanio placidam per membra quietem
Inrigat, et fotum gremio dea tollit in altos
Idaliae lucos, ubi mollis amaracus illum
Floribus et dulci adspirans conplectitur umbra.
Iamque ibat dicto parens et dona Cupido
Regia portabat Tyriis, duce laetus Achate.
Cum venit, aulaeis iam se regina superbis

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686.] Inter mensas,' at the table. "Discite, non inter lances mensasque nitentis," Hor. 2 S. 2. 4. Inter' seems strictly to mean while the feast is going on, like "inter pocula," "inter vina." 'Laticem,' of wine, G. 2, 192. With Lyaeum,' which, as Heyne remarks, would more naturally have been "Lyaeium," comp. "cineri Sychaeo," 4. 552, "latices Lenaeos," G. 3. 510.

687.] Amplexus dare,' the correlative of "amplexus petere," 8. 615. Oscula figet,' 2. 490 note.

688.] Fallas,' sc. eam," as is proved by the parallel passage 7. 350, "fallitque furentem Vipeream inspirans animam." Poison her unobserved. Comp. also 9. 572, "longe fallente sagitta." The mixture of the images of fire and poison reminds us again of the details of the catastrophe in Euripides' Medea, referred to on v. 659.

690.] Gressu gaudens incedit Iuli' refers to his change of nature from a winged god to a boy, not to his change of gait from that of a god (vv. 46, 405., 5. 649) to that of Iulus. Gaudens,' like "laetus" in v. 696, expresses the sly pleasure with which he enters into his part.

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691.] Venus-dea:' see note on v. 412. 692.] Lucr. 4. 907, "somnus per membra quietem Inriget." Furius Antias ap. Macrob. Sat. 6. 1, "mitemque rigat per pectora somnum.' The expression seems to be a translation of the Homeric al γλυκὺν ὕπνον ἔχευεν, περὶ δ ̓ ἀμβρόσιος Kéxve' invos, but the notions expressed by the two are in all probability quite different; the Homeric image being apparently that of sleep enveloping a man (the reader of Don Quixote will recall Sancho Panza's "Blessings on the man that invented sleep! it folds round a man like a cloak "), while



in 'inrigat' the conception would seem to be of dew or rain coming down. Comp. the image in 5. 854, where Sleep shakes a bough dripping with the dews of Lethe over the temples of Palinurus, and its imitation in Val. Fl. 4. 15. Whether the dews are the dews of night or of the body in sleep, is not clear. Pers. 5. 56 would prove the latter, if he does not mean satirically to pervert the image.

694.] Umbra' implies that he was cradled among the flowers and leaves. Catull. 59 (61). 8, calls upon Hymen to wreath himself “ floribus suaveolentis amaraci."

695-722.] Cupid arrives as the feast is beginning. He is fondled by Dido, whose affections he kindles gradually.'

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695.] Iamque ibat :' meanwhile Cupid had set out on his way.

696.] If laetus' is to be connected with duce,' it means that he shows signs of pleasure as he goes along.

697.] Cum venit.' On his arrival the feast begins. Conposuit-locavit:' the perfect coupled with the historic present 'venit,' as the pluperfect would have been coupled with the past. Aulaea' are doubtless the awning or curtain that hung from a Roman ceiling to catch the dust, and under which the couches would be arranged. Comp. Hor. 2 S. 8. 54, and the Schol. there. So also Serv. and the older commentators interpreted it, and so Henry. It is difficult however to account for the abl., which may be either in or under a curtain, or settled herself (conposuit se') with a curtain, as contributing to the ease of the banquet. Heyne, followed by the later editors, takes 'aulaea' for the tapestry on the couch; but there seems to be no authority for this use of the term. Horace's cenae sine aulaeis et ostro" (3 Od. 29.

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Aurea conposuit sponda mediamque locavit.
Iam pater Aeneas et iam Troiana iuventus
Conveniunt, stratoque super discumbitur ostro.
Dant manibus famuli lymphas, Cereremque canistris
Expediunt, tonsisque ferunt mantelia villis.
Quinquaginta intus famulae, quibus ordine longam
Cura penum struere, et flammis adolere Penatis ;


699.] Iam' does not begin a new paragraph, as the early editors thought; but there is no occasion to connect this line, as Wagn. and Forb. have done, with the lines before, as though it were intended to mark still farther the time of the arrival of Ascanius.





15) might support such a meaning if es-703, 704.] All the MSS. appear to tablished, but cannot be quoted to prove it. give "ordine longo," which is the common reading. But longam' has the autho698.] Aurea,' dissyllable, 7.190. Serv. 'Sponda,' the rity of Charisius, the oldest extant gramthought it might be nom. open side of the bed or couch. Dict. A. marian, and was current as well as 'longo' 'lectus.' 'Mediam,' in the centre of the in the time of Gellius (4. 1). It also seems triclinium. This seems to have been the to have been read by Ausonius, who (Idyll. Cui non longa host's place (Hor. 2 S. 8. 23). Gossrau 3. 27) has "Conduntur fructus geminum thinks the meaning is, that Dido occupied mihi semper in annum. a couch by herself in the middle of the ban- penus, huic quoque prompta fames." This queting-hall. The narrative seems to afford passage of Ausonius seems also to give the little or no help in determining the ques- explanation of 'longam'-a store that tion: see however on v. 718. An imitation will last for a long time. Serv., in exin Val. F. 2. 346 is perhaps in favour of plaining the difference between penus Gossrau's view, as both Hypsipyle and and "cellarium," says that "cellarium" is 'paucorum dierum, penus temporis longi," Jason are represented as taking the middle place; but the passage is too rapid and which probably shows that he read longam' here, especially as he goes on to speak summary to throw much light on Virg. of the gender of 'penus.' 'Struere' will then have nothing to do with the office of "structor," the arranger of the dishes, as Taubmann supposes, but will be i. q. "instruere," to furnish or replenish; these 'famulae' being evidently distinguished from the two hundred who serve the banquet. 'Intus' may be a translation of Hom.'s Karà dua in the parallel passage, Od. 7. 104; but it more probably has reference to the "cella penaria," as opposed 'Ordine' refers not to struere,' but to the to the hall in which the guests were served. division or course of labour among the servants, as in G. 4. 376, A. 5. 102. Longo' was retained by Heinsius and Heyne, and is still preferred by Gossrau and Henry; but longam' was restored by Wagn., and is generally read by the later editors. Ordine longo' is of course common enough in Virg.; but this would be the Flammis adolere Penatis very reason for its introduction here by a transcriber. seems to express merely the keeping up of the fire for cooking. Comp. ктησlov Вwμov, Aesch. Ag. 1038, éσrías μeooμpáλov, ib. 'Penatis seems 1056. For adolere' see note on E. 8. 65, and comp. G. 4. 379. to be etymologically connected with 'penus,' and therefore the two are appro6 cura struere' see on G. 1. 213. priately joined. For the construction

700.] Super' may be taken either as a preposition (comp. "fronde super viridi," E. 1. 81) or adverbially-on purple spread over the couch, a view supported by v. 708, and Stat. Ach. 2. 82, "picto discumbitur ostro."

701.] Dant manibus famuli lymphas.' This is the order of the words in Med., Rom., Pal., the St. Gall palimpsest, Gud., and other good MSS. The common read. ing, supported by the MSS. of Priscian (De fig. num. ed. Kr. 2. 389), is "dant famuli manibus lymphas." Med., Pal., and Gud. have famulae,' which seems to have been introduced from v. 703. For the details comp. Od. 1. 144 foll. 'Cere&c., and see G. 4. 376 foll. notes. rem canistris expediunt,' serve out the bread promptly from the baskets, "proIn Hom. heralds ferunt," says Serv. serve the water, maids the bread, boys the wine.

702.] Tonsis mantelia villis:' see on G. 4. 377. Here Med. a m. p. and Gud. originally have the spelling 'mantilia.'

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Centum aliae totidemque pares aetate ministri,
Qui dapibus mensas onerent et pocula ponant.
Nec non et Tyrii per limina laeta frequentes
Convenere, toris iussi discumbere pictis.
Mirantur dona Aeneae, mirantur Iulum
Flagrantisque dei voltus simulataque verba,
Pallamque et pictum croceo velamen acantho.
Praecipue infelix, pesti devota futurae,
Expleri mentem nequit ardescitque tuendo
Phoenissa, et pariter puero donisque movetur.
Ille ubi conplexu Aeneae colloque pependit
Et magnum falsi inplevit genitoris amorem,
Reginam petit. Haec oculis, haec pectore toto
Haeret et interdum gremio fovet, inscia Dido,
Insidat quantus miserae deus. At memor ille

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712.] Pesti' is equivalent to "exitio." Comp. E. 8. 41, "ut perii," and A. 4. 497, "lectumque iugalem Quo perii." So "peste teneri," 4. 90. Not unlike is its use of material fire 5. 683, 699.

714.] She is moved by the bearer as much as by the gifts. An old reading was 'puero pariter;' but this order is only found in inferior MSS.

715.] "Pendent circum oscula nati," G. 2. 523.

716.] Satisfied the love of his pretended father. For falsi' see note on v. 684, and comp. 3. 302, "falsi Simoentis ad undam." Serv.'s explanation, "qui fallebatur, quem decipiebat," is improbable.

717.] Haeret oculis,' &c., hangs on him with her eyes and with her whole heart. Val. Fl. 6. 658, imitates the construction: "Persequitur lustrans, oculisque ardentibus haeret." There is something of the same image in Tennyson's "And her eyes on all my motions with a mute observance hung."

718.] Gremio fovet: he was probably reclining next her at table. This explains interdum.' Henry rightly remarks on the force of Dido' after haec,' as tending to concentrate our thoughts on her.

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Matris Acidaliae paulatim abolere Sychaeum.
Incipit, et vivo temptat praevertere amore
Iam pridem resides animos desuetaque corda.
Postquam prima quies epulis, mensaeque remotae,
Crateras magnos statuunt et vina coronant.
Fit strepitus tectis, vocemque per ampla volutant
Atria; dependent lychni laquearibus aureis
Incensi, et noctem flammis funalia vincunt.

to adopt the rarer word. The difference is between resting on the bosom and settling or sinking down into it.

720.] The only account of the epithet 'Acidaline' is given by Serv., who after narrating an absurd etymology from ǎkides, cares, explains the word from the Acidalian spring near Orchomenus in Boeotia, where the Graces, Venus' attendants, bathed. The one other author who has used the word is Martial, who speaks, 6. 13. 5, of Venus' zone as "nodus Acidalius," and 9. 14. 3, of "Acidalia arundo," as a pen with which Venus would write, apparently a reed growing by the spring.

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721.] Serv. (who is followed by Wund.) explains praevertere,' praeoccupare, propter Iunonem." Comp. "capere ante dolis," v. 673. But the meaning more probably is, to surprise her unguarded heart-her long devotion to the dead having made her cease to regard love as anything but a thing of the past. So 'vivo amore' is love for a living object, and consequently itself living and real.

722.] Resides' is coupled with 'desueta' in the only other passages in Virg. where it occurs, 6. 813., 7. 693.

723-756.] The feast proceeds. Dido makes a libation to Jupiter, Bacchus, and Juno, and prays that the Carthaginians and Trojans may be united. The time passes in song and talk, till Dido begs Aeneas to tell the whole story of the fall of Troy and his seven years of wandering.

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723.] Postquam prima quies epulis,' when they first paused from the feast. Comp. Livy 21. 5. 9, "Cum prima quies silentiumque ab hostibus fuit" (quoted by Wagn.). Postquam prima' is equivalent to "cum primum." There may be a notion of the actual noise of the banquet, which is succeeded by a pause, and then by the sound of conversation ("fit strepitus tectis," &c.). Mensae remotae:' see on v. 216 above. The cups came in with the "mensae secundae" at a Roman meal. Comp. G. 2. 101; Hor. 4 Od. 5.



31. For remotac' Pal. originally has "repostae."

724.] Statuunt,' as Henry remarks, is appropriate to the size of the bowls. A man could hide himself behind a crater, 9. 346. Comp. Il. 6. 526, кρηтîра oτhoaobai

eúlepov ev μeyápoioiv. Forvina coronant' see note on G. 2. 528. The line is repeated 7. 147, with the change of "laeti" for 'magnos.'

725.] For 'fit' some inferior MSS. have it,' which is supported by several passages in Virg., especially 4. 665, "it clamor ad alta Atria," 5. 451, "It clamor caelo," acknowledged by Serv., and adopted by Ribbeck. 'Tectis' then would = "ad tecta." 'Fit strepitus' however is paralleled by "fit sonitus" 2. 209, "fit gemitus" 6. 220, and agrees exactly with "facta silentia tectis" just below, v. 730. This would seem to show that the noise begins after the pause made by clearing away the food, as suggested on v. 723. Thus tectis' will have the sense in the hall.' The Longobardic MS. and a few others read alta' here for ampla,' probably from 4. 665. Vocem volutant' of the talkers, as "volutant murmura the winds 10. 98. "Vocem volutant" is said 5. 149 of the shores that echo the sound, a sense which some have wished to impart here, making perampla' one word. The commentators comp. Od. 1. 365, μνηστήρες δ ̓ ὁμάδησαν ἀνὰ μέγαρα σKidevтa.

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726.] The mention of the lamps here seems to show that they are now first lighted, so that incensi' is emphatic.

727.] Lucretius (5. 295) has "pendentes lychni," which he distinguishes from "pingues taedae." 'Funalia' appear to be tapers formed of a twist of some fibrous plant covered with wax. Varro ap. Servium. The form 'lychini' is preferred by Ribbeck from some MSS., and is supported by Lucr. 1. c., where the MS. reading is 'lyclini.' Ribbeck refers to Ritschl, Mus. Phil. 10. 450.

Hic regina gravem gemmis auroque poposcit
Inplevitque mero pateram, quam Belus et omnes
A Belo soliti; tum facta silentia tectis;
Iuppiter, hospitibus nam te dare iura loquuntur,
Hunc laetum Tyriisque diem Troiaque profectis
Esse velis, nostrosque huius meminisse minores.
Adsit laetitiae Bacchus dator, et bona Iuno;
Et vos, o, coetum, Tyrii, celebrate faventes.
Dixit, et in mensam laticum libavit honorem,

728.] Hic' of time 2. 122., 3. 369.
730.] 'Soliti,' sc. 'inplere mero.' Comp.
9. 300,"Per caput hoc iuro per quod pa.
ter ante solebat." It is doubtful whether
'a Belo' means descended from Belus, or
from the time of Belus; but analogy
seems rather in favour of the latter. Belus
here is not Dido's father (v. 621), but the
supposed founder of the Tyrian dynasty.
"Tum facta silentia linguis " 11. 241.
The silence is natural enough when the
queen is going to speak (comp. Alcinous'
address to the herald Od. 7. 178). Serv.
however has a note which seems to show
that it was a regular custom at a certain
period of the banquet, though I do not
profess to understand all his words: "Mos
erat apud veteres ut lumini incenso (?)
silentium praeberetur, ut optativam sibi
laudem loquendo nullus averteret. Apud
Romanos etiam, cena edita (?) sublatisque
mensis primis silentium fieri solebat, quo-
ad ea quae de cena libata fuerant ad
focum ferrentur et igni darentur, ac puer
Deos propitios nuntiasset, ut Diis honor
haberetur tacendo: quae res cum inter-
cessit inter cenandum, Graeci quoque
Bev napovoíav dicunt." In the imitation
by Val. F. 2. 347, silence is mentioned:

"Sacris dum vincitur extis

Prima fames, circum pateris it Bacchus,

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as well as mere festivity. Comp. "laetum augurium," 'prodigium," &c. Tyriis Troiaque profectis ' 4. 111. With the wish in the next line contrast the imprecation 4.622 foll.

734.] Hesiod, Works 614, Aŵpa Alwvúrov Toλvyneéos. 'Bona Iuno:' Juno the giver of blessings; "bene sit" being the common form of wishing health, as Cerda remarks: not 'adsit bona' as Wagn. thinks. Serv. mentions another reading


735.] Comp. 8. 173," "sacra... celebrate faventes," and see on 5. 71. Dido first bespeaks the favour of the gods, then that of her people, begging them to make the gathering auspicious. Comp. generally "celebratur omnium sermone laetitiaque convivium" Cic. 2 Verr. 1. 26. 'Coetus' of a festive gathering Catull. 62 (64). 33, 385, 407.

736.] In mensam '-the altar, as it were, of Hospitable Jove. "In mensam laeti libant" 8. 279. This use of a table for libation is questioned by one of the interlocutors in Macrob. Sat. 3. 11, and supported by another, who adduces a passage from Papirius the ritualist lawyer, where a table dedicated to Juno is said to be used as an altar. From this he argues that the table in 8. 279 had doubtless been dedicated along with the "ara the libation was less formal, being prac maxuma:" in the present case he thinks tised by Dido alone (contrast "omnes" 8. 278), who as a queen had certain immunities. Lersch, who quotes this and other passages § 66, seems to ignore the distinction. In Hom. at any rate there are libations where there is no mention of altars (Il. 16. 230 foll.). Laticum honorem,' the offering which consists of wine. The

mensa' seems to be the "mensa secunda," that being the time of the feast when libations took place. We may observe that nothing is said here of the delicacies accompanying the second course,

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