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This is the Table of the

Historye of Reynart the Foxe.





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In the first how the kynge of alle bestes the lyon helde
his court. Capitulo primo
How Isegrym the wolf complayned first on the foxe.
Capitulo ij.

The complaynt of Curtoys the hound and of the catte
Tybert. Capitulo iij.

How Grymbert the dasse the foxes susters sone answered
for the foxe to the kynge. Capitulo iiij.
How Chantecler the cok complayned on the foxe.
Capitulo v.

How the kynge sayde touchyng the complaynt. Ca-
pitulo vj.

How Bruyn the bere spedde wyth the foxe. Ca. vij.
How the bere ete the hony. Capitulo viij.

The complaynt of the bere vpon the foxe. Capitulo ix.
How the kynge sent Tybert the catte for the foxe.
Capitulo x.

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How Grymbert brought the foxe to the lawe. Capitulo xj.

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How the foxe was shryuen to Grymbert. Capitulo xij.
How the foxe cam to the court and excused hym.

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How the foxe was arestid and juged to deth. Ca

pitulo xiiij.

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How the foxe was ledde to the galwes. Capitulo xv.
How the foxe made open confession to fore the kynge and

to fore alle them that wold here it. Capitulo xvj. How the foxe brought them in danger that wold have brought hym to deth and how he gate the grace of the kyng. Capitulo xvij.

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How the wulf and the bere were arestyd by the labour
of the foxe. Capitulo xviij.
How the wulf and his wyf suffred her shoys to be pluckyd
of, and how the foxe dyde them on his feet for to
go to Rome. Capitulo xix.
How Kywart the hare was slayn by the foxe. Ca-
pitulo xx.

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How the foxe sente the hares heed to the kynge by
Bellyn the rame. Capitulo xxj. .

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How Bellyn the rame and alle his lygnage were jugged
to be gyuen to the wulf and to the bere.
pitulo xxij.



How the kynge helde his feste, and Lapreel the cony

complayned to hym of the foxe. Capitulo xxiij. How Corbant the roek complayned on the foxe for the deth of his wyf. capitulo xxiiij.

How the kynge was angry of these complayntes. Capitulo xxv.

How Grymbert warned the foxe that the kynge was
wroth and wold slee hym. Capitulo xxvj.

How the foxe cam agayn to the court and of his shrifte.
Capitulo xxvij.


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How the foxe excused hym byfore the kynge. Capitulo xxviij.


How dame Rukenawe the she ape answerd for the foxe.
Capitulo xxix.

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A parable of a man whiche delyuerd a serpent fro deth.
Capitulo xxx.


Of them that were frendis and kyne to the foxe. Ca

pitulo xxxj.


How the foxe subtylly excused hym of the deth of the hare and of other maters and how he gate his pees.

Capitulo xxxij.

How the wulf complayned on the foxe. Capitulo xxxiij.
A parable of the foxe and the wulf. Capitulo xxxiiij.
How the wulf caste his gloue to fight with the foxe.
Capitulo xxxv.

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How the foxe toke vp the gloue, and the kynge sette them day and felde for to fighte. Capitulo xxxvi.

How dame Rukenawe the she ape counseylled the foxe how he shold doo in the feld ayenst the wulf. Capitulo xxxij.

How the foxe cam in to the feld. Capitulo xxxiij. How the foxe and the wulf foughten to gydre. Capitulo xxxix.

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How the foxe beyng vnder the wulf with glosyng and flateryng wordes cam to his aboue. Capitulo xl. How Ysegrym the wulf was ouercomen and the batayl fynysshyd, and how the foxe had the worship. Capitulo xlj.

An example that the foxe told to the kyng whan he had wonne the felde. Capitulo xlij.

How the foxe with his frendes departed nobly fro the kynge and wente to his castel Maleperduys. Capitulo xliij.















In this historye ben wreton the parables, good lernynge, and dyverse poyntes to be merkyd, by whiche poyntes men maye lerne to come to the subtyl knoweleche of suche thynges as dayly ben used, and had in the counseyllys of lordes and prelates, gostly and worldly; and, also emonge marchantes and other comone peple. And this booke is maad for nede and prouffyte of alle god folke, as fer as they in redynge or heeryng of it shal mowe understande and fele the forsayd subtyl deceytes that dayly ben used in the worlde, not to thentente that men shold use them, but that every man shold eschewe and kepe hym from the subtyl false shrewis that they be not deceyvyd. Thenne who that wyll have the very understandyng of this mater, he muste ofte and many tymes rede in thys boke, and ernestly and diligently marke wel that he redeth, for it is sette subtylly, lyke as ye shal see in redyng of it, and not ones to rede it, for a man shal not wyth ones over redyng fynde the ryght understanding, ne comprise it wel, but oftymes to rede it shal cause it wel to be understande. And for them that understandeth it, it shall be ryght joyous, playsant, and prouffitable.


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