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267 province of Champagne; but they made some difficulties to accompany her; and indeed not without reason, because they would be forced to pass very near the enemy in many places. As soon as Jane perceived their doubts and fears, the said to them, “In the name of God! lead me to the gentle Dauphin, and have no fears of yourselves or of me; for I warrant you fhall have no hinderance or harm.' It is worthy of remark that she always called the king Dauphin, until he had been crowned.

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They passed by Auxerre and many towns in pofsefsion of the English; as well as through countries under obedience to the king, though wasted by robbers, without any attack or hurt.

She appeared before the king, drefsed as a warrior, and knew him in the midst of his courtiers, who attempted to deceive her; fhe addrefsed her dis

Verduran, le Seigneur de Chateaubrun, Mefsire Loys de Rochechouart, et Mefsire Jean Chabot, avec plusieurs autres, qui tous etoient de grande noblefse et tres renommeé vaillance. Les corps des quels Seigneurs furent depuis apportez à Orleans, et mis en sepulture dans la grand eglifse dicte Sainte Croix. Là on se faist pour eux beau service divine. De cette battaille echappa entre autres le Bastard d'Orleans,. obstant ce que dès le commencement avoit êté blessé d'un traict au pied : parquoy deux de ses archers le tirerent à tres grande peine hors de la prefse, le monterent à cheval, et ainsi le sauverent. Le comte de Clermont, qui ce jour avoit êté faict chevalier, ni toute la grosse battaille, ne firent oncque semblant de secourir les compagnons, tant parce qu'ils etoient descendus à pied contre la conclusion de tous, comme aufsi parce qu'ils les voyoient presque tous tuez devant eux. Mais sitost qu'ils apperçurent que les Anglois en etoient maitres, ils se mirent en chemin vers Orleans en quoy ne firent pas honnestemente mais honteusement. Et ils eurent assez espace d'eux en aller. Car les Anglois ne les chafserent pas obstant que la pluspart etoient a pied et qu'ils savoient les François être plus grand nombre qu'ils n'etoient. Combien que tout l'honneur et le profit de la victoire en demeura aux Anglois, dont etoit chef pour lors Mefsire Jean Fascot (Fastolfe) avecques lequel etoit aufsi Mefsire Thomas Rameston qui pareille. ment avoit grand charge de gens d'armes.

course to him. "Gentle Dauphin, it is to you I speak, why are you unwilling to believe me? I tell you that God has pity on you, your kingdom, and your people; for St Louis and Charlemagne are on their knees before him, praying in your behalf. Besides, I can tell you such things as will force you to give me credit." She then, in the presence of the duc d'Alençon, the siegneur de Treves, Christophle de Harcourt, and Gerard Machet his confefsor, after having made them swear they would not reveal what she should tell the king, informed him of some particular facts which were only known to himself; this so much surprised him, that he determined on granting her request; and after taking other necefsary precautions to avoid being a dupe, resolved to furnish her with a proper equipage, and send her to the afsistance, of Orleans.

During this time, the queen of Sicily, to be afsured of her virtue, placed her in the hands of matrons, 'who, after a most scrupulous examination, gave their testimony so much in her favour, that fhe acquired and afterwards preserved the sirname of Maid.

The king however judged it expedient that the fhould first be. taken to Poitiers, where his parliament then was; he himself went there; and as they were conducting her, fhe inquired where they were taking her. Upon being told it was to Poitiers, fhe replied, "In the name of God! I know I fhall have much to do there, but he will aid me; therefore in his name let us go on." She lod

ged in Poitiers at the house of one Jean Rabateau, and was put under the care of his wife, a woman of an unblemished character. She was dressed as a man, and would not change her drefs. Many doctors in theology, and other learned men, afsembled at the house where she was, and upon asking them what they wanted with her, he was told that they came to her because they heard that he had told the king fhe was an ambassadrefs from heaven, and advanced many weighty reasons why he ought not to be believed. They were upwards of two hours with her, and much astonished at the answers the made, and how a simple fhepherdefs could make such prudent replies. Among them was a Carmelite doctor, very learned in theology, who having told her that the Holy Writ forbids any faith being given to such afsertions without other signs; fhe replied, that she did not wish to tempt God, but that the sign which God had given her, was the raising of the siege of Orleans, and the crowning of the king at Rheims; if they would come there, they fhould see the truth of it. This was at that time scarcely credible, and thought impossible, considering the forces the English had before Orleans; and that from Blois to Rheims not one place belonged to the French. Another doctor then said to her; 66 Jane, you ask men and arms to afsist you; now if it is as you say, that it is God's will that the English quit the kingdom of France, and return to their own country, if this is so, then there needs not any men or arms, because his will alone is sufficient." To which the answered, that the only required a small number VOL. Xiv

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who would fight, and God would give them the victory.

After this the theologians consulted together what advice they should give the king, and they unanimously agreed, so strange did her answers appear to them, that his majesty ought to put confidence in her, and attempt to execute what she had proposed.

The next day many of the principal persons of the parliament visited her, who before they saw her exclaimed it was deceit and fancy, but returned with quite contrary opinions. She received also visits from the principal ladies. They wished to persuade her to lay aside her man's drefs. Her answer was, "No doubt it appears strange to you; and not without cause but it must be so; for I must arm myself and serve the gentle dauphin in arms; therefore I must suit my drefs to the occasion. Besides, when ́ I am in this drefs among the men they will not have any improper desires; and I trust by this means to preserve my purity of mind as well as of body." Among her visitors was the master of requests of the king's household, who said to her, "Jane they are about to try your courage, and see whether you will be able to victual Orleans. This appears to me a difficult job, considering the fortifications about the town, and the great strength and power of the English." In God's name, (says fhe,) we will do it, and at our ease; for not one of the English will make a sally or even attempt to hinder us.' Her equipage was completed, and Jean Dolon was her squire; as famous for his courage as

for his prudence; Louis de Comptes, sirnamed Imerguet, her page; and many other attendants.

During these preparations, Jane asked for a sword which had been more than a century in the tomb of a knight, behind the altar of St Catherines at Feirbois. She pretended to have had knowledge of it by revelation, and that it was only with this fatal sword fhe could extirpate the English. The first use she made of it was to drive away the girls of loose behaviour who followed the army; but in the heat of the action, this marvellous sword, which was half eaten through with rust, broke in her hand. She ordered a banner to be made for her, on which was represented God coming out of a cloud, holding a globe in his hand; it was sprinkled over with flower de luces. Her helmet was surmounted with a plume of white feathers; her horse was of the same colour, and fhe surpafsed all by her beauty, and the addrefs and skill with which the managed him.

To be continued.


For the Bee.

Art of life.-Continued from p. 122.

As in the honest practice of that branch of the art of life which procureth abiding reputation in our families, in our stations, and in the commonwealth, there is great joy and satisfaction, so the reflection on such a conduct, and the sweet remem

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