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May 1. community. We have already saved from perdition, and given to the world a number of apprentices, clerks, apothecaries, mechanics, sailors, &c.

c. We profefs to teach only to read, to write, to spell, and to cypher. But when a scholar has made a certain progrefs, I have him instructed in bookkeeping, or geometry, navigation, &c. as he chooses to be a writer mechanic, or a sailor, &c. for hitherto they have had their choice of their profefsion. But the great lefson is, in opposition to the maxims and habits of the country, to speak truth, to give up deceit, to acquire an honest character, or as you say, to be good lads. The boys are attached to the school. I am not discouraged; but go on with redoubled exertion, expecting to be richly repaid by the success of my labours."

Notices of Tippoo Sultan and his Sons, extracted from the same Letter.


Tippoo Sultan has made his second payment to the allies. In a letter to this government he exprefses strongly his sense of the very polite and kind attentions which have been paid to his sons. In speaking of his attachment to the English, he says,

That his eyes are opened, and that none but God, and so great a Sardar as lord Cornwallis, could have opened them."

"To his Vakeels, who attend the young prince, I had the honour to preach lately, when they came to our church. They are men of a liberal and enlarged mind, and are all ready to acknowledge Jesus as a great prophet. Gurrum Ally, who is carried every where

313 in a silver chair, from which he cannot move, by reason of the rheumatism in his legs, was heretofore ambassador at Constantinople, and is a man of great political abilities, and of high character. It is remarkable, that though unacquainted with the language in which the serivce was read, he was deeply affected by the manner of its performance. It is not lefs worthy of notice, that of all the low train of these eastern princes, there has not been even complaint of the least irregularity, or disturbance, or mifbehaviour.

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"The princes and Vakeels gave a dinner lately at their own house, to lady Oackely, a few women and several men. It consisted of pilaus dressed in the Seringapatam stile, and of fruits; nor was wine banished from the board. The boys sat at a little distance from the table by lady Oackely, who, on this and every other occasion on which I have seen them, seems much pleased with the vivacity and pleasantry of the younger and fairer prince, who fhews a great fhare of good humour, and a great disposition to please, being of a mild and gentle nature. The elder prince who fhews more mind, is more silent and reserved; he looks of a stern disposition, and of a commanding aspect. We think we see the father in his countenance. Their pictures by a famous miniature painter here, (Smart,) are preparing at the desire of lord Cornwallis, for the father; and a duplicate, it is imagined, will be presented by them to his lordhip."


Continued from p. 271.

THE 29th of April 1429, Jane appeared before Or

leans with 12,000 men. She wrote a letter to the duke of Bedford; but the English were so enraged at seeing a girl sent to fight them, that they put the heralds who brought it into prison. As this letter is curious I have copied it verbatim in the note*.


*"Jesus Marie, roy d'Angleterre, faites raison au roy du Ciel de son sang royal, rendez les clefs à la Pucelle de toutes les bonnes vil"les que vous avez enforcées: elle est venue de par Dieu pour recla❝mer le sang royal, et toute preste de faire paix, si vous voulez faire 46 raison, par ainsi que vous mettrez jus, et payerez de ce que vous l'avez tenue. Roy d'Angleterre, si ainsi ne le faites, je suis chef de




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86 en quelque lieu que j'attendray vos gens en France; s'ils ne veulent "obeïr, je les ferai ifsir, vaillant ou non; et s'ils veulent obeïr, je les "prendray à mercy: croyez que s'ils ne veulent obeïr, la Pucelle vient pour les occire: elle vient de par le roy du Ciel, corps pour corps, vous bouter hors de France, et vous promet et certifie qu'elle y fera sĩ gros hahay, que depuis mille ans èn France ne fut vue de si grand, "si vous ne luy faites raison: et croyez fermement que le roy du Ciel luy envoyera plus de force à elle et à ses bonnes gens d'armes, que ne sçauriez avoir à cent afsauts entre vous archers, compagnons d'armes, gentils et vaillans qui estes devant Orleans, allez vous en en 46 votre pays, de par Dieu; et si ne le faites ainsi, donnez vous garde "de la Pucelle, et qu'il vous souvienne de vos dommages. Ne prennez mie vostre opinion, que vous tiendrez France du roy du Ciel le "fils Sainte Marie; mais la tiendra le roy Charles vray heritier, à qui “Dieu l'a donnée, qui entrera à Paris en belle compagnée. Si vous 66 ne croyez les nouvelles de Dieu, et de la Pucelle, en quelque lieu que vous trouverons, nous ferions dedans à horions; et si verrez lesquels auront meilleur droit de Dieu ou de vous. Guillaume de la Ponte, comte de Suffort, Jean sire de Talbot, et Thomas sire de Scales, Lieutenant du duc de Betfort, soy disant regent du royaume


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The count de Dunois who commanded in Orleans, made a sally with all his garrison, in order to facilitate the entry of the provisions. The French, persuaded that Jane was sent from heaven to their afsistance, resumed fresh courage, and fought with so much vigour, that she and her convoy entered the town. She was received there as their guardian angel, and all the streets were decorated with tapestry. She was lodged at the house of Jacques Boucher, treasurer to the duke of Orleans; and although the had been on horseback all day without taking any rest or refreshment, fhe refused partaking of a magnificent entertainment, and only ate some slices of bread dipped in a cup of wine and water. She lay in the same room with the wife of Jacques Boucher, with his daughter. When he heard that the English had detained her heralds, and had made use of injurious language respecting her character; and that the count de Dunois had sent to say, that if any harm was done to the heralds, all the English prisoners at that time in Orleans fhould pay for it, she said, "Let them alone; in the name of God they "de France pour le roy d'Angleterre, faites response, si vous voulez "faire paix à la cité d'Orleans; si ainsi ne le faites, qu'il vous souvienne de vos dommages. Duc de Betfort, qui vous dites regent de "France pour le roy d'Angleterre, la Pucelle vous requiert et prie que vous ne vous faciez une destraise. Si vous ne luy faites raison, ⚫elle fera tant que les François firent le plus beau faict qui oncques "fut fait en la chrestienté. Escrit le mardy en la grande semaine. "Et sur le dos etoit escrit: Entendez les nouvelles de Dicu et de la Pu"celle. Au duc de Betfort, qui se dit regent du royaume de France le roy d'Angleterre."





May 1. will not hurt them." The English only sent back one herald, whom the afked, "What says Talbot?"" And when he informed her that he, as well as all his countrymen, spared no abuse in speaking of her, and declared if they caught her they would burn her; "Go back again, (says fhe,) and doubt not but thou wilt bring with thee thy companion; and tell Talbot that if he will arm himself, I will do the same, and let him come before the walls of the town, and if he can take me he may burn me, and if I discomfit him, let him raise the siege and return into his own native country." The herald went, and brought back his companion. Before her arrival 200 English had driven back 500 French in the different skirmishes; but it was now reversed; which increased prodigiously the courage of the French. Soon after her entry, the prepared for the attack of fort St Loup, which fhe carried sword in hand, as well as the bulwarks of St John, and of the Augus tins. Six days afterwards the made a sally with the count Dunois, to facilitate the entry of a convoy under the command of marshal de St Severe, which the fortunately succeeded in. A little time afterwards fresh afsaults were made to drive the English from the other forts; in one of these fhe was wounded in the foot; but it did not prevent her from continuing in the field. These attacks lasted the whole day, and the English were only forced to recede, owing to a want of ammunition. She here received a second wound more dangerous than the first, in her neck; and as a large quantity of blood issued from it, they began to fear for her life; but fhe, to re-anis

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