Cathnefs, Fleance, Son to Banquo. Seyward, General of the English Forces. Young Seyward his Son. Seyton, an Officer attending on Macbeth. Son to Macduff. Doctor. Lady Macbeth. Lady Macduff. Gentlewomen attending on Lady Macbeth. Lords, Gentlemen, Officers, Soldiers, and Attendants. The SCENE inthe End of the Fourth Act lyes in England, through the rest of the Play in Scotland, and chiefly at Macbeth's Castle. MAC M ACBETH. ACTI. SCENE I. SCENE an open Heath. Thunder and Lightning. Enter three Witches. W IWITCH. HEN shall we three meet again? When the Battel's lost and won. 3 Witch. That will be e'er the set of Sun. I Witch. Where the place ? 2 Witch. Upon the Heath. 3 Witch. There to meet with Macbeth, I Witch. I come, Gray-Malkin. All. Padocke calls ---- anon Fair is foul, and foul is fair. --- Hover through the fog and filthy Air. [They rise from the Stage, and fly away. SCENE II. A Palace. Enter King, Malcolme, Donalbain, Lenox, with Attendams, meeting a bleeding Captain. King. What bloody Man is that? He can report, As seemeth by his Plight, of the Revolt The newest State. |